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"I'll decide on that when we get her. I'm living proof a parent can't truly force their child to be something they weren't meant to be. I'll guide her as well as I can but if that doesn't work... She won't be an innocent little filly forever..." Cosmo's voice faded as he said the last sentence, allowing its meaning to just hang in the air.

Crimson rolled his eyes, "you do realize that you just said that to a guy who's father is the spawn of the devil.....the things I could tell you about what he tried to make do...."sigh" whatever, let's just find rail so I can shove helios down his throat!" Said crimson angrily as he ran.

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Swordpoint looked to Radio. ”Thank you. I believe we have little time left, so it is imperative that we find Rail.”


Rainbow held her hoof out to him. ”So how's he gonna open the portal?”


”With the life force of one of us,” Swordpoint spat. ”Those papers I found were enough to confirm everything. I intended to continue the charade until Rail imposed the new rule.” He glanced at Cosmo and Crimson. ”There is little time, and he will be searching for us. We must make haste.”

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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"So the competition was just a ruse to get a pony to open a portal to your door. Lovely," she mumbles. She mumbles something about how bad guys should really think up more complex plans. "They just tried to abduct me. Who the heck immobilizes the hooves of a unicorn to abduct them, anyway? Is that common practice here? Was I supposed to fall on my face and forget I have a horn?" She shakes her head, "Now what?"

(I'm still a little confused by your abduction attempt. I feel like I didn't understand it fully and I shorted you.)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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”Yes,” Swordpoint confirmed. ”His intention was to find the strongest pony to use their energy. The only wish he intended to grant was his own.”


”You believe that you're clever, Swordpoint,” Rail's voice boomed, ”and yet you failed to realize that I have engineered your participation from the start. It was my associates who captured Rainbow. I made certain that she would escape, as well.”


”We are coming for you, Rail,” Swordpoint growled. ”You will fall.” Swordpoint was suddenly encased in a green aura. ”What trickery is this?!” He disappeared in a flash of green light.


”All according to plan,” the green unicorn said with a laugh. He jumped down from the stands.


”Hey!” Rainbow shouted. ”What did you do?!”


”Consider this your invitation to watch the beginning of the new world,” he said with a grin. ”Come find us in the basement. I'm certain that you will all make excellent sacrifices.”


Rainbow cried out and lunged at the unicorn, but he disappeared before she could reach him. She glanced at the other ponies who remained. ”We have to help him! Please! If you won't do it for me, then do it for the world. You don't wanna know what'll happen if Rail gets into the Nexus!”

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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”Yes,” Swordpoint confirmed. ”His intention was to find the strongest pony to use their energy. The only wish he intended to grant was his own.”

”You believe that you're clever, Swordpoint,” Rail's voice boomed, ”and yet you failed to realize that I have engineered your participation from the start. It was my associates who captured Rainbow. I made certain that she would escape, as well.”

”We are coming for you, Rail,” Swordpoint growled. ”You will fall.” Swordpoint was suddenly encased in a green aura. ”What trickery is this?!” He disappeared in a flash of green light.

”All according to plan,” the green unicorn said with a laugh. He jumped down from the stands.

”Hey!” Rainbow shouted. ”What did you do?!”

”Consider this your invitation to watch the beginning of the new world,” he said with a grin. ”Come find us in the basement. I'm certain that you will all make excellent sacrifices.”

Rainbow cried out and lunged at the unicorn, but he disappeared before she could reach him. She glanced at the other ponies who remained. ”We have to help him! Please! If you won't do it for me, then do it for the world. You don't wanna know what'll happen if Rail gets into the Nexus!”

Crimson cursed, "dammit! I didn't react fast enough! Don't worry dash, I gave swordpoint my word that I would help him stop rail from opening the nexus and that's exactly what I'm gonna do! Come on everypony!" Said crimson bravely before running towards the basement.

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Radio looks at Rainbow, "Need you be more dramatic? We're all friends her. Now then, basements are down, so..." Radio weakens the ground in front of her and stomps on it, making it crumble into a hole. "If we go and make our own tunnle to this basement we may be able to bypass potential entrance traps."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Radio looks at Rainbow, "Need you be more dramatic? We're all friends her. Now then, basements are down, so..." Radio weakens the ground in front of her and stomps on it, making it crumble into a hole. "If we go and make our own tunnle to this basement we may be able to bypass potential entrance traps."

Crimson stops in mid run and turns back to face radio with a blush, "uh....I knew that....I just...uh...knew I could get past them to kick rails ass! But clearly your plan is better, so NOW let's go kick rails ass!" Said crimson excitedly before jumping into the hole that radio had made.

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Cosmo gave his friend a "sure you did," look before jumping in after him. "I can already feel a powerful entity beneath us. I'm sorry Swordpoint, I doubted your unease about Rail and now..." catching himself Cosmo shook the thoughts out of his head, "And now I'm going get you out of this mess! The tournament is over Rail, now you'll see the power I restrained against my opponents!" Cosmo landed softly and prepared Shadow Dance, as well as creating four more Black Swans, preparing for his Black Seraph fighting style, "One of the few things I don't regret about my father's training."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Radio resists the urge to salute the rainbow-maned pegasus. She beared a strong resemblance to her great-great-great granddaughter, who had ended up the leader of a small militia around where she grew up. The respect was immediately transferred. “After you, Miss Dash.”


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Rainbow gave Radio an awkward smile. ”Um... You can call me Rainbow.” She jumped into the hole and landed gently below. She was in a dark hallway lined with wires. There was a door at the end with an engraving saying ”Highest clearance only.”



Swordpoint was restrained with magic. He hung above a large machine, while Rail stood at the controls.


” I've always been interested in the one who saw the infinite and lived,” Rail told him. ”Not that I needed you, of course. But you're powerful, and I need that power.” A vindictive smile crossed Rail's face. ”Let's begin, shall we?” Rail pressed a small button and Swordpoint's body exploded with pain.


”You will not succeed!” Swordpoint shouted through gritted teeth. He felt his energy being drained.


”But I already have,” Rail said with a smirk.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Radio went to the door and frowned. Her eyes glowed visibly behind her face mask as she began to magically asses and disassemble the locks and traps on the door. It took her some time, but finally she could swing it open with little difficulty. "Come on, let's see our friend to safety," she urged Cosmo and Crimson.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Swordpoint struggled in vain against the restrictive bonds. He couldn't do a thing, and he knew the machine would kill him. Before his eyes, a portal with swirling colors opened before him. Rail had achieved his goal, and it was only a matter of time before he was absorbed into the nexus.


”Yes!” Rail exclaimed. ”It's beautiful! Ultimate power before my eyes!” He moved toward the portal. ”Let's start with something small.” He held out his hooves and absorbed some of the energy. There was a flash of blinding light, and Rail suddenly grew wings and a horn. ” Incredible! I feel such power!”

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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She could feel things happening that shouldn't happen. Namely, created energy, which broke the human Einstein's law. She frowned and spat, kicking down the now disabled door. "Alright Rail, I'm ready for round one in this tournament. You verses the power of friendship."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Rail glanced at the door. ”You want a fight? I suppose I can kill you before I change the world.”


Rainbow rushed inside. ” Swordpoint!” she screamed. She flew to him.


”S-stop... Rail...” Swordpoint said hoarsely. His eyes closed and his head lolled forward.


Rainbow lost her composure and fell into blind panic. ”SOMEONE HELP HIM! THEY'RE KILLING HIM!”

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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She sniffs at the machine, "Primitive and ugly. Much like it's commissioner." She used her magic to bypass the failsafes and melt the wires. Without a place for the power to go, it stopped draining Swordpoint and shut itself down.she made sure to fuze critical moving parts together so it wouldn't restart.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Swordpoint fell forward as the restraints failed. Rainbow caught him and faced the others. ”I'm getting him outta here, and then I'm coming back to help kick Rail's flank!”


”Nonsense!” Rail said, chuckling. ”You must stay for the party!” A black aura radiated from his new horn, and Rainbow was thrown to the ground, still holding Swordpoint.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Swordpoint fell forward as the restraints failed. Rainbow caught him and faced the others. ”I'm getting him outta here, and then I'm coming back to help kick Rail's flank!”

”Nonsense!” Rail said, chuckling. ”You must stay for the party!” A black aura radiated from his new horn, and Rainbow was thrown to the ground, still holding Swordpoint.

Crimson gasped in shock as he watched rail toss rainbow across the floor, crimson then glared deeply at rail, "you.....REALLY shouldn't have done that...." said crimson before running up to rail at blinding speeds attempting to punch him in the face with a flaming hoof, "EAT THIS! METEOR SHOCK!" Yelled crimson angrily.

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Cosmo laughed and caught Rainbow and Swordpoint before they hit the ground. "You lied to us, got my hopes up about a wish, insulted me by thinking that belligerent savage could kill us, and now you try to hurt my friends with Telekinesis?! MY SPECIALTY?!" He was crying with laughter, but his voice was unmistakably iron solid, "I have to take back what I said Crimson. Father or not, this guy has gone too far to receive mercy. Taste the wings of Death you false deity!" Cosmo shouted as his six Black Swans charged at Rail and began harassing him with a series of blows from varying sides and angles. Cosmo followed by charging at him with Altiar, striking wherever the Black Swans' attacks left Rail most vulnerable, "You will never truly understand the power of magic, let alone master it, and to become a god?! You've truly lost your mind to believe such a ridiculous idea is possible, portal or not!"

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Rail only laughed and dodged effortlessly. He brought a hoof down on Crimson's back and sent a wave of lightning at Cosmo. ”You have no chance! This power is beyond your comprehension!”


Rainbow looked at Swordpoint desperately. He was alive, but weak. She wrapped her wings around him and gave him some of her energy.


Swordpoint opened his eyes. ”I... am alive?” He glanced at his friends and Rail. ”Your only hope is to harness the power of the nexus! You will never defeat him otherwise!”


”You really talk too much, Swordpoint,” Rail said in a bored voice. He lifted Swordpoint and threw him to the ground.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Radio heard this and looked to the portal. In times like this it is said that one should pray to Celestia, but I have always found that Luna is much better at answering prayers. Luna, should I be ended at the end of this, please protect my friends. Radio closed her eyes and did two things. The first was to transport all of her armor around Swordpoint. The second was to teleport to the portal. There has to be a way to become an alicorn from here, especially if that moster did it. I need it... to help my friends. She stepped into the portal. 


(I'ma leave it to you to tell me what happens next. It's your portal.)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(OOC: I'm going in too)

Cosmo barely avoided the bolt, and were it not for his Shadow Dance, it would've hit and probably killed him. As he called back the real Black Swans, he knew Rail was unfortunatelt right, "I know how to handle entire libraries of spells, but I can only cast a select few. At this rate none of will be able to stop him... Princess Luna, Cinder... I'm sorry. I'm about to become a living legend... or a memory." Cosmo thought before he plunged himself in the portal, his faithful blades at his side.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Swordpoint watched as Radio and Cosmo disappeared. ”Foolish bravery... Perhaps they may survive...” He stood shakily. ”Cosmo! Radio! Only take the energy you need! If you allow it to overwhelm you, you will be consumed! Do not sacrifice yourselves!”


”NO!” Rail shouted. ”I worked too hard for you to destroy my plans!” He flew toward the portal, a snarl on his face.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson groaned as he got up, but grinned as he heard what swordpoint had said, "tch, this is probably gonna end up killing me....but at least its to save my freinds....and since when has the threat of dying ever stopped me before?!" Thought crimson, before jumping up and jumping off of rails face for more momentum, he flew into the portal, but just before he was completely consumed by the portal, he used his magic to make himself have fingers, he then used them to flip rail the bird and chuckled before dissappearing.

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Rail roared with fury and dove into the portal.


Rainbow looked at Swordpoint. ”Don't,” she pleaded.


”...I'm sorry,” he said. He flew into the portal after Rail.


Swordpoint emerged into the sea of color again. Behind him stood a wooden door, through which he could see the room he'd just left. He felt his strength return to him as the heart of the nexus began to pour into him. He drew just the power he wanted and grew a horn. He then blocked out the rest of the energy, although he couldn't hold it back forever. They had fifteen minutes at most before the nexus would absorb them... And with this many ponies, only the strongest will would gain the power to change everything.


”Give up, Rail!” Swordpoint demanded. ”You will die in here, and you know this.”


” I'd rather die than watch you ruin everything!” Rail growled. ”This power is mine! This world is mine! And I'm going to erase you from it, you son of a bitch!”

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Radio stretched. She felt smaller, like when she was a filly, right before the blasts. Before the radiation had had it's way with her horn. It lasted for a breif moment, and then she felt as if someone had made her limbs explode outward again. She still felt like the radiation hadn't touched her horn though. She opened her eyes to a new screen; something made out of a crystaline structure, strong. Molded diamond. I have a diamond facemask. She held up her hooves and they were coated as well, It's all diamond. Icons filled the screen, forming up. "Analyses complete. Radioactive Tragedy." She felt as if she were dropped out of something, just as Rail began throwing his fit. "You know," she spoke through her speakers, "I had a human say the same thing to me once. I proceded to let him know just how I felt about him." She charged a blast and shot it. It was far bigger than she was, and she looked slightly confused. It had taken little energy to produce. Somepony perfected the magic amplifier?


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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