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Have you ever turned yourself into a Zombie (mentally)? share experiences

Motion Spark

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OK, does it ever happened to you that driving became so mainstream that sometimes you get deeply inmersed in your thoughts that you forget that you are actually driving, and when you reach your destiny, you realize, how the hell did I just get here?


well, that happened to me today (not that it never happened to me before). Here's my experience.



I have to drive my brother to his workplace daily, and when I dropped him off, I started to daydream about this RP game that I'm currently playing. There was traffic, traffic lights, curves, people crossing on the streets, bad drivers and more, yet I was planning in my head some sort of situations I could add to this RP, in fact I felt like I was watching a movie and I completely forgot that I was driving a car.

It was like my body was moving by itself (I drive manual) changing gears, avoiding cars, changing lanes, whatever, on it's own while I brain was in another planet.

By the time I was near my neighborhood, I came by, and I was like WTH just happened, how did I do that? I literally paid 0 attention to driving it was like I was in some sort of trance with my imagination lol.




This cannot only happen while driving, it can happen with other activities that you do without realizing that you are actually doing them!. Music or drunkness can trigger this, share your zombie experiences! :)

  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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There's actually a term for this, it's called Highway Hypnosis.




I get it all the time, and I actually also have a pretty bad problem with getting drowsy behind the wheel if I drive for too long. (Oddly, only during the day though. I could drive forever at night with 100% alertness.)

Edited by AtomicBassCannon
  • Brohoof 1


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There's actually a term for this, it's called Highway Hypnosis.




I get it all the time, and I actually also have a pretty bad problem with getting drowsy behind the wheel if I drive for too long. (Oddly, only during the day though. I could drive forever at night with 100% alertness.)

but I didn't drive in a highway, not even a long distance, the daydream just happened really quick. Like when you have something stuck in your head, and you need to meditate about it regardless of what you are doing.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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I do that all the time, and not just while driving - I'll do it just walking around, especially when running a race. I just zone out and run on my autopilot. 

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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When I wash dishes. My family has no dish washing machine. I do the dishes 2-3 times a day for a family of six. And might I add that they use up almost all the dishes regularly. Ive been washing since I was seven, 16 now.


It has just become an automated process with me.


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I do that all the time, and not just while driving - I'll do it just walking around, especially when running a race. I just zone out and run on my autopilot. 

do you actually drive?  :huh:  I'm sorry you look like a 14 years old teenager lol :P




When I wash dishes. My family has no dish washing machine. I do the dishes 2-3 times a day for a family of six. And might I add that they use up almost all the dishes regularly. Ive been washing since I was seven, 16 now.


It has just become an automated process with me.

In what do you think about while you wash the dishes. I guess your brain just shut down and you don't remember about anything you did with those plates :P


also, why don't they make you wear this costume next time,



very sad bro :( very sad (I hate washing dishes)

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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do you actually drive?  :huh:  I'm sorry you look like a 14 years old teenager lol :P


Are you going off of my pictures in the Post a Picture thread? Hehe. Anyway, I'll be turning seventeen in early March. Weird, most people assume I'm in college by my looks...

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Are you going off of my pictures in the Post a Picture thread? Hehe. Anyway, I'll be turning seventeen in early March. Weird, most people assume I'm in college by my looks...

yes I did lol... sorry about that, you look really young, or at least that's what your pictures have to say about you. Still, pretty young to drive, awesome!

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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This is just a case of hitting a hypnotic trance, it happens far more in daily life than most people realise. After deliberately entering trance a few times I've begun spotting all the little trances I go into in the day, its very interesting.

for !!SCIENCE!!



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I'm not sure if this is what you're thinking of, but after a particularly difficult test/long homework siege (ie. 8 straight hours in a computer lab metaphorically beating my head against the keyboard trying to get my code to work (and yes, I have done that; twice)) my brain will sort of burn out.  I don't typically remember a lot when I fall into that state.  Basically, my mind blanks and I just sort of have a dead stare.  If I try to go anywhere, it's very slowly, and my reaction time, as well as most of my other conscious mental functions, plummets.  Thankfully, it doesn't happen often.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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When i play minecraft, it happens when i decide to mine 3x1 tunnels. I put on music and i am not even concentrating on the game, just thinking about other stuff. Also, when i go to places, i usually zone out while on a train or a bus (but i have to be careful or i might miss my stop :P ).


Basically its great when you have to do things that are natural for you and you can actually do it without concentrating on it. Multitasking. But it becomes a problem when you are not able to concentrate on something you can't do naturally and it might be important. (School)

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Something A BIT like this once happened to me while I was really little.

I just went to the toilet to do something (I don't even know, lol) then I looked at the mirror. As I started to look at myself I became totally thoughtless. My brain was whole empty and I stood still for a time (I didn't even know what was going on it is like suddenly I couldn't think anything, my mind was completely empty for a moment). I don't know how long it lasted but the thing that woke me was a huge pain in my eyes. When I was back again my eyes were sting as hell. I closed my eyes for a bit and looked at myself again. My eyes were really red and then I realized what has just happened.

Also I forgot what happened in last few hours (I realized that I forgot what happened recently when I was about to do something and my parents said that I already did it.  I was like: "I'm pretty sure I didn't. But they were like: "We are pretty sure you did." so I realized that I forgot about last a few hours. I wasn't able to remember anything.)

So how did being complete thoughtless feel? It is so hard to describe and I can't remember exactly everything but I guess it a bit feels as if you time traveled :P other then that it doesn't feel anything at all. I mean it feels something but how can you describe feeling extremely empty? Well lets just say it doesn't feel anything at all or it feels completely empty which could be hard to understand.

Also my mind was pretty clear when I was back again. It is like you are not aware of anything and then suddenly you are aware of everything D: 

Edited by Hitpony
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i've gone brain dead and felt like a zombie a few times...
mostly because i was awake for 6 days straight... i even started seeing things o-o

but now and then i just like to shut down and do whatever my body does. if that makes any sense

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I actually learned about how this works psychologically the other day. I think it's something like your eyes see the information (people, curves, traffic, etc.) and sends it to your brain and your brain processes the information and turns it into an action (like turning, stopping, swerving, avoiding things). But when you've become comfortable driving somewhere you already know what's around you and you no longer have to focus on your surroundings as much so you're able to do things like talk to someone else or daydream about something while your subconscious is doing the driving. 


Obviously when you're driving someplace new and you don't know where you're going you're probably not going to zone out since you aren't familiar enough with your surroundings. If you drive the same route to school/work all the time you won't have to consciously think about every little thing on that route anymore. 
That's probably a terrible explanation but it's the best I could do. The psychologist did a much better job.

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Felling totally lost in something, and when you snapped from the stupor, you were totally somewhere unfamiliar or doing something else? Yep, I got that thing quite often, especially when I'm driving to and from work. The worst case was that one day I was driving somewhere desolate and when I snapped out, I was in the middle of a strange city and my leg was bleeding. Turned out I absentmindedly took the wrong line somewhere and the car from the opposite direction didn't get the chance to avoid me. The car is okay, but my motorcycle didn't stand a chance.


There is also this one time I was writing some assignment and I simply dazed out. Hours passed, the work is done, but I had no idea what did I just wrote. At least I got 70% mark


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I used to have something similar to this happen when I was sitting in high school/college classes. I would just blank out and when I came to I would start to question reality -- stuff like "can people see me here? do I even exist? what if I just got up on this desk right now and stripped down, would anyone even notice?". Thankfully, after what I feel like is 10 minutes or so, I always snapped out of it...with all of my clothes on.

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Whenever I stay up past my regular sleep cycle after a 12 hour shift I become a brooding eyes wide open every single noise hurts kinda zombie. Switching from day shift was almost torture this summer since  I was use to greeting the sun not the sun greeting me. Not to mention I live near a bunch of crows that camp along a creek bed..seeing them all fly around was like a scene from the birds. This photo was taken one morning head home from my job. vs_crows_top_231006_210.jpg

Edited by GolgoXIII

Look in my eyes...what do you see?

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