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open Living with Plesure-RP

Emerald Heart

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(OK, just to inform all of you this is a roleplay mainly about heirs and heiresses. There HAS to be some  non-rich ponies in this roleplay to. I don't want it just filled up with heirs and heiresses.)


I walked down the school halls of Ponyville High School. My two best friends, Ruby and Chrysanthemum  'Chissy'  for short. Next to my second arch-enemy, Rosie. We were the richest most popular girls in school.

Why is Rosie second you ask?  Well, Emerald. A totes unpopular-she is my #1 arch enemy. We used to be close friends in elementary. But after her parents died and ponies started thinking I was cool, we just grew apart y'know? Anyway she is a loser, and that's that. Rich ponies and poor ponies don't mix. It's like cats and dogs, you can't put them together or they'll start clawing at each other.

"...and then he's like 'Chissy! You and your friends gotta come to my party tonight.' Isn't that like, awesome Sun?" I wasn't listening, I just let Chrissie say my name over and over until she got burning up angry. "Sunset!" She yelled at me, I met her eyes. "Yeah?"  Chrissie glared at me. "I've been try-ing to tell you about the big party that Bullet invited us to this weekend. Me, you, Ruby." Ruby smiled and giggled. "Yeah, going to be totes awesome. So you think your dad will let you come?" I smirked at them. "You're kidding me, right? I am like-a heiress to his heir. Of course I can go!"  Ruby smiled, but then her smile fell. "Good, because that-like made no sense." I glared at her. "C'mon, let's just get to class."


Here are a few rules:







OOC Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/53518-living-with-plesure-ooc/

Edited by SellyBelly411




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Parso Incendiare arrived at the gates of the school

"I used to think going to a new school was crazy, but a new school in a different country, insanity"

Parso emigrated from Horsetralia (australia) recently

'time to get called "immigrant" over and over again, not to mention all the other racist remarks'

he stepped into the gates, and picked up his timetable from the front office

'room 14, where the bloody hell is that?...oh, its right in front of me'

he entered the class and noticed everypony staring at him

'....and here we go'

"miss, I'm new to this school and I'm in this class apparently"

the teacher pointed to an empty table, he sat down, looking obvious that he didnt want to be there

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria

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Sunset sat beside him, pretending to read her textbook, but inside there was a copy of PoNy BeAt!


The hottest magazine in all of Equestria. Ever since it had gone global, Sunset and her friends had been following fashion tips from PoNY BeAT!


For example, today-her sunset-colored mane was in a braid tied with purple bands. she had put on some eyeliner to make her eyes stand out more, and she had flung on some spikey at the tip pure gold bracelets.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Parso took note of a filly sitting beside him, she was reading a textbook, but one of the corners stood out that she was doing the old magazine in a book trick. inside his mind, he was smiling, but didnt show it. he leaned in to whisper to her

"letting you know, there's an obvious corner of the magazine poking out of the top, unless you wanna get caught"

he hoped she understod his thick accent, it shouldnt be too bad

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She barley looked up at him, then pushed the corner in so it wasn't seeable.

The gold braclets on her hoofs dangled, finally when she was done reading it she closes the magazine and placed it below her chair.

She flipped her mane, wich msde her golden braclets dangle.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Appletart looks up at the newly open school in Ponyville.

She walks out into the exterior gates of the school, and starts walking to the long hallway. She starts opening a new magazine, starts reading in the classroom. Putting down the magazine for a second. She starts to introduce herself to the teacher.

''Hello there, I am a new student named Appletart. I just transferred here from Manehattan, I can't wait to meet you all.''

She sits down in the front of the class.

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Sunset scribbled down every note she wss supposed to take. Some might think that populars were stupid, anf had bad grades, but no- Sunset couldn't bear the thought of failing. For pony's sake she thought a B meant she was failing. So yeah, all of her grades were A+.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Appletart writes down her notes for history but, holding a pencil in her mouth.

She starts rushing out of the classroom, after history is over. '' Now I better start making friends, like mom said I should do.''

She goes down the hallway, to look for the nearest classroom.

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Sunset grabbed her stuff and walked out the door, where her coltfriend Javelin was waiting for her. "Hey, babe." hey greeted. Though, Jav was cute and all, and the totes package. There was something in the way he greeted her that sounded like 'I just wanna go'

She just decided that she was imagining it and pushed the thought away, Sunset kissed Javalin on the cheek- which somehow made him rage. "Sunset! You know I hate you kissing me in public! It's embracing!" I tried to hide the hurt on my face as I walked off to my second period.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Parso left the classroom, he was bored, seemed Equestria's "land of opportunity" was just a phenomenon 

"I guess, I could at least have a go at it. maybe try the 'civil' thing and make a friend, that might increase my survival"

he trotted down the hall until he found somepony worth talking to



Appletart writes down her notes for history but, holding a pencil in her mouth.

She starts rushing out of the classroom, after history is over. '' Now I better start making friends, like mom said I should do.''

She goes down the hallway, to look for the nearest classroom.

"s'cuse us, G'day, I was wondering if you could show me where room 32 is?"

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Parso left the classroom, he was bored, seemed Equestria's "land of opportunity" was just a phenomenon 

"I guess, I could at least have a go at it. maybe try the 'civil' thing and make a friend, that might increase my survival"

he trotted down the hall until he found somepony worth talking to



"s'cuse us, G'day, I was wondering if you could show me where room 32 is?"

Appletart makes it to the next class that she has on her schedule. She walks near the classroom door, feeling very intimidated.

'' Room 32 is to the right of this classroom.'' Pointing her hoof to the right corner of where Room 32 is located. She steps into the classroom and sits at a desk.

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Chrissie passes the two, she bumps Appletart slightly, but says nothing of it. Chrissie just passed her an 'I'm sorry' look. And heads into class, which is the same room number as Parso and Appletart. When she sat down, she scanned the room. Ponyfeathers, no sign of any new gossip. Sunset and Ruby would kill her.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Parso sat at a desk, throwing off the occasional awkward glare from everypony else

'yeah, I'm new, big deal, dont need to remind me'

he looked around the room, no sign of excitement. he thought with the Equestrian aristocracy in this school, there would at least be a party or something

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"Hey, you new?" Chrissie asked Parso. "I'm Crisanthamum. But please just call me Chrissie." Chrissie was a natural when it came to getting intel. Most new kids assumed she was trusyworthy and told her a lot of stuff that she ended up telling her friends. She diddn't want to do it, but Ru and Sun would chew her out if she didn't have her daily intel.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"Hey, you new?" Chrissie asked Parso. "I'm Crisanthamum. But please just call me Chrissie." Chrissie was a natural when it came to getting intel. Most new kids assumed she was trusyworthy and told her a lot of stuff that she ended up telling her friends. She diddn't want to do it, but Ru and Sun would chew her out if she didn't have her daily intel.

Parso looked up and notced the filly sitting next to him

"yeah,I'm new"

he said with slight hesitation

'how many times do I have to say that by the end of the day....wait a minute, did she just introduce herself? thats different'

"I'm Parso Incendiare, but thats a long, complicated name so Parso will just do"

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"I know how you feel, Parso." She laughed at her own joke and smiled st him. "There is a party this weekend nd me and my friends are going, wanna come?" She secretly hoped he could. Parso was so different than other stalliols she had met. From what she could tell he was nice.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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 Right after getting out of the train, Lance took a glare at the small village that stood ahead of him. Ponyville. A simple little town, where no one cares to know about other ponies' life, unlike Canterlot City, where the unicorn population smashed the other two types. Compared to that obstreperous sea of roofs that Canterlot is, Ponyville sounded alot like a silent and quiet place to be.


"Time to go to... School. Ah, how exciting!" Lance declared mostly for himself, irregardless if any other pony had listened to what he just said.


  Trotting his way through the little village, he found the high school he was meant to get in. As he entered the campus, looking at the gorgeous trees that were planted here and there, he decided to sit down under the shade of one oak. Then, grabbing a book he had on a satchel, he took off his fedora and started reading. "The Romulus Legacy" was written in the cover of the book, in golden beautiful typography. It was the book of his family, and he was learning still about his past.


The sun was shinning and Lance stood under that tree, awaiting for the next class to begin, since he arrived there somewhat late.

~Nothing is sad. Everything is Friendship~

~I live to seek truth, not to reach it~

~Search for the ones who seek the truth, and run from the ones who know it~


http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/romulus-lance-romance-r2127http://general-sedivh.deviantart.com/ |

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"I know how you feel, Parso." She laughed at her own joke and smiled st him. "There is a party this weekend nd me and my friends are going, wanna come?" She secretly hoped he could. Parso was so different than other stalliols she had met. From what she could tell he was nice.

Parso smiled at Chrissie

"yeah, sure, name a time and place and I'll be there"

Parso noticed something about her, she seemed like his late fillyfriend who died of cancer only a month ago. just the thought of that seemed to wreck him internally, he hoped that he didnt physically show his sadness

"party sounds like fun"

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Parso smiled at Chrissie

"yeah, sure, name a time and place and I'll be there"

Parso noticed something about her, she seemed like his late fillyfriend who died of cancer only a month ago. just the thought of that seemed to wreck him internally, he hoped that he didnt physically show his sadness

"party sounds like fun"

"Saturday at 7:50, Bullet's house?"  She noticed his sadness, and didn't say anything. He probably did not want her to. Chrissie just gave him a concerned look and said "I'll text you the address, can I have your phone number? I'll give you mine." Chrissie took out a piece of paper and wrote down her number, below she wrote CHRISSIE with a smiley face next to it.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"Saturday at 7:50, Bullet's house?"  She noticed his sadness, and didn't say anything. He probably did not want her to. Chrissie just gave him a concerned look and said "I'll text you the address, can I have your phone number? I'll give you mine." Chrissie took out a piece of paper and wrote down her number, below she wrote CHRISSIE with a smiley face next to it.

Parso broadened up from his state and smiled when he saw the piece of paper slide towards him

"yeah, sure"

he grabbed another scrap of paper and wrote down his number on it before sliding it to Chrissie. he put her number into his phone's contact list

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria

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She took out her phone and enetered Parso's number in it. She put her phome back in her saddlebag and smiled at Parso. "I'll send you the adress on Friday. Most of these things are lame so it will be nice to see a familier face." She quieted down when the teacher came in.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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She took out her phone and enetered Parso's number in it. She put her phome back in her saddlebag and smiled at Parso. "I'll send you the adress on Friday. Most of these things are lame so it will be nice to see a familier face." She quieted down when the teacher came in.

Parso nodded in acknowledgement with a smile on his face. the teacher soon walked into the classroom and started the lesson

'she's a nice lass, barely even knew me and invited me to a party, maybe coming to equestria wasn't a bad idea after all' he thought 

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 Lance took out his pocket watch to see what time it was, and he watched in terror.


"It's... I'm... I'm LATE! This never happened to me! What is happening to me?!" He exclamated. Quickly grabbing his stuff, he galloped as fast as he could to get into the classroom.

  "Room 32... Hah, here we go!" He though to himself.


As he opens the door, he finds the teacher, looking with a somewhat surprised and annoyed expression at him.

  "Sorry for the abrupt interruption... I am kind of late, as it seems." Lance then turns to the class. "My name is  Romulus Lance Romance. I am an exchange student from Canterlot, and I am late for this class." He then sat down on a table in the front row of  the room.

~Nothing is sad. Everything is Friendship~

~I live to seek truth, not to reach it~

~Search for the ones who seek the truth, and run from the ones who know it~


http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/romulus-lance-romance-r2127http://general-sedivh.deviantart.com/ |

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Parso nodded in acknowledgement with a smile on his face. the teacher soon walked into the classroom and started the lesson'she's a nice lass, barely even knew me and invited me to a party, maybe coming to equestria wasn't a bad idea after all' he thought 

She scribbled every single note down that she had to, then turned back to Parso who was stillbtaking notes. Chrissie shrugged and took ouy soke scrap paper and began to draw. She was done with her notes, and Parso clearly wasn't by the way she saw him earasing.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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She scribbled every single note down that she had to, then turned back to Parso who was stillbtaking notes. Chrissie shrugged and took ouy soke scrap paper and began to draw. She was done with her notes, and Parso clearly wasn't by the way she saw him earasing.

'the work here was a lot different compared to the work back home' he thought as he rubbed out yet another mistake. he noticed Chrissie occasionally watching him


he eventually finished off the work he was supposed to do, and even quicker than expected

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