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open Light in the Growing Darkness RP! (go to Sign-ups to join!)


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Most of Equestria has been ravaged by a "Dream Disease", recurring nightmares that eventually cause the victim to believe that... things are haunting them in every waking moment. Most would think that it's a severe case of paranoia and schizophrenia, but whoever the victim of the Disease touches soon becomes susceptible to their own nightmares. This disease has infected even two of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, and has begun to spread out to Canterlot. Over half of the Royal Guard is down. Mental asylums are full everywhere. Many places have shut down. Ponies are dying off every day because food is scarce as few ponies are capable of working. Even Discord has fallen prey to the Disease. A large number of those left unharmed are young fillies and colts, too young to fully understand. Several of the healthy are losing hope for their dying country.

But there is a trio of ponies (ill call them the Mane 3 for this) who live in Manechester that found something amazing; they're all immune, and have found a way to protect from the Disease and heal the infected. They travel through Equestria, their destinations being Canterlot, Ponyville, and the Crystal Empire, for they know the princesses will be able to help them. As they pass through town to town, they help whoever they can and make new friends, some of which decide to join them.

They bring Hope.



While the mane 3 are immune and extend this immunity to the members of the group in a way, the members are still somewhat susceptible to the disease. You cn choose if you get it (just announce it in OOC thread that you want this to happen but try not to make it happen right off the bat.) You also decide how long it takes for the effects to kick in.


Some of the infected are so far gone that the one who is controlling this can tell them things. The one who is controlling it can tell that they're immune or protected. They can tell someone to kill them, iand they will leave them alone (which of course is a lie)


Watch out for aggressive teammates.


You can get injured or infected with other ailments. If you do, you may be able to be healed, but if the group is away from plant life and are out of first aid kits, you may be in trouble.


-No Alicorns

-No Royalty

-No GodModding

-Nothing OP

-Only 3 characters at the same time per brony max (5 if two are just temporary)

-Try to be a pony unless you have a good reason (I have to accept you)

-Mane 3 Characters are Mares(I'm 1 of them)

-Romance is allowed, but keep it clean. No clop. (I'm fine with shipping and may even want one of my characters to fall in love but i don't want any clop material on my RP, so keep it PG-13 AT MOST. Preferably PG.)

-It is possible to die, there is no coming back and you can't just get magically healed. You can have a new OC join if you really want if one of your characters dies.

-Mane 3 can't die until near the end (Ill say in OOC) but they can be injured.

-Healing powers are allowed, but mostly to heal smaller things. And only Unicorns(duh).

- if you're starting in Manechester, already in the group or as a temp, there must be a reason for your OC to be there. Also mostly must be students if possible.

-Oldest age for perms will be 23. Youngest 13. Temps can be whatever age.

-No controlling other characters unless you have the creator's permission.

-if you get bored, don't feel inclined to stay. Just have your OC tell the group they he/she is leaving. Only thing is that they must have a reason..

-Third-person POV and past tense.





Mare 1:(Leader) @ as Sunset Sky


Mare 2: @@Blitz as Blitz


Mare 3: @ as Novella


Mare 4:@ as Clef Dancer


Mare 5:(In charge of First-Aid kit):@@Sapphire as Sorre


Stallion 1: @ as Lightning Strikes


Stallion 2: @ as Storming Star


Stallion 3: @ as Equinox Sin


Stallion 4: @ as Standoff


Stallion 5: @@TheBreech as Cosmo Shadesteel!)


And finally, @@Deathflame as Chatterbox She will join as the group is leaving the Academy



@ as Midnight


@Me as Night Dart.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Sunset Sky):

Sunset Sky walked out of her dorm room and sighed. She hated that she had to leave, but if she, Novella, and Blitz wanted to help everypony, there was no choice. She still didnt know why she and her friends were immune, but that didn't matter. What mattered was helping Equestria. She left the Pegasus Dormitories and floated down to the main gate below.


Sunset Sky suppressed a frown. Why did she have to be the leader? Blitz was way less shy. Oh well. The other Pegasus would be busy with the weather.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Night Dart

Night Dart paced in his room. His Master, Midnight, hadn't called him yet, and he couldn't think of anything to kill time with. He decided to check how the Nightmares were spreading. Using the Nightmare Link his Master had given him, he checked on who was infected, and who wasn't.

There was something significantly different about it...

"No... It can't be..."

Night paced nervously. He would never dare to bother his Master, but this was urgent.

Edited by Silent Dawn
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Equinox was waiting outside after he was trying to find a way to stop this disease or atleast slow it down but had no luck at all. "I guess...can't believe this happened" Equinox said as he thought for a bit before he remembered the symptoms. "Nightmares...and then the gradual loss of sanity"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Midnight: "NIGHT DART TO MY THRONE NOW!" Midnight was in a bad mood due to the stress of his spreading darknesss. "Bring a glass of night nectar with you" (night nectar is darkness put into liquid that midnight drinks) midnight had a picture of his family in his hands "I will continue my dark legacy as mom wanted" he put it down then found a picture of his aunt " I HATE YOU!" He yell as he through a knife at it

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Midnight: "NIGHT DART TO MY THRONE NOW!" Midnight was in a bad mood due to the stress of his spreading darknesss. "Bring a glass of night nectar with you" (night nectar is darkness put into liquid that midnight drinks) midnight had a picture of his family in his hands "I will continue my dark legacy as mom wanted" he put it down then found a picture of his aunt " I HATE YOU!" He yell as he through a knife at it

Night Dart quickly made Master Midnight's night nectar((OOC: nice idea)), and while he was flying to the throne room, he heard his Master yell, "I HATE YOU!", and a quiet, shallow thud.

'Oh, buck, he's pissed. He probably found out. Shit.'

As he approached the throne room, he landed on the blood-red carpet and slowly opened the large door.

"Yes, Master? I have your Night Nectar."

Edited by Silent Dawn
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Midnight was handed his ideal drink and he said "why aren't those foul princesses under my control?!" Midnight absolutely hated celestia and cadence for what they did to him. "See that picture with the knife through it? That's what your gonna be us if that isn't fixed get the picture? No matter it's a minor deed nothing we can't fix right?" Midnight tried not to let his anger get to him even though the creature was mad and insane

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Midnight was handed his ideal drink and he said "why aren't those foul princesses under my control?!" Midnight absolutely hated celestia and cadence for what they did to him. "See that picture with the knife through it? That's what your gonna be us if that isn't fixed get the picture? No matter it's a minor deed nothing we can't fix right?" Midnight tried not to let his anger get to him even though the creature was mad and insane

"Er, yes master. They will be infected soon. We've recently infected Cadence's husband, as well as Blueblood... The Nightmares will come.

"...But... There is a slight complication, Master... But I will deal with it. It is the size of a bread crumb, nothing to uhh...

" Night chose his words carefully. His Master was angry enough.

"... It need not concern you, Master Midnight. Would you like more Night Nectar?"

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"Yes i would like another thank you....Night dart what are you hiding? You know I sense emotion you are nervous what is going on?!" The poor creature is pestered by paranoia in his mind since his mom died "it's the immune ones isn't it?" Midnight thought "KILL THEM!"

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Cosmo put on his over coat, his uniform as Princess Luna's apprentice, gather the supplies for the journey ahead, and gathered the artifacts he'd need for the teleportation to Manechester. "This'll be a one way trip," he thought grimly, "I need to be prepared." Cosmo started to retrieve his weapons when he realized, "Loving Luna... If I get infected... No, my weapons are stating here. I can't afford for 'that' side of me to come out, let alone be armed..." Cosmo was used to Nightmares, his memories of being an assassin haunted him every night. He knew if he got sick he'd fall back into his old habits, and potentially kill the very girls his goal was to protect. "My only goals back then involved killing. I must do something to give them a chance... Anyway," he said aloud, shaking his head, "It's time, and with that and a flash of light, Cosmo was teleported to Manechester, an invisibility spell active so no pony saw him suddenly appear out thin air. "Oh c'mon, really?!" Cosmo thought as he noticed his supplies were missing. He had his coat but otherwise he had nothing, "Aw man... I must've forgot them as I debated getting my swords... Oh, well, I've gotta go to the academy." Cosmo found a quiet spot and to reelease his invisibility spell, then headed to the school, "The disease doesn't seem to hurt kids, and that place is full of brilliant minds so hopefully, they'll have some ideas... Hopefully..."

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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((Since hes younger he hasnt been a student of Luna yet))


"People already infected are some ponies and Discord" Equinox said to himself as he was outside already and pulled out a book about disease. "Of course I could find a cure by finding something that's at least close to this disease" Equinox said as he put the book away. "Hopefully somepony can find a cure before anypony else get it..."

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(OOC: crap I'm already getting behind D:)

Blitz sat in her room(house? does this academy have dormitories?) looking out the window. She didn't see hardly anypony save for a few, but most of them looked either worried or terrified for one reason or another.  I can't believe all of this has spread so quickly... She left the window and went over to her table. On it lay a saddlebag filled with almost everything from small weapons to dried supplies. It wasn't a large saddle bag, so it wouldn't stand out, but it was large enough to carry quite a bit of stuff. She slung it on her back, as it had become a habit to carry it regularly. She took one last look around, to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything, then left.



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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"Yes i would like another thank you....Night dart what are you hiding? You know I sense emotion you are nervous what is going on?!" The poor creature is pestered by paranoia in his mind since his mom died "it's the immune ones isn't it?" Midnight thought "KILL THEM!"

"Y-You know about them? Yes, that is what the issue was. I'll use the Link to have someone kill them."

Only now did Night Dart look at the picture with the knife through it. He saw one of the pony princesses. The Pegasus feigned an emotionless gaze, but inside he was angry as well. He had done nothing wrong, but Cadence had banished him to the Everfree forest when he was a young colt, just like Celestia had done to Midnight years before. Midnight had taken him in to be a servant, given him a place to stay. He wasn't angry at her for causing this to happen, he was simply annoyed that she would have such a lapse in judgement, as well as a blind fury not even he could explain.

"Oh, and if she isn't infected within a week, I will go there and personally infect her myself." he reassured his Master, gesturing toward the photo of the wretched princess.

Edited by Silent Dawn
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Chatterbox had somehow remained calm with the madness that was occuring around her and was sat at her writing desk,busy studying.'Everypony in Equestria seems to have gone insane but that doesn't excuse getting this done'.She thought,moving a quill around in her mouth boredly.She stood up for a moment to look out of the window from her lodgings,her room being a good few floors above the ground,and could only spot a few ponies running around;mumbling from what she could see.'Better go on a raid tonight'She thought,eyeing up the almost diminished food on her beside table as her stomache was beginning to growl.

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"I want her and celestia infected!" Midnight was crying his eyes were glowing red "leave me! Now! I want to be alone" midnight walked out to the balcony and looked he lived in a place where there was nothing but his castle where no one will find him "they will all pay for my sorrow"

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"I want her and celestia infected!" Midnight was crying his eyes were glowing red "leave me! Now! I want to be alone" midnight walked out to the balcony and looked he lived in a place where there was nothing but his castle where no one will find him "they will all pay for my sorrow"

Night Dart silently left another Night Nectar for the Master, then flew out of the throne room through the window on the other side.

Looking around, he got his bearings and headed due west. It was pitch-black out, but Night easily found his way. He stopped on a cloud for a moment, then shot off to the north. He needed to speak with somepony in Manehattan.

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Midnight needed to calm himself down so he flew off looked at the canterlot castle (because the Chrystal empire was already under his control due to the fact he infected shining armor) he looked through the window he wanted to charge in but he resisted he knew he didn't have enough power to do it so he left "as soon as those two are under my control I will eat their souls and grind their corpses"

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((OOC:Jeez, DoD, I think you just made this Grimdark XD))

Night Dart stopped on a cloud and looked around. He was somewhere near Fillydelphia. Seeking out a thick cumulus cloud, he made a burrow in it, then covered it up. He couldn't be hurt by light before, but after being given the Nightmare Link, it gave him migraines and concussions.

Using the Link, he contacted the pony he needed to meet.

'Look, 'Noc', I need you to help me, but I can't ask you over the Link. I'll be in Manehattan tomorrow.Meet me in the city square.'

He waited several moments, until a faint reply that sounded like an eerie song came.

'Of course. I have a feeling I already know what you want. I will meet you tomorrow night.'

Edited by Silent Dawn
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(Ooc I know but remember midnight came from creepypasta so don't be surprised) midnight found an old communicator that he destroyed so no one could contact or find him "oh I remember how me and my sister would use this for missions but that's the past and I need to worry about the future only!" He threw it into the trash and sharpened his weapons for when he áttacs (ooc tere is link in my signature for tha rp) and he rested

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Novella looked around sadly as she carried her saddlebag through the courtyard of the academy,

"All I wanted to do was learn... I just wanted knowledge. I didn't want disease. I didn't want this!" She thought to herself looking at the state of those who were left. Most were inside. The ones outside looked terrified of everything. They stayed out of the shadows and pretty much ran everywhere. Novella sighed. It wasn't worth it to stay here. She started to continue her walk through the courtyard.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Novella looked around sadly as she carried her saddlebag through the courtyard of the academy,

"All I wanted to do was learn... I just wanted knowledge. I didn't want disease. I didn't want this!" She thought to herself looking at the state of those who were left. Most were inside. The ones outside looked terrified of everything. They stayed out of the shadows and pretty much ran everywhere. Novella sighed. It wasn't worth it to stay here. She started to continue her walk through the courtyard.

Sunset Sky noticed her friend walking through the courtyard and flew over to her.

"Hi, Novella... Got everything? Have you gotten through to anypony else? There are still so many ponies that are infected. Oh, I'm going to go check out one more storage cell. Can you lend a hoof?" ((when we get there we will meet Standoff))


(does this academy have dormitories?)

((Yes, you're coming from the Sky Dorms, Novella was in the Aura Dorms, and Earth Pony students (such as Sorrel) will be coming from the Nature Dorms)) Edited by Silent Dawn
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Midnight watched the ponies from a window that he made with his power "no...NO! You won't get in my way!" Midnight was going mad and then he had a huge smile on his face (ooc:there is a drawing of that smile scary as hell I peed my self when my friend who made it showed it to me) "If you want something done do it yourself!" Midnight worked on a spell that <>€~£|%}+\€£|£ (ooc not telling)

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Night Dart woke up and made a hole in the cloud. It was late evening, the sun was setting. A bit of light shone in, giving him a minor headache.

He dimly remembered that his Master was probably still furious over those despicable foals thát were supposedly immune.

'Master, I am headed to Manehatan to speak with someone. She will be able to help us with those immune imbeciles.' he sent.


As soon as the sun set, Night shot off towards Manehattan. It wasn't too far, and he landed in the city square.

He didn't have to wait long until he heard the eerie, song-like voice.

"Hello, Night Dart."

Night whipped around to see a dark violet mare with a broken horn at her forehead, and a messy mane that was two shades of blue. She stared at him calmly with red-orange eyes.

" I understand you and Midnight need my help."

((OOC: that's it for tonight from me. Lagging badly.))

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As Blitz left the Sky Dormitories, she looked below and saw Sunset Sky and Novella talking in the courtyard. Well I guess I might as well check in with them. She flew down to the two. "Uh hi guys... watcha doin'?" She asked, awkwardly grinning unintentionally. 

Edited by Blitz



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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Cosmo was able to find the academy without much difficulty, he arrived to see the group of fillies meet up. "Something's... off, about these three. Cosmo thought he sensed a strange aura around them and spent a moment trying to figure it out when he realized, "That's not an aura, thats empty air! The magic of the disease isn't reaching them..!" Cosmo decided to observe them, using magic to remain undetected while doing so. "An oddly dressed unicorn watching a group of young fillies... Yeah, the guards will love to hear an explaination for that one..." he thought sarcastically, "But what's going on here? Could they be... Immune?!"

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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As Blitz left the Sky Dormitories, she looked below and saw Sunset Shimmer and Novella talking in the courtyard. Well I might as well check in with them. She flew down to the two. "Uh hi guys... watcha doin'?" She asked, awkwardly grinning unintentionally.


(Sunset Sky, not Shimmer ^_^:lol: )

Sunset turned to Blitz.

" Hi, Blitz. I was asking Novella if she could help me check out one last storage cell before we go. I don't want to go... But you know as well as I do that we're the only immune ones and we have to get to the princesses. And we need some supplies if we're going to make it. I don't think the ponies here will mind... She gestured solemnly to the terrified ponies running around. She looked back to Blitz with a weak, humorless smile. "Mind helping out?

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(Sunset Sky, not Shimmer ^_^:lol: )

Sunset turned to Blitz.

" Hi, Blitz. I was asking Novella if she could help me check out one last storage cell before we go. I don't want to go... But you know as well as I do that we're the only immune ones and we have to get to the princesses. And we need some supplies if we're going to make it. I don't think the ponies here will mind... She gestured solemnly to the terrified ponies running around. She looked back to Blitz with a weak, humorless smile. "Mind helping out?

Cosmo spoke to the girls, maintaining his invisibility, "Pardon me, but I noticed you were unusual," he allowed his spell to fade off so he didn't appear in an instant, "My name is Cosmo Faden. I noticed something strange about the air around you three, specifically what you just said, you're immune to the disease. I'm here from Canterlot, on behalf of Princess Luna. I was investigating the disease and came across you by chance. You sound like you're planning to go there, and if so, I'd like to escort you." Cosmo looked at the unease on their faces, and thought to himself, "Aaannd, they probably think I'm nuts... Great... just great..."
  • Brohoof 2

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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