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open Pirate Adventure Rp! (Steampunk Edition)

Alex Kennedy

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Fiera nodded and flew up to the crows nest. She would be safer up there... unless a cannon struck the mast, then that would be the worst place. Of course, she was a pegasus, she could just fly away if it started to fall. Fiera had taken on the roll of boarder/boarder control. She used hand to hand combat whenever she could. They were much easier to use than a weapon.

  • Brohoof 1

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Diamond grinned as the Vermilion Sky turned to face the approaching ship. "FIRE." She yelled. Moments later a loud boom could be heard a Lightning shot from the front of the ship.

The lightning hit the enemy ship and blasted a large hole in the side of the ship. Not enough to slow it down though. The crew on the enemy ship scrambled around the deck, getting to their battle stations.

As the two ships flew Parallel to each other Diamond spread her wings and signaled for a few ponies to throw grappling hooks across to the enemy ship.

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Harmonic turned and grinned at Diamond, before darting below deck to grab a hook himself. He soon returned above deck, standing on his hind legs and swinging the hook wildly. "Now your time has come / the eternal rest awaits / looming in the dark." This was the classic haiku Harmonic whispered before he took a life. "Awaiting your orders captain Diamond, ma'am."

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Copper sat at the docks, a small suitcase filled with various trinkets and gizmos doubling as his bench. Around him were ships galore, but none with the familiar royal emblem.  He had visited Trotuga on a business venture, hoping to open a small quiet forge away from the mainstream, but what he found was everything but quiet.  He didn't like the company here, liars, cheats, and thieves the lot of them.  Now all he wanted was to get far away, but the imperial ferry was unusually late.  He stood slowly to stretch the cramps from his legs before walking to the edge of the dock. He huffed impatiently.

"Where are they? My schedule says that the ferry was supposed to dock over half an hour ago!"

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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(OOC: I needed inspiring music while I wrote this...)




Diamond grinned back at Harmonic. She jumped into the air and yelled. "ATTACK." She pulled her Shotgun from the strap on her back as she flew across too the other ship. As she landed she shot a crew member in the head with a big burst of fire. She quickly placed her shotgun back onto her...back, and pulled out her serrated Katana as the rest of the crew swung across to the ship.


With great speed and agility she dived over an enemy crew member, slicing at his head as she went, Then she stabbed another enemy crew member in the neck, almost instantly after touching the ground.

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Harmonic hopped onto the railings of the ship, flinging his hook at the enemy ships mast, catching it just above their sails. He grinned and swung over, as he landed he rolled forwards, skidding to a halt on his feet. He lifted his pistols on the frame around his neck and fired them simultaneously at the first pony he saw, killing him instantly. Brandishing his single handed (hoofed?) battleaxe he tackled another pony to the ground and stabbed him in the neck, looking over to see Diamond doing her usual acrobatic fighting, he couldn't help but laugh as he stood back up, advancing on a trio of ponies who where backing into a corner. 

Edited by Creeping Dusk
  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Storm chuckled as she struggled to remember his name "The names Storm Fire but please call me Storm. Was there something specific that you were looking to find?" Storm motioned her to join him as he started walking just a bit waiting for her to follow along. He looked around the stalls trying to figure out what she could possibly be looking for. Looking over at her he mentally facehoofed "You're probably looking for a mechanical shop or something. If I'm right there should be one just down the path a little farther." Storm pointed ahead with his wing.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Diamond ran to the edge of the ship and grabbed an enemy unicorn she spread her wings and dived off the side of the ship, pulling the unicorn with her.

He thrashed around and tried to get out of her grip but it was no use, Diamond let go and watched him plummet towards the ground. She quickly flew back to the deck of the ship and sliced off the head of another crew member on her way. The enemy crew were being over run and quite a few of them dropped their weapons as they knew there was no chance they could win.

Diamond grinned and sheathed her katana, only to grab her shotgun, just in case she needed it.

"You three, search below deck and bring up anything of value." She said, pointing at three of her crew members who nodded and ran to the hatch that led to the hull of the ship.

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"Storm, got it." She said with a smile. She watched him begin to walk and she began to fly off after him, laughing when he facehoofed. "Yes, i need a few parts for a new project i'm working on. I'm so excited to finish it!" She said happily, finally caught up with the colt. "Thanks for showing me where to go. Uhm, if you wouldn't mind, i'd love to find a bar after visiting the shop. I would love a drink, and ill buy, as payment for showing me around." She added, smiling at him.

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Rambler nodded at the old stallion.


"Alright, can you show me where they'll be?"


Loaded Dice took out a map and scribbled on it.


"There. That's where you need to strike them if you want to catch them off guard."


Rambler thanked him and headed back upstairs. He ordered a whiskey and sat down next to Firewhip.




"Well, that's taken care of. I hope I haven't missed too much." 

 "Nothin' much Captain" Firewhip took a swig of his mead.


"Those two uglies just had a bout but nuthin' impressive" he said pointing to a stocky grey colt in a black bandana and eyepatch. Next to him was a skinnier orange stallion with a grey goatee and a cutlass swinging at his side. They both eminated sour attitude and smell. "When did the mares here become so unbecoming?" Firewhip spoke into his mug eyeing a portly barmare.


 Firedancer had only been there a short while and found herself in trouble. Most unfortunate for her a stallion she had screwed over in Mustangia had been visiting friends in Trotuga. "You! You wench!" he had called from acroos the street, causing ponies to turn thier heads "Your the evil harlot who stole my gold pocketwatch!". She stopped what she was doing and looked up in surprise.

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Harmonic put away his axe, turning as the three - now headless - bodies infront of him flopped to the floor. 

He walked over to Diamond and stood by her, not saying a word. He reloaded his pistols, and simply waited as he looked around the ship for signs of any danger or valuables. 

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Storm smiled as they continued down the market street enjoying the hustle and bustle of the towns ponies as they went about their normal daily routines. "Heh you don't need to pay me Tink it was a pleasure to help you out I mean we are on the same ship after all we should look out for one another." Storm chuckled as they reached the shop and Storm stopped to hold open the door. He might have been a thief but that didn't mean chivalry was dead.


(OOC: going to bed now night all)

Edited by storm-fire
  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Tink smiled and nodded at his comment. "Can't stop me. I insist." She said with a laugh. She noticed him grab the door and open it for her. "Why thank you my good sir." She said with a chuckle, now giving him a half bow. She flew into the shop and landed, kicking off the slip on her foot. When she did that, the engine in her wings kicked off and her metal wings folded back. Now on her feet, she stretched a bit before veginning to limp around slowly. Her eyes were bjg with joy as she admired the different parts and gears displayed all around the store. "Propellers... propellers.. propellers..." She muttered to herself as she limped around, looking left and right. "Ah geeze Storm, you gotta watch me, or i'll end up buying everything."

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Copper stamped his hoof angrily on the dock, he pulled an ornate fob watch from his coat pocket, nearly an hour had passed. Copper could think of nothing that could hold up an Imperial ship for that long. He squinted he eyes, peering out over the horizon, his brass goggles magnifying his vision, but the only sips he saw were coming from the wrong direction, and they were clearly not Imp vessels, probably some ruffian independents trading more stolen property from one boat to the other. Copper growled, the ferry must have skipped Trotuga this week, it wasn't exactly the most popular destination after all. He decided to go by the small port market and get some food before retiring to the shady inn he was staying at. The market street was slightly crowded, but most of the population were in the bars, getting drunk and gambling away their earnings. Copper sighed, accepting that he would have to tolerate this for another week.


Copper stopped at a small shop with mechanical gadgets and pieces hanging in the window, he decided to go inside, after all he needed to find some pieces for the very special watch of his. He ignored any strange looks from strangers eyeing his goggles, he'd grown used to it over the months since what had happened in Manehattan.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Firedancer retreated quickly as the stallion approached her "You better have coin in your purse or I'm going to teach you a lesson you won't forget soon" he growled.


  She sneered and reached for her hoopblade then stopped "I left it on the ship..."she thought. "Now now...a gentlecolt such as yourself wouldn't harm a pretty filly like me...right?" she backed up, her eyes darting around for an easy escape. Passerbys paid them no attention as they were used to scenes like these unfolding in Trotuga. So doing the only thing she could think of, Firedancer bucked the stall next to her over, spilling the wares between her and the stallion. Taking his momentary surprise as an opening, she turned and galloped away, knocking ponies over and leaving angry colts and mares in her wake.


"Get back here!!!" he yelled.

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"Those two uglies just had a bout but nuthin' impressive" he said pointing to a stocky grey colt in a black bandana and eyepatch. Next to him was a skinnier orange stallion with a grey goatee and a cutlass swinging at his side. They both eminated sour attitude and smell. "When did the mares here become so unbecoming?" Firewhip spoke into his mug eyeing a portly barmare.


Rambler chuckled and took a swig of his drink.


"Don't worry Firewhip, there are much fairer lasses to be found on Trotuga, but now is not the time for that. First the whiskey, then the mares. Once we're good and drunk, I'll take you to a place that has mares so beautiful you can scarcely believe your eyes."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Goldseek sat in the rain as the rest of the crew searched the new ship. He couldn't care to get up, they seemed to have is under control anyway. He drew his scimitar and looked at it, making sure it was sharp enough to take out somepony if needed. He had nothing better to do.

  • Brohoof 1
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(Internet cut out last night... sorry)


Fiera quickly flew onto the enemy ship and instantly went below decks to find anything of use. Mostly gold and jewels from typical raids or pillages. A few weapons here and there. But the true gold was at the lowest deck...


Fiera could never have seen a prettier sight. Probably hundreds of crates of spices! Wouldn't this sell for a hefty price at Trotuga.


Fiera returned to Diamond and smiled. "Lower deck, crates of spices. I think it was luck that these idiots followed us with such valuables."

  • Brohoof 1

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Aye" Firewhip raised his mug in appreciation.


"So...Captain Rambler? Do you have a particular goal in mind or do you just sail around pillaging? My sister and I well...we came from a travelling gypsy caravan. She's never seen the world like this." he had a slight worried tone " I, on the other hoof, love this life. Adventure and suspense...flying ships and battles! Maybe one day once I take on a few years of expierience, I can captain my own ship."

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Rambler thought about his question for quite some time before he answered.


"Well... I don't know if I could really say I have a goal, but I just love to travel, especially on airships. I guess I don't really want anything else in life but that. And I think you could make an excellent captain someday." 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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(@, newest crew member of you're ship: Dinghy Dank Donkey)


Dinghy sat in the galley of the Vermilion Sky, snacking on some hardtack dipped in coffee while tinkering with his broken pocket watch that he had busted a fortnight ago.  The donkey had not gotten an opportunity since to fix it, and took advantage of what he thought was a calm moment to do so.  However, in the midst of his tinkering, he heard the loud, thunderous BOOM of lightning firing from the ship's helm!


"Blimey!" Dinghy cursed, "Jus' when I found the time to fix this bugger, we go guns 'o blazin!  What's goin' up there?"


The adventure-hardened donkey bolted up from his table, spilling his coffee, and hastily galloped his way out the galley and above deck.  Upon going topside, Dinghy gazed across and off outward toward the opposing ship, where he briefly saw Captain Light Diamond and Harmonic on it's deck, among a hoofful of bodies.   He grimaced, but was generally more confused than anything else.  He trotted out onto the deck, with his hoof pistol drawn.


"Aye, what a bloody mess."  He exclaims to himself.


If you wanna see, go on and tear it outta me!


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(OOC: @@Halfblood, Welcome to the crew.)

(Internet cut out last night... sorry)


Fiera quickly flew onto the enemy ship and instantly went below decks to find anything of use. Mostly gold and jewels from typical raids or pillages. A few weapons here and there. But the true gold was at the lowest deck...


Fiera could never have seen a prettier sight. Probably hundreds of crates of spices! Wouldn't this sell for a hefty price at Trotuga.


Fiera returned to Diamond and smiled. "Lower deck, crates of spices. I think it was luck that these idiots followed us with such valuables."

Diamond nodded and pointed at four more of her crew members. "You four, Go down below deck and help the rest bring up the spices in the meantime I will-" She was cut off as an enemy crew member jumped out from behind some barrels and ran at her with a knife.

Diamond lazily pulled her shotgun from her back and fired at the crew member with a big burst of flames.

The crew member screamed as the bullets entered his chest...that, and he caught fire.


(OOC: For those of you who don't know...Diamond uses incendiary rounds.)

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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(OOC: @@Halfblood, Welcome to the crew.)

Diamond nodded and pointed at four more of her crew members. "You four, Go down below deck and help the rest bring up the spices in the meantime I will-" She was cut off as an enemy crew member jumped out from behind some barrels and ran at her with a knife.

Diamond lazily pulled her shotgun from her back and fired at the crew member with a big burst of flames.

The crew member screamed as the bullets entered his chest...that, and he caught fire.


(OOC: For those of you who don't know...Diamond uses incendiary rounds.)

(OOC: I hope you're talking to me... xD)

Goldseek sighed. "Yes ma'am" He was having a nice rest. He stepped onto the second airship, which he suspected was a trader ship, and walked below the deck. He came back up to the deck with a barrel of spice. He couldn't help but grin when he saw the pony on fire. Pirating was always going to be what he was best at, even if he did other things sometimes.

Edited by ~Regular aRegularPony~
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Harmonic grinned as Diamond swiftly took care of the crew member and his stand-alone bravery. Walking over to the captains cabin, he bucked the doors open forcefully, causing one of them to fall off. He then trotted in the room, levitating his pistols at the ready. He searched around for a while, finding nothing...


"Captain Diamond, ma'am...where's the captain of this vessel?" He shouted over to her.

Edited by Creeping Dusk
  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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"Is he not there ? Hmm...You." She pointed at an enemy pony by the edge of the ship. "Y-Yes M-ma'am ?" He said, looking at Diamonds hooves. "Where's your captain ?" She asked, approaching the pony. "He's...I...I d-don't kn-know ma'am." He said.

"Well that's no good now is it." She said, looking away from the pony. "OI...Captain whoever you are. If you can hear me. I want to tell you that I am going to toss every single one of your crew members over the edge of this ship...if you don't show yourself Now." She called.

When nothing happened, Diamond smiled. "Toss him over." She said, pointing at the pony by the edge of the ship.


(OOC: I actually never thought about the captain...anyone got any ideas ?)

  • Brohoof 1

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