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private Pony University (Romance//Sol)


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"Oh no this is bad Cloudchaser we need to take them to the hospital" Luna said as she picked up Arrow and started heading to the hospital. "Well I can only pick up one of them so can you pick up Redstorm I'm really worried about both of them and if the ponies at the hospital ask what happened just tell them that they wore in a terrible car reck" Luna said hoping that she can save them in time.

Arrows body laid limp and blood rushed out from the back and front of his head. He woke up from the rapid motion and moans from what it feels like his head spinning and  his stomach threatens to vomit all of last nights dinner. He looks over at Luna and whispers, "I d-don't need a hospital." He was fighting to stay awake.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Arrows body laid limp and blood rushed out from the back and front of his head. He woke up from the rapid motion and moans from what it feels like his head spinning and  his stomach threatens to vomit all of last nights dinner. He looks over at Luna and whispers, "I d-don't need a hospital." He was fighting to stay awake.

Redstorm woke up.

*Well that's the last time I battle a unicorn... also how am I alive? Shouldn't a shot to the chest kill?*

He noticed Arrow already awake, muttering something.

"Yeah... y-you don't... use your magic you bucking idiot!"

Redstorm got up. He was shaking heavily and leaning against a wall.

*Well this is why you explore the town for hospitals... you get stabbed and shot.*

He was still in pain.

*That guy is dead... once I'm feeling better...*


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Redstorm woke up.

*Well that's the last time I battle a unicorn... also how am I alive? Shouldn't a shot to the chest kill?*

He noticed Arrow already awake, muttering something.

"Yeah... y-you don't... use your magic you bucking idiot!"

Redstorm got up. He was shaking heavily and leaning against a wall.

*Well this is why you explore the town for hospitals... you get stabbed and shot.*

He was still in pain.

*That guy is dead... once I'm feeling better...*

Arrow looks over at the red stallion. "I conjure, I'm not a doctor..." He was trailing off, he wanted to say more but the pain in his head couldn't allow him to speak properly. "B-besides... I think we both know if you try it again, i-it will be youuuur last mistake." Arrow dragged the 'you' part to think of what else to say.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Saronyx waves to Blaze before continuing down the hall, "Alright Minty... Where are you..?"


Then he heard he the shouting,


"That answers that question! Saronyx thought as he raced down the hall towards the source of the shouting. When he comes to the door, he tries the knob. Locked, of course. Saronyx turns himself and slams his hind hooves into the door once, causing it to shutter. One more time, and it breaks inward. He steps inside the dorm

Minty shouted at the door, "Who is it! Better not be one of Todd's friends." Minty said, still shivering. 'Hope it's Windy...' She said to herself. She crawled under the bed and pretended she wasn't there, hoping Todd wouldn't notice or any pony who was at the door. She went out from other the bed and trotted to the door to see who it was. According to her nerves, she hust ran away. She trotted back under the bed when she opened it. "Please don't hurt me...!" Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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"What the hell is going on here?!" Saronyx says as he trots inside, furrowing his brow, "It's me, Saronyx. I'm not going to hurt you. But what the hell is going on?! Stocks?!"


(And now we await Windy to return, as I can think of nothing to put that wouldn't require her revealing herself)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Arrow looks over at the red stallion. "I conjure, I'm not a doctor..." He was trailing off, he wanted to say more but the pain in his head couldn't allow him to speak properly. "B-besides... I think we both know if you try it again, i-it will be youuuur last mistake." Arrow dragged the 'you' part to think of what else to say.

"JUST SHUT UP AND STOP FIGHTING ALREADY" Luna yelled. "I don't care if you don't want to go to the hospital you are going to the hospital no matter what happens and whenever you are around me and you start fighting well you don't want to do that I'm really angry and irritated right now you need to stop this right now I don't want you to die today or any other day just because you are being really stupid" Luna said. "They really are idiots" Luna muttered.
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"JUST SHUT UP AND STOP FIGHTING ALREADY" Luna yelled. "I don't care if you don't want to go to the hospital you are going to the hospital no matter what happens and whenever you are around me and you start fighting well you don't want to do that I'm really angry and irritated right now you need to stop this right now I don't want you to die today or any other day just because you are being really stupid" Luna said. "They really are idiots" Luna muttered.

Arrow shuts up after her her rant. "Ok, fine..." He moaned. "But I don't need you to carry me there... Ok?" He tried to conjure his bow until his horn started to spark. "Ow." He said as if bored and his horn stopped glowing. "There goes my crutch... I was gunna use my bow a-as a crutch but NOPE!" He was acting funny.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"What the hell is going on here?!" Saronyx says as he trots inside, furrowing his brow, "It's me, Saronyx. I'm not going to hurt you. But what the hell is going on?! Stocks?!"


(And now we await Windy to return, as I can think of nothing to put that wouldn't require her revealing herself)

Minty shouted at the door, "Who is it! Better not be one of Todd's friends." Minty said, still shivering. 'Hope it's Windy...' She said to herself. She crawled under the bed and pretended she wasn' there, hoping Todd wouldn't notice or any pony who was at the door. She went out from other the bed and trotted to the door to see who it was. According to her nerves, she hust ran away. She trotted back under the bed when she opened it. "Please don't hurt me...!"

Todd turned around in surprise. "What the buck bro?! You just broke down my door! What's the idea?! And why is my roommate hiding like a whimp? All I did was walk in and out my damned stuff down. It is MY room after all..." He said, still completely obvlivious to the gravity of the situation and why Minty was terrified of him.

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Arrow shuts up after her her rant. "Ok, fine..." He moaned. "But I don't need you to carry me there... Ok?" He tried to conjure his bow until his horn started to spark. "Ow." He said as if bored and his horn stopped glowing. "There goes my crutch... I was gunna use my bow a-as a crutch but NOPE!" He was acting funny.

"Well I'm going to carry you there because you aren't strong enough to walk so stop complaining I'm still a little mad at you for fighting Redstorm and Redstorm is going to the hospital to because he is also hurt and you have to promise me not to fight him anymore pleses" Luna said about to cry.

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"Of course I broke down your door! I heard shouting!" He narrows his eyes at Todd, "You really are thick, aren't you? She's hiding, probably be cause she's scared of you. And with good reason, from what I understand."


He gestures to the doorway with his head, "I'm merely here to take her to see a friend. But what I'm getting really curious about is why the hell you're in a dorm room! Aren't you the president of some frat or something?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"Well I'm going to carry you there because you aren't strong enough to walk so stop complaining I'm still a little mad at you for fighting Redstorm and Redstorm is going to the hospital to because he is also hurt and you have to promise me not to fight him anymore pleses" Luna said about to cry.

Arrow was oblivious to Luna about to cry because of focusing on getting off her back and says, "Depends, if Redstorm doesn't blow up again, there won't be any fighting." He tries to conjure the bow again and fails. "Ow dammit!" He whined. "I don't need you to carry me Luna. I'll be fine." He HATES it when ponies helped out Arrow. With Luna trying to help Arrow slips off her back and onto his wobbly hooves. "Muuuugh..." He moaned his head spinning. "S-see?" He said voice trembling.

Edited by Three Wolf Moon

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Arrow was oblivious to Luna about to cry because of focusing on getting off her back and says, "Depends, if Redstorm doesn't blow up again, there won't be any fighting." He tries to conjure the bow again and fails. "Ow dammit!" He whined. "I don't need you to carry me Luna. I'll be fine." He HATES it when ponies helped out Arrow. With Luna trying to help Arrow slips off her back and onto his wobbly hooves. "Muuuugh..." He moaned his head spinning. "S-see?" He said voice trembling.

"Are you sure that you are ok because I really think that you need as much help as possible I'm trying my best to help you with this I don't want you to die and seeing somepony die right in front of you isn't a good feeling its like... it's like I couldn't do anything to help that pony at all" Luna said crying a little bit.
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"Are you sure that you are ok because I really think that you need as much help as possible I'm trying my best to help you with this I don't want you to die and seeing somepony die right in front of you isn't a good feeling its like... it's like I couldn't do anything to help that pony at all" Luna said crying a little bit.

Arrow was silent for a bit. Remembering the past that haunted him. He sighs, "I know how that is... Especially your loved one." He looks down the past already creeping up on him. "Look, I know you want to help.. You can help me by leading me to the hospital.. Ok?" He noticed Luna crying and gave her a reassuring smile.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Arrow was silent for a bit. Remembering the past that haunted him. He sighs, "I know how that is... Especially your loved one." He looks down the past already creeping up on him. "Look, I know you want to help.. You can help me by leading me to the hospital.. Ok?" He noticed Luna crying and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Well that makes me feel a little better I just don't want to losses one of my friends" Luna said drying the tears from her eyes. "We can't just leave Redstorm here so if he is still unconcess then I'll just carry him there and I hope don't want you to get a bad school recorded for this and when we get to the hospital we tell them that you wore in a terrible car wreak so that you won't get a law suit for fighting if he dies" Luna said as she picked up Redstorm and started wailking to the exit of the building. "I hope that he isn't died that would make me feel horrible" Luna said to herself.

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"Well that makes me feel a little better I just don't want to losses one of my friends" Luna said drying the tears from her eyes. "We can't just leave Redstorm here so if he is still unconcess then I'll just carry him there and I hope don't want you to get a bad school recorded for this and when we get to the hospital we tell them that you wore in a terrible car wreak so that you won't get a law suit for fighting if he dies" Luna said as she picked up Redstorm and started wailking to the exit of the building. "I hope that he isn't died that would make me feel horrible" Luna said to herself.

"Yeah... Lawsuit..." Arrow said still looking down. "Yet I had the right to. He threw me against the wall and I fought back." He countered. "I should be the one doing the suing.... But what good will that do?" He ended and limped to follow Luna. Just do us a favor and bury the punk. Arrow thought to himself.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Royal nodded to blaze. "Blaze, right? You were roomed with windy and minty for a while." He smiled. There was also a love triangle, but enough of that. 

"Windys better, though i think you'd like to talk to him yourself." He took his signal to leave, slipping past blaze to leave the room. He decided he'd let them have their alone time, after all he'd heard enough rumors about blaze as well.

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"Yeah... Lawsuit..." Arrow said still looking down. "Yet I had the right to. He threw me against the wall and I fought back." He countered. "I should be the one doing the suing.... But what good will that do?" He ended and limped to follow Luna. Just do us a favor and bury the punk. Arrow thought to himself.

"Well I'm just really worried about you and if you have to stay in the hospital for a few months I will come to vist if you are injured that badly" Luna said as she walked out of the collage. "I know that I might be sounding of dramatic but I'm being serious if that does happen I will vist you every day or every other day so that you won't get bored and that is a promise" Luna said.

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"Well I'm just really worried about you and if you have to stay in the hospital for a few months I will come to vist if you are injured that badly" Luna said as she walked out of the collage. "I know that I might be sounding of dramatic but I'm being serious if that does happen I will vist you every day or every other day so that you won't get bored and that is a promise" Luna said.

Arrow smirks. "Do you like me?" He asked with a hint of a tease in his voice. "It's okay if you do." He teased more. He started to walk worse and raise hind leg. "Ow... I hate karma." He whined and tries to conjure the bow again. Only for his horn to spark and hum in protest, but manages and leans on his deadly weapon. 

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Arrow smirks. "Do you like me?" He asked with a hint of a tease in his voice. "It's okay if you do." He teased more. He started to walk worse and raise hind leg. "Ow... I hate karma." He whined and tries to conjure the bow again. Only for his horn to spark and hum in protest, but manages and leans on his deadly weapon.

"I don't like you I'm just worried about you that's all and are you ok" Luna said as they walked to the hospital. "Well at least the hospital is only three blocks away so you don't have to walk to far and that's a good thing" Luna said still a little worried about how far away the hospital is. "So I will come and vist if that happens and make sure that you won't get bored" Luna said as they wolked closer to the hospital.

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"I don't like you I'm just worried about you that's all and are you ok" Luna said as they walked to the hospital. "Well at least the hospital is only three blocks away so you don't have to walk to far and that's a good thing" Luna said still a little worried about how far away the hospital is. "So I will come and vist if that happens and make sure that you won't get bored" Luna said as they wolked closer to the hospital.

"Well thanks for caring and I don't think I'll be in the hospital for that long." Arrow said as they were getting closer to the hospital.  "I'll just be glad to get away from Red. I'm surprised he thinks he can take me down." As they made it to the hospital Arrow immediately stopped and stared at the tall building. This is where I took My "Mom..." He thought and then spoke the last word out. 

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Well thanks for caring and I don't think I'll be in the hospital for that long." Arrow said as they were getting closer to the hospital. "I'll just be glad to get away from Red. I'm surprised he thinks he can take me down." As they made it to the hospital Arrow immediately stopped and stared at the tall building. This is where I took My "Mom..." He thought and then spoke the last word out.

"Well you never know" Luna said. "Hay what's the matter Arrow is something the matter why did you just stop walking, oh if you don't want to talk about it then you don't have to tell me" Luna said trying not to be to nose in his life. "Well no matter what it is you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" Luna said as she walked into the hospital.

Edited by LunaFlower226
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"Well you never know" Luna said. "Hay what's the matter Arrow is something the matter why did you just stop walking, oh if you don't want to talk about it then you don't have to tell me" Luna said trying not to be to nose in his life. "Well no matter what it is you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" Luna said as she walked into the hospital.

Arrow sat on his haunches and just.... Stared... Why? Why? WHY!?.... "I... Can... We go to another hospital?" His voice was trembling this.. place was haunting him. "I really don't want to be here." Forget what dad said... This place was hurting Arrow! He was tearing up a bit and gets up. "I'll find another." He turns to walk away.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Arrow sat on his haunches and just.... Stared... Why? Why? WHY!?.... "I... Can... We go to another hospital?" His voice was trembling this.. place was haunting him. "I really don't want to be here." Forget what dad said... This place was hurting Arrow! He was tearing up a bit and gets up. "I'll find another." He turns to walk away.

"Well if we go to another hospital then it will take longer so can I I droop of Redstorm here and I'll catch up with you I promise" Luna said as she went in the hospital and asked them to help him and walked away. "Ok I'm back sorry if it toke me to long I also payed for the hospital bill so that he won't have to deal with that" Luna said following him. "It's ok just think of something else like do you like ice-cream" Luna said.

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"Well if we go to another hospital then it will take longer so can I I droop of Redstorm here and I'll catch up with you I promise" Luna said as she went in the hospital and asked them to help him and walked away. "Ok I'm back sorry if it toke me to long I also payed for the hospital bill so that he won't have to deal with that" Luna said following him. "It's ok just think of something else like do you like ice-cream" Luna said.

As Luna walked back out of the hospital and asked 'Do you like ice cream?' Arrow mentally faced hoof. "I-it's just that... I took my mom to the same hospital when I was younger..." He got up looking at the ground. "I... When ever I walk past it... I just see the same dying face..." He starts to walk. "Do you want to know how she ended up there?" He wanted it to get it off his chest.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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As Luna walked back out of the hospital and asked 'Do you like ice cream?' Arrow mentally faced hoof. "I-it's just that... I took my mom to the same hospital when I was younger..." He got up looking at the ground. "I... When ever I walk past it... I just see the same dying face..." He starts to walk. "Do you want to know how she ended up there?" He wanted it to get it off his chest.

"Well only if you want to tell me then sure I'll lesson to what you have to say" Luna said. "Ok so where does the story begging" Luna said being as polite as possible as they kept walking to a different hospital. "So um just so you know I'm right here and I'll help you when ever you need so help" Luna said.

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