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open Discord Strikes Again [RP]

The Ponyville Critic

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Thresh wasn't exactly sure what to say.

"I'm in a forest, I think. I punched Discord hard after he slithered out of a tree, so yeah. Um, I thought King Sombra was destroyed! And what about the Crystal Heart? What happened to it? Did Cadence and Shining Armor get taken, too?" Thresh babbled.

Splash laughed ♪, but a noise could be heard that sounded like static.

"Why...no...ep...ger..." Splash's voice cut on and off like there was an interruption in the signal. Thresh and Missy's link began to fade.

"I'm in a giant pod of plants! Come find me!" Thresh's voice faded out. He almost panicked when he heard no reply, but he calmed himself down.

"Wait, what happened to Emerald and that pegasus, Luna?" he asked himself. He pushed a great deal of vines high above the trees to form a flag directly above his pod to make it easier for Missy to find him. He thought about what he knew about the two ponies and what was likely to happen to them. He hoped that they were alright, and that they had remembered to stick together.

But who was he, their mother? Of course they'd know what to do! They weren't stupid!

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy was surprised at the sudden loss of contact with Splash. "Splash! Splash!" She wasn't responding, she had to try and find Thresh, she had wondered where Luna and Emerald had gone but she didn't want to ask, she flew up above the trees, she couldn't find him, in panic, Missy used a spell to detect ponies, she saw a pony over near a neatly condensed pack of trees. "Thresh!" Missy called out. "Are you in there? Are you alright?"

Missy entered Thresh's "fortress" of plants.

"Missy, is all that stuff you said about you and Splash true?" Thresh asked.

"Of course it is, would i lie to you?" Missy retorted. "...and anyway, what was that about you saying i was 'the most outstanding mare'?" Missy looked at Thresh with one eyebrow raised.

"Hey, that's weird, you're my sister, technically. Thresh replied with a grin. "I meant it, anyway, you did save our lives, i wanted to ask, when you said that you are a descendant of Star Swirl, was that actually true?" Missy thought about that, for all she knew it was just something her mind had concocted, but she WAS dead, so... Missy was confusing herself now.

"I don't really know." Missy replied. "But we're getting bogged down, the elements of harmony are at Zecora's, let's go."

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-notices them and hides and silently follows them- Hmm.... -hiding in bushes- -thinks: Let's see what kind of info I can get from these two... Maybe I might find out about what in Equestria is going on right now?! I mean seriously! I'm clueless..... Oh forget it, I'll just go talk to them, maybe I'll gather more information talking to them, then I would following them.- -comes out of bushes- Hello, I am Xavier Silver-Lightning Drakor, I'm sure somepony knows me by the sites where I practiced my Silverstorm spell... Seriously.... Somepony has to have noticed those! They are right there in the open, see?! -points to a small black circle of smudge that blurs out in random areas as it expands- That's one of my marks..... Well, anyway, how are you? I heard you guys talking and I was hoping I could meet this "Zecora" character.... (I know who Zecora is but my OC doesn't.) So, what do ya say to that? Also, what's going on? Why do you need the Elements of Harmony? You see, I just came out of my cabin in the Everfree Forest just 27 minutes and 33 seconds ago! And counting!

Go Sky Army! Go Skydoesminecraft! (Or, SkythekidRS)

My fan OCs so far:

Xavier Drakor the Alicorn: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/xavier-drakor-r3103

Shadow-Wing the Pegasus: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-wing-r3830

Savier Drakor the Unicorn: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/savier-tundra-r3889

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"Erm, I'm...Thresh...although that's not my exact name. We're in a bit of a pinch. I thinkmthat Missy here...just...killed...Discord? We're trying to find...wait, how do we know we can trust you? Do you mind if I do a little test to be sure you're not....an evil?" Thresh said.

Before the pony could protest, Thresh's vines whipped around Xavier and held him fast to the ground. Thresh pressed his hoof against Xavier's forehead. The pony flinched. When he opened his eyes, he could see himself wearing a crown, perched on a pile of treasure.

"These will all be yours if you don't tell them what you see," a venomous, hissing voice whispered. The treasure began to rain from the sky; jewels, bits, crowns, gold, everything! A castle rose from the ground and golden gates surrounded his new territory. Everything he had ever wanted was available.

He saw his worst fear become nothing more. His dreams rolled forward. His family appeared. He had armies of millions at his command and nopony could stop him! He suddenly awoke as if from a dream to see that he was still tied up with plants before the two ponies he had met earlier.

"So," Thresh began. "What did you see?"

Edited by Luna Shy

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Oh I just can't stay here and wait any longer I have to find out where Thresh and Missy went ok sorry Emerald but you have to stay here with Zecora in case if while I'm finding them they might come back here so I'll see you later" Luna said as she left to find Tresh and Missy. "I wonder where they can be at well I have to look very carefully if I want to find them at all um where could they be at I wonder maybe they might be in trouble and I'm not there to help oh I really do need to hurry up and find them oh why am I so useless to everypony" Luna said really really worried about Thresh and Missy and hoping that they are ok and hoping that Discord didn't get to them at all. "I really need to hurry up its going to be my fault if I don't find them in time and hope that Discord didn't killed them or make them vanish like the reast of the ponies" Luna said hoping that she won't lose her two new friends and save all of the other ponies in need of saving and didn't want anything worst to happen to them at all because that would be bad.

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-thinks: Nice try... I'm a time traveler...-  I could see myself wearing a crown, perched on a pile of treasure.

"These will all be yours if you don't tell them what you see," a venomous, hissing voice whispered to me... Then treasure began to rain from the sky; jewels, bits, crowns, gold, everything! A castle rose from the ground and golden gates surrounded my new territory. I saw my worst fear become nothing more. Random dreams rolled forward. My family appeared.... Who aren't even born, me being a time traveler and all.... I had armies of millions at my command...

What really puzzles me is that hissing voice.... It seemed to trigger a volt of anger inside of me to the point of wanting to destroy the source! -horn glows silver as I pull off my enchanted satchel, pulled out something like a silver version of the Alicorn Amulet except the only gem inside it was a diamond lightning bolt, and put it on- -chuckles as my eyes flash silver- This is my family's ancient amulet... It increases ones abilities.... Anyway... Let's go get the elements of harmony so we can stop Discord!

Go Sky Army! Go Skydoesminecraft! (Or, SkythekidRS)

My fan OCs so far:

Xavier Drakor the Alicorn: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/xavier-drakor-r3103

Shadow-Wing the Pegasus: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-wing-r3830

Savier Drakor the Unicorn: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/savier-tundra-r3889

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Missy didn't know what to say after that last statement. He was a time traveller, she knew that there were spells in the Star Swirl section in Canterlot that could take a pony back a few days, but she didn't know that this would be possible, even in the future.

"So, when you say from the future, you mean from the actual future." Missy blurted out, he nodded. This completely changed Missy's understanding of Time spells. "IN any case, we have already stopped Discord, killed him dead." The stranger's mouth was open so wide The Friendship Express could fit through it. He was obviously surprised, or in disbelief, it was hard to tell when his words were failing him.

Also, we don't know if you actually represent an Element of Harmony." Missy said.

"Wait, Missy." Thresh put his hoof on her shoulder. "Even if we take this guy, we still don't have all the elements."

"Bear with me, we'll use Splash." Missy responded. "We'll save her."

"Bu.." Thresh tried to say something, but Missy already knew what he was going to say.

"Thresh!" Missy said in a clear voice. "We'll save her, alive. This didn't exactly inspire much confidence.

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"My sister has silver magic...Missy didn't know, but we found a cure a while back after ya'lls escapade (different rp) and her magic went from black soul, magenta mixed, to purest of silver. I haven't talked to her in a while to be honest, so I don't know what it does..." Thresh admitted.

He felt a pull on his end of his mental twin link.

"Just a sec...I'm getting a personal message from Splash...let me take this, sorry Missy, you won't be able to hear it..." Thresh excused himself. He opened his end of the twin communication.



"What's wrong with your voice?"

"Mi-i-iss comm-m-munication. I-t-t-t'll fix-x-x in a sec-c-c- there we go,"

"Are you alright? Why'd the link cut last time?"

"Disruption and interference. I'm fine. I think I can get out. Would you and Missy mind performing a Melgen Gate spell?"


"I already answered that question earlier. Just do it. Deal? I'll be over in a snap..."

"I still question your sanity, but okay..."


-connectioned ended.

Thresh trots back over to Missy.

"Um, Splash needs us to do something. It's a spell and curse she and I discovered some time back...it....requires a massive amount of energy, a retriever, and two powerful unicorns/magic wielders," Thresh asked.

"It requires what?" Missy asked.

"It needs somepony to go through the gate and retrieve the necessary item, or pony, and the two magics use their energy to sustain the spell. I'll start the spell, and all you need to do is catch the other end of the magical ribbon that will come from my horn. Xavier, do you mind going through the gate to get Splash, my sister? She's mint-green with maroon eyes and three colored hair. Her tail matches mine," Thresh replied.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Got it! -vanishes in a blinding light- -is at the gate and chuckles- Spells..... Anyway.... Time to look for Splash.... -flies in and thinks: time to get a birds eye view! -flies up several km- Hmmmm..... Dang it weak eyesight...... -is squinting- Well, time to look closer to the ground..... -flies down and zips all over the place in zigzag motions like a lightning bolt- Where is she?.... -is zipping faster than a plane- Come on! Where is she?! -looking all over as fast as possible- Huh? -finally finds her- Yes! I did it! -slowly lands and stops in front of Splash- Hi. Thresh sent me to retrieve you... I could tell in her eyes that there was something..... I don't know the word... Anywho, we should be going... Like..... Now... -is sweating- Come on..... -thinks: I wish I hadn't come here... I just need to hold out until the end.- We should go.... -starts walking and thinks: Wow... I hope I get out of this with my sanity still intact..... Anyway, I remember how I got here.... So I just need to get Splash and return her to Thresh.... Just got to get to that gate and warp us cause for some stupid reason, my teleportation spell isn't working!-

Go Sky Army! Go Skydoesminecraft! (Or, SkythekidRS)

My fan OCs so far:

Xavier Drakor the Alicorn: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/xavier-drakor-r3103

Shadow-Wing the Pegasus: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-wing-r3830

Savier Drakor the Unicorn: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/savier-tundra-r3889

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"Oh I really do need to find them and I hope that I'm not to late I am really useless right now if I can't even find Thresh or Missy at all at least Emraled is still at Zecora's house thats good and when we finally have sixs ponies together and we are all friends then we can save Fluttershy and my brother and all of the other ponies that we need to save from Discord then then I won't be as useless to anypony nah that last part of being less ueeless is a lie I will always be ueeless to every pony" Luna said still looking for them a little sad now that she still can't find them at all. "I can't give up now I have to keep looking for the or we won't be able to defeat Discord at all I just really hope that they are ok and safe from Discord right now that would be great for me to know sometime today" Luna wishing that everything will be ok for them and then she finally seas Thres and Missy but something stange was going on so she decided to go and find out what is happening. "So Thresh and Missy what are you doing. Luna asked.

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Missy learned the spell off of Thresh, it was a complicated one, but they managed to pull it off successfully, it was a big one and it took all of Missy's and Thresh's concentration just to keep it going. Luna showed up and started talking. "Luna, sorry for being so rude but can you please shut up?!" Luna sat down and didn't say another word. Missy started to regre... NO! she couldn't afford to feel emotions right now.

"This spell is hard, even with the two of us, i don't think i'll be able to hold it open for much longer." Missy shouted to Thresh.

"What do you mean, you're the personal student of Twilight Sparkle, surely you can manage a spell like this." Thresh shouted back.

"One thing you're forgetting is that i DON'T manipulate space on a regular bsis and i certainly don't use master-level spells like this." Missy replied back angrily. Suddenly, Thresh had a dash of inspiration, if he could get Missy angry, that might help them. "Missy, i bet it hurts to know that Twilight might be dead."

"Thresh, shut up!" Missy shouted back again, now even angrier than ever.

"Yeah, sure, you might say that you only wanted Twilight so you could overpower her, maybe you're secretly glad she might be dead." Thresh said cruelly. Missy's horn started glowing red and her appearance started to change. Her mane turned red and her coat turned purple, the power was immense, Thresh was overwhelmed with the power going into this spell now.

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Missy learned the spell off of Thresh, it was a complicated one, but they managed to pull it off successfully, it was a big one and it took all of Missy's and Thresh's concentration just to keep it going. Luna showed up and started talking. "Luna, sorry for being so rude but can you please shut up?!" Luna sat down and didn't say another word. Missy started to regre... NO! she couldn't afford to feel emotions right now.

"This spell is hard, even with the two of us, i don't think i'll be able to hold it open for much longer." Missy shouted to Thresh.

"What do you mean, you're the personal student of Twilight Sparkle, surely you can manage a spell like this." Thresh shouted back.

"One thing you're forgetting is that i DON'T manipulate space on a regular bsis and i certainly don't use master-level spells like this." Missy replied back angrily. Suddenly, Thresh had a dash of inspiration, if he could get Missy angry, that might help them. "Missy, i bet it hurts to know that Twilight might be dead."

"Thresh, shut up!" Missy shouted back again, now even angrier than ever.

"Yeah, sure, you might say that you only wanted Twilight so you could overpower her, maybe you're secretly glad she might be dead." Thresh said cruelly. Missy's horn started glowing red and her appearance started to change. Her mane turned red and her coat turned purple, the power was immense, Thresh was overwhelmed with the power going into this spell now.

(Sorry for controlling Missy, I had to meet the 800 character limit.)

Emerald looked down. And Aunt Redheart as well. Emerald didn't want them to see her cry. She turned her head to the side, crying at the thought at what Discord might be doing to her. No Emerald thought chocking her tears back. I will not cry, I need to help them. Emerald stood in front of Missy, her eyelashes were wet from crying. "He told you to back off, now back off." Emerald felt like punching Thresh, who did he think he was?  Causing Missy pain like this. What a flank. Emerald looked over her shoulder and saw Missy's eye's glowing red. "Calm down, please. Look at me Missy." Emerald begged at the poor unicorn that was being picked on. "Please, just calm down."  When Missy had, she turned back to Thresh. "Back off, you flank." She had not used such sharp words in the entirety if her life. Yet, she felt Missy's pain. Both of them were missing somepony they loved, and she could not stand somepony picking on Missy for that reason. Emerald gritted her teeth. "If you say anything like that again, I will personally kick your flank myself."




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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((This is what she looks like when angered))


((Thresh was making Missy angry so that she could tap into the hidden power to keep the Melgen Gate open. He wasn't being a douche for no reason, i should have clarified that. Also, Missy is an alicorn.))


Missy was now incredibly angry, but the spell was staying open and things were working out, at a cost.

"I appreciate the support, Emerald, but this is between me and my so-called brother, so stay out of it." Missy shouted rather rudely at Emerald, the Melgen Gate was still open, even while angry, Missy still wanted Splash to be OK, all of a sudden, Xavier and Splash came through the gate, the gate closed soon after that. Missy pounced onto Thresh very angrily.

"What the hay was that about? Do you want me to kill you or something?" Missy shouted at Thresh.

"I had to, we were about to lose the spell, i did what i had to." Thresh replied.

"Yeah, well you know that's not who i am, you know how much i love my teacher." Missy said as she hit Thresh in the face with her hoof.

"Missy, calm down." Splash said from behind her, Missy turned around, surprised to see her, Missy let go of Thresh and hugged Splash, she calmed down after that.

"Oh, Splash, i'm so glad to see you!" Missy said while her hooves were wrapped around Splash's neck.

Edited by WhoFreak97
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"Melgate, MELGATE!!! SPLASH! MELGATE!!!" Thresh screeched from the ground. He had a seizure before passing out.

"What the-?" Missy began.

"Thresh didn't tell you the side effects because he was afraid you wouldn't try the spell. He's going..going...gone,:" Splash confirmed.

Thresh faded from where he lay on the ground. Missy and the group looked horrified. Splash laughed.

"Don't worry. He'll be back. He just needs to follow our twin link through the Partial Life and find us again. He's fine," she giggled. "You should see ya'lls faces!"

"How long til he's back?" Missy asked.

"Dunno. Last time it took three years and a time spell. He appeared three years later and asked me to perform a time travel. Of course, he had appeared seconds after he had disappeared due to the spell I cast in the future, so I'm not really sure. We'll see," Splash replied.

"P-Partial Life?" Emerald gulped.

"Eyup! It's where ponies go if their not meant to die, but they overuse their magic until it eats their physical form, too. They normally get back," Splash cheerily responded.

((Nopony make Thresh appear! I'm saving him for something important!))

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy was as much, pleased to see Splash as she was horrified at what she had done to Thresh, it wasn't his fault, he was trying to help me, help all of us. Why didn't i listen?

"Splash, i'm sorry for what i did to him. I..." Missy stammered. Splash turned around and looked towards Missy. A forgiving expression on her face. "I know you didn't mean to do it, you were how shall i say this? Under the influence of dark magic. So to speak." Missy was just so glad to see Splash alright.

"Splash, how is Twilight, is she alright?" Missy asked desperately hoping for some good news.

"She... she was injured, before i came back here... King Sombra he... he intends to kill them."

Missy was shocked, horrified, Missy started panicking, she had to save Twilight, she had to help her friends, but she was useless, why couldn't she do anything.

"King Sombra?" Missy asked. "It's him behind all this?"

"I believe the blue one is correct, it is i behind everything." a mysterious voice said. Missy took a step forward. It was him, he was here, he would die, no matter the cost.

"King Sombra, did killing Discord finally bring you here to us?"

"No, i just got bored of waiting for you all. Sombra stated. "So i came here to have a little fun."


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(Sorry that it is manly Luna but I don't know what King Sombra will say if she said this to him) "King Sombra you give me back my brother and Fluttershy right now you hear me I want them back right now" Luna said angry about his plan of killing the real mane six and possible the others that he has. "No matter what we will find a way to save them from you so that our family and friends are safe especially Twilight, Pinke, Apple Jack, Ranbow Dash, Rarity, Spike, and Fluttershy and if you did anything to hurt them at all so help me we will kill you and you will never live to see another day do you hear me we will kill you when you least expect it will happen we will kill you trust me it will happen and I can't wait for that day to come either it's so close but also so far away to you should be happy that you won't die today or tomorrow but you will die when we have the power to kill you so you better watch out for that day for it will be your last" Luna said to King Sombra wanting him to leave them alone so they can think of a plan.

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((I will be controlling King Sombra, as i have a good grasp on how he would act))


Sombra got up really close to Luna and she fell backwards.

"Is that right, Luna?" Sombra said maliciously with a hint of sarcasm. "Well, maybe if you weren't so utterly useless then maybe you would actually accomplish something."

Sombra then turned to Splash, he looked at her curiously.

"...and there i was thinking that i had captured you, you're a slippery one, aren't you?" Sombra continued to rant on, he tried to take Splash again but Missy stood in the way and put up a protective barrier, stopping Sombra's attack. "You shall not have her again Sombra!" Missy shouted angrily at Sombra.

"I do say, i am impressed, student of the Princess, i think i killed her." Sombra said smugly.

Missy heard Sombra say that he killed Twilight, this made her extremely angry, she didn't even know if what Sombra said was the truth or not, but Sombra seemed to just make her angry, she started transforming into her 'influenced' self, eyes red, magic glow red, red mane.

But Sombra interrupted.

"Oh, that is funny, you can't use that power against me, i created it. He then levitated Missy by her chest and flung her into a tree. Missy went out like a light.

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"MISSSSSAYYY!!!!" Splash screamed. SIlver lights flared around Sombra.

"What the-?" Sombra said, confused.


With a burst of silver light, Sombra stood there, unharmed, but smoking.

"That was magic???" he laughed.

Suddenly, clumsy, shrewd wings burst from his back. They were heavy and full of holes, so they weighed him down. He couldn't even stand. Splash ran over to Missy.

"Oh...I know what to do!" Splash whispered. "Missy...it's not your fault Thresh disappeared. He chose to. We created the spell, remember? It just ate his body, not spirit. He might be watching us right now. I promise that he'll be fine. And I'll be sure that you are, too," Silver magic leaked from her horn, down her neck, and into Missy's ear. From her ear, it traveled to her brain. It filled it with hope, energy, and Splash's words.

"Let's just hope that did the trick," Splash said to herself. "It's worked before, so I don't see why it wouldn't work again."

Sombra ripped the magic wings off, hollering in pain.

"You foal! You cannot stop me with some stupid magic trick!"

"Magic trick? That was a curse. Have fun with your random events!" Splash shouted to him and promptly vanished, taking her friends with her to Zecora's. As she was disappearing, she saw a flower sprout from Sombra's head.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy awoke with a headache for what felt like the millionth time that day. She had a pain in her head and it felt like blood down the right side of her face. Missy was lying down next to Splash who was eagerly awaiting Missy's awakening.


"Oh great, did i die again?" Missy asked jokingly.

"Missy? Oh thank Celestia. Sombra did a real number on you didn't he?" Splash said to Missy, hugging her in relief that she was OK. Missy put her hooves over her face in shame, she didn't want to face the fact that even her strongest magic wasn't enough to stop Sombra.

"I'm not strong enough to face Sombra on my own. We'll definitely need the Elements of Harmony." Missy responded.

"Ah, you are awake, but it is not yet time to eat some cake." Zecora said. Missy was confused by this, who was eating cake? Missy got up onto four legs and stumbled a bit, Splash held her upright.
"I get it, Sombra is still out there and we need to defeat him." Missy said to Zecora.

"You may not use the Elements to fulfill your own ends, unless you first become good friends." Zecora responded.

"Missy, we all need to prove our worth to the elements, so far, none of us have done that." Emerald interjected.


((The characters are going to go on an adventure to the Crystal Empire, on the way there, they will meet certain challenges, challenges that they must face as friends.))


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(Will the challenges help decide our element to I wonder) "Missy your ok thank goddess, well now that we are going to the Crystal Empire witch I think that we were going to do that in the first place maybe we can start going there now" Luna said as she started to go to a train station that leads to the Crystal Empire. "So lets go everypony" Luna said as she remembered that Missy told her to not talk. "Ops I'm sorry Missy that I'm talking I'll be quiet now" Luna said to Missy. "Well I wonder if I am allowed to talk now well maybe not so I'll wright till I am allowed to talk again" Luna thought. *Well are we going to start going to the train to the Cristal Empir now and can I talk now I cant really spell very good at all so let me know when I can talk again pleases* Luna wrote then showed it to all of the other ponies that are there and hoping that she didn't miss spell to many words and that Missy will give her preemption to talk again to them so she can help them think of a plan for them to get to know etch other better.

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((That is the very idea. The challenges will allow all of the ponies to prove their elements.))


Missy simply walked up to Luna and gave her a big hug, she needed to apologize for being so rude to her earlier.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier, i was very angry and i wasn't thinking straight." Missy smiled at Luna and she

smiled right back. "So, The Friendship Express is at the platform, but with nopony to operate it, nothing will happen at all."

"You could always use a Come-To-Life spell, that might work." Splash suggested, it wasn't a bad idea, maybe it could work.

"Good idea, Splash, good thing we still have another unicorn around here to help with the magic side of things, ok everypony, all aboard!" Missy said. Everypony got on to the train. Missy started focusing really hard, the pain in the side of her head was still sore.
"Uugh, i feel dizzy. I think it's still bleeding too." Missy thought, she had to focus extra-hard because of this. She quickly jumped aboard the train, she galloped to the front. Everypony was there.

"Alright everypony! Full Steam Ahead!" Missy shouted.


((The train will break down a little bit from her due to a de-railing caused by Sombra. This will be a good way for Loyalty to tie into it.))

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Splash suddenly felt nauseous.

 "Thresh! He's coming back! He needs me to go again, though I just got here. I'm going to trade with him, because I know that he was originally intended to wield an Element. G'bye, Missy, Luna, Emerald," Splash hugged the group.

"You're...leaving?" Missy asked.

"Just for a bit. Thresh needs to come, and so we'll trade. I'll be back! Thank you, everypony!" Splash nodded.

 The silver magic on Splash's horn flared. She vanished and was promptly replaced by her twin, Thresh.

"Thank you, Splash!" he hollered. "So sorry that I had to go! Missy, I formally apologize for my terrible behavior earlier. Could you ever forgive me?"

Before Missy could answer, a large crunch sounded. The train shook.



<Meanwhile, with Splash Paint>

Splash ran hard and fast. She knew where she needed to go. The tricky labyrinth was only the start of her troubles. She dashed threw thorns, dragons, and a field of toxic chocolate. She almost lost it at the last one. She had to use magic wings for the second. She ignored the thorns, though.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Splash suddenly felt nauseous.

 "Thresh! He's coming back! He needs me to go again, though I just got here. I'm going to trade with him, because I know that he was originally intended to wield an Element. G'bye, Missy, Luna, Emerald," Splash hugged the group.

"You're...leaving?" Missy asked.

"Just for a bit. Thresh needs to come, and so we'll trade. I'll be back! Thank you, everypony!" Splash nodded.

 The silver magic on Splash's horn flared. She vanished and was promptly replaced by her twin, Thresh.

"Thank you, Splash!" he hollered. "So sorry that I had to go! Missy, I formally apologize for my terrible behavior earlier. Could you ever forgive me?"

Before Missy could answer, a large crunch sounded. The train shook.



<Meanwhile, with Splash Paint>

Splash ran hard and fast. She knew where she needed to go. The tricky labyrinth was only the start of her troubles. She dashed threw thorns, dragons, and a field of toxic chocolate. She almost lost it at the last one. She had to use magic wings for the second. She ignored the thorns, though.Emerald hugged him back.

"Are you sure you don't want us to come with you...we could...we...we could..." Emerald trailed off, and stared at the ground. Tears forming in her eyes, she just stood there. Not very sure what to say, one of her six friends was leaving. This kind of stuff was sensitive to Emerald, since she really didn't have anypony to take care of her. Not after her Aunt redheart was captured. Her aunt, the only reason she was calling these ponies her friends. The only reason she had bumped into Missy at the library, was all because of Sombra. Silently, she thanked him for this one good deed he had done. He had taken her Aunt, but in return he had blessed her with the magic of friendship. She hugged evrypony again, tears spilling out of her eyes like a geyser. "I-you guys are my best friends!" She squealed, smiling through her tears. "Please...be careful Splash Paint!" Emerald squealed with glee, but also with panic. She wanted her friend to be safe, but yet she was so grateful for her friends that, technically Sombra had given to her.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Splash disappeared and Thresh took her place. There was a loud crashing noise at the front of the train.

The train shook semi-violently.
"What was that?" Thresh asked. "Where are we?" Thresh was more confused than usual.

"We're on a train, that was probably just my Come-To-Life spell in action." Missy replied. "And yes, obiously i will forgive you Thresh, what is family for anyway. You had to do what you had to do. Oh, sorry for hitting you earlier as well."

Suddenly, the train jumped. "That's not supposed to happen." Missy said. She ran to the front of the train and saw King Sombra had put a blockade at a bridge, he must have been expecting them to hit it and fall off the bridge. "Everypony, to the back of the train." They started running, the train was shaking even more violently now. It was getting closer to the trap, Missy could sense it, suddenly, a piece of debris fell down from the ceiling and landed on Missy. She screamed out in pain. It wasn't too heavy but with the pain in her head clouding her mind she couldn't even manage a simple levitation spell.

"Guys, help me!" Missy shouted.


((They are going to jump off the back of the train with some help from the 2 pegasi in their team. Also, Loyalty will be needed her, not abandoning your friends to save yourself.))

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"Missy are you ok" Luna said removing the debris so that she can help Miss and see how badly that she got injured. "How did this happen and why is this happening and why is the train is going out of control" Luna asked helping Missy get up. "Well no matter what the problem is we need to see how badly injured that Missy is so that we know what she needs so that we can heal her with the right medicine if we have the medicine" Luna said looking at how badly she was injured and then started looking through her medicine bag to see is she has the medicine for Missy. "Oh it looks like I do have the medicine for you that's good for me to know and it seams that I have medicine of other thing to" Luna said as she took out the medicine from her bag and placed the medicine right beside Missy. "And if you don't want me to give you the medicine then you can tell me now so that I can be sure to know what you want to do with your injury and if you just want me to leave it alone that would be ok to so it's your choice" Luna said wondering what she will say.

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