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open Pirate Adventure Rp! (Steampunk Edition)

Alex Kennedy

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He nodded, but didn't say anything immediately, still rummaging around inside his cloak.

"My herbs. Plant leaves, roots and various other kinds of natural ingredients. I bought them before I went to the weaponsmith. How i'm supposed to make poisons without ingredients I don't know."

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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He nodded, but didn't say anything immediately, still rummaging around inside his cloak.

"My herbs. Plant leaves, roots and various other kinds of natural ingredients. I bought them before I went to the weaponsmith. How i'm supposed to make poisons without ingredients I don't know."


Diamond raised an eyebrow. "Poison ? Why would you need that ? And I don't see it here...you don't think somepony stole it do you ?" She asked, kneeling down closer to the floor to look under one of the beds...but to no luck. She stood back up and looked over at Harmonic.

Something something something something


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"Grenades and weapon coating. I've been researching - I thought I might try and expand my talents if...if...*gulp* if i'm going to be a...pirate." He looked back at the empty room and sighed "I paid a lot for those too..." 'Dear Celestia...i'm going soft' he thought and laughed to himself. "No matter ma'am, it'll save 'till tomorrow. You shouldn't need to concern yourself with things like this. I'll go and...I guess buy some more tomorrow."

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Fiera woke up on the ship. Apparently she had fallen unconscious from all of that stout drinking in the tavern. She noticed a few male crew members huddled around her and doing... very uncivil things. Fiera quickly covered up herself and scolded the crew members. "You could at least go to the decency of asking me! I might agree to it, you never know" she said before getting up and leaving with her clothes in hoof. She came to a secluded area and put her clothes back on. "Perverts for a crew..." she mumbled to herself.


She headed above deck, hoping they would leave this place soon enough. It was much more fun knowing you had a chance at death when jumping around the ship.

Edited by The Original PWD
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Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Grenades and weapon coating. I've been researching - I thought I might try and expand my talents if...if...*gulp* if i'm going to be a...pirate." He looked back at the empty room and sighed "I paid a lot for those too..." 'Dear Celestia...i'm going soft' he thought and laughed to himself. "No matter ma'am, it'll save 'till tomorrow. You shouldn't need to concern yourself with things like this. I'll go and...I guess buy some more tomorrow."


Diamond shook her head. "If its not here. Somepony must have stolen them. And I am not going to let you just buy more. We are going to find out did it...it has to be one of the crew members unless we have a stowaway." She said, looking around the room.

She heard Fiera's slightly angry voice coming from down the hall but couldn't make out what she was saying...so Diamond ignored it and waited for a response from Harmonic.

Something something something something


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"Well, you do have a knack for being right about these things. I don't trust half this crew though, and the other half are too scared of me to even give me a passing look...I did fall asleep in the med room though. Never even crossed my mind to check them then."

He limped over to the ladder, standing right beside Diamond. "I guess you heard her too? Any idea what she said?"


Stop talking so much...you'll start getting distracted... He thought to himself, getting edgy about just how much he had been talking recently, there were so many things he was doing that just didn't fit in with his normal personality right now. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Goldseek sat on the deck, too tired to do anything of worth, but not tired enough to get some sleep. He had heard talking below deck, but hadn't been able to make out the words. He decided it probably wasn't important anyway. He looked across at the navy ship. How did he not notice that earlier? Half the crew of that thing must spend all day trying to clean it.

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Rambler could tell she was nervous. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything. He tried to correct his mistake.


"Are you sure? I mean I understand if you're not ready. I don't want to force you into anything you don't want to do." 


Rambler looked into her eyes and waited for an answer.

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Rambler could tell she was still nervous and tried to figure out what she was trying to say.


"What is it? Wait, are you... you're not... oh. I understand. Don't worry, I meant it when I said we don't have to if you're not ready. Especially now that I know. I understand that this is a really big deal for you. 

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(OOC: By the way, I'm laughing like mad)


(That means I'm doing my job.)


Rambler sighed, not really knowing what to say.


"I... it's okay, really. I didn't realize you were... that you've never... you know. We don't have to do this. In fact, I don't want to do it unless you're completely 100% sure that you're ready. Don't worry about me, this is about what you want, and whether or not you're ready for this."

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Rambler sighed.


"I... it's..." He trailed off, not sure what to say. He really wanted this, but at the same time he was completely sincere and meant everything he had said. He sighed again.


"I... I don't want you to just think you should be ready. I want you to know you're ready. If not, I can wait. You're definitely worth waiting for."

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Diamond shrugged. "Maybe we should go find out." She said, walking towards the ladder that led up to the deck.

She climbed up and looked around. "Fiera...what were you so angry about ? Harmonic and I heard you from all the way down the hall." She said, trotting over to her.



Ignore this

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Rambler really didn't know what he should say or do in this situation. Things were getting seriously awkward now. 


"You don't have to thank me, it's okay, really. I know you're nervous, and I want to make sure you're first time is perfect. If you're not ready yet, then I don't want to push you into anything. Just... I want you to know that whenever you're ready, I'll be here waiting for you."

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(*wink wink hint hint*)

(I'm not really sure what you mean by that.)


Rambler sighed. He could wait. She was really special, and there were no doubts in his mind that she was worth it.


"Alright, well um... good night. I love you, Minath."


With that, Rambler closed his eyes and waited for sleep to take over.


(Unless there's something else you wanted to say/do, I'm time skipping to morning.) 

Rambler woke up fairly early, as he generally did when he wasn't hung over. He felt the warmth of Minath's soft body next to him and smiled. It had been far too long since he'd woken up next to a beautiful mare, and the one he loved more than anything at that. He just laid there and watched her sleep for a while, entranced by how calm and peaceful she was in her sleep. When he finally got up, he was careful not to wake her. He got dressed and started making breakfast. It probably wouldn't be long before she woke up, and then they would head back to the ship.



Gladius woke up at the crack of dawn as usual, and performed his usual training exercises on the practice dummy in his room. After two hours of this, he sheathed his sword and headed out.

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"Well, you do have a knack for being right about these things. I don't trust half this crew though, and the other half are too scared of me to even give me a passing look...I did fall asleep in the med room though. Never even crossed my mind to check them then."

He limped over to the ladder, standing right beside Diamond. "I guess you heard her too? Any idea what she said?"


Stop talking so much...you'll start getting distracted... He thought to himself, getting edgy about just how much he had been talking recently, there were so many things he was doing that just didn't fit in with his normal personality right now. 

(OOC: Ignore my last post.)


Diamond shook her head. "I don't know...but I am very tired so I am going to go get some sleep...goodnight Harmonic." She smiled at him and made her way up to her room, where she got out of her clothes and climbed into bed.


The next day she awoke earlier than the rest of the crew...as usual. She made herself a cup of tea and sat down to read a book...something about cannons.




Rain awoke on the floor next to his bed and stood up. He brushed himself off and got on his clothes. The rest of the crew seemed to still be asleep so it must have been early. He walked out of the crew's quarters and after some searching he found the kitchen where he made himself some breakfast.

Munching on a piece of toast with jam he walked up to the deck of the ship.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Minath woke up groggily, and reached out for Rambler. Not feeling warmth, she figured he must be up. She got out of bed and was about to put on her cloak when she realized she didn't need it anymore. she went and only brushed her teeth, but left her name. She would get to that later.


Smelling breakfast, she groggily sat down and asked "What you cookin?"

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Rambler was glad to see Minath was up. He trotted over and gave her a quick kiss.


"It's oatmeal. That's what we usually have on the ship, so I figured you might as well get used to it. It's ready, I was just keeping it warm until you got up."


He poured two bowls of oatmeal and passed one to her, along with a spoon.


"About last night... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even brought it up. If I'd you were... I wouldn't have asked. It's up to you when you know you're ready."

Edited by Alex-Kennedy

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Minath wrinkled her nose at the oatmeal, but started eating it anyway. She nearly spewed when Rambler mentioned last night, but quickly covered her mouth with a napkin quickly.


"It's okay. It's only natural, we being together so long and such." Minath said, then filled her mouth with more oatmeal

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Rambler shook his head.


"I know it's uncomfortable, but I just wanted to get that out of the way. We're in such a great place in our relationship right now, and I don't want anything to change that. If we... yeah, before you're ready, it could change everything, and I don't want that. We can move as slow as you want to."


Rambler finished his oatmeal.


"Anyway, we should probably head over to the ship."

Edited by Alex-Kennedy

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