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private The Equestrian Exploration Team and the unfortunate event (Survival) CONT.


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@,"I have the suspricion that this island is being being shielded by some illusionary magic. Even the clouds before we came were seemed to be "directed" towards us. Someone is going to a great deal to hide this place from us... but the illusions were a little rough around the edges and as an illusionist and a diviner i noticed it."

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@, "I knew something was going on! If somepony or something is going to all this trouble to keep this place hidden from the outside world... Why?  What's the reasoning? And why do I think that somehow, what ever it is, is watching us right now. Where are they getting the power to hold up the illusion for this long? It's been hours since we were shipwrecked here and as you said before we came it was trying to be shrouded from is. That kind of magic takes a toll on anypony..." Novella thought out loud.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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@,"There is the possibility that comes to my mind that this is an automated defense system mechanism. To be honest... i didn't see anyone when i figured the illusions were in place. But that raises another question... If this is an automated defense mechanism or somepony wants to keep us at bay... then WHAT or WHO is it guarding? What is it's purpose? We must be careful... i will keep my eyes open." 

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@, "Yes...I don't think we're alone on this island...And I don't think whatever or whomever else is out there wants to invite us over for a tea party..." Novella joked.


"We should really think about sending in search parties into that thick jungle. Two ponies at a time with regular check ins. If we make trails and pathways and do this systematically it should work.." Novella thought aloud.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Compass put down her cup, walked outside, and looked around. For a rainforest, it was unaturally silent. Compass knew that first hand, because she had been to a rainforest before and it was very noisy. "Hey, guys, I think there's something a bit wrong here. If you just stop chatting and listented, you'd notice that it's very quite. It's not supposed to be quiet, there's supposed to be monkeys and bugs and all that nonsense making noise. The only animal we've seen so far wer those crows that follow Plauge all over. Odd, don't you think?"

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Gearbox looked over compass, looking through the trees, lifting his ears. She was right.

"None? I thought i saw a bird on my way here."

He frowned. He must be losing it, compass was right.

"If the clouds that started that storm brought us here...why is there no wind now?"

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"Don't work yourself up you'll just start acting like there is something when there is nothing. Best thing to do is not think about it until we can search this forest deeper in the morning but until then just relax and try to sleep. Your welcome to stay the night this cave is huge." Sitting down on a rock staring at Compass and Gearbox.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"You are right! Didn't you hear me before? There was something on the forest that was following me, it wasn't a pony or any animal i know, and its very silent, however it didn't leave the forest, and what if it's spying on us right now?"


Wheatley looked back at the forest, the mysterious figure didn't seem to be there anymore


"Its hiding from us, but what if its not only one of them, we need to be prepared for whatever happens"

Edited by Wheatley
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"Well, I should get the others here, it seems to be safer in the cave. If you don't mind, Plauge, I'll go get them. I'm pretty sure htere's room for everypony." Said Compass. She was pretty sure Novella and Selune were at the beach, doing some science. She didn't want Plauge to get angry, though, because this was technically his shelter.

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Plague sat silent for a moment, "Yea...everypony could stay here just make sure they stay out of my bags." Standing up walking out of the cave. "I'll be back in a few moments." Slowly disappearing into the darkness. A crow flew into the cave landing on the rock Plague got off of he watched the two carefully.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Gearbox sighed. All this paranoia will get to everyone, except kyznetsov, he supposed. He must have been a sound sleeper.

He looked over everyone, and stopped to smile when he looked at the crow.

Gearbox supposed that this island had something in store for them.

He had a feeling they were part of something bigger, he just wished he knew what.

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Compass smiled. "Alright." She said. "I'll get the others and tell them to not mess around with your stuff." She headed out onto the beach. She had the weirdest feeling that someone had been watching her. She reached the beach, when suddendly a bright flash of light from the sky caught her eye. It was and aurora borealis, just like the ones you see in the Crystal Empire at night! Those were only supposed to appear in the north! This was odd. If the island was in the north, it would have been much colder. And considering the fact that it was about 1AM in the morning on the island, it was pretty warm. 


"Hello?" She called out. "Is anypony there?"

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The crow flew to Gearbox his eyes glowing, "Take care of my cave." The crow whispered and then flew out of the cave.


Plague walked aimlessly in the forest he could hear screams, "My mental health is weakening and I don't have the supplies to make something for it." Putting his hoof on a tree. "Slowly going insane isn't fun. In the morning I will hunt for something that can help me." Walking slowly back to the cave.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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@@harmonyplus, "Shhhhh..." Selune aproached her and gently put her hoof on her mouth. "Be quite for a moment... don't turn... just look around. Don't show that you've noticed anything. Look at the waves... the glimmering eyes in the forest behind. Someone's watching us." She said worried.

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Compass put a hoof over her mouth. "Sorry" She whispered. "Now, what are we looking at again?" She asked very quietly, as she walked over to Selune. "And, don't worry, I don't think you're paranoid. I had that same feeling too, while I was walking over here. Did you see the aurora borealis?" Compass Rose mentaly reminded herself to stay on topic. "Plague Doctor has a cave shelter that's a lot safer than the leaf tent. You wanna come?"

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"Where is this shelter? Can you take me there?" Novella asked quite curious.


"What kind of pony is Plague? How can he find his way around this island? Why are there always so many ravens and crows around him? Is there something he's not telling us?" Novella wondered to herself as she stared up at the horizon line.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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@@harmonyplus"I seem them... yes we're not supposed to be that far north. There are many anomalies in this island... perhaps it is to cause confusion to those who crash here as to where they are. I am coming with you... better stay togother just in case someone decides to bump in on us." she said carefully looking around. 

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"I'm coming too, its better if we stay as a group and avoid splitting up, the cave shouldn't be so far and if we get lost, try searching for crows, they could lead the way"


And i hope we don't find that thing in the forest again, its creeping me out He thought while looking at the forest 

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"Well," said Compass, turning to Novella, "It's a cave. With stuff in it." She began to walk into the forest and waited for the others to follow. "Are you coming?" she asked. Then a thought popped into her brain, which she quickly made into her next question.

"Selune, what do you mean by... um...anomalies?"

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"Natural anomalies... like the Auroras you saw before, and the fact that we are in a jungle without animals to indicate where exactly in Equestria we are. It's like the whole island is a big setup for... something, i don't really know. The thing is that someone wants this place not to be found and... wait a minute!" she said stopping in place opening her eyes wide. A crazy idea had appeared in her mind, litterally crazy but she had to try to explain this. "You said that the temperature on this island was way too hot to be in the north considering that we see the sky lights, the auroras. I have known of Manehatten research that plants affect the micro-climate of the area, changing the temperature, improving the environment and more. So now i am thinking... i am thinking that the Auroras can't be easily mimiced." she stopped for another moment. "Has anyone noticed the island... moving?"

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Gearbox took the opportunity he had, with no one in the cave, he could take his goggles off again, and he began to rub his eyes.

He looked over the forest, admiring the natural beauty. He looked up at the sky and saw the stars, and something was off. He didn't know what it was, but he put it off, guessing that it was just that he saw the real colors, not through an orange filter that stained his glass.

He looked over to see what movement he assumed was plagues, since he had left earlier. He decided to keep his goggles off, unless he saw someone else, where he would put his head away and put them back on.

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Plague heard movement behind him, "Not now my insanity is starting to act up." Quickly move away from the noises. Stopping behind a tree he peeked to see who was following him but there was nothing, "It has to be my mind playing tricks on me again just like the screaming I'm hearing." Taking off his mask taking long breaths.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Novella took a step towards Compass Rose, then heard Selune's comment.


"I read a few published articles about that before coming...I made some notes on it but, sadly, they're all gone now." She thought aloud.


"I felt a slight shift in continental movement but I felt like it would be an odd thing to mention. So I didn't." Novella answered.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Kyz walked into the cave and looked around, he began to speak and it was clear from his slurring that he was drunk...piss drunk "thaz a noice place you gots theressss sir...i thwink ima gonna liiiiiie down now." Kyz fell to the floor, still awake but very confused.

(O.O.C sorry i havent been posting i was swamped with finals but im back now and tis summer up here so hazza!)

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Compass kept walking towards the cave, looking back to make sure the others were there. She was standing just outside the cave when Kyznetsov fell into the cave, drunk. "Hey, I can see why Kyz wasn't paranoid!" She commented, with a slight giggle. "I had no idea he had so much alchohol on him."

Edited by harmonyplus
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