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private Fun for two.

Steel Accord

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Steel has found a new friend, Neon Fire. She's a weather pegasus from Ponyville. He's cordially invited her to spend the day with him in Cloudsdale. Having grown up and lived in Canterlot, he had spent surprisingly little time in one of Equestria's most celebrated pegasus cities. He thought it a fun diversion from the same old, same old for both of them.

Steel flew over Ponyville, he looked for the address Neon had scribbled down for him. He was excited, more so than he had been for awhile. After his previous marefriend left him . . . but that's not what this was about! While he couldn't deny that his perception was colored by the hope of romance, he was committed to simply showing Neon a good day in Cloudsdale as a new friend. It was then he found her house. Steel took a deep breath, straitened his vest, and landed on her doorstep.

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Neon Fire rushed over to the door as she heard a sudden knocking. It must have been her long awaited friend she was waiting for, Steel Accord. She stood by the door and opened it to see him standing before her.


"Hey, Steel!" She chimed. "What's up?"


She walked inside her house and gestured for him to follow.

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Steel felt a little nervous to be invited in so easily. Neon was not at all suspicious or guarded as other mares he met. It was as endearing as it was disarming. 


"Thank you, my lady." He said as he walked in. He unfastened the scabbards at his side and placed them neatly by the door. "You have a very lovely home, Ms. Neon." He complimented.

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Neon Fire nodded and smiled.


"Why thank you!" She said, taking a seat.


There was a short pause of her unsure of what to say.  She was never very good at making conversation, especially since she was shy.  She looked around the room, then turned her attention back to Steel.


"So, uh, how was your day?"

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"Very good! Thank you for asking." He responded. "I just got off of work. Which is why I was armed." He pointed to his weapons, resting by the entrance. "I apologize if that was at all off putting, my lady. Do you mind if I sit down?" Steel asked as he indicated a chair opposite of Neon's.

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Neon Fire nodded, "Yeah, of course."


She watched as he sat down, then glanced over at his weapons, then back to him, curiously.


"So what kind of job do you have?" She asked, curiously glancing back at the weapons.


She figured it had to do something with fighting, but wasn't completely sure.

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"I'm a gladiatorial prize fighter. Just killed two stallions and a manticore to the roar of a crowd." Steel said casually. "A mere jest my lady! I assure you." He chuckled to her look of confusion and horror. "No, I am a bodyguard. Specifically contracted to Fancypants. Those wing-sabers are my weapons of choice."

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Neon Fire chuckled softly at the previous statement. Then thought about his actual job.


"That sounds really awesome!" She said. "I always thought it would be cool to meet someone who had a job like that."


She looked over behind her chair at the clock then back to Steel. She was very shy and bad with conversation. She wasn't sure now what to say.

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"And yourself?" He asked with a smile. "I could tell you of my job all day, but why don't you tell me of yours first?" Steel noticed her looking at the clock. "Oh, don't worry, we have plenty of time. Unless you want to get going now? Your choice my lady." Steel didn't want to overstay his welcome, but he also didn't want to shove Neon out the door of her own house.

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"It's okay, we can leave whenever your ready," she said, then thought for moment. "My job? Oh, I'm a Cadet in the Wonderbolts Academy... I guess it really isn't much of a job yet, but I'm in training right now and will soon be able to become a Wonderbolt!"


She stood up in excitement of talking about her dream.

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"Talk about exciting jobs. Mine is just to make money in preparation for a career in writing." Steel pointed to his cutie-mark, a sword crossed with a pen. "Though sword-fighting is a passion of mine, if I have to actually use them for protection, I've not done my job. But you! No this is a real job AND it pays well! 'Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.' My father says."

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Neon Fire smiled shyly and lowered her head a bit in both shyness and happiness.


"Your father is a smart Stallion," she remarked. "So you want to pursue writing as your career? Have you done much of that at all yet?


She was now back to sitting down on her chair and her head was back up again.

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"Nothing official, no. I WAS going to post an article in the Canterlot Columns, but I sort of had a falling out with my contact." He rubbed the back of his head, a nervous tic. "I've taken a couple courses though, and one of my teachers says I should publish a tale I submitted. It's a story about a magic whale, a bit foalish, I admit, but she liked it."

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"If she thinks you should submit it, I would say to go for it," Neon Fire said.


She stood up again and looked around the room some more, becoming nervous for not knowing what else to say. She did this for a few seconds but then turned back to Steel.


"Should we head outside now?" She asked, unsure of what else to say.

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"As you wish." Steel nodded. He made his way to the foyer, quickly strapped his scabbards back on, and opened the door. "Ladies first." He said with a smile. He waited for the reaction when she saw that a very luxurious chariot for him to pull awaited them outside her door.

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She smiled shyly as she walked outside and stared in shock at the chariot that pulled forward.


"Is this... Yours?!" She asked in shock.


She stared at in in just complete shock, unsure of how to process all of this. She looked back at him and waited for an answer.

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"Well . . . ." He coyly smiled. "Fancypants had one to spare, and it would be ungentlemanly to ask you to fly all the way to Cloudsdale yourself." He said as he hooked himself to the harness. "So he insisted I take this for the trip. I don't mind being the one to fly whilst my guest relaxes in the back."

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"I don't mind flying very much either, since I'm used to it.  Plus, I don't mean to brag, but I can fly pretty fast myself.  But if you insist," she said, walking into the back of the carriage.


She looked out the small window, excited to get to Cloudsale.  She relaxed in the back a bit and waited to get there.

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"Oh of course!" Steel said as he took off. "I didn't mean to stipulate a lack of ability on your part. Merely that I was willing to save you the trouble. Truly, I would have just had you meet me there otherwise. How rude would it be for me to show up to your house and NOT provide transportation?"

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"Yeah, it's fine, no big deal or anything.  I can understand your point, it's all good," she replied with a quick shrug.


She sat in the back seat and continued to look out the window of the carriage.


"So how long do you think it'll be until we get there?" She asked out of curiosity.

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"Oh not long. Sorry if my long winded tangent on the proper manners of the modern stallion was at all off-putting. Right away I must confess that stoicism is not among my gifts. So why don't you tell me more about yourself while we get there?" Steel proposed.

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Neon Fire nodded.


"Well," she started. "As you probably noticed I'm... Very shy. I enjoy being a part of the Wonderbolts, I also enjoy to write and draw. In my spare time, I like to stretch out my wings and go flying."


She paused a minute to think.


"I also play video games a lot," she chuckled.

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"Well, we have some things in common. I'm an avid gamer myself. Yes, you may be quite shy, though I find it ironically humorous that you want to be a Wonderbolt as they are primarily stunt ponies." Steel chuckled. "Of course, I don't mean this negatively!" He confirmed.

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"Oh, yes, although I'm around them a lot so I've gotten used to going in front of crowds with them. If I'm doing what I love in front of crowds, I wouldn't say I'm as shy, especially if I have friends there with me," Neon Fire stated. "And what about you? Is there anything you would like to share?"

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"Loads, but why don't we save it for lunch? We're here!" The clouds parted in front of them as they sensed the pegasi's approach. There it was, the floating city of Cloudsdale, a classically styled heaven of industry, fun, and literally soaring architecture. "You know . . . beauty really is in the eye of the beholder." Steel observed. "I've talked to ponies that described Canterlot as amazing, which it is, but it's when you see something that you don't see very often that you really appreciate it."

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