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Ask Luna


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Its ok applejack said she will take good care of me and she is helping tend to my wounds the pritty bad ones but there not that bad but it is embarrassing i have never been hurt this bad and i have never been in the same room with a female for so long even if i have been hurt
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Its ok applejack said she will take good care of me and she is helping tend to my wounds the pritty bad ones but there not that bad but it is embarrassing i have never been hurt this bad and i have never been in the same room with a female for so long even if i have been hurt


applejack is a great pony. she helped us return from nightmare moon. you should be happy you are allowed to stay at the apple farm.

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i am but as i said i am not used to being near a female for a long period of time you see i am usualy near males in my empire for planing and what not. Being with applejack feels strange but oddly good but i am sure i will be safe here


**wasnt he the one that declared his love for us?**

ohh... we see. well we are around males most of the times. but our relationship with the gaurds is nothing more than just professional

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Ah yes before i forget here my father wanted me to give this to you *Hand you a small box with a letter that appears to have a heart on it* he told me not to looke in it and for some reason he put my name on it my father can some times act like a two year old
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Ah yes before i forget here my father wanted me to give this to you *Hand you a small box with a letter that appears to have a heart on it* he told me not to looke in it and for some reason he put my name on it my father can some times act like a two year old


well thank you.. uhm.. him.

*starts reading*


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Uhmm what does it say


not sure. its written in an other language. perhaps you can read it for us.


What does it take to join your forces...


loyalty, manners and love for the night.


Edited by lunatic
  • Brohoof 1
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Oh of course *clears thoat* "I the king of darkness leave my son's heart to you princess luna he is a talented young man and will fight to the death to protect you please treat him well. son remember to practice your magic and your mother said she loves you.

P.s i have given you some thing to give her its in the box.


Thats all it said you should open the box after all you have the box


So uhm whats in the box

  • Brohoof 1
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your only saying that becouse we are unbeatable!





this one is obvious.

magic ofcourse.

magic will make a rockstar of us!






every unicorn with even the slightlyest bit of talent could eddit those tapes.




he's into that kind of stuff.




ohh.... thats ok...





we do enjoy the sounds of dragonforse but, we prefere the more older forms of rock and metal music.





no sister!

tis a lie!

we never did the things he claims we did.


please dont ground us like last time.






she has mental issues! show a bit of respect you ungreatfull welp.


you know nothing about our sister! if you say more words like that over my kindhearted sister we are afraid we will have you escorted to the royal dungeon area.

rainbow dash.

beein a lesbian isnt even called a hobby. its who you are, show a little respect!


we dont know what your talking about. spike is the assistant dragon from twilight.


how dare you spread such travis lies about such kind pony. you are a disgrace to the entire pony race.


have you seen what i have seen?






and plus for some reason i know you like me!


Posted Image

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Oh of course *clears thoat* "I the king of darkness leave my son's heart to you princess luna he is a talented young man and will fight to the death to protect you please treat him well. son remember to practice your magic and your mother said she loves you.

P.s i have given you some thing to give her its in the box.


Thats all it said you should open the box after all you have the box


So uhm whats in the box


its.... its a ring.

we.. we dont know what to say.




have you seen what i have seen?






and plus for some reason i know you like me!


Posted Image


so fluttershy has a brother?

we dont see the prove in this picture.


and we dont like you.



good to see im not the only athiest around


*royal caps lock on*





we are the gods of day and night!



Luna, do you or Celestia need any help around the castle? I've been looking for a job


perhaps we could use another maid.

are thou interested?


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I have plunged into the world of..Humans to get you this contraption of a thing called a ''car'' I'm sure it's better and faster than your chariot so here it is *hands over keys*


But of course if you don't want it I could just return it.

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*royal caps lock on*





we are the gods of day and night!







if any gods were real, i would be dead a thousand times over, and for your information, im a converted athiest, i used to be christian, until i got fed up with it. I made my own course of action, believing in things i know i can trust, i use logic over ancient stories in a book. Besides, i know that stealing, being rude, and murder is wrong, so why would i need to go to a church to learn all the same stuff. That and i dont think of you as godlike i think of you more as a being through which extreme magic was obtained, giving everlasting life and strong lunar abilities.............which is my only explanation for you surviving on the moon(no air). But lets not get caught up in religion. Edited by Draco
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if any gods were real, i would be dead a thousand times over, and for your information, im a converted athiest, i used to be christian, until i got fed up with it. I made my own course of action, believing in things i know i can trust, i use logic over ancient stories in a book. Besides, i know that stealing, being rude, and murder is wrong, so why would i need to go to a church to learn all the same stuff. That and i dont think of you as godlike i think of you more as a being through which extreme magic was obtained, giving everlasting life and strong lunar abilities.............which is my only explanation for you surviving on the moon(no air). But lets not get caught up in religion.


we have never heard of this christian thing... and we do not have any churches here... as for celestia and us. there are manny gods. all have their own unique abilities and functions to do in this world.


like our parents. they have the powers of time, our father. and space, our mother.


we hope you understand a bit more about the functions of alicorns now.

  • Brohoof 1
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yeah, well im the only one here who can make a black hole, just ask Celestia in the "ask Celestia" thread, she saw me make it. that is the only magic in this world that you and Celestia have to team up to make. and its destructive

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A ring ok uhm the decision is your so take all the time you need you will know where i am when you made your decision so uhmm see you later princess *Face turn's red as he walks away*


did his father just commanded him to... this?

if that is the case then no.


yeah, well im the only one here who can make a black hole, just ask Celestia in the "ask Celestia" thread, she saw me make it. that is the only magic in this world that you and Celestia have to team up to make. and its destructive


yes alicorns can be destructive. but most of them are peaceful creatures. but we also have gods that are not peaceful. the god of death can be very fierce in some ocations. the alicorn of shadows, ebrous, can be a verry agressive alicorn.

Edited by lunatic
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wow, you just dodged the fact that i can make a black hole. its a good thing i dont take such things as insults, or else my temper would get the better of me. but remember this, light and dark makes shadow, and i am on both sides, so the true nature of my ways is not yet known, so never assume power because of rank, for even the weakest of souls can out shine the gods

  • Brohoof 1
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