Feather Gem 967 April 28, 2013 Share April 28, 2013 One day, you're about to go off to school/work. No one is home if you live with anyone. You must get to school/work by bus, or drive if you can. You're ready to go and pick up your keys when you hear a knock at the door. You go over and open the door. On the ground, in front of the door is an box with you favorite MLP character inside. And he/she is fully awake. What. Do. You. Do. What I'd Do: "Omigosh, wathef***, howdidugethere, Imustbgoingnuts!" "Hello!" Discord smiled at me. I slammed the door shut in his face. I pressed my back against the door and freaked out for minute or so. I wondered if I was completely sane and then opened the door again. "How rude of you," Discord frowned. I slammed the door again. I freaked out for another minute and then ran to my porch. I jumped over it, grabbed a fallen branch and went back around to my front door where Discord was still lounging patiently in the box. I snuck over and lifted the branch, ready to hit him over the head, when suddenly, I felt the branch change under my hands. I looked at it. Now, it was simply a giant, hard, pretzel stick. "Ah, ah, ah," Discord smirked, turning to me. I hit him with the pretzel and it snapped. I tossed the broken stick away and then looked at him, horribly terrified. Then I furrowed my brow and looked down at the box. He shouldn't even fit in the box. But somehow, he did. Discord. The Spirit of Chaos. I'm so dead. Then I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Omigosh, wathef***, howdidugethere, Iloveudiscord!" 3 DiSCoRd'S AppRENtICe Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Umbral Noir 1,556 April 29, 2013 Share April 29, 2013 I would adopt Fluttershy and look after her if I found her in a box outside my house. She would become my best friend and I would look after her and life would be perfect! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 April 29, 2013 Share April 29, 2013 Oh crap, please stay inside until I figure out what to do with you you guys really don't want to be seen they are going to dissect and perform experiments on you. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mio Akiyama 145 April 29, 2013 Share April 29, 2013 My awesome story: Hears a knock on the door while rushing to get in school bus. Me-"Woah dude, a box..... HOLY * WTF?!" Vinyl Scratch- "Uhhhh, yeah dude. It's mutha*ing Vinyl Scratch." *stares at Vinyl for about 5 seconds with mouth open Me-"Soooo, uhhh... I'm guessing you don't have a home?" Vinyl-"Of course not dude." Me-"Ahhh, thought so. Well you can live with me, don't worry dude. I love dubstep. Ok so the fridge is there, I'll get another mattress for you to sleep on, bathroom is that way, if you need a laptop to produce tracks its right over there, and yeah." Vinyl-"Wow thanks" Me-"Well I'll be back in about 7 hours, got school. So uhh enjoy the hime alone for now, no phone calls, try and make sure it looks like no ones home. Video games are available to you, use my headphones if you wanna produce music." Vinyl-"Thanks again" *gives Vinyl a big hug* Me- "So glad you're here, I swear we will be like best roommates or something." Vinyl- "I'm glad I was sent here, best place ever." *Waves goodbye at Vinyl Scratch, closes door, goes to school* And that my friends is what I'd do if Vinyl Scratch arrived at my doorstep. Any other pony would've recieved a similar reaction 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghost 173 April 29, 2013 Share April 29, 2013 Like @ DJ BRONI3 said, I would definitely adopt the pony that shows up. Twilight would be able to help me with my assignments, and I would try to help her. She'd also keep me focused, which is starting to become difficult as the semester is ending, and other things like being outside seem so much more interesting. We could also have educated discussions on various topics like politics and world events, which I haven't stayed on top of as much as I should recently. Vinyl Scratch would be cool too, though I assume I wouldn't get much help academically . We would spend so much time searching for new music and talking about music, and she could help me with my music. She'd be a good mentor to have in that respect. Plus, like I said, her fan personality is hella cool . I'd love to have her as a friend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
V1RUS_ 85 May 4, 2013 Share May 4, 2013 (edited) Scream. Burn Box. Probably take Pinkie Pie with me to school, I'd love to see the look on everyone's faces. And get her to bake cake. Lots of cake. Open box with large knife. Stopping now. Edited May 4, 2013 by Scourge012 ~We stop looking for the monsters under our beds when we realize they're inside us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue Moon 6,341 May 4, 2013 Share May 4, 2013 My answer depends on the age of the pony in the box. I am assuming it is child aged if it fits in a box, otherwise it is a fairly big box if it holds an adult character. Nevermind, my answer, for the most part, will be the same no matter what age. I would probably care for Fluttershy, but I would probably try asking why she is there. I would want to adopt Fluttershy, but I know that it would be best for her to go back to Equestria and would take care of her until she can get back. Autumn Blue Moon Clear Skies Summer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkamena Dianne Pie 465 May 4, 2013 Share May 4, 2013 I would take in the box and open it up like any other box that I find and I don't know what's inside. Inside, I would find a foal Fluttershy and I would immediately fall in love with her. I'd even say screw going to school, as I would have bigger and more important things to do than sit in a classroom and be bored. I know someday she would eventually go back, but for the time being, I would take care of her in the best way possible and make sure she is happy. I'd probably even bring her over to my best friend, as he would get mad at me and be jealous for evertime I do better than him or get something he doesn't. Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY. Signature by me. My OC: Code Junkie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DR Leper Lupinstein 410 May 4, 2013 Share May 4, 2013 i would bring the box in and open it up. I would d'aww so bad seeing it's Fluttershy in that box. Fluttershy may be scared seeing that i'm a human (and i'm sure she's never seen a human before), but eventually i would gain her trust and we'd become good friends really quickly. knowing i have to be to work i would tell her to make herself at home until i got back. then we would hang out and be buds for the rest of the time. hXc i ain't like you and i don't wantyour love and i don't need your respect!!!! hXc ^ - BLOOD FOR BLOOD/OUTLAW ANTHEMS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Octavians 5 May 14, 2013 Share May 14, 2013 I have two favourites applejack and fluttershy. If it was applejack I would ride her to college so all my friends can stare in awe. But if it was fluttershy I would adopt her build her a house in 100 woods near mine and become her best friend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 Cool, I've got my own little Rainbow Dash. I think I'd have him fly me to work everyday for the reasonable exchange of having food and shelter for him . Oh yeah and I'd pet and play with him every single day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mlpfan185 1,763 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 (edited) Something was here. Something was here. Something was here. Edited October 10, 2018 by NONAME Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metemponychosis 1,262 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 (edited) WTF?! Princess Celestia?! 1. Buy a saddle. 2. Go to work riding a freaking alicorn. 3. Have her use her magic to prank a few colleagues. 4. Have her take me to Equestria. 5. Show Lyra my hands. 6. Find a place to live. 7. Find a job. 8. ??? 9. Profit. EDIT: At some point, I'd probably ask her to move our sun around, just to see what happens. Edited May 15, 2013 by moonlightavenger 1 https://www.fimfiction.net/user/32864/Metemponychosis For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out. And I'm just getting started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mlpfan185 1,763 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 (edited) Something was here. Something was here. Something was here. Edited October 10, 2018 by NONAME Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 Me: OMFG ITS FLUTTASHY OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE SHE IS REAL. and then I die from her cuteness. If I survive I will without hesitation help take care of her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Verily British 145 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 For me this is pretty much how it goes: I'm getting ready for school, I'm just about to set off but there's a knock at my door. I open my door and sitting there in a large box is a full sized Discord. We just stand there looking at each other, we say nothing for couple of minuets. Finally I step outside, mount my bag and say "Come on" "Where are we going?" asks Discord. I turn and give him a sadistic smile. "We're going to cause some havoc." So we head back from my school after a day of causing supreme mayhem, the highlights of the day being turning my English class into marshmallows and setting fire to water. We get home and eat the Roasted smores that we made earlier. I then proceed to take over England and decree that UHU glue-sticks are an enemy of our empire and we go to war with the stationary company. After a relaxing day of beheading glue-sticks we return to our home and I look at Discord, and he in turn looks at me, and he says "So what to do tomorrow." To which I reply "Tomorrow I think that it's high time that I visited Equestria." And with that we headed off to our different rooms and slept long chaotic dreams of the wondrous fun that will take place tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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