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open Hunting season


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Rocket grabbed his quiet and ran back to where they were located at, he followed the direction they were going and used inferred vision to find them again. He switche to an arrow he made, it was an arrow that shot out into 100s of smaller arrows for maximum damage. He shot at the two and waited to see if it would hit them.

Thunder heard something, he turned around to see that and arrow was coming right at him. 'Maximum armor' his armor turn on. The impact of the arrow made thunder stumble back. But no harm done. His energy went half way down from taking that hit "damn it core functions" he said before shooting a explosive tipped arrow in a random direction based off guess. He grabbed end game and ran away using speed mode.


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Rocket flew back from the explosion he caught himself and landed, he looked to the aera and sighed, he radioed into the base and said, "hey boss, I found the rouge hunter... Blocked my hellfire arrow..." He checked himself for any injuries and found none luckily


SIgnature by Reverie


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Shade tipped jumped at the thought of it. "Then end him, or bring him to me, do as you wish" said shade.


Thunder put end game into a bush near him. 'Cloak engaged' thunders armor turned him invisible. He looked around for anything out if the ordinary. He kept searching the area.


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End Game hears a sharp 'Bang' from where they were standing, and looks to Thunder. "That sound means the trap worked, is there any sort of indicator the survivors get when one of the Hunters is injured, or are they generic enough that no one cares... If only I could get my hands one one of those suits... This would be a lot easier..."

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Rocket shook, "this guy is a lot stronger than I ... How the hell am I supposed to beat that?" He says to himself. He sighs as he flys into a tree and looks around, he was out in the open and didn't realize that he was actually being watched by another pony. He sat and scouted.


SIgnature by Reverie


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Swiggly sprints from his hiding location but is spotted by Edngame and Thunder, he still runs though. After a while of sprinting Swiggly falls off a steep slide and narrowly misses a few trees. Tumbling down the hill and into a river. 

"game on buckers!" Swiggly dipped his hoof in mud and drew stripes on his cheeks, Swiggly now looks like a commando.

Swiggly smells something funny... smelly... "this isn't mud..." 

Swiggly washed the ... contents off his face and swam to the other side of the river. "I wonder if health insurance will cover me now"

Out of nowhere a stray arrow landed right in front of SwigglySwiggly, he just shrugged and trotted towards higher land.

Swiggly was faced with a steep slope covered in slippery mud. Swiggly will never be able to climb that, then he spots something at the top of the slope... it was green, it smell like smelly herbs. 

"Is that.... weed?" muttered Swiggly. All of a sudden Swiggly's pupils enlarged, his breathing paced, he heart pounded. There was only one thought on his mind "I MUST GET UP THAT SLOPE!"

Then, with a burst of energy, Swiggly climbed a practically uphill slope, no matter how slippery it was, no matter how steep it was, the slope was no match for Swiggly's hooves. Swiggly Rammed each of his hooves into the thick wall of mud and dragged his body up. "nothing can stop me now!" he screamed.

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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Rocket shook, "this guy is a lot stronger than I ... How the hell am I supposed to beat that?" He says to himself. He sighs as he flys into a tree and looks around, he was out in the open and didn't realize that he was actually being watched by another pony. He sat and scouted.

Thunder saw rocket and tilted his head 'why isn't he in camo mode.' Thunder thought while watching him. He then slowly crept back behind cover. His energy was depleted, so his cloak turned off. His energy then recharged.he thought for a second. "Maybe his core functions are off" thunder said before pulling up another arrow into his bow.


End Game hears a sharp 'Bang' from where they were standing, and looks to Thunder. "That sound means the trap worked, is there any sort of indicator the survivors get when one of the Hunters is injured, or are they generic enough that no one cares... If only I could get my hands one one of those suits... This would be a lot easier..."

"It's not that easy to get one. It molds to your DNA structure. It almost bonds with you're body. Making it a painful process to take off" said thunder shaking his head. "Some people actually died from shock, or a heart attack" he said shaking his head "wish I knew what I was signing up for" thunder said sadly.


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SwigglySwiggly has finished climbing the steep hill, to his surprise... it wasn't weed. Swiggly fell to his knees and screamed. The screams can be heard for miles, and miles... and miles. Enraged Swiggly rand around the river's edge collecting sticks, vines and pointy stones. 

"You hunters interrupt my life!, I will interrupt you living!" Swiggly was enraged he used his unicorn magic to tie the stones to the sticks and used the "bind" spell to make the sticks and stones hold together stronger. Swiggly had made 2 spears, with a few sharp rocks to use as skewers.  

Swiggly burnt some bark and used the ashes as battle paint. Swiggly's eyes were covered with black ash, a straight vertical line across his face over his eyes. Swiggly ran towards the sound of the explosions.

(the lack of drugs makes swiggly angry and serious)

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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Dawn Minuet simply sat there, her shoulders lifted as she stared directly at the ground, her heart beating rapidly as she wondered what exactly she should do.

She was supposed to run.  But if she ran, she was giving them what they wanted, whatever that was.  And she would probably die anyway.  So perhaps she should just sit here and let them kill her.  Maybe it wouldn't be so bad that way.

Damnit, Dawn, you get up and run.

No, she refused the voice. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Rocket heard an arrow get drawn and turns around, he thought it would be a hunter but he was surprised to see it was thunder. He put his hoofs up fearfully, (well shit! I'm dead!) he thought to himself. Forgetting he was in a tree, He tried to back up and fell to the ground. He laid in the ground and groaned.

Edited by ~/XC- BRONY\~


SIgnature by Reverie


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Thunder looked at rocket. "This hunter..." He said before letting his arrow go. "Is the boss training then to be weaker or" he said.


Thunder hunters looked at dawn and kicked her and told her to run. The aimed their bow readying to kill her if they needed to. Something in the distance was charging at them.


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Lionheart was quick on his feet when he was dumbed on the shore. Confused but on his feet, when he was told to run he knew that at the moment he had no other option. He had made some distance  and he finally felt safe for a bit he stopped to catch his breath. "How could I fall for such a stupid trick and get kidnapped like that. I feel really stupid >.>" He said out loud. 


He looked around, trees as far as his eyes could see. It was obvious following his eyes alone wasn't going to cut it, thankfully he had his magic to do some the work. Opening his investigation magic he found what he was looking for, hoofprints. He dint quite know if they were from allies or enemies but guessing form the size and depth of them they were from the armor wearing ponies. Having nothign better to do he followed them.


At the end of his trail he saw them two of them hunters one pointing his bow at a helpless mare the other seemingly aloof  and another  one standing there watching. He knew he had to act but rushin in was both stupid and suicidal so he decided to wait and see how this would go.

~In construction~ 

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Rocket looked up, "well? You going to kill me?" He waited, "might as well, I'm the laughing stock for shade... It sucks being the rookie.... I don't even know why the hell I'm here, I hate conflict." He looked up, "why haven't you shot me already? All I'm doin is rambling to myself."


SIgnature by Reverie


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Thunder looked at him. He turned him around and hit the back off his head using his modded strength hopping to knock him out. "I don't kill I only do what I need to do" said thunder.


Shade went into rockets video feed. "Kill him, KILL HIM NOW" he shouted at him.


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Rocket groaned and said, "y.... Your sparing me? But why?" He said. He felt his vision start to blur and fought hard to stay awake, he wanted an answer before ha passed out, he looke up to the sky, he still fought to stay awake as hard as he could. "Why would you keep me alive?"


SIgnature by Reverie


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Blaze wakes groggily, his head pounding in his ears. He slowly stands, looking to his surroundings, very different from the serene mountain river he was at before a... something of a blur, hit him from behind in the head. The jungle before him was unusual, but familiar to the forests he went to with his father. 

What the buck happened... I seem alright, but ugh, my head feels like it's split open. I need to find water, then maybe I can find a way back home.

He looks around for a long branch, finding it quickly, and lifts it with his horn. He starts walking toward what he thought was north, due to the sun's position in the sky and the chill air denoting morning. As he walks, he uses his magic to sharpen a point from the stick.

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Rocket groaned and said, "y.... Your sparing me? But why?" He said. He felt his vision start to blur and fought hard to stay awake, he wanted an answer before ha passed out, he looke up to the sky, he still fought to stay awake as hard as he could. "Why would you keep me alive?"

Thunder shrugged " I don't kill. It's not right. There will be rare instances when I do kill" he said aiming his bow and shooting rockets leg. Keeping rocket pinned to the ground "but I'll do what's needed to keep you down so I can at least run away" he said folding his bow up and running away.


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Rocket yelped as he watched thunder run away, he sighed as he passed out.


When he woke up he saw that his leg had stopped bleeding, he pulled out the arrow with pain and thought to himself. Why did thunder, the pony that he was told that would kill him on sight, spare him?


SIgnature by Reverie


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Meanwhile... , while everypony else was busy either killing or running. The thought of that gray stallion, were forgotten by all, everypony else was too busy trying their best to survive, everypony but Swiggly, Swiggly never forgets the faces he ran into, he remembered them all, the names... the faces... the voices. Swiggly's system was low on T.H.C (cannabis) , Swiggly was struggling to stay conscious, Swiggly felt light headed, his field of vision narrowed, everything was slow and repetitive. Swiggly fell down a slope and into a tree. His head hit against the tree's base and woke him up. Blood streamed from his mouth, that tree wasn't the best alarm clock, but it did its job

"I pftink ah bit mah tung" muttered Swiggly "stffewpid twee"

Swiggly walked towards the river and washed his mouth, the pain in his mouth made him violently throw his head around. The "mend" spell sealed up his injury and he continued down the river.

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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Looking at the scene it was apparent that those hunters didn't always get along with each other and the fact that this thunder guy wasn't killing his opposition was enough to raise Lionhearts  curiosity. This guy seemed interesting and he knew what he was doing better than anyone.


Lionheart started following him and though he fell behind cause of the speed difference he was able to trail him with his magic. He was trying to stay hidden for now but he wasn't much aware if the guys suit would notify him of his position. He had no clue about this tecnology but he wasn't  bothered much about that since he was planning to talk with the man.

~In construction~ 

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Rocket walked through the forest, still conflicted of what had happened. He suddenly heard a growl behind him, he saw a bear behind him. He screamed and started to run. He ran through the forest faster than he thought he could. He tripped over a root and way he as the bear crept towards him (if I get out of this alive, I promise I will be a better stallion) he prayed as he watche the bear get closer.


SIgnature by Reverie


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Dawn stayed silent, gritting her teeth when they kicked her.  Then she raised her head to meet their eyes, her cheek grazing the end of an arrow accidentally.  She furrowed her eyebrows and stared up at them.  Finally, she spoke:

"Hello," she said, seeming too calm almost.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Having finished sharpening the stick to a spear, Blaze walks on, continuing his search for water. The headache having gone away, his ear catches the sound of trees and brush being torn through and a roar of something large. he turns in the direction and walks swiftly, moving from cover to cover as quietly as he can, his spear ready to fly at moments notice. He catches sight of a wounded pegasus running in strange attire from a bear. he drops the spear and focuses on the nearby trees, horn glowing orange and sparking just a bit. The trees before the bear begin to appear looming directly over the beast, creaking and reaching down with leafy branches. Blaze growls and roars as deep and imposing as he can, adding to the illusion in attempt to frighten the bear away. The bear gazes up to the unnatural sight and stops, giving a final roar before turning and running. Blaze releases the spell, breath a bit heavier, and grabs the spear in his teeth, walking slowly to the fallen pegasus.

"You ok?" he asks around the wood, point toward the side.

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Rocket looks up and says, "doing a lot better now." He stood up and said, "I'm supposed to kill you... But you saved me.... So screw that" he handed blaze a knife, "here, it's a lot stronger than a stick." He sighed, "I'm rocket... I owe you my life for saving me.... Besides, I suck at hunting" he said with a chuckle.


SIgnature by Reverie


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Blaze looks at him curiously, dropping the stick. "Blaze. Why would you have to kill me? I just woke up here, and I have no idea what is going on." He looks up and pulls a vine from a tree with his horn. "Don't worry about owing me, I just do what comes naturally, haha." He wraps the knife to the blunt end of the stick. "Thanks for this, by the way."

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