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You Think The Brony Community Will Ever Be As Strong As It Used To Be


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I have been a brony for almost 2 years now...It's been a really fun 2 years but sadly I am beginning to wonder the current status of our community. 


Is it because we are in between seasons? Is it because Season 3 was short? What is the reason?


It seems like only a few months ago the brony community began to see a real decline, I mean yea there are a bunch more bronies now, but that does not exactly make a good community. It seems like people are just not into the show anymore and they are just a brony to be a brony. It feels like there is no passion and frankly it's been making me really worried.


Do you think the brony community will return to it's former glory? Or will it wither up and become worse?

  • Brohoof 10
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I think the fandom will return to it's "regular status* as soon as season 4 starts up. Sadly that won't be for a while so until then we will have to deal with Equestria Girls and the time in between.




It seems like only a few months ago the brony community began to see a real decline, I mean yea there are a bunch more bronies now, but that does not exactly make a good community. It seems like people are just not into the show anymore and they are just a brony to be a brony. It feels like there is no passion and frankly it's been making me really worried.


I don't know about that. I've seen plenty if not more  of wonderful pony art and other contributions to the brony community. I don't think the brony community is even going down in the first place. The only thing is just a few conflicts over Alicorn Twilight and Equestria Girls but other than, that I think we're doing fine.

  • Brohoof 7
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It WAS a short season and i can see that being a big reason and there just seems to be too much time with little to get excited about. It'll kick off again when the next season hits so I'm not actually that worried. Besides, you never know whom might have the one side project that changes the fandom forever.

  • Brohoof 1

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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People aren't into the show? Lol, no, bro. People are -too- into the show. They care -too- much about the show and that's why we have two freakin' forums about Twilight with wings and another about High School ponies, with people at each others' throats in each of them :D


We seem to have these 'oh noes things are bad' topics periodically. In the end it just comes down to drama, which is always there. This year we've had a run of intense developments coming up; the big dramatic cliffhanger change for Twilight and the Equestria Girls project have been massive incoming changes for a while now (they've been in development a long time), and just happened to hit us not long after Fighting is Magic died, and people were still recovering from their pointless drama fests. The fandom is as big, creative, active and all-around there as it's always been. Drama clouds up everything and messes it up, but it always goes up and down, allowing for things to settle again.


No worries.

  • Brohoof 21


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I think it is a combination of a long lull between an unusually short season, unease over twilicorn and Equestria Girls and the growing pains that countless fandoms go through when they grow. As to what the fandom is going to be like in the future I don't know, I think whether or not twilicorn works is going to be the main determining factor as it is one of those decisions that can go very well or very badly there really is very little in between in drastic decision like that especially considering the timing. If that works and whether or not it will I think will depend on how many more demands Hasbro places on the writers, such micro managing like they did with twilicorn presents some serious dangers but at the same time they know where their bread is buttered and may finally understand that it is the writers who should write the show and not them.


And I think it is also because people often like to reminisce about the "good old days" and glorify them as perfect which makes them fail to to see the bad in the past as well as the good in the present and potential good in the future and what feeds even further into this is how so many bronies seem to put the fandom on a pedestal. I can't even begin to say how sick I am of seeing countless posts and threads spreading doom and gloom over how the fandom is supposedly dying either because some idiot did something stupid, there is the occasional disagreement or they don't like the "dark side" of the fandom because it is "making us look bad". If you look for bad than all you are going to see is bad, so lets try to stay positive and remember why we got into this show in the first place.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
  • Brohoof 3
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I have been a brony for almost 2 years now...It's been a really fun 2 years but sadly I am beginning to wonder the current status of our community.


Is it because we are in between seasons? Is it because Season 3 was short? What is the reason?


It seems like only a few months ago the brony community began to see a real decline, I mean yea there are a bunch more bronies now, but that does not exactly make a good community. It seems like people are just not into the show anymore and they are just a brony to be a brony. It feels like there is no passion and frankly it's been making me really worried.


Do you think the brony community will return to it's former glory? Or will it wither up and become worse?

I truly believe Equestria Girls, Twilicorn, and it being a short season have all contributed to the fandom's current decline.


It could also be that maybe since being a Brony is becoming sort of a "mainstream" thing, it's just not as good. Season 3, I seriously felt like it had some legitimately good episodes. The only problem to me seems to be that all we seem capable of talking about is Twilicorn, Equestria Girls, and how bad the fandom is (Which only makes it seem even worse. It's like a vicious cycle.)


Hopefully season 4 will make things better.


But I still believe the fandom is fine.

Edited by Betez
  • Brohoof 1



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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Step one: Faust is no longer involved with the show

Step two: Equestira girls.


Both of these really hit the fandom in terms of numbers, but I wouldnt say we are weaker because of it. Personally, I just see the fandom being a little more condensed into the die-hard fans. Maybe there wont be as many of us, but the love is still there and just as strong for all of us that stick around past all the hype that was initially raised for G4

  • Brohoof 1
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There comes a time when fandoms mellow out, it's not that the love weakens, it's that it kinda falls into place and everyone gets more laid back about the whole thing.


Think of Trekkies, most of them are like "cool man, Star Trek" instead of "OMGSTARTEHIBIJNLKJNK" because they've calmed down over time and just let it become a part of them. .

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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@,@, @@~Chaotic Discord~, @,  


I guess I am just getting really worried because... saddly MLP is the one of the only things that gives my joy in my life, and that list is very short.


I love you guys and I want to see this community really thrive, and thrive for a while.

Edited by Marco ~ Ace Attorney
  • Brohoof 1
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I've been a fan since 2010 and I don't think the fandom has been stronger at any moment in the past than right now. The art, the music and everything the fandom produces so much better than back in the day. The only thing, as Rainbro-Stache has already mentioned is that most people who jumped on the hype-train are starting to leave. Which I find a good thing. I'd rather talk about MLP with real fans than ones who watch it because it's the "cool" thing to do (so to speak). Just wait until time weeds out most of the hype fans, it happened with Homestuck as well. Not to mention Gravity Falls, Adventure Time and Regular Show.

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It may just be me, but some people have joined just at the right time. I have been a brony for only about a month but, in that month, I have watched all the episodes avalible and made an account on these forums. It may seem like they are just becoming bronies to say they are bronies, but part of the fact is, they have not watched all that is avalible to them yet. My friend was a brony way before me but he still hasn't joined the forums because he has been busy trying to watch all the episodes he can. (He has very limited internet) So, I say again, some people have just joined the fandom at the right time and are trying to absorb as much of MLP as they can at once.

  • Brohoof 2

I am not creative so... Battlefield


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I definitely think the Brony Community will return to it's regular status or it's former glory even after all of the arguing and conflict that has been going around the community lately.

So I think that, we will be able to bounce back after the Equestria Girls movie is released and we will be a very strong force.

  • Brohoof 3
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I have been a brony for almost 2 years now...It's been a really fun 2 years but sadly I am beginning to wonder the current status of our community.    Is it because we are in between seasons? Is it because Season 3 was short? What is the reason?   It seems like only a few months ago the brony community began to see a real decline, I mean yea there are a bunch more bronies now, but that does not exactly make a good community. It seems like people are just not into the show anymore and they are just a brony to be a brony. It feels like there is no passion and frankly it's been making me really worried.   Do you think the brony community will return to it's former glory? Or will it wither up and become worse?


I believe that one major reason the fandom is appearing to go down is because of season 3 and the fact we have had Bronies who have started to leave the fandom due to this as well as EG. I hope you don't leave i for one am not leaving while i do agree it appears there is more in-fighting then usual I strongly believe once season 4 starts most of the In-fighting will disapear. Also there are some people i believe who are joining the fandom simply because it is the "Cool" thing to do. Don't let it get you down though there are many people who still enjoy the show as well as all the amazing fan works that have been done. Just remember Bronies to stick together remember why you joined the fandom don't get down just get up and smile and enjoy the fandom :) 

I'm a very friendly person and i always try to be there for people and make them smile no matter how long and how hard i have to try so when anyone's feeling down send me PM, Nothing makes me happier then being there for someone


This is my OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rolling-thunder-r2250


This is my Mare OC looks like my profile pic http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flower-dust-r3660

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I know it may sound crude, but the fandom will undergo a kind of natural selection where the complainers run themselves off and we'll get peace again. 


Yes, I know I posted twice, I do that sometimes if I have another thought. 

  • Brohoof 4



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Or did they turn back the clock so to speak?

They just arbitrarily decided to place them in high school in order to reach the audience of girls between the ages of 12-18 as they already have girls younger than that locked in and the unexpected new audience of bronies. Hasbro tried something similar after the original MLP series ended with My Little Pony Tails and though it could have been a whole lot worse it was dip in quality from the original.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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Because as far as I know, their ages are never ever said, and thus, 19-22 is just your personal head canon, and not fact smile.png But, if you really want to nitpick, you can say that these 'other universe' versions of the Mane Six are younger, and Twilight just has to go as she is, since it's her mission.


That, and it's AU. The ages of the girls on earth may not reflect their ages in Equestria, or AU earth may have a different school structure where High-School is more like College.  



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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The problem is (and I hate to sound like a hipster), the community was better when it was smaller.  Assholes, while probably as prevalent during the smaller days, were drowned out by the volume of goodness.  Now, we've reached actual fandom status, and with that comes dumb people.

  • Brohoof 2


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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and with that comes dumb people.

True but there are fewer of them in this fandom than any other I am or have been a part of even now with its massive growth. Plus one thing I have noticed is that MLP itself seems to bring out the best in a lot of people myself included there is just something about cartoon ponies that just brings out the good. The way I see it is the dumb people only have power if we let them have it and we let them have it by endlessly focusing on them and forgetting about all the good things right in front of us.

  • Brohoof 2
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This is my view on things:

All fandoms go through rough patched, these usually occur from many factors taking place...such as the time between seasons, where creativity is low, or events that cause the outside world to scorn us and hate us. Things like that can cause tension and a sort of "Dark age" for a community.


Luckily, our community is (And Isn't) different from others. We were brought together by the show, and stayed for the sense community...and if you haven't noticed, our community still seems to be here for each others, at least from what I have seen.


When the next season pulls up, it will spark more creativity, so we can look for a revitalization in the kinda near future.This will mean not only will we have new songs,stories,animations actual episodes of MLP to talk about and Art...buuuut more Bronies to enter the herd.


And we will we waiting here to greet them.


NOW... with that said, here is something I want to say to people...


The reason so many of us are hated upon, is due to a select few Bronies who feel like they are above everyone else due to the "Love and tolerance" .  This is false.....pretending that we are only causes more haters to pop up. If we really want the world to see us as most of us are, we need to Love, Tolerate and Self Moderate.... don't go out and spam people with Pony Pics, if someone says they dont like MLP, then leave it as that, don't bug them to watch the show...this only causes more hate.


If we can work on making our image better, then it will make more people look towards us and wonder why we like the show, then finding the show themselves without having it shoved in their faces.





So in short...


Are we dying?   No...we are not...we will never "die" ... if you cant stop the Trekkies and the Star Wars fans, the Twilight fans and such, you wont stop us....


Will The Spark Come Back? ... Yes, it just takes a little time and faith...



Stay Strong Everypony  /)


BroHoof to you all :)

  • Brohoof 5


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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The problem is (and I hate to sound like a hipster), the community was better when it was smaller.  Assholes, while probably as prevalent during the smaller days, were drowned out by the volume of goodness.  Now, we've reached actual fandom status, and with that comes dumb people.

 Ah yes, as Tvtropes calls it, "The Law of Fan Jackassry" from the point something is no longer a small fandom, until it becomes  massive enough every other person is in it, all hell breaks loose. If you can't alienate the bad seeds, nor drown them out, you have a problem brewing. 

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Umm, not to be rude, but please keep all EG talk to it's appropriate areas ^^;




In any case, I do agree that the fandom felt better when it was smaller, but there is no doubt things have changed. I hope the future is strong for us bronies :)


Maybe going to bronycon will make me feel better.

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@,@, @@~Chaotic Discord~, @,  


I guess I am just getting really worried because... saddly MLP is the one of the only things that gives my joy in my life, and that list is very short.


I love you guys and I want to see this community really strive, and strive for a while.


Maybe  <-------- Wait, what? |


Maybe? Didn't Fluttershy teach thy little pony; "Maybe's are for babies." I also don't understand your use of the word, strive. Don't you mean thrive? Striving means the the entire community works together for a single purpose and although we use a lover's paint, we're not technically striving for anything as a singular whole. Although I'm working on something but I'm keeping it hush hush for now. o

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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don't go out and spam people with Pony Pics, if someone says they dont like MLP, then leave it as that, don't bug them to watch the show...this only causes more hate.

And also don't call every non fan a "hater", that has been a peeve of mine for quite a while a hater is someone who goes out of their way to antagonize bronies and badmouth the show while a non fan is simply that a non fan. They might have watched the show and decided it wasn't their thing, not into cartoons at all or has not even heard of it. I didn't even know about G4 until a friend of mine told me about it, them making a reboot didn't surprise me but finding out about the brony fandom did surprise me.



If you can't alienate the bad seeds, not drown them out, you have a problem brewing. 

Yes, but who is to say that the MLP fandom will end up as bad as the Star Wars, Star Trek and Sonic fandoms? Bad seeds can cause problems but so can people who expect a fandom to be perfect and panic when they find out it isn't like many people have done over the last few months.

  • Brohoof 2
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And also don't call every non fan a "hater", that has been a peeve of mine for quite a while a hater is someone who goes out of their way to antagonize bronies and badmouth the show while a non fan is simply that a non fan. They might have watched the show and decided it wasn't their thing, not into cartoons at all or has not even heard of it. I didn't even know about G4 until a friend of mine told me about it, them making a reboot didn't surprise me but finding out about the brony fandom did surprise me.

When I say hater, I dont mean non fans...I mean people who just hate it for the sake of hating it.....People who are non-fans aren't haters....shoulda made that clear, sorry ^_^


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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