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(OOC:We're in a pool of Apotheosis, I've got a lot of ideas to play with in here :) )

Cosmo was floating in a state of formlessness, near the others, and he closed his eyes for a moment, trying to understand his surroundings when he remembered how he got there. "My body! The Nexus must've already begun devouring me but then how am I..." Cosmo realized the Black swans had been devoured but Altiar was as strong as ever, its unwavering form anchoring it in place. But there was something more than that holding Cosmo in place, "Cosmo..." a faint voice spoke. Cosmo made an uneasy descision, and for the first time since he confessed his sins to Princess Celestia and Luna, he fully acknowledged the power that had made him able to destroy his clan. "Shadesteel..."

"YES!" it responded happily, "Come Master, allow me to lend you my power!" Shadesteel, the spirit of the Black Seriphim was what Cosmo's bloodline was named for, being the only ones who it would its power to. However, Cosmo knew it as the reason his family was known for producing such legendary hit men and killers, "Shadesteel, I..." he began but was cut off, "I know you reject me as the tool of your father, but I was bound to him, my power practically his until you're birth! Cosmo, I know your heart, and I wish to serve you. You may not trust me but if nothing else you know what will happen if you refuse me!" Cinder flashed before Cosmo's eyes and he knew what he had to do to see her again. "Very well, help me..." Shadesteel took in some of the power, allowing it to meld with Cosmo in small amounts, until he eventually became invisible to it, like a hunter rolling in mud to cover his scent. Cosmo regained his tangible form and returned to his friends. "Rail, you wish to become a god? Then catch me. An omnipotent being would have little trouble catching me, no matter what I do, so if you wish to prove your self one," Cosmo's voise rose as he turned invisible and summoned illusions of his clones, placing one on top of himself to conceal his invisibilty, pretending to use his Echo Dance technique, and finally he, along with his clone illusions shouted, "Catch me!" before they began shuffling around the area, "I've got to stall and use as little of my strength as I can. Rail might be able to become a god, but right now, he's mortal, and if I can rule him up enough, make him use too much of his power, this place will consume him for me."

(OOC: Sorry for all the text everyone, I even had to cut out some parts that would probably be a little too much. I'll be getting more into Cosmo's guardian, Shadesteel in your RP ragestar, if you're still doing it.)

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Crimson gasped in shock about just how much power was flowing into his body, "this power.....its incredible! But I can't let it consume me! I must only take what I need to save my freinds!" Said crimson bravely before his body absorbed a small amount of power from the nexus, crimson grinned, "RAGESTAR!!" Roared crimson, as his body was engulfed if golden flames, crimson chuckled before shooting out of the nexus and landing next to radio and cosmo, who were both now powered up, crimson then looked at rail with an evil grinn, "tell me rail.....do you know why they call me crimson grinn?" Asked crimson, before his teeth began to glow red-hot, he then teleported behind rail and clamped his teeth over the back of rails neck, holding him in place for radio's blast to hit him.


((Yeah, I'm still doing it right after this rp is over...))

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(OoC: Our objective is to get Rail out of the nexus before he gets absorbed. If he is, he'll change the entire world, even though he'll die.)


Rail teleported away from Crimson and laughed as Radio's blast barreled toward Crimson. He ignored Cosmo's illusions and charged Swordpoint. ” Even if you kill me, I'll still create my dream world! Swordpoint was brought back from this place once, so I'm sure my daughter could do the same for me!”


Swordpoint grabbed Rail with his magic and threw him into whatever passed as ground. ”You fool... I was revived through the power of love. Pure greed cannot help you.”


Rail stood again. ”Ha! Who needs love? It only weighs you down. As for you, I would kill you here, but that's been your goal all along, hasn't it?” He grinned wickedly. ”You intended to sacrifice yourself for your friends. Yes, I can see your mind. You plan to throw us all out of here and let yourself fade away. How 'noble' of you.”


Swordpoint smiled. ”At least I am strong enough to make such a choice. What is my life in exchange for the good of the world... And for my friends and loved ones?” Tears formed in his eyes. ”I made this very choice once... If I must make it once more, then I shall.”

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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(OoC: Our objective is to get Rail out of the nexus before he gets absorbed. If he is, he'll change the entire world, even though he'll die.)

Rail teleported away from Crimson and laughed as Radio's blast barreled toward Crimson. He ignored Cosmo's illusions and charged Swordpoint. ” Even if you kill me, I'll still create my dream world! Swordpoint was brought back from this place once, so I'm sure my daughter could do the same for me!”

Swordpoint grabbed Rail with his magic and threw him into whatever passed as ground. ”You fool... I was revived through the power of love. Pure greed cannot help you.”

Rail stood again. ”Ha! Who needs love? It only weighs you down. As for you, I would kill you here, but that's been your goal all along, hasn't it?” He grinned wickedly. ”You intended to sacrifice yourself for your friends. Yes, I can see your mind. You plan to throw us all out of here and let yourself fade away. How 'noble' of you.”

Swordpoint smiled. ”At least I am strong enough to make such a choice. What is my life in exchange for the good of the world... And for my friends and loved ones?” Tears formed in his eyes. ”I made this very choice once... If I must make it once more, then I shall.”

Crimson grunted in anger as rail teleported away and radio's blast came staight for him, he quickly teleported beside swprdpoint. Crimson slapped swordpoint in the face, his eyes flashed with anger, "IF YOU DO THAT I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! Were in this together, either we all make it out, or none of us.....I won't leave my brother behind!" Said crimson nobely before unsheathing helios, now covered in golden flames, he then held it above his head, "CALIPSO'S JUDGEMENT!!" Yelled crimson before slashing downwards towards rail, sending a massive golden-flamed snake rushing towards rail at incredible speeds.

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"Yes, that would be quite disatorous," added Radio. "Sorry, I got a little lost for a moment, opened a door." She was wearing her full suit. "If anypony here should fade, it should be me. Least to lose, after all. And Rainbow Dash would be furious if you died here." She let out a sark of magic, which grew into muliple sparks, until she fired a large blast of energy at Rail. (The energy, should it hit, will melt around him and trap him in a bubble.)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Swordpoint smiled. ”No one dies today... Except Rail.”


Rail produced a large shield, and Crimson's attack was deflected. Radio's blast collided with it, and the blasts melted and formed a bubble around him. ”Damn you!” Rail understood that he was evenly matched. There was no way for any of then to win. He let go, and allowed the Nexus to flow power into him. ”This is goodbye, you fucking lowlifes!”


Swordpoint panicked. ”NO! We must get him out of here! Radio! Cosmo! Crimson! Help me!” He charged up his magic and prepared to try to toss Rail through the door.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Cosmo released his illusions when it was clear they wouldn't work. Hearing Swordpoint's plea Cosmo grinned, "Does nopony listen to me? Telekinesis, is my specialty!" he shouted before sending wave of energy to help Swordpoint shove Rail out of the Nexus. Cosmo also threw a ghost blade at Rail's horn, for the same reason Bad Dreams tried to attack his in round one. "It's fake magic but the horn weakness has to be real."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Radio sighed, "Way to ruin the party." She dragged Rail via ball towards the exit, surprised still on how little energy she was burning. Whilst doing that, she siphoned of a good chunk of her energy and sent it to Swordpoint in a fast trickle, so that the energy wouldn't come as a shock. She also made sure to send a very very small trickle in the form of random electrical shocks from the ball at Rail, to make it harder for him to fade.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Crimson grinned triumphantly before igniting his body in golden flames once more, "THIS ENDS NOW!" Yelled crimson before using his flames to form a giant flaming fist, after a moment, the fist shot towards rail in an attempt to knock him backwards, "THIS IS FOR EVERYONE WHO DIED IN THE TOURNAMENT FOR YOUR DAMN GREED!!" Yelled crimson.

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Rail was easily overpowered. The combined force of the attacks knocked him back through the door and into the arena basement.


Swordpoint sighed deeply. ”Good. But now, the portal must be closed.” He flew through the door after Rail.


Rainbow gasped as Rail fell into the room, but when she saw Swordpoint, she was speechless. Whoa... He looks like a prince...

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Rail was easily overpowered. The combined force of the attacks knocked him back through the door and into the arena basement.

Swordpoint sighed deeply. ”Good. But now, the portal must be closed.” He flew through the door after Rail.

Rainbow gasped as Rail fell into the room, but when she saw Swordpoint, she was speechless. Whoa... He looks like a prince...

Crimson chuckled as he exited the nexus, and grinned at dash, "you know.....its kinda funny, I just noticed that the power of nexus turned me into an alicorn.....a BADASS looking alicorn at that! But nows not the time to admire my new good looks, how do we close the nexus swordpoint?" Asked crimson with a confident grinn.

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Radio came through after him, "Those wings have come from lesser gains. A true alicorn earns their wings through diligent practice and deep understand in their chosen field. As such, I chose instead to have my horn healed and protected, so I might further my studies in radiation unhindered until said time that I earn my wings. Now then, how to close this thing?"


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Rail chuckled. ”You think you've won? Ha! This power... It's amazing! Even if you close that portal, I'll still build my new world by force!” Rail teleported behind Swordpoint and morphed his leg into a sword, which he plunged into Swordpoint's chest.


Swordpoint felt the impact and cried out. As Rail withdrew the blade, he fell to the ground, where his eyes closed for the last time.


Rainbow screamed. She couldn't even form words, and she rushed to Swordpoint's body, where she collapsed in anguish.


Rail smirked. ”Yes, that's right! Now live with that torment, you bitch!”


Rainbow could only make incoherent sobs and screams.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Rail chuckled. ”You think you've won? Ha! This power... It's amazing! Even if you close that portal, I'll still build my new world by force!” Rail teleported behind Swordpoint and morphed his leg into a sword, which he plunged into Swordpoint's chest.

Swordpoint felt the impact and cried out. As Rail withdrew the blade, he fell to the ground, where his eyes closed for the last time.

Rainbow screamed. She couldn't even form words, and she rushed to Swordpoint's body, where she collapsed in anguish.

Rail smirked. ”Yes, that's right! Now live with that torment, you bitch!”

Rainbow could only make incoherent sobs and screams.

Crimson was silent with shock, as somthing deep inside of him snapped, he then heard a small whisper in his ear, "kill him my son....avenge your brother...TEAR HIM TO PIECES!" Said the voice, crimson roared in pain and rage as golden fire erupted twelve feet around him, "IM GONNA KILL YOU!!" Yelled crimson in rage before teleporting infront of rail and attempting to bite down on his jugular with his heated teeth.

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Rail deftly sidestepped Crimson and brought his sword down on Crimson's hoof. ”You should have let me sacrifice you. Now, I'll enjoy torturing you.”


Rainbow glanced at the portal. You did it for me, once... Now it's my turn to do it for you. I just need them to distract Rail so I can enter...

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Cosmo had slipped in after Crimson and watched Rail's actions. Cosmo was about to attack Rail when he heard the words, "Tic toc!," and he realized the immediate concern was saving Swordpoint. "He said there's no return from being consumed by the Nexus, so who ever goes in there dies... Just like having a sword plunged through your chest..." Cosmo could directly control Swordpoint's blood and organs to postpone his death, but he needed a peaceful enviornment that was unavailable to do so and he'd unable to do anything useful at the same time so instead, he made a difficult choice he felt was necessary. "Sorry bro," Cosmo said to Swordpoint as he grabbed him with magic, "Unless you have a better idea?"

(OOC: If nobody objects, that means you Justin, Cosmo is going to toss Swordpoint into the Nexus.)

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Rail deftly sidestepped Crimson and brought his sword down on Crimson's hoof. ”You should have let me sacrifice you. Now, I'll enjoy torturing you.”

Rainbow glanced at the portal. You did it for me, once... Now it's my turn to do it for you. I just need them to distract Rail so I can enter...

Crimson roared in anger before grabbing the sword and shattering it into pieces, he then grabbed rail by the throat and pulled him close enough to his face to feel the heat off of his red hot teeth, "no....I'll be the one torturing you.....for fifteen minutes in your own personal hell!!" Said crimson savegly before once again attempting to bite down on his jugular with his teeth.

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Radio saw Rainbow eyeing the portal and established a telepathic link. He was not all you had. If you suddenly disappeared, what would Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight do. It is better to leave self-sacrifice to those who have little to lose. She charged up and got ready. If what I do next fails to kill him, I want you to throw me through the portal. I'm not from this time, and the bastard just killed my only friend. She cut the mental link and focused on the atoms of Rails body. She began subtly changing compounds within it, making compounds that would react explosively with one another, provided they were given energy such as movement. To this effect, she was trying to make him into a living bomb. However, her powers were fading quickly, despite the energies she'd absorbed. Already she found it hard to stand.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Rail grabbed Crimson by the throat and tossed him against the wall. ”Please. I have obtained greater power than even Celestia! Your pathetic attacks are like mosquito bites!” He shielded himself from Radio's efforts and sent a powerful disabling spell at her.


Rainbow gritted her teeth at Cosmo. ”It's pointless! He's already dead!” She glanced at Radio. ”Yeah, there are ponies who count on me. That's why I'm gonna do this for them, too. If we don't stop him, he's gonna take over the world!”

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Rail grabbed Crimson by the throat and tossed him against the wall. ”Please. I have obtained greater power than even Celestia! Your pathetic attacks are like mosquito bites!” He shielded himself from Radio's efforts and sent a powerful disabling spell at her.

Rainbow gritted her teeth at Cosmo. ”It's pointless! He's already dead!” She glanced at Radio. ”Yeah, there are ponies who count on me. That's why I'm gonna do this for them, too. If we don't stop him, he's gonna take over the world!”

Crimson yelled in pain as he hit the wall, causing him to çough up some blood and break an arm, he slumped to the ground with a grunt and looked up at rail with a look of pure hatred, "it doesn't matter.....even with all that power..... yet you still don't realize that you just damned equestria by opening the nexus.....think for a minute.....just think of ho many people your greed is going to kill.....think of what will happen to your daughter you heartless piece of SHIT!! DO YOU GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ANYONE BUT YOURSELF!?" Yelled crimson in rage before standing up and igniting his body in golden flames, "cosmo.....radio.....distract him for me.....I have an idea..." said crimson darkly.


((Hey justin, I was planning on having crimson do a technique on rail that will keep him distracted for a few minutes.....but the at a cost.....crimson will kinda go into a coma...))

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Rainbow gritted her teeth at Cosmo. ”It's pointless! He's already dead!”

Cosmo could hear Rainbow's words but they were just noise. He looked in horror as he fully realized Swordpoint was dead, the first friend Cosmo had lost since he was a colt. "No... No, no, no!" Looking up at Rail, Cosmo had nothing to say. His body silently began to change. The Black Swans rose from their sheathes and tripled at Cosmo's sides, black energy webbing them together in the form of a pair of wings, his hooves and eyes turned to a sapphire blue and a gray blue mist rose from them, Cosmo's coat turned pitch black, and Altiar fused with his horn, becoming a single silver blade coming from Cosmo's forehead. Shadesteel spoke through Cosmo, though his mouth didn't move, "You have done that which can not be forgiven Rail, the ponies beside me as your jury. For that crime, I take the role of your judge and cast my verdict as death. Cosmo will be your executioner, the only foes that have escaped his blade were those who surrendered to him, an option that I, like you did for Swordpoint's last match, will remove. May Luna take your soul." As Shadesteel finished his speech, Cosmo attacked rail, warping to his location and leaving a deep gash across his chest, backing away Cosmo looked at him, revealing his eyes to the others who couldn't see that part of his transformation.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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(OoC: Go for it, Crimson.)


Rail laughed as blood poured from his chest. He waved his hoof and the gash disappeared. ”Come, now. You only just met this fool days ago. In fact, he probably would've killed you in combat.” He smirked. ”Yes, he would have done anything to save that little whore of his, even kill you.” He sent a massive wave of fire at Cosmo.


Rainbow tensed. Hearing Rail's lies ignited intense rage inside her. Still, she held her ground, waiting for her chance.

Edited by Justin ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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(OoC: Go for it, Crimson.)

Rail laughed as blood poured from his chest. He waved his hoof and the gash disappeared. ”Come, now. You only just met this fool days ago. In fact, he probably would've killed you in combat.” He smirked. ”Yes, he would have done anything to save that little whore of his, even kill you.” He sent a massive wave of fire at Cosmo.

Rainbow tensed. Hearing Rail's lies ignited intense rage inside her. Still, she held her ground, waiting for her chance.

Crimson growled angrily at rails words, "no.....he wouldn't have....and he didn't....it doesn't matter that we've only known swordpoint for a few days, I could've only known him for a few minutes and I still would've seen him as my friend....and I'm gonna fullfill his last wish....and kill you!" Said crimson seriously before jumping infront of cosmo and absorbing rails fireblast. Crimson then teleported behind rail and put him in a headlock before looking at his freinds with a kind smile, "cosmo.....dash.....radio....swordpoint....my freinds....this is goodbye....this next move should give you guys just enough time to close the nexus and stop rail....but it won't kill him....and cosmo...if you can hear me in there....tell luna I said goodbye for me..." said crimson with tears in his eyes. Crimson then ignited himself and rail in golden fire, "celestial prison!!" Yelled crimson before a huge gate made of golden flames shot up from the ground, surrounding them both, then golden flamed chains sprung from the ground and wrapped themselves around rails body, but wents through crimson like he was a hologram, the chains then pulled rail to the ground and held him there, crimson then stood up shakily on rails bounded body before unsheathing helios and stabbing it straight through rails body, locking the chains in place. Crimson then gave his freinds one last grinn before falling off of rail and hitting the ground.

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Radio slowly regained her ability to move. She saw that her energy was depleted, that her reserves were depleted, and that her armor, while protective, was not going to help her move anywhere. She initiated the disengage codes, and it fell to pieces around her. She took her helmet of, exhailing smoothly. Estimated 10 steps walking distance, her ear piece told her. She started with one step. Shook her head: it hurt. Stumbled forward three more. Felt a trickle of energy coming back. Teleported five. Completely drained again. Fell through the portal.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Rail snarled, unable to move. ”YOU DIRTY CUNT!” he screamed. He struggled against his bonds, breaking several, but the rest held for the moment.


Rainbow watched in awe as Radio fell into the nexus. That crazy mare... She clutched Swordpoint's corpse tightly, waiting for the coming changes. I'm so sorry, Radio... I'll never forget this; I promise.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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