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open Romancing the plains.

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Hunter's knowledge of trade was easy to pick up a possible scam

"how do we know we can trust you? any medical license? any ID?"

'Luna, I sound like a city watchpony'

"nothing personal, but I want my friends in tip-top condition, and I don't trust ponies we meet in the middle of a barren plain"

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"Hey dude" Chetnik whispered to Apple Doom so the other group couldn't hear, "I don't think this group is safe. They are probably conmen and are trying to take our money. That Quick Fix stuff is most likely a pile of complete BS. I mean come on, if such a thing existed, it'd be used in hospitals for free, scientists would have found out by now. But all this guy sees is the cash sign, let's get the hell out of here.

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The Unicorn's pupils shrank. "I don't have the license on me but i assure you that I am qualified." He said as his companion tightened his stance.



Apple Doom acted like he had a kink in his neck and stretched towards Chetnik and whispered back, "I think you are right. Let's just see how this plays out." 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"mmhmm, well, no proof and you and I have nothing to say to each other"

Hunter had her hooves crossed and a suspicious look on her face

'these guys cant be serious, they think I'm born yesterday'

she whispered in Apple Doom's ear

"don't trust them until you see legal proof"

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Noon trotted up to the group and examined the two creatures. The griffin was a strong, large guy clearly capable of handling anyone willing to come across his path. His posture suggested he was a servant of some sort, but his ragged look clearly indicated that it wasn't that way. Next she glared at the pony claiming himself to have medical experience. His cart contained boxes and sacs arranged in no organized fashion, clearly thrown together as if they didn't contain fragile medical equipment. The bulges in them were too bumpy to be crops of any kind, but came in many shapes and sizes suggesting that the twosome had a fair variety of objects in their possession. The stallion had a fairly short knife contained in an leather sheath on the side of his leg. It had multiple intricate patterns on it, very fine work compared to everything else he owned. "Where'd you get that?" Noon almost smirked at the pony, stopping herself and switching back to an expressionless face when she remembered about the griffin standing next to him. "That knife is far too expensive for any travelling doctor and his bud."


(OOC: Perfect place to expose my OC's special talent. :D)

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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When the cart stopped, it caused Winter to wake from his nap.  He began to sit up and stretched as he heard the conversation behind him.  The fact that the newcomers looked like con artists posing as doctors startled him, so the injured stallion ducked down as best as he could in the cart, hoping they wouldn't see him as a potential patient.  "I don't think I want any of these guys working on me"  Winter whispered to any of his friends that were close enough to the cart to hear him.

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The Unicorn's breathing was slightly more rapid after hearing the pony.


Hoping to appeal to the rest of the group, The Unicorn went on a spiel. "You want me to help your friends. Your leader looks like he was patched up by a child. For only 1,000 bits i will work wonders on this failed attempt to 'help' your wounded." 



Before the Unicorn could offer a response, the Griffon got in-between his companion and the other pony. "I gave that knife to him in case i wasn't near the Doc. Now how's about you hear the doctor's offer." The Griffon said with a sinister expression.  


(OOC: Guys, the Unicorn and Griffon are to be control only by me. Unless i tell you its alright please don't control them)

Edited by DashiesInsaneProtector

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Aurea walked up to the doctor and gave him a look over


"You ever heard of Gustav Ironhooves by any chance? He is quite the name in your circle I believe"


She had made a bit of an ally for a rather notorious mobster at one point after making a fine cello for his son, she was hoping him name might indimidate this would be criminal.

for !!SCIENCE!!



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The Unicorn did not bat an eye at the name. The Griffon however, flinched a little as he got visibly nervous. The Griffon then whispered to the Unicorn and looked at the group.


"Well what's your answer! We haven't got all day!" The Griffon yelled as he punched the ground hoping to intimidate the group. 


"What my companion is trying to say is that we are very...impatient when it comes to business discussions." The unicorn said as he chuckled a little menacingly. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Aurea laughed

"Let me be blunt, Gustuv owes me a favor, so we will not be partaking of any medicine this fine afternoon. I would hate to have to call said favor on this event but if I have to I will"


Aurea projected an aura of calm reassurance - she had confidence in what she was saying and it showed in her dominant posture and slightly spread wings.

for !!SCIENCE!!



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The Griffon was getting visibly angry. He started pounding the ground harder and harder. He made his way over to Apple Doom who was just smacking his lips. "I'd hate to see you folks end up in another Tornado accident." The griffon said as he flexed his wings.


"Hush you idiot!"The unicorn yelled out as his voice changed. "you want to walk away with bits in your pouch don't you!"

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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the unicorn's words were a dead giveaway

"HAH! you really ARE just trying to swindle us, you just gave yourselves away."

Hunter turned to the Griffon

"and just HOW did you know we were in a tornado?"

'oooh I like this bitchy attitude, I should use it more often'

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"Oh you naughty motherbuckers, I totally knew that was the case"

Chet said hugging Hunter tighty with one hoof and wagging the other at the conmen


"Come on guys, we're leaving" he said while still wagging his hoof at the visibly aggravated griffon and chuckling immediately after,

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@@ParsoOfEquestria, @,

The Unicorn laughed, "No, we are honest folk. We would never-" His words were cut off by the Griffon.

"Forget it they know thanks to you!" The griffon made his way over to Hunter and got extremely close to his face. "Think about this: What else can make tornadoes? Give up? The answer is Griffons!" The Griffon laughed as he cracked his knuckles indicating he was ready to fight. 


 The Unicorn bolted to Aurea after the Griffon spoke



"You aren't going aren't going to scare us with your threats. A tiny ant like you can't possibly know someone as high up as Gustav!" The Unicorn said as he pulled out his knife.


Apple Doom examined the situation carefully. He then quickly freed himself from his cart and walked over to where Aurea and the unicorn where. "Alright friends, you can leave now before you get yourselves hurt-" Apple Doom was cut off by the pain he felt as the Unicorn slashed at him.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Chetnik swung his hoof at the doctor and, expectedly, he fell. Then he angrily chased the griffon, who was more than ready to fight.


"You piece of shit, threatening the mares like that?"


The griffon, however, could take punches, and Chetnik got a barrage of them from the griffon.


"OOF" Chetnik exclaimed as he landed a few feet away from the angrier than ever griffon. Chetnik still had fight left in him, and he wanted more.


He swiftly uppercutted him, and then pushed the off-balance griffin onto the ground. He climbed on top and kept punching the griffon, anger powering him.

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Hunter went to see AD's wound severity, it wasnt severe but it sure made Hunter snap. she reached into her bag and grabbed her hoofgun


she pointed at the unicorn, then the griffon, then back to the unicorn, occasionally switching targets

'I've never shot anypony before, what am I going to do, I'm so scared'

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Winter was helpless, he had been witnessing the entire fiasco from the back of the cart since it began.  Noon's observations earlier made him proud for her, then the fight escalated.  "Why can't I just get BETTER ALREADY?!"  the wounded pony thought to himself.

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The Griffon laughed at Chetnik's anger. "Ahh did I upset the insignificant little ant!" He said as the two started to exchange blows. The Griffon's anger helped his brute force but not his skill. As the Griffon went in for another round he was pushed off balance and started receiving blows from the formidable pony. The Griffon used his wings to regain control of the duel. He was about to slash Chetnik with his claw when he heard a pony speak.



"THEY GOT A GUN ON THEM!" The Unicorn yelled as he dropped the knife on the ground. "I thought you did a recon of this group!" The Griffon was too mad to pay attention to the Unicorns words. "Let's just cut our losses and get the buck outta here." The griffon said as he kicked up a minor sand storm.


The sandstorm provided enough cover for the two conmen to scatter away with their cart.


Apple Doom let out a big sigh. "So yeah, those are one of the things we have to watch out for from this point on." He said as he trotted next to Aurea.  



"Are you ok? You arent hurt or anything?" He asked as he hesitantly drew closer to her face. Yeah this isnt weird or anything he thought 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Hunter was shivering, still in the position she was before, holding the gun. she felt as if she couldn't move, she was in shock, the thought of killing somepony made her sick

'they're gone, but I can't move, what is happening to me? there's no magic on me, maybe I'm petrified with fear'

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(OOC: Resurrecting RP after 84+ hours :D)


With the bandits gone and no bits taken, Chetnik first turned to Hunter. She was "frozen solid", with a hoofgun on her. Chetnik took the gun out of her hoof and threw it several meters away. He then kissed her.




"Oh thank Celestia you're okay, I said earlier that you don't need that gun"


He then turned to Apple Doom: "We're bringing back Rule 2. We're gonna need some recon flights from this point on"

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Aurea laughed "I'm fine. I'll have a chat with Gustav when I get back to Las Pegasus, he asked me to let him know if any "unclassy"" she made quotation marks in the air with her wings "criminals bothered me, and I plan to do just that - they will likely get a surprise visit and a bit of a scare, Gustav is out of the messier business mostly I believe." With that said she reached forward and pecked him on the lips lightly

"You look like you are in more hurt than me, what is it about you and collecting injuries"

Aurea wandered over to the medical kit for some bandages, applying them to the slash.

for !!SCIENCE!!



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Hunter seemed to calm down when Chet was close to her, and even more when he kissed her

"we did it, we made it through alive. lets just hope there arent anything else that can harm us anymore along these barren plains" 

she walked over and picked up her fathers gun,

"Chet must've thought the gun was giving me fear, I'll just slip it into my bag again'

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"Ah, if anypony comes after us and tries to harm us, I have my arsenal too"


Chetnik took out his trusty Zastava 357 revolver, with the Serbian 4S and "ЧКВ" etched into it. Then he took out his bayonet knife, red, blue and white ribbon on it.


"I haven't used these for years, but if I have to protect you, the crew or myself, I'll surely fire"

Edited by ~Хаотичан Четник~

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Apple Doom nodded, "Oh dont worry about that injury, its just a flesh wound." He said as he chuckled a little.

He then turned his attention to Chetnik.



"If it makes you feel safer we will exercise rule 2." Apple Doom said as he looked up at the sky.


We are behind. He thought as he made his way towards his cart.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"We're behind? Then lets get a move on!" Chetnik said while strapping his revolver to his holster


"I'll keep this bad boy near me, in case something ridiculous happens, and Las Pegasas isn't too clean for a town. We might get robbed or mugged, but the chances are low, heh, we are in a group, right?"


Chetnik tried to take his mind off the earlier incident, he feared that Hunter could be harmed

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