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@, Apple Doom woke for a brief second to see Chetnik ,Noon , and Hunter with worried looks on there faces. His head stopped bleeding but the pain he felt was immense. My head is killing me and im pretty sure i look like an idiot. Oh Hell!-. Apple Doom thought of Aurea again. Oh man, i hope she is ok- Apple Doom's thoughts were cut off due to the pain he still felt. He then squirmed about and tried to shake it off but the extra strain on him caused him to black out again.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"Aurea!" Chetnik called, "you should probably look after Apple Doom. You surely know the guy better than me, and I've observed you've got some medical skills. He blacked out again a few minutes ago, he looks like he's in pain, I'm going to spend some time with Hunter."

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Aurea continued her ministrations, tending to Apple Dooms needs as he lay unconcious

"You really are a dumbass arn't you" she muttered to herself "If only you weren't such a cute dumbass".

She nodded to Chetnik "No worries, I did what I could. I'll do what I can with him"

for !!SCIENCE!!



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Apple Doom squirmed about as he started coming to. His vision was still a little hazy so he couldn't make much out.He was also a little groggy and could barley speak clearly. "Whats going on? Did i do good?" Apple Doom said as he struggled to keep his head up. "Is that you Aurea?"

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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She laughed and pushed his head down gently "Yes, its me. If by good you mean getting yourself brained by debris, you did excellent. In the meanwhile take it easy, you still have quite a bit of head trauma". She called out to the rest of the group around her "Hey can someone fetch some water?"

for !!SCIENCE!!



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Noon trotted away from Aurea, who was too busy with Apple Doom to respond. She turn to the blue pegasus pony who helped to take down the storm. "Hey, um.." Noon stumbled with here words. "When you were stopping the storm, did you see Winter?" Tears once again began to race towards her eyes, but she managed to fight them back. 



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Noon trotted away from Aurea, who was too busy with Apple Doom to respond. She turn to the blue pegasus pony who helped to take down the storm. "Hey, um.." Noon stumbled with here words. "When you were stopping the storm, did you see Winter?" Tears once again began to race towards her eyes, but she managed to fight them back. 

Hunter turned from Chet and looked at Noon

"I thought he was with you? uh oh, hopefully he's ok"

Hunter was worried about the fellow traveler, its not normal to disappear during a tornado unless its fatal. a look of shock spread across her face and the hope that Winter was fine 

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Hunter turned from Chet and looked at Noon

"I thought he was with you? uh oh, hopefully he's ok"

Hunter was worried about the fellow traveler, its not normal to disappear during a tornado unless its fatal. a look of shock spread across her face and the hope that Winter was fine 

(OOC: I actually tried messaging Deuce about yesterday, and he hasn't responded. Maybe we should just let Winter be dead..?)


Noon's eyes teared up, and she turned to where the storm subsided. "I loved him." She said, barely whispering. Noon looked back down and started sobbing again, thinking of how short of a time they had known each other, and how quickly it all ended.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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"Calm down, Noon, you can't lose hope, it's only been, like, two hours since the tornado has gone. I\m pretty sure he got thrown by the tornado, chances are he's alive, I'll go up and see if I spot him. If this was just closer to a town, I could call up a search and rescue. Don't fret, I'm going to look for him. You just stay calm.|

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Apple Doom hit his head. "Oh man, I am stupid-OW! what the Buck?!" without realizing it, Apple Doom hit his wound. "Haha not the best or smartest idea I have had. Although it would seem i never have those anymore." He said as he chuckled a little. He then proceeded to kiss Aurea and lay back down where he immediately fell asleep.


(OOC:Warning time skip is coming for the sake of Winter)

Edited by DashiesInsaneProtector

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Noon turned to the blue pony. "Thanks, Chetnik. Thank you so much." She smiled weakly and lifted a hoof to wipe her eyes. She tried to be optimistic, but the simple fact that Winter was not around her and she didn't know where he was still made her worry for him.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Aurea glanced at the sleeping Apple Doom and the back to the rest "Noon, if you are prepared to keep an eye on Mr. Brained here, I'll give Chetnik a hand in looking around, can't promise any results though, that was some storm" she did a few last minute checks on Apple Doom using the extent of her limited medical knowledge.

for !!SCIENCE!!



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(OOC: I came back.  Told you when I would too...)


It was late afternoon and the light in the sky was dimming.  Winter lied seemingly lifeless on the ground.  When suddenly his body tensed and he awoke with a shriek, "NOON!!!!!" He stood up and frantically looked in all directions for his lover as the shock hit him.  Though immediately following his fright, Winter fell to the dirt again, writhing in pain.  He had been badly beaten, two ribs broken, his back left leg was crushed, bruises from head to hoof, and whiplash put the worst kink in his neck he's ever had.


Winter again rose to his hooves, this time much more slowly.  There wasn't anypony in sight.  "Celestia give me strength," He whispered, as the suffering pony stumbled forward and fell once more.  The filthy pony screamed at the top of his lungs out of anger and pain alike.  As rage filled him, he rose again, "I will not die out here..." Winter grumbled through grit teeth.  lifting his injured hoof from the ground, Winter limped toward the setting sun, determined to find his friends again. 

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Noon turned over and laughed. "Thanks. I'll look after him, I've got some medical supplies in.." She turned behind her and looked around the former campsite. "My saddlebag." The item had been blown way by the storm just like everything else. "Well, I'm sure he'll be fine off what you did" Suddenly a faint sound came to Noon's ears, similar to that of a voice. "Did you hear that?" She turned to where the sound came from.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Hunter hugged Chet so tight, it was like she was never going to let go, she didnt want to let go. she was so glad that they both came out from the disaster fine

"chet...one of your books, the one we were reading, it...was shredded in the storm. i guess we'll never find out what happened to the couple"

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Chetnik heard the cry and headed to the source of the sound. He got close and sure enough, it was Winter.


"WINTER! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! YOU'RE STILL ALIVE" yelled Chet from above.


He landed near the wounded pony.


"Are you OK? You look like you're in a lot of pain, need a lift?"

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Aurea landed next to the pair a moment later, glacing at winter's injuries.

"No Chetnik, we can't move him without a stretcher it would do him even more damage, he looks like he has broken ribs"

She frowned

"We need a stretcher, or we are going to need to settle down around here for a few days while winter recovers"

for !!SCIENCE!!



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"Settle down? The rest don't even know where the hell we are."


The only safe way to carry Winter was to carry him on a stretcher. Nopony had one.


But an idea sprung to Chet's mind. An idea so stupid it might even work. Let Winter walk.


And the pony who would decide this is Winter. If he feels he can take it, we'll do it.

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"Chet? Aurea?  Boy am I glad to see you two..." Winter grimmaced through excruciating pain.  Then suddenly his eyes widened, "IS NOON ALRIGHT? FOR THE LOVE OF LUNA, PLEASE TELL ME SHE'S SAFE!"


As the pegasi nodded, a wave of relief flushed through the beaten pony, and with the strength he gained from the wonderful news Winter decided on Chet's idea.  "I can make it," Winter smirked confidently, "There's no good reason for us to await for the others here.  Now lets get a move on..."  Winter proceeded to limp in the direction the pegasi came from.

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Apple Doom woke up groaning. "Man i feel like somepony bucked my head." He said as he got up. I am sooo thirsty right now. he thought as he walked towards his cart. He got his flask out and drank the whole thing. As he took the last sip he looked at the camp and his cart. "What the buck happened here?!" He said as he spit out the last sip.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Apple Doom woke up groaning. "Man i feel like somepony bucked my head." He said as he got up. I am sooo thirsty right now. he thought as he walked towards his cart. He got his flask out and drank the whole thing. As he took the last sip he looked at the camp and his cart. "What the buck happened here?!" He said as he spit out the last sip.

Noon turned to him and smirked. "Well, you know, a tornado kind of tore through our camp, injured you and displaced Winter. I don't think there's much else to fill you in on." She raised an eyebrow at the still confused pony. "Wait, do you not remember?" Her eyes went wide. Noon didn't normally believe that amnesia, like in the movies, could occur that easily, but apparently she was wrong.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Apple Doom looked at Noon. "What tornado? All i remember was having a dream where i kissed Aurea." He said as he tried to piece together broken parts of his cart. "Wait, what was that about Winter? Did you say the ponies gone? we have to look!" Apple Doom then galloped into a random direction and galloped back to Noon. "which way did he go?" He asked with slurred speech.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Apple Doom looked at Noon. "What tornado? All i remember was having a dream where i kissed Aurea." He said as he tried to piece together broken parts of his cart. "Wait, what was that about Winter? Did you say the ponies gone? we have to look!" Apple Doom then galloped into a random direction and galloped back to Noon. "which way did he go?" He asked with slurred speech.

Noon sighed. "Chetnik and Aurea went to look for him. He was taken away by the storm and we don't know what happened to him." She looked out to horizon. "You tried to help stop it, but considering the fact that you can't fly, that didn't go to well." Noon chuckled and turned back to Apple Doom. "Anyways, there's nothing we can do now but wait." She gathered together the pieces of the torn up cart for him. "Oh, and by the way, you did kiss Aurea. You acted drunk as hell when you did it, too." Noon laughed once again, a sort of weak, frail laugh as if she had done it ten thousand times already.  "Now get some rest, no way your head is gonna get better unless you do."

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Noon sighed. "Chetnik and Aurea went to look for him. He was taken away by the storm and we don't know what happened to him." She looked out to horizon. "You tried to help stop it, but considering the fact that you can't fly, that didn't go to well." Noon chuckled and turned back to Apple Doom. "Anyways, there's nothing we can do now but wait." She gathered together the pieces of the torn up cart for him. "Oh, and by the way, you did kiss Aurea. You acted drunk as hell when you did it, too." Noon laughed once again, a sort of weak, frail laugh as if she had done it ten thousand times already.  "Now get some rest, no way your head is gonna get better unless you do."

"Aww what?! Gah, is there anypony more idiotic then me? Aurea must hate me now!" Apple Doom said as he sat down next to his cart. "Chetnik and Aurea got it covered then. I pray that Winter is alright." He said as he began fixing his cart. "Thanks for your concern, but hard work will heal my head."

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Hunter was sitting on the ground, listening in on Apple Doom and Noon's conversation, she waited ever so patiently to see Chet again and hoped that Winter was ok



"Aww what?! Gah, is there anypony more idiotic then me? Aurea must hate me now!" Apple Doom said as he sat down next to his cart. "Chetnik and Aurea got it covered then. I pray that Winter is alright." He said as he began fixing his cart. "Thanks for your concern, but hard work will heal my head."

"why would Aurea hate you?"

hunter asked as she sat near the talking ponies she was travelling with

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