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open Hunting season


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Thunder was going deeper under water, watching flames and explosions above it. 'Suit integrity six percent' the suits A.I spoke. "What do you do, when all odds are against you. Do you quit. Or do you fight your ever loving heart out till your done. I quit....." he was falling deeper "when your state of the art equipment fails, your allies fail, and your intelligence fails....do you fail?...do you quit?...." thunders voice came in. "What would you do?"


3 months earlier.


Thunder was watching as a boat carried in more kidnapped ponies. His suit was in camo mode. He watched as they dumped the bodies out into shore and told the ponies to run, aiming their explosive tipped bows at them. "hunters again....when will they quit" thunder thought.


Big boss sent out a message to the hunters who where waiting in the main base, located in the middle of the island. "The hunt starts in tee minus 20 minutes, you have as long as you need. But it shouldn't take longer than a week. There is also a bonus for who ever brings back our rogue hunter, thunder, bring him back dead or alive." Said the big boss

Edited by Thunder mane


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End Game is confused, and a million questions are running through his head. How did I get here? Where am I? Why are these crazy people in suits standing over me with bows? Why am I tied up? He flashes back to before he fell unconscious. I was working.... Yes, I was working in my lab, and I mis-mixed something... After I could actually see again, some sort of smoke was in the room... Couldn't even get to the window before I passed out... he suddenly shouts, hoping the guards won't understand. "¡Madre de dios! ¿Por que yo soy aquí?"

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End Game is confused, and a million questions are running through his head. How did I get here? Where am I? Why are these crazy people in suits standing over me with bows? Why am I tied up? He flashes back to before he fell unconscious. I was working.... Yes, I was working in my lab, and I mis-mixed something... After I could actually see again, some sort of smoke was in the room... Couldn't even get to the window before I passed out... he suddenly shouts, hoping the guards won't understand. "¡Madre de dios! ¿Por que yo soy aquí?"

The guards just stand there. Another one just looks at him and kicks him with enormous strength. Hopeing he will run away. "RUN NOW" one of them said.


Thunder watched. His visor zoomed in on them. He saw the kick. He wanted to do something but if he did he could be in some serious trouble.


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SwigglySwiggly snatches a bag of cannabis (I will be needing it) from a hunter and sprints towards he mainland and towards the hunter base. SwigglySwiggly steals a plastic drink bottle, a pen and a lighter then quickly runs towards the forest. After a few minutes of running SwigglySwiggly sat at the base of a tree and pulled out what he managed to steal. "I should be safe by now" he thought to himself. SwigglySwiggly pulls out the lighter and burns a hole in the bottle, big enough to fit in the pen, then burnt another hole for inhaling. SwigglySwiggly stuck the pen into the hole and let the hot plastic seal up any holes. SwigglySwiggly was very excited to use what had stolen. "BUCK!, I have no cone! I cant get this bong working without no cone!" screamed SwigglySwiggly as he tore a piece of vine off a tree and tied his almost finished bong around his neck. "I hate joints, too smokey, not as strong as a bong either" he though to himself as he headed back towards the hunter base to rack up more supplies.

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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((Where all ponies just to let you know))


Thunder watched as the crack addict ran by. Thunders head tilted as he watched him. 'Suits energy low.' His suits A.I said. Thunder back up still in camo mode. He crawled into a bush and waited. His camo went off and his suit's energy recharged. "I wish I didn't have to run on core mode, those hunters are using energy from the base, so they have unlimited supply. I need to find a way to hack it" thunder thought.


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End Game feels the kick, and starts running for his life. "Alright... Creepy suit ponies, NOT my friends... I wonder if this island is one of the old coal plants... That would make my life easier... Alright, less talking more running, I can get supplies later." He continues running toward the jungle, when he gets there he starts to run parallel to the shore, looking for buildings.

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Thunder walked out of a bush and end game ran into him. His suit went into armor mode instantly. He didn't budge. He looked at the pony who ran into him. He looked down on him and aim his bow "friendly?" He asked. His suit made his voice sound a little robot like. "Reply now" said thunder pulling his bow back.


End Game feels the kick, and starts running for his life. "Alright... Creepy suit ponies, NOT my friends... I wonder if this island is one of the old coal plants... That would make my life easier... Alright, less talking more running, I can get supplies later." He continues running toward the jungle, when he gets there he starts to run parallel to the shore, looking for buildings.

Thunder walked out of a bush and end game ran into him. His suit went into armor mode instantly. He didn't budge. He looked at the pony who ran into him. He looked down on him and aim his bow "friendly?" He asked. His suit made his voice sound a little robot like. "Reply now" said thunder pulling his bow back.


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Thunder walked out of a bush and end game ran into him. His suit went into armor mode instantly. He didn't budge. He looked at the pony who ran into him. He looked down on him and aim his bow "friendly?" He asked. His suit made his voice sound a little robot like. "Reply now" said thunder pulling his bow back.

End Game shrugs, trying to shake off the impact. Damn, going to have to find a settlement if they can all do this... urban setting means cleaning agents, cleaning agents mean even tables. "That depends... Why are you even bothering to ask while your wearing the freaky demon armor shit? They're trying to kill me, and you appear to be trying to kill me, so logically the thing to do would be to either kill me or put the bow down. If you take the latter I'd like to know if there are any settlements on this island other than the big one, which I presume is your employer's base. Hell, even a hardware store would be fine." Edited by FractaLuna
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Thunder's bow folded up and h put it on his back. "Well, if you would like to know. The only bases around are the bad types. You'll be killed on spot" said thunder. He helped up end game "names thunder, and I'm the only friendly hunter you'll meet" he said looking at him.


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Thunder's bow folded up and h put it on his back. "Well, if you would like to know. The only bases around are the bad types. You'll be killed on spot" said thunder. He helped up end game "names thunder, and I'm the only friendly hunter you'll meet" he said looking at him.

End game shrugs. "I'm End game, and I'd like to see those arrows you're using... They seem so inefficient for explosive tips. It's like someone just took a normal arrowhead and threw some high explosives in it, without any regard for multiplication of blast force or punching power... With a few small additions you could easily get three times the killing power out of those things."
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Thunder visor systems scanned end game "hmm...so your a bomb expert. How was It in Appleoosa. Did you get hurt helping the railroad build" his visor kept bringing up files on end game. Giving thunder lots of information about him. He gave end game his quiver of bows as well as the arrows


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Thunder visor systems scanned end game "hmm...so your a bomb expert. How was It in Appleoosa. Did you get hurt helping the railroad build" his visor kept bringing up files on end game. Giving thunder lots of information about him. He gave end game his quiver of bows as well as the arrows

End Game starts fiddling with the arrows, idly chatting all the while. "Appleoosa was appleoosa... Usually out of control, and dusty as all hell. Picked up a lot of tricks for killing things in fancy armor back there... Which brings me to a question, why aren't you killing me like the other weirdos in powered armor?"

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SwigglySwiggly wakes up, "what happened? i was just going to go get a cone for my bong then..... ugh.. my head hurts..." he thought to himself, Swiggly rubed his head and felt a searing pain, and then sees blood on his hooves, then looks around and sees a tree root with blood on it, "oh i mush have tripped over! Guess I was Tripping Out! HAHAHA*snort* punny...." Swiggly's laughter caught the attention of a hunter "Come on! I haven't even got the chance to bong!" Swiggly Dashed in the opposite direction. Swiggly quickly jump off the trail and disappeared into the canopy. The hunter stood there looking side to side for Swiggly. Then right from behind, swiggly's rear leg swung up and hit the hunters crotch. Swiggly swung his leg so fast that he heard a crunch sound upon impact. The hunter fell down and curled up into a ball in pain, Swiggly noticed how the hunter's armor didn't work, "poor dude, his armor must have ran out of battery" 

Swiggly frisked the hunter and found more cannabis, "perfect, but i still have no cone, and I'm lost", swiggly's eye spotted something on the hunter.... "ROLLING PAPER!, yess now i can smoke this bong!" Swiggly grabbed the rolling paper and sees EndGame staring at him "dude he wasn't a bad guy..." EndGame said. Swiggly shrugged and ran off in a random direction, and settled down on the base of a tree, "now that i got everything... lets have fun" a grin grew across Swiggly's face. After loading the bong, Swiggly lit the cone and "milked" the bong, then inhaled the thick white goodness. I have waited so long for this

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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Thunder watched him "well, I broke the control chip. So when I dissobayed an order, they couldn't vaporize me. So I ran. And I'm trying to find a way to end it all" thunder said. He crouched down next to him "also don't try thinking about blowing me up either. I've read some of your files" he said.


End Game starts fiddling with the arrows, idly chatting all the while. "Appleoosa was appleoosa... Usually out of control, and dusty as all hell. Picked up a lot of tricks for killing things in fancy armor back there... Which brings me to a question, why aren't you killing me like the other weirdos in powered armor?"

Thunder watched him "well, I broke the control chip. So when I dissobayed an order, they could vaporize me. So I ran. And I'm trying to find a way to end it all" thunder said. He crouched down next to him "also don't try thinking about blowing me up either. I've read some of your files" he said. Edited by Thunder mane


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SwigglySwiggly wakes up once again


"must of passed out again... I should really stop weeding"  he though to himself.

The bong broken, scrunched up bottle, squashed when Swiggly passed out and fell on it, "better get myself together"  he thought to himself, Swiggly is serious now, the cannabis is out of his system. Swiggly stood up and gave off a moment to clear his mind

       "none of that happened, ugh.... what are you gonna do now swig?"  

Swiggly over hears a faint voice... a conversation, Swiggly trotted towards the voices, as he got close he became more cautious, he started creeping, slowly, quietly. Swiggly peered through the bushes and saw an opening where 2 ponies sat, Swiggly remembers one o the ponies, 

     "I think his name was EndGame" Swig thought

and right beside the pony was one of the hunters, Swiggly's mind was invaded my several questions, why wasnt the hunter killing the pony?. Swiggly, being a nosy pony, listened to the conversation.

Thunder watched him "well, I broke the control chip. So when I dissobayed an order, they couldn't vaporize me. So I ran. And I'm trying to find a way to end it all" thunder said. He crouched down next to him "also don't try thinking about blowing me up either. I've read some of your files" he said.

Thunder watched him "well, I broke the control chip. So when I dissobayed an order, they could vaporize me. So I ran. And I'm trying to find a way to end it all" thunder said. He crouched down next to him "also don't try thinking about blowing me up either. I've read some of your files" he said.

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SwigglySwiggly wakes up once again


"must of passed out again... I should really stop weeding" he though to himself.

The bong broken, scrunched up bottle, squashed when Swiggly passed out and fell on it, "better get myself together" he thought to himself, Swiggly is serious now, the cannabis is out of his system. Swiggly stood up and gave off a moment to clear his mind

"none of that happened, ugh.... what are you gonna do now swig?"

Swiggly over hears a faint voice... a conversation, Swiggly trotted towards the voices, as he got close he became more cautious, he started creeping, slowly, quietly. Swiggly peered through the bushes and saw an opening where 2 ponies sat, Swiggly remembers one o the ponies,

"I think his name was EndGame" Swig thought

and right beside the pony was one of the hunters, Swiggly's mind was invaded my several questions, why wasnt the hunter killing the pony?. Swiggly, being a nosy pony, listened to the conversation.

Shade tip sat in his seat. He was running through files of the new prey that had just been dropped off. He sighed, he went onto speaker for the hunters in the set up room. "The hunt begins in tee minus 5 minutes" said shade tip. The hunters where having conversations while adjusting their bow's and armor.


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Rocket grabbed his bow and waited for the countdown, he was in his zone and wasn't going to talk to anyone.

(Silence gets you kills) he said to himself. He looked out the window and awaited the time do be completed do he could get out and do what he was supposed to do


SIgnature by Reverie


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Rocket grabbed his bow and waited for the countdown, he was in his zone and wasn't going to talk to anyone.

(Silence gets you kills) he said to himself. He looked out the window and awaited the time do be completed do he could get out and do what he was supposed to do

Shade tipped started to type into his computer and went into JT's video link. He did that for everyone. "Systems com's are functional, hunt begins in 5,4,3,2...." There was a pause. Then the horn went off and the doors opened. "May the hunt begin"


'Energy sources detected' thunders A.I spoke. "End game lets get out of here now, the hunters are coming" he said


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Rocket shot an arrow to check his sights, he hit a tree exactly where he wante to, (good all lined up) he thought, h took off in a sprint into the woods to begin tracking any prey he could find, he was prepared for anything. He stopped in one aera and set up some traps.


SIgnature by Reverie


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Shade tipped started to type into his computer and went into JT's video link. He did that for everyone. "Systems com's are functional, hunt begins in 5,4,3,2...." There was a pause. Then the horn went off and the doors opened. "May the hunt begin"


'Energy sources detected' thunders A.I spoke. "End game lets get out of here now, the hunters are coming" he said

End game looks up from his work. "Alright, lets go. Do you have any tripwires or matches on you? This is some pretty primo shit, but even RDX can't blow itself up... I'd like to set up a little surprise for the first hunter that tries to follow us, might also lead some more in to hit with a bigger bomb."

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End game looks up from his work. "Alright, lets go. Do you have any tripwires or matches on you? This is some pretty primo shit, but even RDX can't blow itself up... I'd like to set up a little surprise for the first hunter that tries to follow us, might also lead some more in to hit with a bigger bomb."

Thunder shook his head "it's a little harder to kill then with a single explosion. It takes multiple" he said. "Unless it's heavy with shrapnel" he said. "That should do it" he pulled out his bow. "Come on let's find some where to hide before we get killed" he said.


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Thunder shook his head "it's a little harder to kill then with a single explosion. It takes multiple" he said. "Unless it's heavy with shrapnel" he said. "That should do it" he pulled out his bow. "Come on let's find some where to hide before we get killed" he said.

End Game smiles, shaking his head. "The point isn't to kill, it's to maim horribly and painfully... Ever heard of a 'dam killer' bomb? That's the concept... High-velocity explosive, direct contact with the target, shatters the squishy bones and makes it HARD to fix it... I'm trying to stay alive, the bomb is rigged... Lead the way, I don't know the island." He gets up and carefully steps away.
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Rocket hears some chatter coming from a little ways ahead of him, he silently tip toes towards them and has them in his line of sight, "looks like I'm going to get first blood!" He whispers he reaches for an arrow only to realize his quiver had fallen off, "damn... Looks like your lucky day. He rushes off, making a racket, "damn... It's REALLY their lucky day."


SIgnature by Reverie


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End Game smiles, shaking his head. "The point isn't to kill, it's to maim horribly and painfully... Ever heard of a 'dam killer' bomb? That's the concept... High-velocity explosive, direct contact with the target, shatters the squishy bones and makes it HARD to fix it... I'm trying to stay alive, the bomb is rigged... Lead the way, I don't know the island." He gets up and carefully steps away.

Thunder nodded his head, he walked toward a random location. "Lets just find some cover, or shelter to hide under. Once that's done, I'll handle the rest" said thunder.


Shade was reading through files "if the suits awake them, can it be stopped" he said to himself.


Rocket hears some chatter coming from a little ways ahead of him, he silently tip toes towards them and has them in his line of sight, "looks like I'm going to get first blood!" He whispers he reaches for an arrow only to realize his quiver had fallen off, "damn... Looks like your lucky day. He rushes off, making a racket, "damn... It's REALLY their lucky day."

Thunder turned around quickly as he heard the rustle aiming his bow with a spear tipped arrow. 'Nano vision activated' his vision was now inferred. He saw no heat signatures. "Guess it was just the wind' he said turning his nano vision off. He sighed in relief.


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Rocket grabbed his quiet and ran back to where they were located at, he followed the direction they were going and used inferred vision to find them again. He switche to an arrow he made, it was an arrow that shot out into 100s of smaller arrows for maximum damage. He shot at the two and waited to see if it would hit them.


SIgnature by Reverie


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