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open The Tyranny of Princess Cadence

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1571 East Hay St.
Headquarters of the Black Mares. Looks just like another old worn out office building in the Crystal Empire. Well everything has been worn out since Cadence declared herself dictator and the war hasn't helped. But now was a very important day for the Black Mares.
Crystal Dusk looked upon her crew. The best of the Black Mares Midnight, MidnightBlue, Curse of Shadows, and Golden Arrow.
"You all know how important today is" says Crystal Dusk. "This is the day we will infiltrate the Crystal Castle and find out what Cadence is up to."
"But alas only one of us can go and I will let you decide among yourselves as I know you will choose the best mare for the job" "
Crystal Dusk walks away and let's her most loyal spies discuss who will go on the most important mission in the History of the Black Mares.

Edited by Aureity


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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Midnight the brave filly in the group taken for determination agility and the fact that he used to live in that castle because cadence adopted him says "dusk the guards are coming should we take them out?" Midnight was content with the fact that he is the one behind all of it but he isn't ashamed with killing his own guards in the process

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"Why would we ever hide from an easy victory?" asked MidnightBlue with a half smile on his face.

"I'll go take care of them, you all can discuss who will go. I have no need to go on this mission; I am perfectly happy being backup for the pony that goes."

MidnightBlue pondered the most effective way to "take care of" the incoming guards. Before they noticed him, he pressed against a wall, hiding his body deep in the gloomy shadows. As the small troop of guards walked past his hiding place, MidnightBlue slunk out and crept behind them. A slight swishing sound could be heard, and all of the guards dropped to the ground unconscious and bleeding. Midnight walked back inside, and asked "What did I miss?"


My OC/Ponysona, MidnightBlue: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-blue-r3098

Signature by Love4shadow~. Thank you! Avatar by me.


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Swordpoint trotted into the throne room of Canterlot Castle and bowed lightly before Celestia. "Yes, Princess, you requested an audience?"


Celestia nodded. "Yes, Swordpoint. The situation is grim. While you were away, Princess Cadence has... changed. I don't know what happened to her, but she's lost her mind."


Swordpoint's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"


"She has murdered her husband," Celestia said bluntly. "And what's more... she's turned the Crystal Empire into a military state. Even now, she rules them as Empress."


Swordpoint gasped. "What on earth...?"



Celestia stood. "I'm afraid that it gets worse. She has amassed an army... and she intends to take over Equestria. I need you, Swordpoint... but even your might alone will not be enough. There is another I would like you to meet. Zeta, please enter."


Swordpoint turned to the large doors as they opened.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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"You didn't miss much" midnight was happy because they were falling right in his trap "we were discussing what if she is prepared for us maybe we should have someone as strong and cunning as you with the one who goes so you could take out anything we aren't prepared for even though chances are slim of that" midnight pretended to look up to midnight blue even though he could take him out if he wanted but he wanted all of them to suffer his curse

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Lieutenant Golden Age stood outside the throne room, waiting for a meeting that Celestia deemed "urgent". It was not so much that Goldie took interest in Celestia's wants and needs, only that as long as he was promised the opportunity to put a bayonet through traitors and invaders, he has happy to obey.


He despised Canterlot, he saw it nothing more than a pool full of the snobby rich aristocrats who only take interest in themselves. His distaste for the city also grew of it's high population of Solar sympathizers. Celestia this, Celestia that, it's as if all they could and would ever talk about was that horrid little princess!


I do pray I can get out of this place as soon as time allows he thought to himself

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Midnight switched to his miasm form when he left the black mares hq (this is when he turns to smoke and haunts others or when he corrupts them) he spied on the equestrians then he read golden ages mind and heard he despised canterlot so he decided to try to corrupt him "hello golden age I am your conscience why don't you leave go t the Chrystal army cadence lets them have what they want there are snobby rich nuisances there you will be fine there" midnight went back after that to see if they decided on who does the mission

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Aye sure, and then Equestria would become a bloody police state! 


The wait was horrendous for him. The waiting room only comprised of two large benches. The only thing he could think to do was sing songs in his head and make drum beats with his hoofs on the bench arm

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Crystal Dusk speaks into her walkie talkie "I need all Black Mares in my office immediately. I need to know what decision you all have come to."

I really do hope they have decided on who will do this mission if they can't decide I might even have to do it.

It's not like Crystal Dusk isn't capable of this mission as she totally is she just has other matters to attend to. She waits in Ernest for her spies to arrive.


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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Midnight is one of the first to run in "you called for us mam?" Midnight already knew what she wanted due to mind reading and truly wanted to see what they came up with midnight didn't read for that he wanted to be surprised (OOC: we might get someone else joining I sent a pm to a friend of mine)

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Nocturne's footsteps echoed in the crystal palace. He was summoned by his Empress, Princess Cadance.

"You wanted to see me your Highness?"

"Yes Nocturne, I wanted to tell you something..." replied Cadance

"What is it your Highness?"

"I'm planning to invade Equestria... I need you to tell the rest of the Crystal Army"

"Yes Empress! Equestria doesn't stand a chance!"

Nocturne dashed out the door and raced towards the crystal army training facility just outside of the city boundary.

Nocturne flashed his pass to the officials and they opened the large metal gates.

He passed by his friend Quip

"Hey Quip, I just got back from the meeting, were going to war... tell the others, gather them so we can meet back here in an hour"

Nocturne dashed off and spread the news


((Last post of the day most likley, I'll post more tomorrow))

Edited by NocturnalRainbow


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@HistoricallyInaccurate, @@Avolon

Celestia put her hoof to her face. "Oh, dear me... I forgot that Zeta was away. But there are two others whose presence I have requested. Goldie and Avolon... please enter."


Swordpoint watched as a black alicorn and a white unicorn entered the throne room. He recognized Goldie at once, but Avolon was a newcomer. "Ah, Goldie! It is good to see you again. I trust the spells I brought from Ponynesia have served your regiment well?" He turned to Avolon. "And to you... Avolon, was it? It is good to have you here. I do not know you, but if the princesses trust you, then I trust you." He held out his hoof to the alicorn. "I am Swordpoint, and I am pleased to meet you."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Chip Away spun around in circles. After that 'briefing' with Cadence about the war and stuff, and how she was supposed to turn on the Equestrians and be the per-fect spy, she was fed up and didn't want to talk to anyone anymore. However, Celestia called her for yet another meeting. She trotted into the waiting room and sat down to admire the stupid looking Equestrians. The only reason she was fighting for the Crystal Empire, and she was pretending to be part of the Equesrian Empire was that Cadence promised that if the Empire won, she could rule a city of her choice. She saw Celestia call two ponies in, and rolled her eyes in disgust on how she, the great Chip Away, wasn't called. Maybe because she was a zebra? Because she was late? Eh, didn't matter. Cadence told her to get a gist of the plan Celestia was having and report back, so that was what she was going to do.


"Idiots." Chippy muttered under her breath.

Edited by Jolteon

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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MidnightBlue stepped from the shadows with a serious expression on his face. "You called?" He asked, his tone implying that he meant business. "If no one else has volunteered, I will undergo the mission. If someone has already been chosen, I will accompany them on their task." 

Pondering, MidnightBlue wondered whether he could trust Midnight. Even though he had worked with him for some time now, he found his partner to be a little too shifty.


My OC/Ponysona, MidnightBlue: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-blue-r3098

Signature by Love4shadow~. Thank you! Avatar by me.


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(OOC: Goldie isn't a unicorn, he's an Earth pony wink.png )


Golden Age smiled "Nice to see you too, lad. Aye, those spells do come in handy once in a while. Thank Celestia we have a few mages in the ranks, they can be a big usage to us. But what's this meeting about? Celestia says it's "urgent". 

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"Equestria does indeed stand a chance, Princess." Harmonic spoke up from the shadows as the black coated stallion charged out of the door. "Celestia isn't stupid, she'll know we're coming...the only thing we have going for us is...well the whole thing is on our terms isn't it?"

"What do you mean, Harmonic?" Cadence replied gingerly.

"Celestia has an army...she has an empire, the sun, the moon...everything is in her favour. Everything but the invasion...that's down to us, unless she strikes first...but with Shining Armour gone, we have an entire section of the Canterlot military out of action..."

"So...what are you saying?" 

"Now...that's an interesting point isn't it? What am I saying?" He trotted towards the castle doors, forced them open and stepped outside. "I'll meet up with the dark one...see what he has planned." With that, the door closed behind him and he trotted off down the cobbled street in search of the stallion who had just left before him. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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"Hello and my name is Avolon" Avolon shakes Swordpoints' hoof and sits down glaring at Princess Celesta. "So what has caused me to be summoned here Celesta" he sneers  


((OOC: I am going to be away from keyboard AFK on and of for the next 10 - 30 mins so there might be a delay between posts))


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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Midnight sensed how blue felt about him "why don't you trust me? "Midnight caught knew he caught him by surprise "you seem to be troubled around me why don't you trust me ?" Midnight thought about how him and cadence had the mother/son relationship I. The past (even though he was her nephew she didn't have a child so he was the closest thing to a son she got) "soon me and her will rule and be joined as one"

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Crystal Dusk decides to take matters into her own hands. "You know what why don't you both go on this mission!" "Two ponies would be a huge advantage".

Crystal Dusk goes over the plan "You two are to infiltrate the Crystal Castle however you can and just get inside" "From there you will get into the air ducts and crawl through to the empresses bed chambers." "You will wait until no one is in the room and lower yourselves down into the room" "You will the. Search for any evidence of where Cadence will be over the next few days or any reason she has gone power crazy" " Information on her location would be key as we would probably get a good assasination attempt out of it.l" "You two will leave in 3 hours. Prepare yourselves, the fate of the Black Mares lies in your hooves"


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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"Whoa whoa whoa wait a sec we are going to her chambers are you sure because I mean when I lived there I wasn't allowed there unless she was sad I was put there to comfort her there is no telling what is headed to us because she knows how to use weapons if we are caught we are done for!" Midnight remembered how when she got corrupted by him she ordered a massive load of weapons for a case as such midnight then decided "we will do it"

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"On it" Midnight said, preparing to leave. 

Wondering how Midnight had read his thoughts, MidnightBlue decided to question him.

"How were you able to read my mind? And why would you want to? Most of the things running through my head should stay unmentioned" MidnightBlue asked in his mind.

While all of this went on in his mind, MidnightBlue grabbed the necessary supplies for his and Midnight's journey.


My OC/Ponysona, MidnightBlue: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-blue-r3098

Signature by Love4shadow~. Thank you! Avatar by me.


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"I didn't read it I'm not that capable even though cadence taught me so much I'm not that powerful" midnight wondered how did he know he read his mind "but really why don't you trust me? I'm just a filly just because I was with her once doesn't mean I will side with her."

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Celestia glanced at Avolon and Goldie. "I'm afraid the situation is dire. Princess Cadence has been corrupted. She's murdered Shining Armor and turned all of the Crystal Empire into a military state. I believe they are planning to invade Equestria. Avolon, I am aware of the differences we've had in the past... and I am sorry. But this land needs your help... and yours, as well, Goldie." She sat in her throne. "Oh! It seems that the zebra I asked to come has arrived. Chip Away, please enter."


The doors opened once again, revealing a cold looking zebra.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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"Cadence murdered Shining Armor!? That seems more like something..." his sentence trailed off. "Erm...disregard that. But if they're planning to attack..they'll probably attack the closets region to the Crystal Empire. And that's...Canterlot, yes? What do you say, Swordpoint?"

Edited by ~HistoricallyInaccurate~
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Nocturne assembled everyone in the center of the facility. "Alright everypony, I assume you know what's going on. We are going to war, but first we need to train. Squad 1 head over to sword training! 2 agility! 3 stamina! 4 magic! 5 defense! Everypony move out!" Nocturne trotted out of the facility, he had some buisness to take care of. He was picking up some fireworks from some guy across town, he was a usual customer there. He trotted into the alley on hay street were the pony was waiting. "Good to see you again Nocturne! Here are the fireworks!" said the pony handing Nocturne the fireworks. "Thanks..... wait! Be quiet for a sec" They stood stock still listing to sounds within the building. Nocturnes eyes widened. He turned and ran back to the facility. He trotted over to squad 1. "Hello Squad 1! Suit up and get ready to move out! I think I found them..." said Nocturne sming.


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