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private Mercs of Equestria Rp


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Though Acheron's own shadow armor blocked the impact, it still hurt like hell, disorienting him slightly.

"Ugh... what?"

The spirits composing the dark armor had quickly latched onto Dimitri's shoulder, forming a a powerful jaw with sharp teeth.

"Get off me!"

A burst of powerful dark magic erupted from the mouth, crackling like lightning and blasting the stallion off. As Acheron struggled to regain his proper bearings, he spoke.

"What?! Do you honestly believe I desire to hurt your wife, Fluttershy, in any way or form! Dimitri, listen to your erroneus words, I would never do that! In the time you have been around me, you have never had such thoughts! Open your eyes and see that you yourself are not in control!"

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Dimitri picked himself up. He looked at his shoulder and ran his hoof over it. He snapped it back into place, and cringed after doing so. The burns over his shoulder stung when he touched them, but it just made him sigh with a euphoric tone. "Stop fucking lying! You have been planning it from the start! You and your sick fucking greed! You and that Draco have been plotting against me since the beginning! I've seen the things you want to do you sick fuck, and you will never get to her without killing me first!"


Black smoke came from Dimitri's nostrils as he circled around Acheron. He ran up and slammed his back hooves into Acheron's side.



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Acheron grunted as he recoiled from the impact. This time it had hurt a lot more than the previous blow, he figured Dimitri had cracked and sunk in a rib despite the armor. Inhalin as best as he could, he resisted the pain and managed to push the rib back in its place, wincing as he did so.

"I must be more decisive. This isn't like our last fight, he's not in his right mind whatsoever. More tactics are needed from me," Acheron thought as he got the spirits in his armor to weaken the pain. Acheron rolled his neck as he looked at Dimitri's back hooves, seeing shadowy shiftings.

"Just as planned," Acheron whispered as his horn glowed dark green. The small amount of shadows on hs opponent's hind hooves grew, binding both of them together in painful, electrifying shadow. It took on the form of barb wire to dig into Dimitri's flesh, tightening as it went up to his waist to restrict his movement more. Acheron formed a large mace from darkness and raised Dimitri upright. He swung at the Sovestrian's chest, with enough force to crack a tree.

"I have been plotting against you? I want to hurt Fluttershy? Those are false words Dimitri, I'm on this journey because I know she needs to be saved along with the others! Remember back a few days ago. I PROMISED I would help you get her back, with no other desire other than to see you two happy with each other again! Is this what you see as conniving?!"

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Dimitri grunted as he stepped back from Acheron, but he soon felt a sharp pain in his back legs. He turned to see a shadowy wire-like manifestation form around his legs and start to spread to his waist. All the while it sent charges through his body. Dimitri tried to move, but was then struck in the chest hard with a blunt device. He coughed hard, and spit up some blood. The blood was its normal red color, but had black splotches in it as well.


Dimitri could feel that his sternum was cracked, but he shook his head. If it was not for his naturally strong muscles and bones his whole ribcage might have been fractured or completely broken. The armor was cracked and broken. "Lies, lies, FUCKING LIES!" Dimitri shouted as he stumbled himself up. "You promised many things Acheron. You would betray us all for a little knowledge. You were just lulling me into a false sense of security so you could take her for yourself! Just like you did to Diamond! Fucking greedy bastard!"



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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"Dimitri, if that's what I wanted to do, none of you would know about it. None of you would even be able to think of the possibility of me doing such things. If I had wanted to hurt you, Fluttershy, and the rest, don't you think I would have already done it by now? Perhaps even before I ever met any of you? What I did to Diamond was nothing good, I admit that, but I sacrificed what I stole as my ultimate sign of apology and as a way to express my desire to reconcile and work together. With her, and with all of you!"


Acheron walked a little bit closer to his friend and looked him in the eyes.

"I made a promise to you, as a FRIEND, that I would help you and Fluttershy be reunited. You promised your beloved that you would rescue her from the Seneschals, but you have given into the SENESCHAL OF WRATH. WRATH Dimitri, understand?!"

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(Locked out of my house so have to post on phone)


Zefira could tell she wasn't detected by Dimitri. Even if she wasn't, she still regretted not preparing better. Her whole body felt like it was on fire. She could see parts of her light armour was burnt and the clothe covering it was starting to catch fire.

Shit, should have thought that through more. She thought. She continued looking at Schreon and Dimitri at a safe distance.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Apophis, who was circling underground to fuel the ring of energy seperting Acheron and Dimitri from the others, notified his master of Zefira's presence.

"Acheron... a mare was caught inside our arena. She suffersss from the heat."

Acheron couldn't help but feel a bit worried, he knew the het could potentially kill anyone not wearing some form of protection. Acheron summoned a wraith near her and spoke to her through its mouth.

"You should not be here, you're going to die like this..."

The wraith dissipated into shadowy mist and enveloped her body, forming a protective armor like Acheron's.

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Dimitri blinked his eyes at Acheron and walked closer to him. He got closer to him and put his head near his ear "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING SAY YOU WOULD HURT HER!" Dimitri yelled. He tackled Acheron and was on top of him. "NEVER FUCKING SAY THAT!" The air around him combusted and he made sure Acheron was the center of focus for it all. Dimitri's eyes were replaced with streams of blue flame, and the tips of his mane and beard began to light on fire as well.


Dimitri struck Acheron on his side several times, and slammed his shoulder into his nose. Dimitri jumped back, and off of Acheron. He winced and collapsed slightly, coughing up more red/black blood.



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Acheron had strengthened the armor to resist the blows, but Dimitri was so fueled by rage energy and magic that he still managed to damage him.

"Ugh... you do not listen to what I'm saying... you leave me no other choice," Acheron said as he staggered about. Apophis burst from the ground and slammed its tail on Dimitri forcibly, making the ground quake. The serpent wrapped its tail around the stallion, causing cracks on his armor as it squeezed tightly to induce its inherit fatiguing effect. It soon tossed Dimitri into a wall of darkness Acheron had raised up.

"If you wil not listen, you shall see..."

Acheron used the same magic the first Greed had used to influence Dimitri. A vision of a saddened Fluttershy flashed, a Seneschal looking much like Dimitri standing behind her. This stallion was more... grotesque, taller and more muscular with demonic features. Fluttershy cried out.

"Why did you give in Dimitri? You were doing so well, fighting against the demon who isn't you... but you let it convince you your wrathful self is who you are. I love-"

The demon pony's fires soon swallowed her, and the demon laughed chillingly as it roared.



Acheron spoke. "I don't lie in matters like these. Your wrath fuels the Seneschal of Wrath, giving it the power it wants to kill your beloved... don't. DONT. GIVE. IT. TO. HIM!!"

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Dimitri laid upon the ground. His eyes were still burning intensely, and they grew more intense with each second. He breathed a few deep breaths, and ran his hoof over the cracked armor. It seemed to repair itself almost completely. He twitched as he tried to pick himself up. Acheron's forced vision then entered Dimitri's mind. Dimitri fell back after he witnessed it. He was silently sobbing hard, but the tears were quickly turned to steam by the heat from his eyes.


His horn glowed black yet again. He got up, and shouldered Acheron away from him. He did not speak at all, but the air became even hotter than it already was. His beard and mane were now burning wholly. A thin layer of blue flame covered his whole body. He stomped on the ground and sent a shock-wave, almost like a small supernova, out around him.



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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"Is this the peak of your power Dimitri?"

Acheron raised a wall of dark energy to shield himself from the blast, but he was still blasted backwards by the supernova. Acheron absorbed the darkness into his armor, grunting as he struggled to his feet. Acheron's magic glowed to show it had shifted into the magic of Apophis, and the unicorn shouted as he fired the red stream of shattering power. It decimated anything in its path, and Acheron made a vortex of it surround Dimitri. It tugged heavily. The serpent spoke.

"Yesss... struggle stallion, the pain you feel... the force of the primordial chaos, it hungers to take you in.."

Acheron shouted at the serpent, telling it to silence as the blast hit his friend. Acheron was thankful Dimitri was as strong as he was at this point, because despite the fact he purposely weakened the power of the chaotic energy, any other "lesser" being would've been consumed.

"Dimitri, listen to me. You need to stop, take back control of your own self! Though you resist the pain, your body will eventually wear out! Tht demon, Wrath, will only relish in your demise. Fluttershy will be crushed because of your actions! If you die, this quest is done for, and we never find the six or Fluttershy. You were chosen for this for a reason, because you are strong enough to destroy that pitiful Seneschal which consumes you now! Fulfill your role, and truly bring yourself one step closer to your beloved! "

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Dimitri growled. "You think I am showing you my full power? Do you think I want to decimate this place? I am purposely restraining myself..." he quietly uttered as he shook himself. His insides felt like they were just baked and turned upside-down, but he just shrugged it off. "You just do not fucking understand....I . Need. To. Find. her.......all of you are keeping me back. What am I without her? I am a husk. I need her.....but all you do is slow me down! Stop fucking speaking about her like that dammit!"



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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"Likewise, I'm holding back my full power. The both of us together, can destroy all of Equestria just by fighting with each other..."

Acheron showed Dimitri an image of Fluttershy.

"Think of her Dimitri. She loves you dearly, do you think she wants you to do this? Do you think she wants you to destroy in her name, in the name of your marriage? Wrath is consuming you Dimitri, and as that Seneschal devours you, her heart breaks. The Seneschal of Wrath is laughing at you now, don't letit control you. I know you can harness your powers in a better way to truly help her. What have you achieved from this? Nothing but a destructive fight which threatens to consume you. I tell you the truth Dimitri."

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"Are you both done?" Draco asked as he landed next to Zefira "You Zefira go find Diamond and Delia. Get away from here. Any how is it worth it Dimitri. kill the group you lose your chance at seeing her again. You won't find the artifacts. You don't know the locations. You say you want to find her but this proves that you wallow in your misery. You let a wrathful pony control you. You don't hear what we are saying. What does that say about your character my friend,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Dimitri shook his head violently. "No, no, no..." he managed to say as his eyes stopped flaming. The thin layer of blue flame dissipated from his skin as well. Dimitri walked towards Acheron, and closed his eyes. "Моя маленькая бабочка...I can not go on with her not here..." He started to breath slowly. Each breath was still black as charcoal. He then heard Draco, and his eyes began to spark up again. 'My character is not in question here...you want to speak about character? How about we go on about you then, Draco?"



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Draco looked at Dimitri "Go on ahead tell me then. I would love to hear what you have to say," Draco said as he smiled slightly. he just kept out of reach. He looked at Dimitri right in the eyes. He sighed as he looked at his friend. "Well go on ahead my friend," he said.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Acheron clamped Draco's mouth shut with magic and then blasted him out of the arena.

"Dimitri, listen to me. You have a strong character, you are truly gentle despite your power, and you know how to control yourself. Fluttershy and I know you are strong enough to resist this primal urge brought on by that pitiful Seneschal called Wrath. He mocks your wife now as you are consumed by him. Find the calm within yourself, temper your rage with your love for Fluttershy, and you will be able to discern your true thoughts from the Seneschal's."

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Dimitri sat himself down and looked at the horizon. He manifested a small ember and pushed it around with his hoof. "No matter what, I need her..." He whispered and then said aloud to Acheron. Dimitri then felt a throbbing pain in his head. "ENOUGH OF THESE FUCKING LIES!" He winced as the voice screamed. Dimitri involuntarily got up and touched the ground with his horn. A cloud of black mist emerged from his mouth, and a fissure opened where he used his magic.


Magma flowed from the fissure, and the black mist went right into it. After several seconds, a large figure emerged from the fissure. He was tall, and rather strong looking. His mane was pure white, as were his eyes and pupils. He had a small goatee which was pure jet black with white streaks. Scars marked every spot on his body, and a black smoke emitted from each scar like fire. He wore a black set of boots, and had on torn pants. "Dimitri, why do you listen to this whelp?" the entity spoke as he levitated and then threw Acheron several meters away.



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Apophis hissed as he slithered to catch Acheron, wrapping its tail around him gently. Acheron nodded in thanks to his powerful servant and began to limp back to their original location, the serpent slithering beside him.

"So you finally come out from hiding, huh Wrath? Dimitri, this is the one who influences you. He is the liar. If he truly wanted to help you, he would have guided you with true wisdom. But has he? No. He has only delayed us further. We are no closer to your beloved than we were when this began."

Acheron was still far off, but he managed a slow trot to get back faster and support Dimitri.

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"Oh, Dimitri. Ignore that....GREEDY FUCK." Wrath yelled, but regained his composure. "We are more alike than you know...I was once like you. I loved a mare, and I devoted my entire life to her. We were together for so long. She was taken by the Seneschals. I tried my best, I fought and I bled and I went through hell to get to her...." Wrath began to walk in a circle around Dimitri.


"She died...all because my beloved friends held me back with their bickering. They took too long with their false FUCKING promises. I killed them all. I slaughtered my friends, and afterwards the Seneschals captured me. They showed me how to control my feelings. I am nothing but a husk, Dimitri...I have been a slave to them for years. I have been trying to get my FUCKING revenge for years! I do not want the same to happen to you. Forget your so called FUCKING 'friends' and let me help you. Together we will save your wife, and I can avenge my fallen love as well.



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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" 'Greedy fuck'," Acheron laughed. "Is that all you have against me Wrath? Weak."

Acheron finally neared the location of Dimitri and the Seneschal of Wrath. He stated intently at the two.

"Listen to him Dimitri. If he is so powerful and capable of helping you, you'd think he'd have rebelled against his masters years ago. You'd think that if he truly desired to help you, he would do something to aid the the other five Element Bearers and your wife, Fluttershy break free. But no, though he has dirext access to them, he does nothing but mock them. I've seen the mind of two long time Seneschals Dimitri, and Wrath here isamong the circle which mocks them. In fact, he functions as a keeper to them, ensuring they don't try and escape! Is this the ways of a stallion who wants to help you? One who has nearly driven you to your death by my power?! He was taught to control himself? Look at yourself Dimitri. You don't feel it, but you are in terrible condition, all because you gave into your rage and fought me. Is that control? Attempting to kill out of pure rage? Is control slaughtering those who trusted you for no reason other than rage?!"

Edited by Krein
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"Such honeyed words. Yet beneath that honey is venom," Draco said as he flew back. "Venom slow reacting though. In the end you nothing more than a manipulative stallion Wrath. Hey Dimitri isn't it interesting that he says he found his wife dead. When I've repeatedly said that the Seneschals don't torture, maim, or kill their captives. I should know because of Lust. She shared her memories with me unknowingly. Quite lavishly if you ask me,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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(...Woooooooowkay...lots of posts.)


Diamond chuckled and nuzzled Delia affectionately. "Alright. I just hope they haven't gotten themselves into trouble." She said, looking off at the horizon. "We better find them...quickly." She said, trotting it a little faster.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"Think Dimitri, listen and discern! Has Fluttershy ever driven you to do what this pony tells you to do? No. She has taught and will teach you control. She calms you, doesn't she? She looks past your former actions and nature, and loves you, teaching you the value of life and kindness!"

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Zefira raspberried and set off to find Delia and Diamond. She wasnt the one to charge into a battle without looking at the possible outcomes. She didnt take into account the ward was so weak. 

I'm not trying to kill him anyways..no need for me. She thought.

Zefira walked back to the direction she came from and saw two mares walking.


"Oh hey, Its you two...they need you back there." Zefira said as she put out a flame on her clothes.


Delia smiled and hunkered in on the nuzzling. 

"Knowing those stallions I wouldn't be surprised if they were."She said as she saw the odd mare. She spouted something about the group needing them and she sighed.

Edited by Auron

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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