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Your opinions on background ponies


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Does anypony ever notice that we make up names for background ponies and that instantaneously becomes their favorite pony? Alright, alright, derpy with the eyes I can understand, and DJ Pon-3 with the pink sunglasses and being a DJ also. But really, we do this often, but from what I see, some (not all) other background ponies didn't really do anything special (I'm too lazy to come up with an example :P). I'm not saying this is BAD, I'm just saying that we do this with pretty much every background pony. Bronies who's favorite pony that is a background pony: please do not yell at me. Just please tell me your opinion on this. And if your favorite pony is a pony who didn't really do anything, please tell me why.


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Derpy all the way I love seeing her she's a really unique pony she's not like every other pony that is pretty much cookie cutter copies. With Derpy she's different with her eyes, her character and her voice. She can also always make you smile if your down. 

  • Brohoof 1



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I have never understood this either unless it's because fans can experiment with them and come up with personalities to fit each character because they aren't really developed such as Lyra. I think she's cute, but I don't get the "Omg she's my favorite!" deals.

  • Brohoof 2


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Tails incoming.

I enjoy a few background characters such as Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth due to interesting personalities and pasts that have been created for them by fans, but I still prefer characters who have been flushed out a bit more in canon.

Edited by DashForever
  • Brohoof 2
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I do like background characters(Vinyl and Cloudchaser are my favorites), but I think the fandom puts too much value in the BG characters. 


Last Round Up is the biggest offender of what I'm talking about, I was an awesome episode, and changing Derpy doesn't make it worse than it was before

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I don't think Derpy was nicknamed by Bronies. (I may be mistaken)




At around 1:50-2:00.

Rainbow Dash actually calls her Derpy.




I do like background characters(Vinyl and Cloudchaser are my favorites), but I think the fandom puts too much value in the BG characters. 


Last Round Up is the biggest offender of what I'm talking about, I was an awesome episode, and changing Derpy doesn't make it worse than it was before


They changed Derpy?

Explaiiiiiiiin. D:




Well, can't we just like ponies for being ponies?


  • Brohoof 2

No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
When you proclaim that all have their right to opinion, understand that you are placing this claim above their opinions.
Hypocrisy isn't a sin. It isn't rude. It isn't wrong. It isn't right.
It's how we live our lives, down to every word spoken.

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I have no idea why people do this at all. The pony playing the cello made a 10 second appearance and she's suddenly a favorite with a given name. Then there's the DJ pony that also had a brief couple seconds appearance, everyone liked her so they had her appear on Canterlot Wedding ending as well. From what I'm getting some people are re-watching the shows way too much to start getting attached to background ponies.


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I don't think Derpy was nicknamed by Bronies. (I may be mistaken)




At around 1:50-2:00.

Rainbow Dash actually calls her Derpy.





They changed Derpy?

Explaiiiiiiiin. D:




Well, can't we just like ponies for being ponies?


There's two different versions of Derpy, the normal one and the edited/censored one



Also Derpy only existed as a background character, but fans found an animation error and decided to run with it, which in and of itself turned out to be pretty sweet. And the staff acknowledged her in the Last Round Up, but at that point, I think the fandom was growing too attached

  • Brohoof 3
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There's two different versions of Derpy, the normal one and the edited/censored one



Also Derpy only existed as a background character, but fans found an animation error and decided to run with it, which in and of itself turned out to be pretty sweet. And the staff acknowledged her in the Last Round Up, but at that point, I think the fandom was growing too attached


Oh dear Lord.

They removed her derpy essence.

I am now going to choke a doll imagining it as the representation of Hasbro's moral management team.

No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
When you proclaim that all have their right to opinion, understand that you are placing this claim above their opinions.
Hypocrisy isn't a sin. It isn't rude. It isn't wrong. It isn't right.
It's how we live our lives, down to every word spoken.

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Who came up with the backround characters names anyway we call cloud chaser, cloud chaser ,we call derpy,derpy but who though of there names and how was it spread through the whole fandom ? 

Thats a good question I've always wondered that myself I think people just start calling them one name and ponies start picking it up cause they don't know the official name so we make up our own nick names for them.

  • Brohoof 1



Azusa Signature By the AMAZING Azura! Other Images by the amazing ~Chaotic Discord~

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I like to read some of the fan-made comics and stuff about background characters.  But I do think it is strange when someone says that their favorite character is one that has never had a line or really done much of anything on the actual show.  

  • Brohoof 2

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Does "Hot Topic" sell bootlegged merchandise?  I am wondering because I was there once and saw a Dr. Whooves t-shirt.  It said: "Trust me, I'm a Doctor."  And he had a sonic screwdriver.  I am not sure whether that was an actual Hasbro-Licensed item. 

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yeah but these names spread from different sources for exsample DJpon3, vinyl scratch. Docter Whooves, Time turner. so there is some conflict between the names  


I remember having a huge fight  with my roommate about TimeTurner's fan name should be written,Doctor Hooves or Doctor Whooves

I think its Doctor Hooves because Hooves already has the same pronunciation as Doctor Who-ves but to each they're opinions!

I also heard him being called Doctor Whoof among other names...


Does "Hot Topic" sell bootlegged merchandise?  I am wondering because I was there once and saw a Dr. Whooves t-shirt.  It said: "Trust me, I'm a Doctor."  And he had a sonic screwdriver.  I am not sure whether that was an actual Hasbro-Licensed item. 


I saw the same shirt on WeLoveFines,i think they have permission to sell them but Hasbro doesn't get the profit from the sales.

If anything,i think the company selling the merchandise pay for said permission.


Credits to Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I say that the background ponies come alive in other's fanfictions where people can make story about their favorite background ponies etc. I would love to a see a episode where they focus off of the mane six for once and give some of the background ponies an episode or two. Kind of like they did for Big Mac and Cheerilee!



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I guess I can answer this by saying that I have two favorite ponies.  My favorite background character is Octavia, while my favorite non-background character is Fluttershy.  If you asked me to choose between the two, I wouldn't be able to, because I see background characters and non-background characters as different and incomparable entities.  Do I prefer Octavia's design and the creations that she inspires in fanworks?  Yes, absolutely.  Do I prefer Fluttershy's personality (mostly because her personality is actually canon)?  Again, yes, absolutely.  I can't really say which of the two is more important.


Basically, it comes down to I enjoy how non-background characters are portrayed in the show, but I also equally enjoy the creations that have been inspired by background characters.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Yeah it's silly, but I love it!  B)   It's fun seeing what the fandom does with even the most obscure background ponies, and the one's that DO get significant air time have inspired some of the coolest fan content in the fandom.  So yeah, as for me, I love the background ponies, and always will, even if the love doesn't always make sense.  ^_^


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Not sure which one is my favourite, I like them all equally.


That being said I do rather like the fan portrayals of Doctor Whoove's, particularly those done by ponyinabox productions :)


What I find amusing is that often once the fandom has named a background pony and its stuck a bit, the actual animation studio adopts it even if its not officially recognised within the show.

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Does "Hot Topic" sell bootlegged merchandise?  I am wondering because I was there once and saw a Dr. Whooves t-shirt.  It said: "Trust me, I'm a Doctor."  And he had a sonic screwdriver.  I am not sure whether that was an actual Hasbro-Licensed item. 


Sorta, maybe. WeLoveFine put lot of effort is put into making sure the Doctor Hooves stuff passed legal muster (notice the slight name difference), because it's wandering all over both Hasbro's and BBC's properties. Neither corporation are known for excessive use of weaponized lawyers the way Disney is (although recent events may give you the opposite impression), so it's easier to get stuff approved.


Studio B has admitted that they use many fan-created names for labelling the background ponies in their storyboards, but they cannot use them in show because of legal issues. Some, like Derpy, had labels already but Studio B switched to the fandom names because they're more amusing.


As to how the fanon names came about, in the beginning it was just a matter of a single brony referring to a BC by a funny name and the rest of /b/ or other forum taking a shine to the name and running with it. Now there are wikis out there that have voting systems and whatnot dedicated to naming any BC that appears. In many cases the names are from the toys, or attempts to map the current BC with toys from older generations.


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Okay so now that this thread exists I'm going to say all that I can about the background ponies:


- I don't understand how the fandom gets so attached to the most abstract things so easily. This doesn't exactly apply to background ponies, but the memes that are created literally within hours from an episode that airs. Like the part of the song "Babs Seed" where the CMC are having milkshakes that spawned a million people to have heart attacks over that part. Things like that^.


Ok, back on topic....*ahem*


- Derpy? I can understand to an extent since she appeared several times in Season 1. I think it's a crime if you dislike her.


- Vinyl Scratch/DJ-Pon3? Not really sure where the rabid fanbase came from on her...yet that hasn't stopped her from somehow becoming a favorite of mine (I didn't start out as a fan of her or any BG pony, but for Vinyl Scratch...it just HAPPENED).


- Lyra and BonBon I almost understand the 'fandom' somewhat for them because they're basically a pair that show up constantly together in many episodes. The whole "Lya wants to be a human" bit from seeing her sitting upright for a few seconds is stupid, imho though.


- I don't understand Octavia x Vinyl Scratch. At all. They were never in any scene together, ever. But from what a friend told me it's "because opposites attract" that it is even a 'thing'....so I guess that's the best answer I'll get.


- Anybody else other than the mentioned above ponies I don't really give two hoots about.




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I don't see the appeal in background characters. I don't get how a character that has absolutely no personality or character development could possibly be someone's favorite character.

  • Brohoof 1



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I like bacground ponies i cant see why doctor whooves and derpy are famous (through I dont see the two toghther even if its the 12 personality of him) um I like lyra because of the fandom idea of lyra well some of the random ideas only her being a human lover and I write her id think she would be really active and emotinal with a fetish backed by the fandom interptation and what ive seen canon of her like her jumping running crying and having a smile that looks even bigger than pinkiepie

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