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Anti-bronies going too far?


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Honestly, I don't see why having people who don't like what you like is a problem at all.

Not everyone is going to like the same things and some may just downright hate that something, no matter what it is.

Death threats are way too far, yes but unfortunately there are always going to be people who go that far.

Bohtty is right in this, who cares what they think and why they think it.


Never feel like you have to defend what you like and explain why you like it.


I used to be a very vocal anti-brony but it was only because I was afraid to admit that I may enjoy MLP as a concept even though I don't necessarily like the show.

I have my favorite ponies and I do fan art of it as a business.


Fueling the fire is always a waste of time.

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there will always be haters no mather what and we just have to accept that. but sending death threats is going way to far no matter the recivers age. but the only advice i can give you is: either live with the hate, the risk of getting called things or in worst cases getting beaten up (that have happen to me once) or you just hide your love for the show. thats all i can say to you

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It tickles me to no end when anti-bronies tell us how 'messed up' bronies are, yet they'll go to extreme mind-blowing lengths to exploit us to the point I question their sanity.


I saw a video were this one fellow was cussing up a childish temper tantrum and calling us 'rabid' because some bronies took offense to his "expression of an opinion" by telling us how fucked up we are.

  • Brohoof 1
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My friend... Hater come and go... and yes that is taking it WAY to far. Never the less don't buy in to that hate... buck them and everything they stand for. Some ponies take things a bit to far with things... even I have taken MLP a bit to far.. but never the less I know I have but damn I'm happy so blah. Moving on.... 


Ponies take things to far all the time, as for the death threats.. don't buy in to them what so ever.. no one and I mean NO ONE is going to kill you because your a brony.... end of story.


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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They are no threat. They are just mouthing off and trying to scare and humiliate you. They are nothing but an overly loud discorded, horrible sounding song that in the end, has no true power. If you are worried though, learn a martial art and do not ever believe you are good enough to stop training.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 6 months later...

Just ignore them. Besides, those people are just haters. Real anti-bronies are the ABC.

the Anti Brony Coalition, or should I say Already Chewed Gum.

I stopped myself from replying to their hate messages and tried not to give a crap about AntiBronyBrotherhood's opinions. They try so hard to make us brownies a bad name. Anti brownies are ridiculous.

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Who are these people who sent threats so I can slit some throats,burn some corpses,and bake some cupcakes. Ill show them a threat those (this section is bleeped out for various reasons) messing with my fellow bronies!!! *gasp*

Hey come check me out at fimfiction! http://www.fimfiction.net/user/ButterKingPyromaniac

Nothing is impossible the word itself says I'm possible.

The Universe loves you for you are special.

You can change the world be that for worse or better is up to you.

Good and justice will always prevail over evil but only if you believe.

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the moment someone doesn't like a person just because they're into a tv show, is the moment they go too far.

take my advice here and just ignore them, you're not gonna do yourself any good reading what they say.
besides, most anti bronies are just insulting you and saying that kinda stuff to get a reaction out of you.
if you don't respond, they can't have fun.

and yes, there are people who find doing this thing to people fun.

get them back by not getting them back.

there's a reason people say don't feed the trolls/




*OC Lucky Star*


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Well, these people are of course rather thick. They think that just because they have an opinion they become the expert in the topic. "Go study social sciences or psychology for a few years, and come back with a degree, then you have the right to make a statement like that" is what I would say to them. 


Another problem is they dont really weigh in what they do, hurling death threats like its nothing. If it was up to me, these people should all go witness an execution to get the feel of what a death really feels like. But of course, its not an ideal world, so we just have to live with them. 


Look. Suicide isnt a way to do anything. Ive seen it happen. One day I see a schoolmate, next I see of him is in a coffin. 13, just like you. In the end, it achieves nothing. Everyone was sad days after, tense and on edge. His closest friends were harassed, and guess what, death threats too, for doing nothing. So now, the pain goes from him to those who held him dear. It wasnt fair.


As for these people, just ignore them. Clear your inbox of their messages, dont open them, etc. If its real bad, switch emails. If they keep harassing you, some countries now make it a crime, so the police will support you. 


Dont worry about them. Although they take things too far, there are places left on this world that are supportive. Namely, this fandom too. Just stay here, and pay that crazy world of the internet no heed. That hive has the worst of humanity in it. Trust me. 


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Haters gonna hate. Ponies gonna pwn.


I've said it before in other threads and I'll say it again. Take Pinkie Pie's advice.


So, giggle at the [anti-bronies]

Guffaw at the [anti-bronies]

Crack up at the [anti-bronies]

Whoop it up with the [anti-bronies]

Chortle at the [anti-bronies]

Snortle at the [anti-bronies]


And tell that big dumb [anti-brony] to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha... heh...




Furthermore, there's no reason for you to care what they think. Here's a bit of unsolicited life advice from someone who has been suicidal: Caring too much about things that don't matter and that you can't control can definitely lead to depression and suicidal thoughts. If something upsets you, ask yourself if it really HAS to upset you. You are in control.


Best wishes!

I'm surprised someone remembers the lyrics as good as i do.


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


//// My DA: (OC requests available) ////


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