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ooc What the Wasteland Hooves Out (Official OOC Thread)

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<Roleplay Thread Link>




The bar at the RADigator Club is dull and dreary compared to the intense dancing and grinding occurring on the dance floor just a few feet behind the counter. No one comes to the RADigator to drink anymore – only to get laid and take a few hits of Dash. Junkies, the lot of them.


Taking a swig of your beverage of choice, you catch the faint ramblings of an elderly earth pony on the far side of the counter. A dull puke-color, his missing ear and marred face make apparent the fact that he is a Wasteland veteran, someone not to be trifled with. At least, that is what he used to be. His crazed stories and obviously-hyperbolized memories make him nothing more than a thing of mild interest to anypony who needs a cheap laugh. But something he said has managed to catch your ears.


The stallion looks sadly into his long-empty cup and laughs dryly. “Yeah, who wanna lis’en to an ole drunk and his story anymore…no one, that’s who.” His eyes dart up from his drink and suddenly brighten with mischievousness and mirth. “Ah! Wait a sec, I saw you folks lookin’ this way. I saw your eyes; you wanna believe. You wanna believe in Haven, don’tcha?”


You look around your corner of the bar at the other patrons. All weary from a long day of surviving and scraping by, you wordlessly agree that a free story from a lunatic is just the way to relax and unwind. Turning back to the stallion, you all nod with varying degrees of intensity. Perhaps some of you believe his story more than others.


“Very well, then,” the stallion cracks his neck in a noisy manner and leans forward conspiratorially. “Lemme tell you all about the Light in the Dark, the Old World City, the Wasteland’s greatest secret: Haven. An entire city untouched by balefire bombs and bandits and all the shit of the wastes. Someponies say you have to truly believe in Haven for it to appear. Others say it can only be accessed from the sky. Most say it doesn’t exist, never did exist.” As the pony gains fervor, his drunken slur is replaced by the eloquent speech of a zealot. “But I’ve seen it! Seen it with my own eyes! Travelled there with the Red Roaders Caravan in my younger years. And I was smart enough to make a map.”


With no small sense of smug pride, the stallion produces a crumbling piece of rolled-up paper and unfurls it on the stained countertop. What isn’t indiscernible scribbles is smeared beyond hope of recovery or woefully inadequate and unhelpful. You can see a variety of locations on the map – Tenpony Tower, numerous Stables, even a couple of Wasteland settlements – and at the top of it all, placed like a king in the center-top of the map, lies a red ‘X’ with the word “HAVEN” written in bold letters.


“Tell ya’ what.” The stallion slides his empty glass down the counter and looks into each of your faces in turn. “An old git like me ain’t got no use for this map anymore. The last thing Haven needs is a bunch of raiders raping my corpse and finding a map to the city. So why don’t ya’ll take it off my hands?”


It seems too good to be true. Haven probably doesn’t even exist, but it would give you a reason to go out into the world and make your mark. And who knows? Perhaps the Light in the Dark really does exist.


As you reach for the map, the stallion slams his hooves onto it. “Oh-ho-ho, you ain’t gettin’ this fer free! I need something in exchange.” The stallion looks at all of your baffled expressions (what could this geezer possibly want for such a precious object?) then chuckles. “How ‘bout the map fer another drink? I’m feelin’ a bit dry here…”



Welcome to What the Wasteland Hooves Out, a systematic Fallout-style roleplay. In this story, you and your fellow adventurers will be scouring the width and breadth of the Wasteland for clues as to the location of Haven and will be the ones to decide the ultimate fate of the city (assuming you survive the journey, of course).


While you are the heroes of this story, you are not Vault Dwellers and Lone Wanderers. You are not invincible, you are not infallible  and if you make dumb decisions (or just have a run of bad luck) your carcass will decorate the wastes forever. Welcome to the worst future imaginable, population: you.


Prior knowledge about Fallout Equestria and/or the Fallout series is not required, but it would help. If you still want to join, check out the Fallout TV Tropes page (warning: spoilers abound!)





--- No godmodding. If you believe another use is godmodding, post a polite inquiry here. I will review the case and deliver my final verdict about the offending post. Which brings me to my next point...


--- The GM's word is law. If you don't like a decision I make, you may question it, but don't continue to nag and complain if you don't get your way. Crap happens in the wasteland, right?


--- No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus, alicorns, OR overpowered characters. A three-hundred pound walking Steel Ranger with three missile launchers and an auto-healing talisman is an instant no-go. Following rule 2, if your character does not fit the criteria then I will ask you to make any necessary adjustments. I don't think this will be an issue, however. img-1345643-1-wink.png


---Proper grammar/spelling/etc. There is no excuse for posts that look like a cat chewed it up and spat it out. The occasional slip-up is acceptable (no one is perfect, right?) but please be courteous to your fellow RP'ers and do your best to post clean sentences. Put your favorite color in your character profile's post so I know you read these rules, aye?


--- When you post your character profile, I will review it, quote your post, and post "ACCEPTED" or "REJECTED." Until I make that decision, you are NOT entered into the RP.


--- Try to be active. I understand that real life can get in the way (I will probably be most guilty of this, in fact), so just let us know if you will be missing for a while and when you are expected to get back. img-1345643-2-smile.png



Character Profiles:


Official list here!


Seeker, the griffon slave-turned-free with battle scars - played by Ghostpony


Alizarin Dawn, the ex-Steel Ranger Paladin - played by 00Pony


M4L1K (Malik), the Pegatron who enjoys a tune - played by UnitP0N13


Silver Heart, the plucky Stable medical mare - played by SilverHeart


Guardian Angel, the orphan raised by the Steel Rangers - played by Half-Note


Raptor, the Talon mercenary with no love for ponies - played by Alex Kennedy




The System:


Judging from how things are developing, we are just going the basic SPECIAL route. 


SPECIAL stands for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. Each skill starts with a value of 5, and can be raised or lowered from 1 to 10. At the beginning you have 5 extra points to spend as you will.


-- Strength dictates your physical prowess. It helps when making melee attacks, throwing objects, and the like.


-- Perception dictates how well your senses are, how well you can use energy weapons, and perform tasks that require good hoof-eye coordination (like disarming a mine)


-- Endurance dictates how well your body can withstand disease and infections, how fast and far you can run, and how long you can survive in a prolonged fight.


-- Charisma represents your overall charm and likeability. A high Charisma means you are a good orator with equally good looks. Low Charisma leaves you with a face only a mother could love.


-- Intelligence dictates your ability to reason, think, retain and recall knowledge, and do egghead things like hack computers and heal limbs.


-- Agility is a measure of your speed, reflexes, and dexterity. This controls how adept you are with Guns and how well you can Sneak, as well as how fast you can move.


-- Luck is fairly self explanatory. It is that random little chance that an opponent's gun misfires or you find the sweet spot in a robot's armored shell. It also affects everything you do to some degree - don't get stuck next to someone with low Luck for too long or you just might step on a cache of booby-trapped grenades.


To do anything with any amount of chance (convincing someone to give up important information, aiming for a specific target from a distance, etc), you must make a roll.


To make a roll, go to this site (recommend you bookmark it) (EDIT: that site might be down for good. If it doesn't load, use this site. The die to use is the second in the list). Under "Number of Dice to Roll", put the number for the SPECIAL stat that you are rolling for. For instance, if you are trying to persuade a merchant to give you a discount, you would use Charisma. If you have a Charisma of 6, you would roll 6 dice. (Make sure "Number of rolls" is set to one!) After you add up your rolls, add your SPECIAL stat (in this case, 6). Put your roll at the end of your post; on my next reply, I will let you know whether you succeeded or failed.


I will then compare your roll to a predetermined difficulty on a scale of 1-50. As such, the best you could do in this scenario is 36 + 6 = 42. Let's say you rolled 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, and 4 for a total of 28, then add the 6 from your Charisma stat for a total of 34. If the difficulty was 30, you would succeed and get a discount. If the difficulty was 35, you would fail and not get a discount. The bigger your success or failure, the larger your reward or punishment.


With a SPECIAL stat of 10, you could get 60 on a scale of 1-50, resulting in a Critical Success. If you roll below a 15 you get a Critical Failure. Critical Successes and Failures can make or break an encounter - therefore, they should be fairly rare.


Health will be judged based on Strength and Endurance - as the fight goes on, I will notify everyone of their condition.



The Story Thus Far...


Chapter 1: Shantytown


The party left the RADigator to find an angry filly (Ruby) and her concerned friend (Spion). Ruby's father (Pyrite) was murdered and his laser rifle stolen. She blamed the Steel Rangers, who came into town not long before and are thus the prime suspects.


The party did not believe this to be entirely true, however, so they went to investigate the local Ranger outpost. There they met Star Paladin Pot Belly, Senior Paladin Beanie Toe, and a slew of Scribes. The party took the time to inquire into the murder as well as investigate the farmhouse outpost for any clues as to the whereabouts of Haven.


Some highlights of the party's escapade in the compound: Alizarin attracts cougars, Raptor knocked some heads around, Guardian Angel (almost) found a marefriend, Seeker was myseterious, Malik defended the honor of a child, and Silver Heart got a wet shoulder.


The party eventually found that Beanie Toe, in an effort to break Star Paladin Pot Belly's "no-fly" deadlock on the compound, hired a group of Technophiles to steal Ruby's father's laser rifle. The job went awry, however, and Pyrite was murdered. Beanie began a rebellion against Pot Belly when he realized that his plan was found out, but the party managed to talk his cronies into turning against him. Alone and defeated, Beanie Toe continually asked for forgiveness, stating that he never meant for anything to go wrong. The last anypony saw of him, he was running away into the Wasteland.


Pot Belly was removed from power, and Scribe Premier was established as temporary leader of the compound.


Edited by Scoutaloo
  • Brohoof 2

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Favorite Color: Black or Crimson Red


Personally, I'd go for the Traditional RP style, but I could adapt to other things if need be.


I have one character thought up for RP's ATM, and if need be/is allowed I can come up with more.



Should I post the application just in  a comment here?

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Favorite Color: Black or Crimson Red


Personally, I'd go for the Traditional RP style, but I could adapt to other things if need be.


I have one character thought up for RP's ATM, and if need be/is allowed I can come up with more.



Should I post the application just in  a comment here?


Yeah, post your character profile if you have it finished. If you want to include SPECIAL stats for poops and giggles, go ahead.

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Planned players: Ghostpony 00Pony UnitP0N13 SilverHeart Half-Note   Possible (if five is too few): Alex-Kennedy MurderousLord


I was lead to believe that I was in for sure. More importantly, I have no idea how you intend to determine whether or not five is too few. So if you could give me a more definite answer, that would be great. 


Oh, and my favorite color alternates between orange and lime green. I almost forgot about that.

Edited by Alex Kennedy

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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I was lead to believe that I was in for sure. More importantly, I have no idea how you intend to determine whether or not five is too few. So if you could give me a more definite answer, that would be great. 


Oh, and my favorite color alternates between orange and lime green. I almost forgot about that.


We never really set a definitive number of players. I'm in another RP that has a dozen-plus players and it is completely hectic. And anyway, a couple of the "already in" players haven't been on in a while, so if they can't get on regularly then I would kindly ask them not to join.

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No offense, but I think that's actually a less definite answer than I already had. Besides, I seem to be the only one who understands/has experience with the whole dice thing. But whatever.

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Well I'm colorblind but I guess I'll say my favorite color is Silver...hence the username and OC.

Anyway I've already voiced my opinion but I'll reiterate...I'd be up for trying Silverwisps system...or the SPECIAL system.

I'll come up with an OC as soon as I can.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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No offense, but I think that's actually a less definite answer than I already had. Besides, I seem to be the only one who understands/has experience with the whole dice thing. But whatever.


Considering that six makes a bit more sense (for some odd reason) and people aren't showing up anyway, I'll throw you on the list of definite players. 

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six makes a bit more sense (for some odd reason)


I can't escape the feeling that this is some sort of really weird pun based on the fact that six is an even- as opposed to odd- number. Not sure why I told you that. Anyway, cool. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Sorry it took me so long to get around to posting this! I had family visiting from out of state and wasn't able to be on last night. I meant to post it this morning as well, but I slept in till noon :1





Name: Alizarin Dawn.
Age: 35.
Gender: Male.
Appearance: Lean and athletic stallion. He is named for his alizarin red coat. His eyes are amber, and his mane is a basalt grey. He keeps him mane and tail shorter, due to his past in the Steel Rangers. 
Pony Type: Earth with traces of Crystal.
Cutie Mark: A sniper scope cross-hair that resembles a gear.
Personality: He is generally serious and has a strong work ethic. His sense of humor is typically very dry, but he can lighten up when not in serious situations. When with a group he will give his opinion in decisions, usually from a his own personal, militant viewpoint.
History: A former Steel Ranger Paladin from a chapter located in the far north near an area called the Imperial Wasteland (should be pretty obvious where that is) who defected after he grew to disagree with their agendas. After leaving the Rangers he became a mercenary, putting his skill with sniping and his knowledge of how things work to use. He had since stopped his mercenary lifestyle and just wanders the wastes looking for something to do. At some point he met a group of ponies, a Unicorn and two Pegasi, one of whom knew how to cast Zebra incantations and spell fetishes, and stuck a crystal onto his signature anti-machine rifle that allows him to float and operate it as would a Unicorn.
Skills: Aside from being an excellent shot, he is also very good at repairing guns and melee weapons, though magical energy weapons are somewhat more difficult for him. He is a mix between sneaky and tank, his armor falling into a medium category.
Armor and weapons: He customized a suit of pre-war combat armor with his old Steel Ranger armor scratching out the insignia and replacing it with his cutie mark instead. The customization of the armor gives it more protection than it would normally, but less than a full Steel Ranger suit. He turned the helmet into something of a head worn Pipbuck, but with more visibility than the old Ranger design. He wears a short leather duster over his armor. As for weapons he has his custom anti-machine rifle, a large caliber custom pistol (fires a 44. magnum round, but isn't a revolver), and a large caliber SMG (think the 45 Auto SMG from the Honest Hearts add on) he wears on one side of his battle saddle, at the moment using the free side as extra storage space.
Other: Considered a wanted criminal by his Steel Ranger Chapter and it isn't uncommon for them to send assassins after him.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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What would the crystal pony-side of him offer as far as genes/lineage/etc? Also, take out the SMG. With a souped-up suit, the ability to levitate an AM-rifle, and the skills of a merc, he's already pretty darn powerful. 



HEADS UP FOR EVERYOBDY: just so I have a general idea of what your character can do (and in case we go this route), add in your SPECIAL stats. Every stat starts with a 5 and can go from 1 to 10. You have 5 extra points to place where you will, and you can take points from one stat and put it into another.

For those who don't know, the stats are: Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck.

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SMG= No go, understood, it's gone.


The Crystal Pony side for genes: His mane and coat are slightly glossier, and the light reflects off his eyes differently (sorta like in the show how normally the light glints in the ponies' eyes are circles/ovals, and the Crystal ponies' are hexagonal). 

Lineage: He is just descended from a generic Crystal pony, nobody of much significance.

Any other things: I would say it would make his skin somewhat harder to break (for melee weapons at least), but if that would make him to hard to hurt, it doesn't have to happen, it'll mainly just be there to say, "He has Crystal Pony in him, woopdedo."


Oh! I forgot the special stats! I'll post them here:


S: 6

P: 5

E: 7

C: 5

I:  5

A: 6

L: 6

  • Brohoof 1

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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SMG= No go, understood, it's gone.


The Crystal Pony side for genes: His mane and coat are slightly glossier, and the light reflects off his eyes differently (sorta like in the show how normally the light glints in the ponies' eyes are circles/ovals, and the Crystal ponies' are hexagonal). 

Lineage: He is just descended from a generic Crystal pony, nobody of much significance.

Any other things: I would say it would make his skin somewhat harder to break (for melee weapons at least), but if that would make him to hard to hurt, it doesn't have to happen, it'll mainly just be there to say, "He has Crystal Pony in him, woopdedo."


Oh! I forgot the special stats! I'll post them here:


S: 6

P: 5

E: 7

C: 5

I:  5

A: 6

L: 6


Alrighty, looks good. His coat could be slightly stronger, but really only to superficial cuts and wounds. If you could edit your original character post so I can link it in the OP, that would be wonderful.


Are we keeping the SPECIALs with their in game skills. Like Perception goes to Energy Weapons?


Yup. If you want to think in terms of skills, we're using New Vegas' skill set but with Guns separated back into Small Guns and Big Guns.

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we're using New Vegas' skill set but with Guns separated back into Small Guns and Big Guns.


Meaning the explosives skill is back to being way less useful. Also, I feel to see how shotguns and assault rifles are "small", but I'm not complaining. I liked that setup. 

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Meaning the explosives skill is back to being way less useful. Also, I feel to see how shotguns and assault rifles are "small", but I'm not complaining. I liked that setup. 


Honestly, the only explosives I've ever used is the occasional grenade on a large enemy or group of enemies. Never understood the appeal of big boom splash damage.


In the world of Fallout, they have a lot more "large" guns that are available (missile launchers, gatling guns, laser gatling guns, flamers, etc). I guess they're logic was whether or not it could be concealed on your person or not. I dunno, blame Bethesda. 

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Never understood the appeal of big boom splash damage.


I believe big boom splash damage is the appeal. But I always used small guns anyway. Important question: are you limiting us to only ponies as characters? I ask because I have a character in mind that's a griffon.

Real men don't need signatures...


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I believe big boom splash damage is the appeal. But I always used small guns anyway. Important question: are you limiting us to only ponies as characters? I ask because I have a character in mind that's a griffon.


Here is the list of creatures that I am working on making playable characters:

Earth pony





Hellhound (Diamond Dog)



Each would have their own strengths and weaknesses. I also included stats for dragons, but there is no way in heck that anyone is playing as such a powerful being. wink.png

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My favorite color would be between black and purple

alright on another side-note i have a few questions, for when we do are characters are we allowed to do implants like in New Vegas? and if so would you like to do them during or before the role play? are we allowed to have more then one character? and are we doing the two starter perk for each character like in the fallout games? 


really just wondering because i'm almost done with one of my characters and wasn't sure if needed to change anything

RP Character's look in spoiler


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Alrighty, looks good. His coat could be slightly stronger, but really only to superficial cuts and wounds. If you could edit your original character post so I can link it in the OP, that would be wonderful.



Yup. If you want to think in terms of skills, we're using New Vegas' skill set but with Guns separated back into Small Guns and Big Guns.


Got it. Here's the updated version: 



Name: Alizarin Dawn.
Age: 35.
Gender: Male.
Appearance: Lean and athletic stallion. He is named for his alizarin red coat. His eyes are amber, and his mane is a basalt grey. He keeps him mane and tail shorter, due to his past in the Steel Rangers. 
Pony Type: Earth with traces of Crystal.
Cutie Mark: A sniper scope cross-hair that resembles a gear.
Personality: He is generally serious and has a strong work ethic. His sense of humor is typically very dry, but he can lighten up when not in serious situations. When with a group he will give his opinion in decisions, usually from a his own personal, militant viewpoint.
History: A former Steel Ranger Paladin from a chapter located in the far north near an area called the Imperial Wasteland (should be pretty obvious where that is) who defected after he grew to disagree with their agendas. After leaving the Rangers he became a mercenary, putting his skill with sniping and his knowledge of how things work to use. He had since stopped his mercenary lifestyle and just wanders the wastes looking for something to do. At some point he met a group of ponies, a Unicorn and two Pegasi, one of whom knew how to cast Zebra incantations and spell fetishes, and stuck a crystal onto his signature anti-machine rifle that allows him to float and operate it as would a Unicorn.
Skills: Aside from being an excellent shot, he is also very good at repairing guns and melee weapons, though magical energy weapons are somewhat more difficult for him. He is a mix between sneaky and tank, his armor falling into a medium category.
Armor and weapons: He customized a suit of pre-war combat armor with his old Steel Ranger armor scratching out the insignia and replacing it with his cutie mark instead. The customization of the armor gives it more protection than it would normally, but less than a full Steel Ranger suit. He turned the helmet into something of a head worn Pipbuck, but with more visibility than the old Ranger design. He wears a short leather duster over his armor. His Crystal Pony genes cause his skin to be slightly harder to penetrate. Nowhere near enough to stop a bullet or a solid swing of a blade, but enough to make scrapes/grazes, bruises and surface wounds uncommon. As for weapons he has his custom anti-machine rifle, and a large caliber custom pistol (fires a 44. magnum round, but isn't a revolver), in place of a weapons on a Battle-Saddle, he uses the space as extra storage for ammo and his AMR. And of course there's always hooves should the need arise.
Other: Considered a wanted criminal by his Steel Ranger Chapter and it isn't uncommon for them to send assassins after him.
S: 6

P: 5

E: 7

C: 5

I:  5

A: 6

L: 6

If there is anything else you want changed, just let me know and I'll compensate.
Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Alright, here goes.


Name: Raptor


Age: 19 (often claims to be older)


Race: Griffon


Appearance: A large, reddish-brown griffon with many scars all over his body. His beak and talons are unusually long for his species.


Personality: Was raised to believe that griffons are a superior race to ponies. He generally doesn't like ponies, and those that he does often have, in his words, "the heart of a griffon". Has no qualms about killing ponies because he views them as an inferior race. Will do whatever he can to advance the position of griffons as a race. Highly values courage and physical ability. 


History: An independent Talon, although he does often do jobs with or for other mercenary companies. He's fairly well-known and feared around some parts of the wasteland. He is considered a wanted criminal by just about everyone except other griffons, many of whom view him as something of a hero and guardian because he will always stand up for them when the need arises.


Equipment: Carries a hunting rifle, but prefers to use his exceptionally long and sharp talons as weapons. Wears an old, beaten up suit of pre-war combat armor.


S: 8

P: 5

E: 7

C: 3

I: 5

A: 7

L: 5


I think that just about covers everything.

Edited by Alex Kennedy
  • Brohoof 1

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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My favorite color would be between black and purple

alright on another side-note i have a few questions, for when we do are characters are we allowed to do implants like in New Vegas? and if so would you like to do them during or before the role play? are we allowed to have more then one character? and are we doing the two starter perk for each character like in the fallout games?


really just wondering because i'm almost done with one of my characters and wasn't sure if needed to change anything

What would the implant be? It really depends on your character's backstory.


For now, one character should be good. If others don't show up and/or we lose players, we can have multiple characters per player.


You can include perks, but they will afford no direct benefit in a numerical sense. Rather, they will affect the roleplay part of the RP. For instance, if you have the Entomologist perk, I'll know you can deal with bugs a little better in and out of combat and will play the NPC's to include this fact about your character.




ACCEPTED. In addition, you can spend one turn in combat to analyze an opponent's condition and the condition of their armor and weapon(s) by using your head-mounted Pipbuck. You also get a very small resistance to all forms of magic thanks to your crystal pony lineage.


@@Alex Kennedy,


ACCEPTED. In addition, you'll get a damage bonus against all ponies and pony-like beings (ghoulified ponies, etc). I'll link you in the OP as well.


Heads up, everyone: I added some stuff to The System part of the OP. Check that out.

Edited by Kolth

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I like the way we're handling the system, it looks like it'll be successful. Looking forward to getting this RP on the road.

Edited by 00Pony
  • Brohoof 1

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Alright well I guess I'll post my character below.


Name: Silver Heart


Age: 19


Race: Unicorn


Appearance: Silver Heart has a light grey coat with a medium length blue mane and tail. Her height is average for a Unicorn and she is thinner than most ponies. She has light blue eyes.


Cutie Mark: A red heart behind a green tree in the shape of the Caduceus symbol.


Personality: Relatively quiet and shy, she usually hates being the center of attention. She prefers to travel in a group instead of travelling alone. She is fiercely protective of her two guns and rarely lets them out of her sight. She is non-confrontational by nature and will try to avoid a fight. At times she can be extremely cruel and petty to those she believes have done her (and/or those close to her) wrong. 


History: Silver Heart was raised in a Stable near Stalliongrad that specialized in advanced technology. Her parents and older brother were members of the Stable Security Force. She was expected to follow in her family's hoofsteps; however as she grew older she learned that she had an interest in medicine and instead sought training under the Stable's medical staff. After being accepted as a nurse an implant was installed to help her with her chosen role in the Stable.  When she was eighteen, she was assigned to care for the Overstallion's sick daughter, Pearl. Due to a miscommunication Silver Heart gave the Overstallion's daughter too much Med-X resulting in Pearl's death. Fearing that the Overstallion would have Silver Heart executed; her family forced her to leave the Stable. Before she escaped her family gave her some supplies and two weapons, a Multiplas Rifle and a Laser Pistol.


After leaving the Stable she was found by a merchant caravan. She travelled with them for a while before arriving at the "RADigator". She has yet to truly experience the horrors of the wasteland.


Equipment: Silver Heart wears a suit of light leather armor that allows her to have some protection while maintaining the ability to sneak around. She uses a multiplas rifle and a laser pistol. She generally keeps a nice stock of medical supplies on her at all times, regardless of whether she is travelling alone or in a group.



S: 4

P: 8

E: 4

C: 6

 I: 6+1=7 (The +1 is because of her implant, I will remove this stat boost if you want me to.)

A: 7

L: 5

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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