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ooc An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (OOC - No longer accepting!)


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@@00Pony, @,


Hey, you guys get my PMs?


@@Pripyat Pony,


And where are Claire and Diliges?


@@Dawn Stripes,



@@Pripyat Pony,

@, @,


Dink around tiem~!


It's really a shame that what's happening to Dashie and Pinkie, 'cause Rainbow's make one helleva YouTuber on YouTubers React!


SOOO many vids she could watch, ranging from her own vids, to other viral videos both new and old!


Here are just a non-pony few I'd show 'er:



Charlie the Unicorn

Potter Puppet Pals

Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared




Jenna Marbles

Little Baby's Ice Cream

Flappy Bird

Dr. Tran


Girls` Generation

Justin Beiber

Baby Metal


and 5 or 6 Japanese commercials…


Maybe Colette could organize something like this with her minions? It'd be a funny way to instill at least a little faith in us crazy humans! Anypony else wanna try and watch along with 'er??


Okay, gonna work on a post now!

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Kewlnesh! Maybe her minions can ask the Finders do something like that so they can see their leader again?


Anhoots, I think it was my idea, sorry! I didn't want her to be all by her lonesome, as the others are off on a mission of their own… Colette was shot at as she lit her Molotov, BTW…


Perhaps that can make her mad…?


@@Pripyat Pony,


Speaking of which, Cicada's due a good chewing out by Stephen!

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Rainbow has a following of Bronies which she referred to as 'minions.'* at one time or another…


@@Pripyat Pony,


Also, I need to articulate this better, but these aren't the dumb villians that you see in cartoons and fairy tales, so they wouldn't leave any flammable tanks out in the open like that…


These are highly trained agents that can think on their feet and can't be fooled easily…


Firebombing the entrances is a step in the right direction, though!

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@@00Pony, @, @@Dawn Stripes, @, @@Pripyat Pony,


Sorry for not posting antyhing! I'm working on an idea that I wanna see played out, and I want everyone's input once I finish and put it up in the OOC!


I'm gonna work on it a little more, then work on my next post! feel free to post in the meantime, 00!


I hope to have my idea up by the end of the week! Just think of it of being in the same vein as a Jenna Marbles video:


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Just a quick heads up, I'll be going to a thing this weekend that will limit my internet connection pretty heavily until Sunday. This starts on Friday. So I'll be even more inactive than I was already (hopefully that'll change soon)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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I did! Haven't had a chance to respond to it yet, obviously. I'll try and get around to that

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony,

@, @@Pripyat Pony, @,@,


'Tis time for another "I Wanna See This Play Out in the Sequel!"™ Now in Supermassive Post!


I've had this idea swimming around in my head for quite some time, but keep in mind I'm going off of current information, so things are bound to change!


The scenario is the Pony Finders have arrived in Equestria not too long ago, and She has since then rented a small shed/ house for her recording /gaming / vlog sessions, as she doesn't want to disturb the woodland creatures in and around Fluttershy's cottage, as well as have a sanctuary for swearing like a sailor (though guessing how the fillies and colts are gonna be, it won't be long before her sanctuary's discovered!)


Colette has just received word that all of the Pony Finders are being summoned to meet with all four princesses in a formal setting, as they're all to be honored for finding and taking care of the Equestrians -- which is leaving her to sweating bullets in fear of saying/doing something wrong in front of royalty, despite multiple assurances from the Ponies that there is nothing to be afraid of.


In order to both prepare herself and notify her followers, she creates a skit a la a Jenna Marbles How To, which will (mostly) go like this WARNING: Jump Cut City. Population -jump cut-. You've been warned!):


Background music: Girls' Generation - PAPARAZZI




The video begins with its usual opening, immediately followed by Colette, who has a large and toothy plastic smile on her face.


"Hello, all you crazy followers!" She begins as she waves to the camera, speaking in a deadpan, almost robotic voice. "And welcome to Part One of my two part tutorial on how to meet Equestrian Royalty, when you're an alien. Starring yours truly!"


Colette then holds up an exceptionally exquisite scroll, complete with the seals of all four rulers. "I have just received word that in three days, I, along with all the other Pony Finders will be taken directly to Canterlot Castle to be formally honored for safely bringing the former Element Bearers home!"

-jump cut-


Colette's smile seems even more forced as she speaks again in a somewhat lowered tone, "Only slightly damaged from the ordeal of being forced to live in your world!"


She then winks and holds up the okay sign.


-jump cut-


Colette replaces her false smile and resumes speaking in monotone. "Well, now that the Mane6 are back safe and sound, we're going to meet the rough equivalent of deities, and MUST look and act our best."


-jump cut-


"Which brings us a unique situation. The three other women in your group have opted or accidentally been turned into two Unicorns and a Pegasus, leaving you the sole bipedal fleshy alien with even less hair than her male peers!"


-jump cut-


Colette leans into the camera, her smile somewhat less forced.


"You also have the pleasure of being mistaken for a 12 year old boy--even by other humans!"


-jump cut-


Colette rolls her eyes and cocks her head to one side, but never loses the smile. "Your nickname even makes it sound like you're a boy!"


-jump cut-


"Well, fear not! In this part, we're gonna cover the basics on how to look like a human female should--kinda!"


-jump cut-


"But before we get started, set aside some time to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself!"


-jump cut-


Colette is outside the building she rented, rolling around on the ground and sobbing and wailing loudly, throwing her arms and legs about in a tantrum.




-jump cut-


Colette is back inside, hair now a mess, and there are dirt and grass stains all over her. Her plastic smile is back on her face as she resumes speaking in monotone.


"Perfect! Now with that outta the way, it's time to get ready! First, take a shower! While you're in there, don't forget to condition the shit outta your hair, because you're about to thoroughly abuse it!"


-jump cut-


Colette is now in the frame from the bust up, hair wet and sticking to her face.


"All done! Now if you're like me, you often like to use dye in colors that don't exist in human hair. But one problem. You got lazy and let your roots grow in! But have no fear! Just grab the handy-dandy hair crayons that you bought in Equestria, and begin coloring like a preschooler!"


She holds up said hair crayons in red and blue as she says this.


-jump cut-


Colette has finished coloring her hair, and has since clipped her back.


"Super duper. Now no one has to know you skipped your dye job! Whilst your hair is drying, clip it back so you can cake three metric fucktons of makeup onto your face!"


-jump cut-


Colette has finished applying the foundation, which was actually applied well.


"Neato! Next, apply eyeshadow, eyeliner, and fake cartoon lashes, 'cause all females in Equestria have super long lashes!"


-jump cut-


Colette has applied said eye makeup, and is now fluttering her eyelashes.


"Splendiferous! To add to the 'I'm a girl, God dammit' look, add some hot ass pink lipstick!"


-jump cut-


Colette's lips are now an irradiating shade of hot pink. She has since removed the hair clips, and her hair has dried some.


"Now that we're finished smothering our face with makeup, it's time to savagely rape our long, flowing, gorgeous hair!"


She run a hand through her hair, then lets her hand fall into her lap with a loud smack.


"Oops. You forgot! You have boy hair!"


-jump cut-


Colette's hair is dried and curled attractively. A smug smile is on her face.


"Retro Pixie Wave to the rescue! Now, it's time to get dressed!"


-jump cut-


Full body shot of Colette, who is now wearing a dress Rarity designed for her. She throws her arms up in a flourish, snapping her fingers as she shouts,


"This dress is FABULOUS~!!"


with a homosexual lisp.


-jump cut-


Colette is now wearing jewellery, as well as a large hair accessory.


"Now add on the jewellery, 'cause we're going all out in this biatc--for the Princesses!"


-jump cut-


Colette is holding up a high heel stiletto pump to the camera.


((This one here: http://www.ustrendy.com/files/store/36967_1_jsparkle1.jpg ))


"Finish off your girly look with hoochie stilts! I picked Disco Ball flavor~! 'Cause why the fuck not??"


-jump cut-


Another full body shot of Colette, who is now posing.


"Congratulations! You have now created an idealized illusion of yourself. You now know how to look, but how do you know what'll fly, and what'll get Ponies to look at you sideways? Stay tuned for Part Two, as we'll cover what to do and what not to do!"


-the screen fades out, only to fade back in-


Close-up shot of Colette, who is now bearing a more natural smile, though the monotone is still present.


"I realize this tutorial is for female aliens, but what about males?? Well, just put on a tuxedo, run a comb through your hair, and just say you're a Brony!"


-video ends-

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*Whispers from the depths* "I'm alive and exhausted, so let us shoot for the morrow, best case scenario"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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