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ooc What the Wasteland Hooves Out (Official OOC Thread)

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So, if I may suggest some perks that relate to what we did this mission.


Guardian Angel: Mare Killer- Special dialogue and extra damage against mares.

Alizarin: Lucky Lucky hacker- extra 10 points on rolls concerning computers.

Raptor: Two for one- Extra 10 points when fighting more than one opponent.

Silver Heart: Art of the scavenger- Agility +1

Malik: Foal at Heart (or hard drive)- extra dialogue with young ponies.



That's all I've got.

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So, if I may suggest some perks that relate to what we did this mission.


Guardian Angel: Mare Killer- Special dialogue and extra damage against mares.

Alizarin: Lucky Lucky hacker- extra 10 points on rolls concerning computers.

Raptor: Two for one- Extra 10 points when fighting more than one opponent.

Silver Heart: Art of the scavenger- Agility +1

Malik: Foal at Heart (or hard drive)- extra dialogue with young ponies.



That's all I've got.


Hmm...definitely making me rethink a few that I already had. Thanks for the suggestions!


Even if just for me, I'm throwing everyone's profiles and stats onto a Google Doc.

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I wouldn't mind seeing my stats on google docs (that way I also don't have to remember to edit them for each level up, mweheheheh!). So are these bonus perks for completing the mission or are our perks being decided for us? I'm fine either way.

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Alrighty, finals are done! Now I just have...everything that goes on during the summer. Bleh. I'll be busy, still.


Anyway! I think I've created a fairly simple character profile that should create some uniformity. If everyone could just fill this out and send it to me (or post it here) I'll throw it on the Google Doc, then link the Doc under the Character List in the OP. Thanks guys!


Player Name:

Character Name:




Physical description:

Cutie mark (if applicable):




Brief backstory:









Inventory: (Subject to change. Go with your best judgement for now.)


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Alrighty, finals are done! Now I just have...everything that goes on during the summer. Bleh. I'll be busy, still.


Anyway! I think I've created a fairly simple character profile that should create some uniformity. If everyone could just fill this out and send it to me (or post it here) I'll throw it on the Google Doc, then link the Doc under the Character List in the OP. Thanks guys!

Oh awesome! I have actually been looking to update Alizarin, so this will serve as a suitable excuse to do so.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Which reminds me: if you have any suggestions for things to add to these new "official" character bios, I'm all ears. img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png


Just to make sure everyone sees this: @@SilverHeart, @@UnitP0N13, @@Ghostpony@@Half-Note@@Alex Kennedy: go ahead and update your profile at your earliest convenience. Thanks!

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Player Name: Half-Note

Character Name: Guardian Angel

Race: Earth Pony

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Physical description: He is a muscular pony with a grey coat and a dark blue mane.

Cutie mark (if applicable): His cutie mark is a shield with wings.


Personality: He is a pony who values the safety of others above all else and always attempts to protect those who can't protect themselves. Because of his upbringing he is very loyal to the Steel Rangers, and while he may not have any connection to the rangers themselves, he would rather die than letting his fellow rangers get hurt.

Occupation: Steel Ranger Paladin.

Family/Hometown/”Childhood”: Mohoove steel ranger base in old Enclave ground base.

Brief backstory: His parents were killed when he was young. He later stumbled across the Steel Ranger base and was raised by the Rangers.


Strength: 7

Perception: 5

Endurance 6

Charisma: 5

Intelligence: 6

Agility: 7

Luck: 4


Other: He is a descendent of Shining Armor's child from once when Shining was younger.


Inventory: Power Armor, Power Helmet, Gatling Laser, Zebra Rifle, Steel Ranger Dogtags.

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Player Name: UnitP0N13

Character Name: M4L1K (or Malik)

Race: Pegatron

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Physical description: Yellow, flicking, cathode ray tube eyes with no pupils. Black armor plating-coat, no mane, black armor plated tail.  A few scars in the armor here and there from grazing bullets and lasers. Large and bulky in build from the plating that he wears.


Cutie mark (if applicable): A yellow shield with two lasers crossing behind it in an X.


Personality: Quirky, awkward, but fun-loving. He cares dealy for those in his group, as a proper gentlebot should. Sometimes though, he feels its not enough, that his 100% isn't all that it could be. As a result, he tends to exert himself for the sake of others and faces the consequences for his actions on his own, not wanting anything to befall his comrades. If there is anything he loves, it's a good dance and a nice tune that truly makes the world alright with him, no matter the situation. As such, you will often see him strutting his stuff to the beat of the radio.


Occupation:None, a mere wanderer of the Wastes.

Family/Hometown/”Childhood”: ???

Brief backstory: With no memory to the moments prior his awakening from the single-man fallout shelter ten years ago, Pegatron Model-M4L1K, or just Malik, roamed the wastelands, alone and deeply shocked towards the atrocities that have brought what he now knows was once a thriving land to its knees, drenched in radiation, blood and decay. He made it his duty as a Pegatron to fight for and protect those who refused to or could not on their own, and he hasn't stopped fighting for the innocents of the Wastes ever since.


Strength: 10

Perception: 5

Endurance: 10

Charisma: 2

Intelligence: 9

Agility: 2

Luck: 2

Other: A robot of mysterious origin...

Inventory: Built-in Minigun.

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Sorry for the delay, guys. I've been meaning to both post and dole out the new perks, but prepping for Boys State has kept me pretty occupied during my "free time." I'm leaving for a week starting tomorrow and will be back Saturday the 22nd. Depending on what position I get at Boys State I MIGHT have access to a computer, and I should have my phone to at least check in.


Anyway...yeah. When I get back I'll have a few free weeks to RP. I also plan on setting up the second RP once I get back. See ya'll then. wub.png

  • Brohoof 2

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Finally got around to doing this.


Player Name: Alex Kennedy

Character Name: Raptor

Race: Griffon

Gender: Male

Age: 19 (Often claims to be older)

Physical description: A griffon with reddish-brown and gold fur. Somewhat larger than an average griffon. He looks significantly older than he really is, and often claims to be in his twenties.

Cutie mark (if applicable): N/A

Personality: Was raised to believe that griffons are a superior race to ponies. He generally doesn't like ponies, and those that he does often have, in his words, "the heart of a griffon". Has no qualms about killing ponies because he views them as an inferior race. Will do whatever he can to advance the position of griffons as a race. Highly values courage and physical ability. 

Occupation: Talon merc/Assassin

Family/Hometown/”Childhood”: He hasn't had any contact with his family in years, and they may well be dead by now (However, he was once very close to his family, and the idea of family is still very important to him)/ Adamantly refuses to talk in any amount of detail about his childhood or where he came from.

Brief backstory: An independent Talon, although he does often do jobs with or for other mercenary companies. He's fairly well-known and feared around some parts of the wasteland. He is considered a wanted criminal by just about everyone except other griffons, many of whom view him as something of a hero and guardian because he will always stand up for them when the need arises.

Strength: 8

Perception: 5

Endurance: 7

Charisma: 3

Intelligence: 5

Agility: 7

Luck: 5

Other: damage bonus against all ponies and pony-like beings (ghoulified ponies, etc)

Inventory: Hunting rifle, pre-war combat armor.

Edited by Alex Kennedy

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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So I realize I said a few days ago that I would write a post, however the final stretch of school work has taken longer than I thought it would and been more demanding. So if you want feel free to have Silver Heart approach Tempo and the foals to advance the RP. RP posts take me a bit more time than they really should to write.


I realize I'm being a broken record at this point but I apologize to everyone for my lack of posts.


P.S. I haven't forgotten the character sheet. It (along with writing a RP post) is at the top of my to-do list after this quarter is finished.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Okay, finally home and getting back on track with everything that needs to be done!


I'll make a post sometime today, then probably start up the second RP.

  • Brohoof 1

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sorry i hand't post or really been on, things just really got out of hand, but i should be able to make a post tonight if not tomorrow. At lest i got something done.


Player Name: Ghostpony
Character Name: Seeker
Race: Griffion
Gender: male
Age: around the early 20s
Physical description: 
Eye Color – icy blue 
Coat Color -
Bird half – starts out white fades into black
Lion half – light caramel brown
Tail/markings color – Unlike many of his kind Seeker seems to have a tail that more resembles one of a ponies then an actual griffin’s, when on all fours the length of the white tail seems to stop right under his back ankle.
Physique - Seeker stands roughly an inch or two taller than a normal Griffin.  Do to the malnourishment of being born a slave he appears to be thinner then a normal Griffin though also appears faster and more agile in the air. In between Seekers wings their is a branding of a hoof  with  what seems to be an upside down pear of wings above it and the word "Slave" below the hoof. Don’t think just because Seeker appears to be nothing but feather and bones that he is not strong.
Cutie mark (if applicable): none
Personality: Through the years of being a slave and the harsh punishment that came with it, it turned Seeker to an unusually quiet griffon even to normal standards (for the wastelands). though if their are times when his diluted morals (see's the world more in shades of gray not just black and white) deem it fit, he will speak his mind even if it goes against what his friends or what others believe. Most time he seems to over analise things when it comes to who he's fighting and even become unnaturally harsh to those who wish to see his back. (everyone)
Occupation: Free slave
Family/Hometown/”Childhood”: only knows his mother
Brief backstory: Born a slave, Seeker knows the pain that most slaves have been through and then some. Most believed being caught and turned into a slave is the worst fate the wasteland can do to anyone, though being born into slavery is truly a fate worst then death. even at the youngest of age the only thing that kept Seeker relatively sane most of the time would ironicly be one of the slaver's daughter. The daughter helped Seeker feed his mind, as he could only wait for his next scraps of food. though once the slaver father foundout  what his daughter had been doing with her help, he took to punishing his slave personally. From that point forward point Seeker had chosen to be mute most of the time fearing the nightmare turn reality of his terrible beatings and even a branding would come true once again. 
Though on the fateful night everything changed for Seeker, it was probably the most fearful night of his life as well. Like other slaves like him they were all forced into their pins before entering the new town, for another slave auction. Even though Seeker had no longer been up for sale(Thanks to the Slaver's daughter buying him off her own father) he was still a slave and one his master's father didn't like. Even looking back at it now, it had happen so fast the place of the slave auction had been attacked by masked ponies. Everything soon went into chaos as slavers started going after the mask ponies as well as slaves that tried to run away, but to his horrors the outside of the auction house had been rigged to  activate the slave collars to self detonate. At that moment his master's father had attacked him, without recaltion of what happen he found himself in what once was a old world hospital and next to him his master. She had explained to him that when her father attacked him, that he had gotten a few good hits on him during the chaos and had done a scary amount of damage to his eyes so they had been forced to operate to save his eyes. though Her next few words seemed to rock Seekers world, after all he never had been free before.
Strength: 7
Perception: 5 + 1 = 6 (eye implant
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 6 +1 = 7 (Perk)
Luck: 4
Other:The Two Perks i was thinking, would be Small Frame and Skilled
Inventory: : Seeker has a duster outfit that seems to consist of a black undershirt and a pair of gray canvas pants underneath a long,brown leather overcoat with the sleeves that he can choose to roll up or keep down below his elbow, as well as a pair of leather gloves.The weapon he has is a Glock 86 plasma pistol, also known as the Plasma Defender. He also has a small neckalace he keeps in pocket for good luck.

RP Character's look in spoiler


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Okay, I'm working on finishing the profile document right now.

Got a kind-of important question for you guys: do you want a fairly strict path and story, or do you prefer a more episodic, here-we-are-now-what kind of RP where each random encounter somehow contributes to the story or at least nudges you in a direction that can?

Frankly, the second option would be easier (and could get quite silly later, I suspect), but I'm all about what you guys want to do.


Also, level 2 perks are coming out tomorrow along with the second RP.

Edited by Scoutaloo

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I generally favor episodic type stuff that eventually folds into an overall story myself, but I'd be fine with it either way.


By the way, I think I've mentioned this before, but just because I go a long time without posting doesn't mean I'm not still here and paying attention. It's just that Raptor often chooses not to bother getting involved (which may change later). 

  • Brohoof 1

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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I think episodic would be fine, but like everyone else so far, I can go for the set story one.


One thing I'm curious about, and the answer is probably obvious, is how we'll be handling the rp actions outside of set events, such as quests. What I mean is, will we handle it like a traditional RP? Just us dictating what we're doing, such as character interaction/progression/development stuff, without waiting on the GM's call? Like I said, answer is probably pretty obvious, but hey.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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I say episode that slowly unravels onto a story, like Alex mentioned. Oh great, the posty tyhing won't work. Now I have to go and fiddle around the cache thingy dodad. *sigh*

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*flail* I'm working on perks, I swear. The world caught up to me the past couple of days and I think it made me sick.

I was thinking this, @@00Pony: an RP that alternates between traditional character-building and quest-doing. So we'd do a half of a quest or two, collect rewards, then have a period of time to chat and socialize. There will also be times when the characters need to wait for something to happen (somepony to arrive somewhere or a caravan to reach its destination), during which time you can socialize to your heart's content.


EDIT: The second RP's OOC is up! Here's the link, if you wanna check it out.

Edited by Scoutaloo
  • Brohoof 2

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When the teams meet up is it going in a separate RP post or what? If it is then I suggest we name it "Into What The Wasteland Hooves Out".


...why do I like that name so much? laugh.png


As far as when the two groups meet up goes, I'm thinking that a third RP thread would be easiest. 

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Sorry, so sorry! I've had the RP open for a week now and haven't had the time to make a proper reply OR finish the map.

In addition, I have county fair the rest of this week and a running camp all of next week. So...yeah. I'll be gone for a while. I promise that, upon my return, there will be a lot of good RP'ing going on.

  • Brohoof 1

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