Anadu Kune 668 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 Obviously many felt annoyed when it was announced that Twilight was going to become an alicorn. However many seemed to be reacting as if this were the first major involvement Hasbro has had in the series. Some have even said that this was the first time said involvement had significantly effected the plot line of an episode or character development. I dont think this is the case at all. I will briefly point out some cases of Hasbros involvement and how this affected character development or plot lines. CheerileeThe only reason she is in the series at all was because Hasbro insisted it. The implication for this should be immediately apparent, as an entire episode focused on the CMC trying to get her together with Big Mac. Every episode with her in it, is an example of marketing. The Cutie Mark CrusadersNot as a consept, that was created by Lauren and the good folks at DHX. However the very inclusion of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle was again something of Hasbros doing. Originally Apple Bloom would be the only main filly until Hasbro made it so she would have friends. It hardly seems like a coincidence that those friends were two ponies from gen 3, or that they maintained similar color schemes. Lets not forget that the early toys for MLP FIM were essentially using the molds for gen 3. Again the inclusion of entire characters as a result of marketing. Butterfly RarityAgain this was inserted to sell toys. In fact this is an inclusion that had an extreme effect on the plot of the episode it was in. Had Rarity not gained wings she would not have participated in the flier competition. She would not come into the peril that motivated Rainbow Dash into action. She thus would not have performed the sonic rainboom nor overcome her stage fright/performance anxiety. Rarity gaining wings was a absolutely crucial part to the episode. Again it was an example of a marketing move to sell toys. If im not mistaken that is a fan favorite episode.Balloon and TrainThese defiantly seem to be less important or plot influential inclusions, and I would say they are. However it should be mentioned that whenever the ponies need to get somewhere far they tend to use them. The princess conundrumCelestia being a princess was forced by Hasbro because apparently little girls think queens are evil. Its something I consider a great conundrum of the series. Its obvious Celestia holds far more responsibility that that of a normal princess, even more so than any normal queen. Why then is she called a princess, there's never an explanation. Oh I could fashion great theories but there's not really anything concrete in the show to truly back them up with. The main point being Alicorn Twilight isn't the first time we have seen major marketing involvement. Heck I dont even think its the biggest example of it. I consider the inclusion of major character to be far more influential to the plot line, not to mention an entire race and kingdom. The point of the show was never to be free of marketing, or to not be a commercial. The point of the show to quote Lauren was to "not be stupid". Do you really think it has been this season? I know I don't. I dont think it will suddenly become so because a pair of wings was pasted on to character with a title change. 20 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
khaine21x3 789 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 And the inclusion of Trixie probably has to do with gen 3 toys too but she turned out awesome, I'm guessing the whole alicorn plot is to sell more toys too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anadu Kune 668 February 12, 2013 Author Share February 12, 2013 And the inclusion of Trixie probably has to do with gen 3 toys too but she turned out awesome, I'm guessing the whole alicorn plot is to sell more toys too. I actually hadn't considered that. I wasn't really thinking of Trixie, but that is defiantly a distinct possibility. As I seem to recall seeing Trixie toys in stores. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fridge 382 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 Obviously many felt annoyed when it was announced that Twilight was going to become an alicorn. However many seemed to be reacting as if this were the first major involvement Hasbro has had in the series. Some have even said that this was the first time said involvement had significantly effected the plot line of an episode or character development. I dont think this is the case at all. I will briefly point out some cases of Hasbros involvement and how this affected character development or plot lines. Cheerilee The only reason she is in the series at all was because Hasbro insisted it. The implication for this should be immediately apparent, as an entire episode focused on the CMC trying to get her together with Big Mac. Every episode with her in it, is an example of marketing. The Cutie Mark Crusaders Not as a consept, that was created by Lauren and the good folks at DHX. However the very inclusion of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle was again something of Hasbros doing. Originally Apple Bloom would be the only main filly until Hasbro made it so she would have friends. It hardly seems like a coincidence that those friends were two ponies from gen 3, or that they maintained similar color schemes. Lets not forget that the early toys for MLP FIM were essentially using the molds for gen 3. Again the inclusion of entire characters as a result of marketing. Butterfly Rarity Again this was inserted to sell toys. In fact this is an inclusion that had an extreme effect on the plot of the episode it was in. Had Rarity not gained wings she would not have participated in the flier competition. She would not come into the peril that motivated Rainbow Dash into action. She thus would not have performed the sonic rainboom nor overcome her stage fright/performance anxiety. Rarity gaining wings was a absolutely crucial part to the episode. Again it was an example of a marketing move to sell toys. If im not mistaken that is a fan favorite episode.Balloon and Train These defiantly seem to be less important or plot influential inclusions, and I would say they are. However it should be mentioned that whenever the ponies need to get somewhere far they tend to use them. The princess conundrum Celestia being a princess was forced by Hasbro because apparently little girls think queens are evil. Its something I consider a great conundrum of the series. Its obvious Celestia holds far more responsibility that that of a normal princess, even more so than any normal queen. Why then is she called a princess, there's never an explanation. Oh I could fashion great theories but there's not really anything concrete in the show to truly back them up with. The main point being Alicorn Twilight isn't the first time we have seen major marketing involvement. Heck I dont even think its the biggest example of it. I consider the inclusion of major character to be far more influential to the plot line, not to mention an entire race and kingdom. The point of the show was never to be free of marketing, or to not be a commercial. The point of the show to quote Lauren was to "not be stupid". Do you really think it has been this season? I know I don't. I dont think it will suddenly become so because a pair of wings was pasted on to character with a title change. You missed out Shining Armour and Cadance too, considering that was the last great hooha that got the fandom all worked up. Your right though, it's been evident from the start that the show was a marketing tool and Hasbro never really let go of the reigns. They let them slack a bit to allow the show to grow and evolve but it was always as much of a commercial as the original (and current) Transformers cartoons. 1 Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 Obviously many felt annoyed when it was announced that Twilight was going to become an alicorn. However many seemed to be reacting as if this were the first major involvement Hasbro has had in the series. Some have even said that this was the first time said involvement had significantly effected the plot line of an episode or character development. I dont think this is the case at all. I will briefly point out some cases of Hasbros involvement and how this affected character development or plot lines. Cheerilee The only reason she is in the series at all was because Hasbro insisted it. The implication for this should be immediately apparent, as an entire episode focused on the CMC trying to get her together with Big Mac. Every episode with her in it, is an example of marketing. The Cutie Mark Crusaders Not as a consept, that was created by Lauren and the good folks at DHX. However the very inclusion of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle was again something of Hasbros doing. Originally Apple Bloom would be the only main filly until Hasbro made it so she would have friends. It hardly seems like a coincidence that those friends were two ponies from gen 3, or that they maintained similar color schemes. Lets not forget that the early toys for MLP FIM were essentially using the molds for gen 3. Again the inclusion of entire characters as a result of marketing. Butterfly Rarity Again this was inserted to sell toys. In fact this is an inclusion that had an extreme effect on the plot of the episode it was in. Had Rarity not gained wings she would not have participated in the flier competition. She would not come into the peril that motivated Rainbow Dash into action. She thus would not have performed the sonic rainboom nor overcome her stage fright/performance anxiety. Rarity gaining wings was a absolutely crucial part to the episode. Again it was an example of a marketing move to sell toys. If im not mistaken that is a fan favorite episode. Balloon and Train These defiantly seem to be less important or plot influential inclusions, and I would say they are. However it should be mentioned that whenever the ponies need to get somewhere far they tend to use them. The princess conundrum Celestia being a princess was forced by Hasbro because apparently little girls think queens are evil. Its something I consider a great conundrum of the series. Its obvious Celestia holds far more responsibility that that of a normal princess, even more so than any normal queen. Why then is she called a princess, there's never an explanation. Oh I could fashion great theories but there's not really anything concrete in the show to truly back them up with. The main point being Alicorn Twilight isn't the first time we have seen major marketing involvement. Heck I dont even think its the biggest example of it. I consider the inclusion of major character to be far more influential to the plot line, not to mention an entire race and kingdom. The point of the show was never to be free of marketing, or to not be a commercial. The point of the show to quote Lauren was to "not be stupid". Do you really think it has been this season? I know I don't. I dont think it will suddenly become so because a pair of wings was pasted on to character with a title change. Your topics are always amusing; they're usually all 'Let me tell you why that's bullshit'-esque topics, giving people detailed explanations and counter-arguments to their widespread beliefs about something. Anywho, I'm glad you've brought this up. Hasbro hasn't directly touched the Mane Six yet but they've been pulling strings throughout the series. People are only overly upset now because they're protective of the Mane Six, especially Twilight who is seen as the focal point. The thing is, no matter what Hasbro orders the writers to do, they've done very well with what they've had to work with. I don't doubt they can pull this off great too. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
himanuts 165 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 (edited) People are making a bit deal out of this because, as Chaotic Discord above said, Hasbro has now gotten involved to the point that it has heavily affected a main character. All for the excuse to sell bad toys based on a forced ideal by the media. I think Hasbro meddling has been obvious to most of the fans and even casual viewers for a while now. Specially with "A Canterlot Wedding". But that one was executed so nicely that everything fit, and it didn't directly involve a main character taking center stage for the toy's theme. The princess conundrumCelestia being a princess was forced by Hasbro because apparently little girls think queens are evil. Its something I consider a great conundrum of the series. Its obvious Celestia holds far more responsibility that that of a normal princess, even more so than any normal queen. Why then is she called a princess, there's never an explanation. Oh I could fashion great theories but there's not really anything concrete in the show to truly back them up with. That one I could led slide because of Luna. As they're both supposed to be equal rulers. Instead of having one Queen, the role is divided amongst two princess sisters. Yes, Luna's been gone for a millenium, but Celestia comes of as someone who would've kept the title as is in honor of her sister. With Cadence, they made it work with the Crystal Empire thing. Specially since we can say it falls under the current goverment of Equestria, Cadence retaining the title of Princess and not taking the Queen mantle makes sense. Twilight becoming a princess makes no sense whatsoever. Edited February 12, 2013 by himanuts Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 (edited) People are concerned not because this is the first time Hasbro has intervened but because this is the first time they have intervened in such a way where there is a high probability that if it goes wrong could turn Twilight Sparkle who is one of the most popular characters in the show into a Mary Sue. I am not saying it couldn't work but it is one of those things that has be handled extremely carefully, if Hasbro lets the writers do their thing I think everything will be alright and they so far have for the most part done that and really hope it stays that way. If this does work out I will have an alicorn Twilight as both my avatar and signature for an entire month, seriously. It will probably not change my mind that this still a tad soon but I love Twilight almost as much as I love Applejack and for those of you that know me I think it is obvious how much I love Applejack. Edited February 12, 2013 by EarthbendingProdigy Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 Granted, I knew that this was not the first time that Hasbro had interfered with the show. Just about all of those changes were used to great effect within their episodes and within the series. The reason that this one bothers me more though is that if Alicorn Twilight were to be permanent it would seem to elevate her importance to the show further above her friends and to forever cement her as "The main character". I don't think the rest of the Mane Six will get neglected, although it is a slightly nagging fear of mine. Even if they were to be focused on equally in future seasons, the show would seem much more Twilight-centered. This wouldn't bother me so much if The Crystal Empire hadn't largely consisted of Twilight and Spike running off to save the world while her friends played support duty by making hats and passing out flugelhorns. This would seem to be a continuation of that trend. In any case, I think it will be temporary anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veylon 255 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 The reason that this one bothers me more though is that if Alicorn Twilight were to be permanent it would seem to elevate her importance to the show further above her friends and to forever cement her as "The main character". I don't think the rest of the Mane Six will get neglected, although it is a slightly nagging fear of mine. Of course, the opposite could happen and she'd be put on a bus back to Canterlot. This wouldn't be the first time a show has removed a character via ascension. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 Of course, the opposite could happen and she'd be put on a bus back to Canterlot. This wouldn't be the first time a show has removed a character via ascension. This is a possibility, but given the general theme of the show and how important Twilight is to it I view it as relatively unlikely. In any case, I would be just as opposed to this if not more. I'm rather attached to Twilight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady Leopardess 393 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 yeah I remember mentioning how they starting showing the train more once they made the toy train. With how much Big Mac shows up I wish they'd make a bigger toy of him than just the blind bag. Like a brushable or vinyl or fashion style. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prismatic 49 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 If I recall correctly I remember some staff mentioning that they were given something they had to incorporate into the show (the balloon specifically) and the team was given near full control as to how and what to use it for. Most of these things tended to work out well until about Season 2 or so when it began to affect the main plot. Plus the show has to make money somehow. Seeing that MLP was a toy line from the get go it makes sense to put things in to tie into the show (oh look mommy I saw the balloon) and get sales. Granted at least the toy is more durable than the actual vehicle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoenix237 353 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 Well I think people are panicking and making this into a big deal. In the words of Tommy Lee Jones in the film MIB " A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Everything they've ever "known" has been proven to be wrong. A thousand years ago everybody knew as a fact, that the earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew that the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on it. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow." Yah maybe not related. But it kinda fits. Weeks ago everyone said that Discord being reformed was going to be awful, yet I think it was a good episode. Months ago many said that this season has gone down in quality (they are out there look for them) and yet this season has been great for me. Now while others are crying over this I will be in my bed siping chocolate milk and watching the episodes with delight. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuteycindyhoney 13,316 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 (edited) Oh please people. get a grip! You're all forgetting one very simple fact of life. The only reason why the show exists in the first place is to market products! Am I the only one growing embarrassed by the adult fandom throwing childish temper tantrums because they're afraid they won't like the show any more if Twilight has wings? Give it a rest already, and at least watch the episode before going all goofy over it! Edited February 13, 2013 by cuteycindyhoney 3 Thank you Sparklefan1234!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pony Of The Month 534 February 16, 2013 Share February 16, 2013 The reason that this one bothers me more though is that if Alicorn Twilight were to be permanent it would seem to elevate her importance to the show further above her friends and to forever cement her as "The main character". Yeah, you know, kind of like the first season. If I'm not mistaken, she was pretty much forced into every single episode of the first season. Especially in The Showstoppers, where her presence was pretty pointless. The only reason she was in that episode at all is because she's "the main character." I believe that she was the only one of the mane six to be in every single episode of season 1. My point is, that just because Twilight is a princess, doesn't mean that the other ponies will be neglected. She was the main character in season 1, but the other ponies got plenty of attention. And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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