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ooc The war on PACE (sign up/OOC)


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WAR IS OVER! Still has action sequences though!


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Resistance ponies

1.Rocket blast






Resistance Humans




4. Lydia

Equestrian Army


2. Golden age

3. Thindermane

4. Fireblaze







(I don't really want a lot of PACE members, but I will allow a few, if there is more want to be on pace, I will forfeit my position.)

Rebellion (different from the resistance, they are against the war itself.)






Humans have discovered a way to travel to different universes and they have found equestria. at first, ponies and humans were in harmony. but the humans discovered that the ponies could be used as slaves. Pegasus could control the weather, no more crop shortages or droughts. and unicorns could use magic, which meant anything we could think of would be possible. also equestria was vast, and earth was starting to become overpopulated.

The humans created the Peoples Alliance for the Colonization of Equestria, or PACE. Princess Celestia and the Equestrian army grew angry of this and began a war for Equestria.


A small handful of ponies and people have grouped up together to stop the PACE's Crusade and keep equestria free.






-You are allowed two characters . both can be ponies, if you want, but preferably one pony and one human.

-Basic rules (no godmodding, no mary sue, etc. etc.)

-Swearing and violence are allowed, but nothing excessive (I don't want to hear about someones guts being thrown out of their stomach.)

-no random attacks and stuff. mainly because I know you guys have school and stuff, and I don't want to come back to three new battles happening. so start it with a tactical way. in exsample

*Rocket went up to a group of ponies that were going over a map, "guys I have an idea" he points out two key locations for PACE's supply, "here is were they keep food and ammo, "if we blow it up, we can cripple their attacks" he looked at the group, hoping to see their approval.


Heres what not to do. (if the last post was, in exsample, about two ponies talking about how tough this war was on their familes)

*john suddenly burst out from the trees with a m16 and blasted the two ponies, then he threw a firebomb and burnt down their camp.









want to apply? here is what I will need.


OC's Name(s)

OC's Page link


Organization (Resistance, Equestrian army, Possibly PACE, idk if I want people on pace yet)

Brief desc. if you have a Human Character.





So ddoes this sound good?



OC: Rocket Blast and JT

Link is in sig

Pegasus and Human

Organization: Resistance

Desc. of JT

JT was a member of PACE during the beginning of the war, he realized he was doing the wrong thing when he watched his squad kill Sam (rockets friend) in cold blood, He killed his squad, saved rocket, and joined the resistance. Rocket doesn't trust a lot of people, except JT. JT and rocket are good friends.

Edited by ~/XC- BRONY\~


SIgnature by Reverie


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will the ponies be steam punks so there more artillery to work with?

like tanks and stuff instead of just spears and sword and magic

Ive figured they can use some types of weapons and stuff. so yea , they are steam punk and can use guns and stuff.


also I figured the resistance ponies have got some tech. that their human friends made them.


SIgnature by Reverie


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OC's Name : Scarletrose and Azure Flames

OC's Page link :http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/scarletrose-r2622 and http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/azure-flames-r2623 

Race earth pony and unicorn

Organization: both Resistance


  • ignore the vid it too over powered
  • i wasnt going to us my main OC but Frost Lullaby was taking longer to think of a personality and backstory and scarlet and flames already know each other so guess he's my 2nd pony
Edited by AzureFlames

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OC's Name : Scarletrose

OC's Page link :http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/scarletrose-r2622

Race earth pony



  • 2nd pony is still being developed 
  • ignore the vid it too over powered

accepted, I guess I should post my OC and person too. haha, anyways we will start when we have at least 6 people


SIgnature by Reverie


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Well this RP doesn't seem to be going that well, do you have any friends that might want to join in the fun?


SIgnature by Reverie


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Count me in, this is interesting! I'm all for new ideas! Can you allow me some time to whip up a character for this particular RP?

Of course and glad we have anew member, im trying to find people that would be interested, also im looking for a title


SIgnature by Reverie


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Can I sign up to be a high level human officer? Namely RPing as myself (As in, me, the human, yours truly). 


Gee I've never been a human before, because in real life I'm a squid.

sure just fill out the application! great to have some more members! anyone got a good idea on a title?


SIgnature by Reverie


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OC's Name(s): Joshua Brown

OC's Page link: (None, no humans are on the database for the site)

Race: Human

Organization: Resistance

Brief desc. An ex-PACE member who has seen what the war has done to the ponies, he wants nothing more than to stop the needless war. However, he understands that in order to defend the ponies, he must fight his own kind, but he does it relentlessly. He is a semi-high ranking officer of the resistance.





Second OC (Can they both be humans?)



OC's Name(s): George Brown

OC's Page link: (None, no humans are on the database for the site)

Race: Human

Organization: PACE

Brief desc.Like his brother, Joshua, he used to be in the Canadian Special forces. However, he is forced to fight against his brother because of his loyalty to PACE. He is a foot soldier for their army. He always hides his face with his helmet. He is relentless.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations


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OC's Name(s): Joshua Brown

OC's Page link: (None, no humans are on the database for the site)

Race: Human

Organization: Resistance

Brief desc. An ex-PACE member who has seen what the war has done to the ponies, he wants nothing more than to stop the needless war. However, he understands that in order to defend the ponies, he must fight his own kind, but he does it relentlessly. He is a semi-high ranking officer of the resistance.





Second OC (Can they both be humans?)



OC's Name(s): George Brown

OC's Page link: (None, no humans are on the database for the site)

Race: Human

Organization: PACE

Brief desc.Like his brother, Joshua, he used to be in the Canadian Special forces. However, he is forced to fight against his brother because of his loyalty to PACE. He is a foot soldier for their army. He always hides his face with his helmet. He is relentless.

I like both of them, and great way to have a PACE member, accepted! even though I don't want to many PACE members.


if you guys want to get started we can start at any time, I just need a good idea for a title and we can start.




If you guys want we can start the RP, but I need to know if you guys are ready to start


SIgnature by Reverie


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I like both of them, and great way to have a PACE member, accepted! even though I don't want to many PACE members.


if you guys want to get started we can start at any time, I just need a good idea for a title and we can start.




If you guys want we can start the RP, but I need to know if you guys are ready to start

I for one am ready to start. If that counts for anything. I'll be up all night so I can be very active as well.

  • Brohoof 1


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I for one am ready to start. If that counts for anything. I'll be up all night so I can be very active as well.

ok good great that we have one person ready to start, by the way do you have any idea what the title could be? I need a better title than the one I used in the OOC page


SIgnature by Reverie


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ok good great that we have one person ready to start, by the way do you have any idea what the title could be? I need a better title than the one I used in the OOC page

PACE-War in Equestria


I like it, I don't know, it's at least a better name than what is on the OOC page for sure.


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PACE-War in Equestria


I like it, I don't know, it's at least a better name than what is on the OOC page for sure.

hmmmm how about "the war against PACE" haha yea I had no clue what to call it so I just wrote what it was about I just wish there was a way to re-title it

Edited by ~/XC- BRONY\~


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hmmmm how about "the war against PACE" haha yea I had no clue what to call it so I just wrote what it was about I just wish there was a way to re-title it

Sure, anything you want. So when we start maybe you could get all the participants' attention by quoting all the people in this thread and linking to the RP. That's how I've seen other OOC pages done.


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Sure, anything you want. So when we start maybe you could get all the participants' attention by quoting all the people in this thread and linking to the RP. That's how I've seen other OOC pages done.

good Idea, Brb im making the opening post. ill send the link to the RP thread in a few minutes once I finish typing it


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Oc hank

Info in signature. He also has a sonic screwdriver

He will be in equestrian army.


Twilight sparkle

Hanks younger sister.

She will be in equestrian army.


Going to bed for the night be on tomorrow morning and than i am on and off.

Edited by kappa214



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

My character

My channel

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will the ponies be steam punks so there more artillery to work with?

like tanks and stuff instead of just spears and sword and magic



Count me in, this is interesting! I'm all for new ideas! Can you allow me some time to whip up a character for this particular RP?



Can I sign up to be a high level human officer? Namely RPing as myself (As in, me, the human, yours truly). 


Gee I've never been a human before, because in real life I'm a squid.



Oc hank

Info in signature. He also has a sonic screwdriver

He will be in equestrian army.


Twilight sparkle

Hanks younger sister.

She will be in equestrian army.


Going to bed for the night be on tomorrow morning and than i am on and off.

ALright guys here is the link to the RP, please only post one thing tonight, Kappa requested this because he doesn't want to et to far behind and im going to sleep too, cant wait to save equestria with you guys!!!.

enjoy :))





Edited by ~/XC- BRONY\~


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OC's Name: Firestarter (real name unknown)

OC's Page link: None

Race: Human

Organization: Whoever's paying him the most (will start in PACE, if you can figure out a way to get him to defect, I am all ears)

Brief desc: 

Name: Unknown Location of origin: Earth Job: Arson and interrogation Motto: "Mmph mmmph mph-mph mmph mmmmph!" Organization: Freelance Description: Only two things are known for sure about the mysterious Firestarter: it sets things on fire and it doesn't speak. In fact, only the part about setting things on fire is undisputed. Some believe its occasional rasping wheeze may be an attempt to communicate through a mouth obstructed by a filter and attached to lungs ravaged by constant exposure to its asbestos-lined suit. Either way, it's a fearsome, inscrutable, on-fire Frankenstein of a man. If he even is a man.

Edited by acualy is dolan



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Wow that was great timing! We needs someone to be an interrogator for one of the scenes we will be doing, accepted!


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Haha yea I didn't think about that, oh well what's done is done. Anyways I posted something about firestarter so he is at least mentioned now


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