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@,@@TheBreech, @

Swordpoint nodded to Radio. "Yes... that is the truth behind it. It has been a closely guarded secret, known only to few. There was an ancient civilization which discovered it... but that knowledge died with them. That is... until the reapling invasion." He shuddered as painful memories flooded his mind. "I have seen the heart of the nexus... and I have stepped inside it. Even I do not know what force was capable of returning me to the living. Only imagine seeing everything that is, everything that was, and everything that will be... and being given the choice to rearrange it all."


Swordpoint turned to Cosmo. "Did you find something interesting?" He felt certain that there wasn't much that could change things, considering his suspicions. However, he was willing to hear any additional information. I must find Rail. He's certainly dirty... if only Cosmo could see this. Big Shot is merely a pawn... nothing more.

"Big Shot is or was looking for something. He contacted a number of unicorns who specialize in tracking magical entities, but the letters I found didn't have dates... Magic is a powerful tool for anyone so it could've been an artifact or ancient spell but given what we're discussing..." Cosmo shrugged, "He could be investigating what Rail found, looking for it himself, or it could be completely unrelated. All I'm saying is don't assume it's Rail and ignore other possibilities."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Crimson raised an eyebrow, "you know......for a huge secret.....don't you think its a bit strange that these idiots at the tournament could find it? I mean sure, their rich and famous and all, call it a hunch, but I don't think rail or bigshot found this on their own.....I think they had some outside help.....think about it, not to brag or anything, but I've been to so many places, seen so many things, and heard so many legends, that I could write a series of foot thick novels! Yet I've never heard even a rumor of it! So how did the committee find out about it?" Asked crimson suspiciously.

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Crimson raised an eyebrow, "you know......for a huge secret.....don't you think its a bit strange that these idiots at the tournament could find it? I mean sure, their rich and famous and all, call it a hunch, but I don't think rail or bigshot found this on their own.....I think they had some outside help.....think about it, not to brag or anything, but I've been to so many places, seen so many things, and heard so many legends, that I could write a series of foot thick novels! Yet I've never heard even a rumor of it! So how did the committee find out about it?" Asked crimson suspiciously.

"Good, that means you aren't totally obsessed. You can learn a lot from general study but there's no way you could know every legend everywhere, especially as apparently rare as this, without being mentally sick." Cosmo rubbed his eyes and said, "I don't like how this sounds but We don't know anything for sure so I'm sorry but I'm going to bed, I've got a decapitating savage to fight tomorrow, and I need to sleep." With that Cosmo went back to his room to find Cinder watching him return, his note on the bed. "You ok now?" she asked. "Enough to go back to sleep," he told her, climbing back under the covers. "Night," she said with a gentle kiss, "Goodnight Cinder."

(OOC: I'm still going to be on but I won't post until Cosmo's match. I'll keep watching what you guys are doing but Cosmo is going to be asleep.)

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Radio frowned at Swordpoint, "I'd wish you luck tomorrow, but it's luck against me. And I need all of mine. So the best I can do is... See you tomorrow, I hope I don't have to kill you." She sighed, "Friendship... Even back in time I fail miserably with it. Good luck with this nexus thing. You guys know where to find me if you need help. And I'm not dead." She teleports back to her room, putting the crystal in her cabinet and laying down to sleep.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Crimson sighed and looked at swordpoint with a smile, "well, seeing as everypony else is going to sleep, then I think I'll go to my room and put up some defensive wards on the hotel and stadium to keep my father out as much as possible, what are you gonna do?" Asked crimson tiredly.

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Swordpoint managed a wan smile. If only Radio knew... But perhaps she may learn of the values of friendship. Perhaps I may be able to teach her... if we all survive this mess.



Swordpoint faced Crimson. "I will search for Rail. Go and sleep, Crimson." He nodded respectfully and exited the room. He stepped into the hallway and made his way to the door which he teleported through. He examined it to find it unlocked. "Well... Radio is certainly resourceful." He opened it and stepped into another hallway, looking around himself. "Now, then... where are you, Rail?"


Rail stood in his skybox seats, scowling and holding a smoldering cigarette. Well that was boring. These louts think they're so important... idiots, all of them. The door to the room flung open, and Rail casually turned around to find Swordpoint staring at him. "Well, hello again. Is there something I can do for you?"


Swordpoint growled. "I know what you're planning."


"Oh?" Rail asked, clearly bored. "What would that be?"


"Where is the portal?" Swordpoint demanded. His eyes were narrowed.


Rail only chuckled. "You are deluded, Swordpoint. There is no portal. As you've said, you closed all of them."


Swordpoint produced the documents he'd found and threw them onto a small table nearby. "Do not play coy. These documents are enough to confirm my suspicions. If you don't have a portal, you plan to open one."


Rail finished his cigarette and tossed it carelessly to the ground, stamping it out with his hoof. "If you only intend to make baseless accusations, I have no time for you." He started toward the door, but Swordpoint stood in his path.


"Speak, or I shall kill you now," Swordpoint warned. His eyes were glowing.


"Really? You would kill the one thing keeping you from losing?"


Swordpoint let his energy dissipate and looked cautiously at Rail. "What do you mean?"


Rail absentmindedly lit another cigarette. "The committee has plans for you. They wanted to rig your fight, you know. After some... persuasion, I managed to change their minds. But don't expect them to let you off with a ten count. I'm afraid that you'll have to kill Radioactive Tragedy... or force a surrender from her. And I can't even guarantee that they'll accept a surrender." He took a long drag from the cigarette. "Just something to keep in mind. Now, I'm a very busy stallion, so if you'll excuse me..."


Swordpoint eyed Rail carefully, but he at last stepped aside and allowed him to pass. Once Rail was gone, Swordpoint made his way out of the arena and flew back to the hotel, where a very angry Rainbow Dash awaited him.


"Where in the buck have you been?!" Rainbow shouted in the lobby. "I thought those tournament guys came and took you or something!"


Swordpoint held out his hoof. "I am sorry, Rainbow, I--"


Rainbow cut him off with a hoof to the face. "Sorry my flank! I hope you found whatever you were looking for!"


Swordpoint's eyes were tired and drooping. "...I found enough. I must rest, Rainbow. Tomorrow will be difficult. I... may be forced to take a life. And I am not prepared to do so."


Rainbow's expression slowly changed from angry to worried. "Who? That Radio pony? But you can't do that! She hasn't hurt anyone!"


Swordpoint sighed. "I know. And that is why my only hope is her surrender. If she refuses to do so, then there will be no victory for me. I am not a murderer."


Rainbow put her hoof on Swordpoint's shoulder. "Let's go get some sleep. We'll deal with tomorrow when it comes." Together, they walked upstairs to their room. Though Rainbow found sleep quickly, Swordpoint lied awake for hours in the still dark of the night before he finally drifted off.


--TIME SKIP TO THE DAY OF THE FIGHTS! Everyone is back in the waiting room of the arena.--

"Welcome to the semi-finals, everypony!" Topaz shouted. "We've seen a lot of great matches, and I can bet they're only going to get better! Today, we have two rounds for you! In the first round, we have Standoff versus Cosmo Shadesteel! Contestants, please report to arena number one!"

Edited by Justin ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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--TIME SKIP TO THE DAY OF THE FIGHTS! Everyone is back in the waiting room of the arena.--

"Welcome to the semi-finals, everypony!" Topaz shouted. "We've seen a lot of great matches, and I can bet they're only going to get better! Today, we have two rounds for you! In the first round, we have Standoff versus Cosmo Shadesteel! Contestants, please report to arena number one!"

Cosmo and Cinder looked up as they heard the announcement. "Moment of truth..." Cinder said with a touch of fear, "See you soon my dear," Cosmo said with a kiss. Cosmo entered the ring, all three of his blades out and ready, his Shadow Dance spell on, and in case his suspicion was correct, the mind wards Princess Luna taught him active. "If he can defeat me now, he truly is the better warrior, and I will have to put his sins in the past... but I will not waste mercy on a beast like him!" Cosmo thought with a dark conviction. "Ready?" A faint voice asked, "Almost Altiar, just a few more moments."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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@@Justin ZW,@@TheBreech

Standoff grinned. Time to sort shit out. You ready? Ja. Do you think the grenade'll work? It'd better. I'll have Velinov's head if it doesn't.

Standoff walked slowly toward the ring, wanting to enjoy this stroll. If the venture paid off, he'd have this match tagged and bagged. If not, it'd be more difficult, albeit still possible.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Radio sat in her bed, within earshot of the tournament, and pulled a paper from a from her drawer. She'd taken it last night, when her visual sensors had highlighted her name. She'd read through it twice; it was a hit order. She'd expected it, mostly because she hadn't killed anyone in the arena yet. It still stung a little, however, because it meant that she was more likely to die. "Welp, in the words of the game, the weak will be perged. I should nuke this whole godless place, but it has a purpose I suppose." She shrunk her charged crystal and slid it into the horn of her helmet. The helmet whired, and previously unlit areas glowed. "Fully charged. Estimated time for recharge- unknown." She slid it on and left her room, the document burning as the door morphed into a wall. With luck, nopony would figure out how to find her room. She walked to the waiting room.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@@TheBreech, @

"Oooh, this is going to be so great!" Topaz giggled. "Standoff never fails to deliver!"


The crowd was going wild.


"Kill him, Standoff! Rip his head off like last time!"


"Tear him to shreds!"


"Blow his ass up!"


Topaz smiled at Standoff. "Well, we certainly know who the crowd favorite is! I hope you're both ready! On my mark, you may begin! 3! 2! 1! Aaaaaaaand... GO!"



Swordpoint stood in the waiting room, silently contemplating what to do. He glanced up to see Radio approaching. "...so it is today, Radio," he said quietly. "I... have some disturbing news. They're doing away with ten counts for our match. The only way to win... is with a kill. Or if the opponent forfeits."

Edited by Justin ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@TheBreech, Standoff brought the M-79 up, said a silent, short prayer, and fired. The grenade arced up and exploded in a purple shock wave. The horns of dozens of unicorns in the audience sparked and smoked. "There. It's just you, me, and my bare hooves." Standoff reloaded and waited for Cosmo to make a move.

(Magic temporarily disabled.)


Edited by Confogl



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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@@TheBreech, Standoff brought the M-79 up, said a silent, short prayer, and fired. The grenade arced up and exploded in a purple shock wave. The horns of dozens of unicorns in the audience sparked and smoked. "There. It's just you, me, and my bare hooves." Standoff reloaded and waited for Cosmo to make a move.

(Magic temporarily disabled.)


(You shot a grenade, and fully reloaded without interference, while I was powered up and ready to pounce on the whistle? That's a really OP move so I don't want to hear any complaints)

Cosmo didn't wait for the grenade to launch before he charged across the arena propelled by Shadow Dance and sliced at Standoff's throat with Altiar. The disruptive energy screwed him up so Cosmo only cut Standoff's upper leg. Backing away he felt the effects of the grenade, "Magic disruption. Thank you Luna," Cosmo thought. The mind ward he placed was blown away, but it shielded a portion of his magic. "I can only use my blades, anything else is too much for now, but it's still something." As Standoff began to reload Cosmo struck at the weapon, refusing to let Standoff get his explosives out.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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@@TheBreech (Aight.)

Standoff cursed. Backing off a little, he checked for damage."You mad? That would have killed us both!" Muttering under his breath, he removed a shell with a glass head with yellow-green liquid sloshing inside, and picked a rock up off the floor of the arena. "Hit me. I DARE you."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Crimson growled as he watched cosmo's match, "what the hell is in that weird glass gunshell? It looks somthing like....." crimson gasped, "COSMO WATCH OUT! THAT COULD BE ACID OR POISON! SO DONT LET IT TOUCH YOUR SKIN!" Said crimson warily, attempting to warn cosmo.

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"Sweet Luna you found my one weakness... It's small stones," Cosmo replied before considering his options. "I wonder what happens I break that little ball you got there," he taunted sheathing his smaller blades, Cosmo focused on extending the reach of grip on Altiar. "About twice as far... It'll do," he thought before stabbing at the glass item doing his best to avoid it and it's contents. "Probably more anti-magic tricks... A good idea, I must say."

(OOC: Btw, what kind of arena has rocks? I imagine some dirt and bots of stone maybe but large chunks? I'm ok with it but I find it slightly amusing as well :) )

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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@@TheBreech"Aw balls." The shell punctured, Standoff decided the smartest idea was to throw it directly at Cosmo. He threw the rock first, then the shell, and hoped that the connection was nearly ready...

Rico usually trusted Standoff. But these demands were ridiculous. Get a tank and put it at Terminal 2 of Panau National Airport? Well, that wasn't too hard. Gather up every grenade he could find? More difficult, but okay. But, URANIUM? Rico hoped Standoff knew what he was doing...



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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@@TheBreech, "Aw balls." The shell punctured, Standoff decided the smartest idea was to throw it directly at Cosmo. He threw the rock first, then the shell, and hoped that the connection was nearly ready...

Rico usually trusted Standoff. But these demands were ridiculous. Get a tank and put it at Terminal 2 of Panau National Airport? Well, that wasn't too hard. Gather up every grenade he could find? More difficult, but okay. But, URANIUM? Rico hoped Standoff knew what he was doing...

(OOC: Uranium? If you Nuke this fight I'll bring out my God Form Cosmo, I'm just saying...)

Cosmo was far back enough to predict Standoff's plan. He knocked the rock away with Altiar and focused on avoiding the glass shell. Pulling back to a safe distance, Cosmo returned Altiar to it's close range and brought The Black Swans back out. "No more tricks!" Cosmo shouted, aggressively striking at Standoff with a flurry of slashes and stabs from all three blades. "I don't know what else is in his bag of tricks but I refuse to let him show me anymore!" Cosmo screamed inside his own mind, intent on defeating Standoff quickly.

(OCC: If you take the time to reach for something, you'll get hit.)

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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@@TheBreech, (Not nuking anything. And you just lost.)

Standoff parried, ducked, and then grabbed Altair out of the air. Making short work of the short swords, (knocked them down hard enough to stick them in the ground), he slid up to Cosmo almost inhumanly quickly. "Call the swords off. If you try to stick me with the other two, I'll know, and if you try to get me with the one I've got or yourself, I'll just disarm you. One hitman to another, mate. Give. Up."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Crimson growled angrily once more, "hey! Uranium's an unfair weapon! Hey topaz, is that even legal?" Asked crimson, but crimsons rant was interrupted as he saw standoff disarm cosmo, crimson cursed, "oh crap! Don't listen to his crap cosmo! Don't give up! Kick his ass!" Said crimson encouragingly.

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@@TheBreech, (Not nuking anything. And you just lost.)

Standoff parried, ducked, and then grabbed Altair out of the air. Making short work of the short swords, (knocked them down hard enough to stick them in the ground), he slid up to Cosmo almost inhumanly quickly. "Call the swords off. If you try to stick me with the other two, I'll know, and if you try to get me with the one I've got or yourself, I'll just disarm you. One hitman to another, mate. Give. Up."

Cosmo backed up quickly, grabbing his swords on the way and returning The Black Swans to their sheathes. "I'm not a hit man Standoff. I only kill ponies that have proven to be a threat to others and show no remorse or guilt. I see no reason for why you murdered Roto or Lite Shade and the title you just gave doesn't exactly set me at ease about your intentions for this tournament. Unless you have a good reason for being here, I won't just stand down, not to someone like you. Or do you think I've never been in more dire situations than this?" Cosmo realized the error of his strategy, "I underestimated his skill in close combat. Looks like I'm back to plan B, stall for my magic to return. That should be what? A few minutes perhaps? I should at least have Shadow Dance by then and from there... Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it... Until then, I don't like his speed." Cosmo restrained one of Standoff's front legs with telekinesis, reducing his 'inhuman' speed and put as much distance between them as he could. "Looks like something's already coming back." Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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@@TheBreech, Standoff considered his options, and then sighed. "You really are selfish. You don't even know what I was going to wish for. Doesn't matter now. What I do know is that, if Radio wins, and she will, she'll just murder you. Speaking of murder. I decided on the best way to hurt you. So guess what? You win! I'm sure everyone cares a whole lot." Looking down for a moment, Standoff then nodded, and slid a grate open at his feet. He dropped through and it disappeared.

(I concede defeat. I suppose I'm the bad guy now.)



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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"Whaaat?!" Topaz cried. "No blood?! No brutal kill?! Aw, poo! Since when did Standoff become such a wuss?" The crowd was shouting angrily.


"Get back in there, Standoff, you coward!"


"What the hell is this?! Screw you, Standoff! You suck!"


"I-I guess the winner is Cosmo by default!" Juri announced. "Would you like to say anything to the fans, Cosmo?" She held the microphone out to Cosmo.


From his skybox seat, Rail put his cigarette into the ash tray as he watched Juri announce Cosmo's victory. "Well... that should place a small damper on the plans..." He lit another cigarette without thinking. "No matter. There's still Swordpoint. And I'm sure either Cosmo or Radio would serve just as well."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson raised an eyebrow and stood up in his seat, "WHAT THE BUCK WAS THAT! Wait a second.....is standoff really giving up? Its a bit strange that now of all times he decides not to attempt to brutally kill his opponent.....or....maybe he isn't really what we think......I don't understand that guy, maybe I can find him later and ask him....but for now, I'm gonna let cosmo celebrate his victory, and go cheer swordpoint on in his match with radio..." thought crimson, before getting up and pushing his way through the crowd to get to the arena where swordpoints fight was taking place.

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@@Justin ZW


Cosmo just stood there for a moment. "He surrendered? After all that..." When offered the mike, Cosmo told the crowd, "...and here I thought I'd get to take his head off." The moment he was back in the hallways of the stadium Cosmo was tackled to the floor. He started to get his swords when he realized it was Cinder who pounced on him, sobbing uncontrollably. She quickly grabbed his face and kissed him for a moment before slapping him, "What happened to all those plans of your?! You could've died Cosmo! He almost..." She was cut off by a kiss from Cosmo, "But I didn't. I never anticipated his disruption ability, but I dealt with it. If he hasn't surrendered, I would've simply stalled until my magic was back to normal and..." This time Cinder cut him off wrapping her arms around him, "Ok, ok. You had a plan but still... I was scared you wouldn't make it..." Cosmo smiled, "I promised I'd come back to you. I won't leave you like that Cinder. I love you." Cinder looked up, tears still in her eyes, "I love you too." They returned to Cosmo's room, Cinder leaning on Cosmo and holding him close, and him worried about Standoff's words. "Hitman? Ha! He didn't understand me so I don't know if he was right about Radio... But her eyes... She will kill me if she thinks it's necessary... What should I wish for? If Swordpoint loses, I'll still be in the finals... I only agreed to let Swordpoint win; I will fight Radio... I think I'll wish for the same thing I came here for, to improve my spell casting. My wish will be to expand my potential so I can master any and all magic. I'll still have to work for that mastery, but it's still a powerful way to better myself... Sweet Luna, I'm getting ahead of myself again. I should go watch Radio's fight, if she wins, I'll need to learn as much as I can about her abilities." Cosmo and Cinder returned to the stadium and found a spot with Crimson, or rather, another group made room for him. After a few drink offers, Cosmo concluded they'd hit the jackpot betting on him. "Standoff was popular, so people assumed I had lower odds of winning." "Hey Crimson, didn't see that coming did you?"


I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Crimson grinned mischeviously at the couple, and punched cosmo in the arm playfully, "if your asking if I actually expected the only contestant in the entire tournament who kills with a smile to give up with barely a scratch on him, then no...I didnt.... and they call me irresponsible! You nearly lost! Amatuar!" Said crimson jokingly, he then looked at cinder and bowed, "I'm sorry, I didn't fully introduce myself to you yet, my name is crimson grinn, nice to meet you miss, so I take it you too are an assasin like cosmo?" Asked crimson with a polite smile.

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