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private MLP Forums : The Lurkers (Roleplay)


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And so it begins!

Hazmat woke up on the cold ground of the locked building him and four other non lurker members had been sheltering in. ''Rise and shine, guys.'' Hazmat said as getting up and pulling out a small photo of him and all of his friends before the outbreak from his pocket. 2 had disappeared  3 had left the forums before the outbreak, and he knew his best friend had been infected. A small tear rolled down his eye, but he quickly wiped it. ''So, what now?'' Hazmat asked as he tucked the photo back in his pocket.

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"Well. I figured we could sit here awhile, maybe recount the ammo to see if the pixies are stealing it, braid each other's toenails..." Face-to-Face Manface was probably the craziest of the group. He spent most of his time watching Garry's Mod videos on his PDA.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Jdor11 got up and looked around at the cold grey room they were in, he took the Samurai sword from off his back that he luckily always kept next to him in case of trouble, looked as if he needed it for once. "Well seeing how are supplies are low, and well being in a cold dead room like this is super depressing i think i am willing to take a risk." Jdor11 gave a small half insane smile to himself and thought about all the action he liked that was just waiting out-side

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PDS sat in the corner sniffling. She still couldn't get over the lurker outbreak. She still had her creepy trove of printed photos of members stash of old avatars that she had used, and it made her sad to look at them. She couldn't help but wish things would go back to normal.

Edited by PinkieDaShy
  • Brohoof 3


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''You watch way too much of that G Mod stuff, bro.'' Hazmat said while rolling his eyes. ''Why don't you watch SFM animations instead? They're way better that G Mod.'' Hazmat said. He looked over to Jdor11. ''Where did you get that sword?'' Hazmat asked. ''Nobody ever even told me that you got one. Ah, well. We should probably see if we can scavenge anything from Roleplay World.''  

Edited by Hazmat Headcase Hero
  • Brohoof 1
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Jdor11 looked at the sword, "It was a gift!" Jdor11 said in a stern manner, getting up he walked over to the only door in the room, putting his head to the door he listened for anything... Silence... "Well from the sounds from the outside were safe for now..." Jdor11 still looked at the door, and thought about going, he didn't like being cramped in small places for long amounts of time. 

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Pinkazoid was still asleep, she was a lazy fat ass like that.


Pinkazoid woke up from her eternal slumber, or so it was called. She looked around at the other members, those who'd survived this, or who were just too stubborn to leave. She herself had promised she'd remained no matter what, that included all of the past events, such as the trolls who'd occasionally burn down villages, the butthurt fans who'd raged through the forums, and certain other events that made her wonder *OH GOD, WHEN WILL I LEAVE THIS BLOODY PLACE???* She remained silent nowadays, perhaps too silent, maybe she was slowly turning into a lurker without her knowing, she wasn't aware, she wouldn't even care, most of her closest friends, those she held dear, had either left, or been turned into Lurkers themselves.




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''Good morning, Zoid.'' Hazmat said as he picked up a baseball bat for defense. ''You better get ready fast. We're planning on scavenging Roleplay World for ammo and supplies.'' He said while peeking out the door. ''Oh shit. There's at least a dozen of em' out there.'' Hazmat said while he quickly shut the door. ''Are we gonna do kamikaze or what? We don't have much of a choice. We can either stay in here and end up eating each other, or we can go out there and at least not have the rumblies.'' 

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"'morning...ehh....you" she said struggling to remember his name, who would of guessed, so much time with them, and she could hardly even remember their names, there wasn't much need to remember them, they'd understand when she referred to them as "you" anyways. "Eh I don't know, some of us have been putting quite some weight" she said eyeing everyone on the room "Besides, Cannibalism is JUST the 7th step to losing your sanity" 

Edited by Francis Sparkle




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"If thats the 7th step then i dont want to know what the 1st one is!" Jdor11 said looking at everyone else supisously, "well we really don't have much of a choice here anyway, we might as well risk it, besides with your gun and my Samurai sword we should be fine!

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''Well, I'm pretty sure I'm on step 6.'' Hazmat said. ''Now, are we going or what? We can't stay here foreve- You know, I'm just going to stop nagging.'' He said as he gave up on being able to get crush some skulls. ''So, this is fun. Real fun.'' Hazmat said sarcastically as shrugging.

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"I could probably hit a few of 'em from here with that rifle we got a week ago. Thin the ranks, eh? Hold on hold on wait wait wait. Is that Vicke? Gimme a sec!" Manface grabbed a suppressed rifle from the wall, sighted the Lurker, and blew its head off.

(For the record, I look like my avvie.)



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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"FIIIIINE, Pinkazoid shall help" she said in that odd 3rd person way she started using as soon as the outbreak happened. She put on one of the Mod's armor, the only sort of protection against the lurkers. "Hey, I wonder, what did happen to the rest of the Mods?"




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''Nice shot!'' Hazmat complemented while grinning. ''Oh, damn! I see more! Huh, I don't know who an of them ar- Ooo! I found Muffin Thief! Can I borrow that rifle?'' Hazmat said while grabbing the rifle and shooting the lurker Muffin Thief. ''They probably left as soon as this started. At least they were smart enough to leave while they cou- Wait, I saw Zalgo. Gimme a minute.''

Edited by Hazmat Headcase Hero
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"Dont worry i got Zalgo!" Jdor11 said walking out to Zalgo, taking his Samurai sword he swung downward splitting Zalgo in half, suddenly he was surrounded by lurkers, "Well... Damn..." Jdor11 said to himself, taking his samurai sword he defended against the lurkers like a master, "Could use some help here!" Jdor11 shouted to the rest of the group.


(Ladys and gentleman i introduce you to pony hell.... LET THE GAMES BEGIN!)

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''WHY DID YOU WALK OUT THE DAMN DOOR!'' Hazmat yelled as he ran outside and grabbed his baseball bat. ''Why can't you just swish your sword from the windows!'' Hazmat said while hitting a lurker in the head. ''Oh well.. What happens happens. Lets jut try to not get screwed over and become lurkers.'' 

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"hey it's not my fault that melee weapons have no range!" Jdor said slashing another lurker right through, "ya! take that you zombie things!" Jdor11 did a little twist and slashed all the lurkers around him, "well that takes care of that problem for now!" Jdor11 luaghed, but soon saw more around him, "well guess i'm not done yet!"

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"Oh my god you're both idiots. Well you can both just stay out there for all I care. Serves you right for going outside like a couple of weetods." The others looked at him like he was insane. He was insane. "Fine! Jeez, don't get your intestines in a knot, I'm coming!" Taking his combat knives out of their sheaths, Manface waded into the crowd, slicing indiscriminately.

  • Brohoof 1



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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''Um, guys! Why don't you stop camping and help us out a little bit?!'' Hazmat said while crushing the skull of another lurker. ''Pop goes the member I never knew!'' Hazmat said as the lurker fell to the ground. ''So, how many of these are there? Like, 10,002? That's not so bad. I'm kidding, we're screwed.''

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"ya just about 10,000." Jdor11 thought about that for a second, "wow... thats a lot of members..."

suddenly a lurker came behind Jdor11 quickly taking the sword he smashed it through the lurkers head and pulled it out fast, looking around he saw a tall building that looked good as a safe room, "over there!" Jdor11 shouted and ran to the building. 

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''Uh, why can't we just lock ourselves back in here! It's not like lurkers know how to break down doors..'' Hazmat said while jumping through the window of the building they had previously stayed in. ''See? All better! Now we don't have to get ourselves killed for the sake of safety!'' 

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"ya well now the windows broken!" Jdor11 said looking behind him at Hazmat, "so.. ya, now we have to find a new base" Jdor11 said turning back around and running to the building he pointed out earlier.


(I feel like this wont last long, if no one else posts for like 2 days? i think we should just end this.) 

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