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private Pony University (Romance//Sol)


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Royal chuckled. "I suppose i'll have to meet him eventually, now. I'm sure he's all you've said him to be." He sighed.

"That scarf makes you look so cute." He said, lightly touching the scarf. He took his hat from the table, putting it on her. It was a little too big, but it almost fit. "Even better." He chuckled.


Royal raised an eyebrow. Little suggestive, denim?

"I would be up for whatever you want to do, If you want to do something else?" He said, trying to be as innocent as possible about it.

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After seeing Minty back down at Chase's glare, Windy moved closer towards the stallion and his two buds. "Alright Saro, I think we can take 'em. I saw Chase's friends earlier, they were drinking enough for three ponies each! I doubt they'll be an issue... I'll take the one on the left, you get the one on the right." Rushing forward, Windy sucker punched one of the stallions standing beside Chase, throwing him to the ground. Snarling, he advanced on Chase threateningly. "You haven't been treating your marefriend very nicely. I think somepony has to beat some manners into you."





Staggering out of the Delta house, Todd heard booming music down the block. The Sigmas were throwing a rave again, it would appear. Stumbling drunkenly down the street, he decided that getting with a random drunk mare was exactly what he needed to get out of his funk. He still was half dressed in his football gear from the game, and had tucked the tire iron into his pads. He didn't know why, but it made him feel more in control; more solid. Pushing open the door to the Sigma's frat house, he looked around. His drunken mind mulled over the fact that a fight seemed to already be breaking out...

Edited by Windy Runner
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@@00Pony, @,


After seeing Minty back down at Chase's glare, Windy moved closer towards the stallion and his two buds. "Alright Saro, I think we can take 'em. I saw Chase's friends earlier, they were drinking enough for three ponies each! I doubt they'll be an issue... I'll take the one on the left, you get the one on the right." Rushing forward, Windy sucker punched one of the stallions standing beside Chase, throwing him to the ground. Snarling, he advanced on Chase threateningly. "You haven't been treating your marefriend very nicely. I think somepony has to beat some manners into you."





Staggering out of the Delta house, Todd heard booming music down the block. The Sigmas were throwing a rave again, it would appear. Stumbling drunkenly down the street, he decided that getting with a random drunk mare was exactly what he needed to get out of his funk. He still was half dressed in his football gear from the game, and had tucked the tire iron into his pads. He didn't know why, but it made him feel more in control; more solid. Pushing open the door to the Sigma's frat house, he looked around. His drunken mind mulled over the fact that a fight seemed to already be breaking out...

Minty blushed a little when Windy said that Chase wasn't treating her very nicely. She watched as Chase punched Windy in the eye.

"Alright, you win this round. I'll be back for that mare friend of yours. You'll see!" Chase shouted, and trotted out of the party, pushing through the crowd. Minty looked at Windy guiltily. "I'm really sorry.." She said to Windy.


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Saronyx nods to Windy, "Of course I'm sure! I've been looking for an excuse to knock their heads together anyway."


He glances to Windy, "Got it, sounds good!" When Windy dashed forward and dispatched his target, Saronyx launched himself forward on his wings, twisting himself midair so his hind legs were facing his target. He kicked the stallion sea center in the chest and landed on the other side of Chase, "He's right Trails. You've been behaving rather unacceptably."


He made a somewhat irritated noise when Chase punched Windy then just walked out, "Wait, what?! That's it?! Trails! What the hell?! I wasn't done!!"


He chases after him.





Denim laughed, "Oh yeah. I'm sure once I tell him a little more he'll schedule a trip to meet this stallion who stole his little sister." She winks.

Denim had finally been getting her blush under control when Royal commented on the scarf making her look cute, which caused her to make a small squeaking noise, which couple up with an even redder face when he placed his hat on her, and commenting it made her even cuter. She was about to try and say something when the hat slipped and fell slightly over her eyes. She burst out laughing at that, and pushed it out of her eyes, but kept it on, "I feel all classy now."

She says, striking somewhat of a pose, before the hat falls again. She giggles and readjusts it again.


She shrugs when he said he was up for anything, "I can't think of much right now," she looks him over, "Could we just cuddle? You look really snugly," she giggles slightly, "It sounds so weird saying that."

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"I'm sure i could win your brother over." He said, grinning. "I seemed to impress you, didn't i?"


He laughed at her question. "I've been called a lot of things, but i can garuntee snugly(That's a bucking word?) isn't one of them."

He put his hoof over her shoulder, pulling her closer. "That being said i wouldn't deny the request." He chuckled.

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Clutching his eye and cursing in pain, Windy yelled to Saronyx, "Ey, Saro, see if you can't catch up to that chicken and give him the beatdown he deserves!" he groaned and sat down on a nearby table, massaging his eye. He heard Minty apologize, and frowned, "Well Minty, can't say you know how to pick 'em! And not to say I told you so, but told you so!" After a moment's silence, he looked back at her, "Sorry, that was uncalled for. It was the bruise I'm gonna have tomorrow on my eye talking. Look, can we go out back and talk? I just... I'd rather not talk in here. Too public."



Todd's nostrils flared. There was Chase, as usual, running away like a little bitch. Why he ever trusted Chase with anything was a mystery... "Huh... who were those two dudes who put the hurt on Chase anyways? They might make some good muscle for the frat... Wait, THEM! Windy and Co.! Do they ever SLEEP?! Wait, that mare Windy's with, that green mare... what was her name? Minty, right, Minty, she looks super, super HOT! And to think Windy's having that to himself? I think its time to show them both who really still rules the food chain at this school... I'll wait for them to go somewhere a bit more private, and then I'll finally get even!" he thought, toying with the tire iron stuck in his padding and biding his time at the edge of the room, swaying on his hooves and watching the ponies. 

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@@00Pony, @,


Clutching his eye and cursing in pain, Windy yelled to Saronyx, "Ey, Saro, see if you can't catch up to that chicken and give him the beatdown he deserves!" he groaned and sat down on a nearby table, massaging his eye. He heard Minty apologize, and frowned, "Well Minty, can't say you know how to pick 'em! And not to say I told you so, but told you so!" After a moment's silence, he looked back at her, "Sorry, that was uncalled for. It was the bruise I'm gonna have tomorrow on my eye talking. Look, can we go out back and talk? I just... I'd rather not talk in here. Too public."



Todd's nostrils flared. There was Chase, as usual, running away like a little bitch. Why he ever trusted Chase with anything was a mystery... "Huh... who were those two dudes who put the hurt on Chase anyways? They might make some good muscle for the frat... Wait, THEM! Windy and Co.! Do they ever SLEEP?! Wait, that mare Windy's with, that green mare... what was her name? Minty, right, Minty, she looks super, super HOT! And to think Windy's having that to himself? I think its time to show them both who really still rules the food chain at this school... I'll wait for them to go somewhere a bit more private, and then I'll finally get even!" he thought, toying with the tire iron stuck in his padding and biding his time at the edge of the room, swaying on his hooves and watching the ponies.

Minty smiled at Windy. "Okay, we should, huh.. Should I take off this getup? Chase made me wear it since he didnt think I'd fit in with any of the sororities or frats." She brushed off her wing a little from being uncomfortable, and looked at Windy for his opinion, as she trotted to the back of the party.


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Opening the door to the backyard, Wind shook his head. "Uh no, no! Go ahead and keep it on! I mean...." he blushed really heavily, "When I was, you know, dancing with you before I knew it was you, I wasn't lying when I said that I'm a sucker for black and leather...." Stepping outside and inhaling the cool night breeze, Windy winced as he felt the series of bruises and cuts and wounds he had gotten in the past two days. First the beatdown in the training center, then the beating in front of the Delta's house, and finally Chase's sucker punch earlier. Three beatings all for this mare. And every single one of those beatings had been more than worth it. Sitting down on a bench, and motioning Minty to do the same, Windy took hold of her hoof gently, and sent a prayer up to the two princesses above that he wasn't about to get friendzoned.... again. 



Leaning against the banister of the staircase, Todd smiled broadly. It was time. He begun slowly and deliberately picking his way through the crowd, the sheer mass of ponies and his drunkenness slowing him down.

Edited by Windy Runner
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After Blaze had left, Gardenia managed to bring herself to stop crying long enough to realize that she should get out of the public space that was the bleachers of the stadium. If she didn't already seem foalish to her classmates for the scene she had in the hallway, this public breakdown would probably cement that.


She wasn't much caring about that, though. She would be able to deal with having a poor reputation, able to deal with being ignored or viewed in contempt. But when she found herself back in her dorm, she couldn't help but curl up to her pillow and continue sobbing her eyes out. She was certain that what ever plan Blaze had would not end up working as he intended; she knew from previous experience that no plan ever does. She felt that all she could do was hope that the end result wasn't too much worse than how it began.

Blaze had said goodbye to windy and headed to his own dorm. He opened the door as slowly as possible so as not to disturb whayever crying was happening. He couldn't face talking to her. So he just wrote all his info on one sheet of paper.

"I will not be able to speak to you for a few days. It's not anything personal, it's just that I drank about 5litres on hate and that can do some crazy thing to one of us. Just, from the bottom of my heart I say that is for the best.

The reason I do not want to talk to you right now is because you were right. I've made a mess of everything and I hate it. I'm sorry"

He stuck it in plain view and lay down for a bit.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"With!Pleasure!" Is Saronyx's reply as he barrels into Chase.

(And we can just assume they duke it out)





"You sure did," Denim says, "I think my entire family'll like you, especially mom."


Denim snuggles against him, giving a contented sigh, "Well, you are," she glances up at him best she can past the brim of the hat, "I also hope you realize I will be stealing this hat a lot." She giggles slightly before resting her head against him beat she can.

She felt a strong sense of security in his arms. They'd only known each other for a short time, but she already felt quite safe around him. She smiles go herself, happy to be right where she is.


(I'm going to assume they're both on the couch)

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Opening the door to the backyard, Wind shook his head. "Uh no, no! Go ahead and keep it on! I mean...." he blushed really heavily, "When I was, you know, dancing with you before I knew it was you, I wasn't lying when I said that I'm a sucker for black and leather...." Stepping outside and inhaling the cool night breeze, Windy winced as he felt the series of bruises and cuts and wounds he had gotten in the past two days. First the beatdown in the training center, then the beating in front of the Delta's house, and finally Chase's sucker punch earlier. Three beatings all for this mare. And every single one of those beatings had been more than worth it. Sitting down on a bench, and motioning Minty to do the same, Windy took hold of her hoof gently, and sent a prayer up to the two princesses above that he wasn't about to get friendzoned.... again.



Leaning against the banister of the staircase, Todd smiled broadly. It was time. He begun slowly and deliberately picking his way through the crowd, the sheer mass of ponies and his drunkenness slowing him down.

Minty chuckled. "I guess I'll keep it on, then.." Minty said, looking at the ground. "Alot of stallions were looking at me," Minty playfully smirked at Windy. "And you didn't recognize me? I thought you liked me," she fake pouted, stretching the 'I'. She smiled warmly at Windy.


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"I'd be happy to show my decency." He said. "I'm sure they'd like to see someone with more respect."


He rubbed against her, feeling her soft fur against his. He smiled down at her, trying to see her eyes past the rim of the hat. He reached over to her scarf, pulling it around the both of them.

"Well if you're taking my hat, then we're sharing your scarf." He chuckled, making himself comfortable against her. He could feel her breathing, and felt a slight thumping he felt was her heartbeat. He closed his eyes, enjoying the moment.


((Should we do some timeskip to catch up with neon/rambler or stay with minty/windy?))

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"Uh I did like you! I mean, I DO like you!" Windy spluttered helplessly. "Hehe, look, Minty, I know that a lot of crazy stuff has been going down recently, but I DO know one thing for sure, and that's that I really, really like you." he said, leaning in closer to her.



Todd slipped out into the backyard and spotted his prey on a bench a ways away. Out of sight and earshot of the partygoers. Good. Edging closer, he began looking at Minty with a hungry, drunken lust. She certainly DID clean up well when she dressed like a proper sorority mare... Closer... closer...  

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"Definitely. Mom and dad were always huge on the whole respect thing."


She smiled as he wrapped her scarf around the two of them, "No objections here! It's only fair."


Denim let out another sigh as she settled against him, the warmth of his body comforting her greatly. She closed her eyes, listening to the bearing of his heart as she slowly drifted off to sleep.


(I guess we could time skip, since Den's falling asleep, and Royal's in an easy position to do so himself.)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"Uh I did like you! I mean, I DO like you!" Windy spluttered helplessly. "Hehe, look, Minty, I know that a lot of crazy stuff has been going down recently, but I DO know one thing for sure, and that's that I really, really like you." he said, leaning in closer to her.



Todd slipped out into the backyard and spotted his prey on a bench a ways away. Out of sight and earshot of the partygoers. Good. Edging closer, he began looking at Minty with a hungry, drunken lust. She certainly DID clean up well when she dressed like a proper sorority mare... Closer... closer...

Minty blushed, as her lips almost reached Windy's, she was abruptly pulled away by a strong force. "Huh?!" Minty asked alarmed, looking up at Windy to check if he pushed her away, but sure enough, he didn't. She then reluctantly looked above her and saw.. Todd Stocks.

Edited by Shaymin


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Todd reached over with a hoof and roughly tore Minty away from Windy, throwing her to the ground and kicking her to stun her. Turning to face Windy and breathing in his face with alcohol tainted breath, Todd bellowed, "So, you... you think you run this school you little freshman?! I'll show you who rules this school!" Pushing Todd back hard, Windy yelled at him, "Get the hell out of here Todd! You're way too polluted! Just go sleep it off!" "Yeah, yeah I'll sleep it off... with her!" he yelled, moving towards Minty's fallen body. Windy immediately put himself between Todd and her. "Stop right there. Don't take a step closer man. Don't do something you'll regret." Todd looked down at Windy, and something in his alcohol soaked mind snapped.


Reaching into his pads, he pulled out the tire iron, a wicked smile splitting his face. Before Windy could react, Todd swung it into his skull, flattening him to the ground, a pool of blood already beginning to pool from the gash Todd had created.


Trotting over to Minty, Todd picked her up and slammed her against a tree, pressing his body against hers. "Is this.... this how... RUNNER gives it to you?! HUH?!" he yelled, trying to force his lips onto hers... before a yell came from the side and a brown blur crashed into him, knocking him away. Minty dropped to the ground again. Todd shook his head and looked up from the ground to see Windy, blood running down his face, with a positively feral expression on his face, baring his teeth, and getting ready to fight Todd. However, he briefly turned his face to Minty. "Run Minty! Get away from him! Don't look back! RUN!!!!" he bellowed, as Todd picked up the tire iron and begun advancing on him again. "This time Runner, I'll make sure I hit hard enough that when you go down, you STAY down!!!!"  Todd screamed.



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As denim fell asleep, royal looked at her from the corner of his eye. He remembered telling himself he wouldn't be caught up in love, but something about this mare changed his mind....

He slowly laid his head down with her, closing his eyes to sleep.


((Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey))


Royal slowly opened his eyes. He hadn't realized his falling asleep might mean for the full night, and he now realized he had slept quite late. He was about to jump up when he felt denims scarf around his neck, and looked over at her, still sleeping. He lightly tapped her, shaking her slightly.

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Todd reached over with a hoof and roughly tore Minty away from Windy, throwing her to the ground and kicking her to stun her. Turning to face Windy and breathing in his face with alcohol tainted breath, Todd bellowed, "So, you... you think you run this school you little freshman?! I'll show you who rules this school!" Pushing Todd back hard, Windy yelled at him, "Get the hell out of here Todd! You're way too polluted! Just go sleep it off!" "Yeah, yeah I'll sleep it off... with her!" he yelled, moving towards Minty's fallen body. Windy immediately put himself between Todd and her. "Stop right there. Don't take a step closer man. Don't do something you'll regret." Todd looked down at Windy, and something in his alcohol soaked mind snapped.


Reaching into his pads, he pulled out the tire iron, a wicked smile splitting his face. Before Windy could react, Todd swung it into his skull, flattening him to the ground, a pool of blood already beginning to pool from the gash Todd had created.


Trotting over to Minty, Todd picked her up and slammed her against a tree, pressing his body against hers. "Is this.... this how... RUNNER gives it to you?! HUH?!" he yelled, trying to force his lips onto hers... before a yell came from the side and a brown blur crashed into him, knocking him away. Minty dropped to the ground again. Todd shook his head and looked up from the ground to see Windy, blood running down his face, with a positively feral expression on his face, baring his teeth, and getting ready to fight Todd. However, he briefly turned his face to Minty. "Run Minty! Get away from him! Don't look back! RUN!!!!" he bellowed, as Todd picked up the tire iron and begun advancing on him again. "This time Runner, I'll make sure I hit hard enough that when you go down, you STAY down!!!!" Todd screamed.



((Big drama.))

Minty's eyes began to water when she was thrown to the tree. She heeded Windy's words and started to run. She ran to the dorm, and hid under the bed so she was safe. She was crying. But she wasnt crying because of her own pain; she was crying because she couldn't bear seeing Windy hurt.


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Rambler read the letter again. "I don't know, it doesn't say. This is just so like him, I don't know whether to laugh or get mad at him. He sends a letter saying he's coming that day and then he doesn't even say what time. I love the guy, but he really doesn't think things through sometimes. Oh, you should probably know his name. It's Flint. I think you'll probably like him, he's a really nice guy. But, wow... I haven't seen him in years. I can't believe he's coming." 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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(You are now even more awesome for that reference.)


The sleep Denim had gotten that night was easily the best she'd had in a long time. She was sleeping peacefully when Royal began tapping and lightly shaking her, breaking her from her sleep cycle. She reluctantly opened her eyes, taking in her surroundings slowly. She was on the couch, her scarf was not fully wrapped around her, she was wearing a hat and... She was snuggled against Royal.

"So, it wasn't all a dream? Well, this is the bear day ever!"


She looked up at him, smiling, "Good morning.."

She sits up, letting the scarf unravel from around her neck as she does, and stretches, yawning. Denim looked back to Royal, noticing a decent amount of light streaming through the windows, "Uh oh... What time is it?!"

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Seeing Minty get away safely, Windy breathed a sigh of relief... just in time to have Todd take a massive swing at his head with the iron. Ducking and rolling away, Windy looked for something to defend himself, anything. Spotting a broken branch on the ground about a meter long and an inch thick, he dove and picked it up. Now he had some reach.


Circling Todd, who was having difficulty keeping his balance, Windy tried to keep him on his heels. Swinging out with the branch, he clipped Todd's head. Todd roared in fury, and ran at Windy, swinging the tire iron wildly. Windy sidestepped to let him pass, but as Todd blundered past, he swung back with a backhand strike and hit Windy on the back of the thigh.


Gasping in pain, Windy went down onto his knees. Laughing malevolently, Todd raised the tire iron in a two hoofed strike to split Windy's head wide open. At the last second, Windy managed to throw himself backwards and out of the way, limping to his hooves and grabbing the stick again. Feinting to the right, Windy rushed left and smashed the stick's tip into Todd's face, making him howl and drop the tire iron. Lashing out again, Windy struck Todd across the throat, pushing him back towards the steps leading down to the street. A quick blow to the thigh threw Todd onto his knees, too drunk to regain his footing quickly.


Gritting his teeth in anger, Windy drew back the stick and swung it as hard as possible into Todd's skull, breaking the stick clean in half, and knocking Todd down the steps, where he fell in a heap at the base, out cold. Stepping back, totally spent and out of adrenalin, Windy clutched his head and sunk to the ground, mustering the strength to bellow "SARO!!!! HELP ME!!!!!" Before slipping unconscious. 

Edited by Windy Runner
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@, @@00Pony,


Seeing Minty get away safely, Windy breathed a sigh of relief... just in time to have Todd take a massive swing at his head with the iron. Ducking and rolling away, Windy looked for something to defend himself, anything. Spotting a broken branch on the ground about a meter long and an inch thick, he dove and picked it up. Now he had some reach.


Circling Todd, who was having difficulty keeping his balance, Windy tried to keep him on his heels. Swinging out with the branch, he clipped Todd's head. Todd roared in fury, and ran at Windy, swinging the tire iron wildly. Windy sidestepped to let him pass, but as Todd blundered past, he swung back with a backhand strike and hit Windy on the back of the thigh.


Gasping in pain, Windy went down onto his knees. Laughing malevolently, Todd raised the tire iron in a two hoofed strike to split Windy's head wide open. At the last second, Windy managed to throw himself backwards and out of the way, limping to his hooves and grabbing the stick again. Feinting to the right, Windy rushed left and smashed the stick's tip into Todd's face, making him howl and drop the tire iron. Lashing out again, Windy struck Todd across the throat, pushing him back towards the steps leading down to the street. A quick blow to the thigh threw Todd onto his knees, too drunk to regain his footing quickly.


Gritting his teeth in anger, Windy drew back the stick and swung it as hard as possible into Todd's skull, breaking the stick clean in half, and knocking Todd down the steps, where he fell in a heap at the base, out cold. Stepping back, totally spent and out of adrenalin, Windy clutched his head and sunk to the ground, mustering the strength to bellow "SARO!!!! HELP ME!!!!!" Before slipping unconscious.

When Windy woke up, he was in a hospital room and Minty was looking down on him. "Oh good..! You're awake!" Minty gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.


((Also, by the way, more drama coming up soon!))


Minty smiled at Windy. "I feel like you saved my life," she says gratefully. "Thank you.. How can I ever repay you..?" She asked.

Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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@@Alex Kennedy


"Well... he seems interesting" Neon laughed "Flint? Can't wait to meet him...i guess" She laughed, she wasn't sure how he was gonna be or if she really wanted to meet him by the way Rambler was describing him...but he would probably be nice "Well, i'm happy you get to see him again!" She smiled 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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((I'm glad someone got it.))


He smiled at her waking up. She was such a cute mare.

Then he looked over at the window.

"Pretty late. I think we will have to get up quick if we are to make it to class." He slugged up off of the couch, stretching his legs. 

He walked around the table, realizing that he left the chips out all night. He picked them up, cleaning up the mess they made last night.

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((MORE drama?! Windy is just a glutton for dramatic punishment! He can never catch a break! Also, for sake of story continuity, Todd hasn't been arrested or anything. He's just sleeping off the booze in his room... We can't have him leaving just yet, we still need to have him receive his just desserts!!))


Groaning and clutching his head where Todd had stuck him, Windy felt a series of stitches and a bandage. He felt his old panic about hospitals bubbling up inside him, but Minty's presence kept him calm. Kissing her tenderly on the forehead, Windy mumbled sleepily, "Well, give me a few days of recovery, and I can think of a few ways for you to repay me... in private, naturally. Assuming you still want to be my marefriend, like, for real this time?" he said, smiling cheekily, before his face became serious. "And I'd do it again to save you in a heartbeat. No question about it Minty."

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