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private Equestria University (Romance) (SOL)

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"Oh?" Mumbled Cinder in surprise as she heard the greeting before she saw the two Ponies: the Earth mare she had seen earlier and another Unicorn. "Oh, Hi! You must be new too, right?" she said, clearly not noticing the apprehension of the other ponies. "I'm Cinder!" 


She extended a hoof to the other two, her uneasiness still dispelled by the friendliness her roommate had shown her. She even managed to avoid tripping or knocking anything over.

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@,@@GaleFenrir, @@DarligPegasi,


Nightshade shrugged.  "I'm sure they just got lost too or something.  It's not the easiest place to find."  


She turned to the grumpy looking Unicorn and the Earth pony that seemed to have that hint of sophistication to her.  "Hello," she said, putting on a sweet, but fake smile.

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@@Psych Ward,@, @@DarligPegasi,  



Gardenia was glad that a second pony had come along to introduce herself. She was able to kindly wave to the two of them rather than rudely deny Cinder a hoofshake. "Hello, I am Gardenia, and my companion here is Ciel. It's a pleasure to meet both of you, Cinder and... um, excuse me miss, what is your name?" Gardenia was taking in the sight of this unicorn mare. There was something about her that unsettled Gardenia. She couldn't quite pinpoint what it was about her, though.


She... she kind of reminds me of those ponies back home. The ones who would spend their time concerning themselves with politics, spend their time... using ponies for their own gain.


Gardenia shook her head at that thought.


No. No, I shouldn't think that of her. I don't know the first thing about her! I shouldn't project that unpleasantness onto her, she seems sweet enough. It's just my imagination, I am sure.

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Nightshade smiled.  It's wonderful to meet both of you.  My name is Nightshade?  Are you two roommates as well?" she asked.  She glanced inside the auditorium, only seeing one mare, an Earth pony with sweater sleeves much too long.  She glanced back to the two, Gardenia and Ciel. 

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@@Psych Ward@,@@DarligPegasi,



Gardenia looked to Ciel with a small smile. Wait, why did I introduce us as companions? Why wouldn't I simply have said roommates? Gardenia looked back towards to Nightshade, "Yes, yes we are roommates." she said with just a hint of nervousness, "Perhaps we should make our way into the auditorium, instead of simply standing out here."


Gardenia made her way up to the double doors leading into the auditorium and pushed them open. She noticed that Psych was there, and was a little concerned about not seeing Minty there with her. Gardenia held the doors open for the other mares to go through.

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Psych waved her hoof at Gardenia when she saw the door open.  She was still wondering where her roommate was.




Nightshade nodded, walking into the auditorium, holding the other door open with her horn.  She looked around at the several empty seats, wondering where everyone else was.

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@@DarligPegasi, @@GaleFenrir, @@Psych Ward


Stepping past Gardenia into the large room, Cinders first reaction was to wonder just how well her voice would carry inside... She desperately wanted to shout and find out, but something told her this would not be the best course of action. Instead she made her way over to the center of the room.


By her judgment, she was just far enough away from the pony already there to avoid looking rude, without getting close enough to need to introduce herself: crowds worried Cinder - she was fine one on one or in small groups but in a crowd never knew who she was supposed to talk to or what she should do - and this meeting was quickly turning into a crowd.


"Uh, do we just... wait?" she said to nopony in particular.

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Zatiko stood there, dumbfounded for a moment. As his roommate took his silence for rudeness, the dejected pony wandered down the hallways and left the zebra behind. For a moment, Zatiko turned over Pelate's past in his mind. A blank flank - in his tribe, eileians had to be earned. They would only appear once the zebra embraced their true destiny, which for some could take years. Zatiko's own mother had never earned her eileian, and one of the first thing he learned in Equestria that a lot of emphasis was placed on the "cutie mark". Physical appearances meant a great deal to ponies.


The zebra jumped when he heard the last call for the auditorium, and hurried outside. His roommate was long gone, and he trotted down the stairs, looking around for Pelate. He soon spotted the small pony walking slowly towards the Starswirl the Bearded wing, and caught up with him.


"I believe I owe you an apology," Zatiko began without preamble. "Offending you was not my intent. But I have grown very weary of ponies complaining of the riches they have or the wealth they do not own, when they mistreat others so badly. You grew up in a home with food, warmth, and loved ones. I have had all three of these taken from me."


The zebra looked at Pelate hard, unsmiling, meeting the other pony's skirting gaze. "I see we have both been the victim of cruel and inordinate treatment. Please, accept my apologies." Zatiko said, bowing his head.




"Dude, we should probably get going," Cliff said after the intercom announcement made them both jump. The burly Pegasus trotted outside, and the two of them rapidly made their way towards the auditorium. The room was slowly filling up with ponies, and a quiet burble of chatter began to break over them.


Cliff scanned the available seats for breaks, and spotted a mare with a dull silver coat and layered purple mane. He sat next to her, perfectly at ease, and winked. "Hey, sweetheart, anyone sitting here?"




The room slowly fills with other first year ponies, and the house lights are still on. A pony takes the stage, but appears to be having trouble with the microphone. There are still some technical difficulties, and soft music plays in the background.


@Psych Ward


Dashey, I hope you don't mind I scooped you up and stuck you in the auditorium! xD

Edited by Earl Grey
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"I think so," Nightshade nodded.  She looked around.  The silver mare quickly peered down the hall for other ponies before shutting the door behind her and following Cinder.  "Where should we sit?" she asked, looking around the auditorium.  It was rather large for the small amount of ponies inside. 



Nightshade shook her head before turning to the stallion.  "No," she said.  "But I wouldn't mind it if you were," she said.  She blew a bit of hair out of her face, smiling.  "I think the assembly should be starting soon.  We have a few minutes to get acquainted.  My name is Nightshade."

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@@Psych Ward


"Um, I don't know, what do you think?" The brown mare said, tugging nervously at one of the cloth wraps around her hoof and glancing around at the new faces as more first year students entered the room. "Over there maybe?" She motions vaguely towards the far side of the room, about halfway from the front.


Without even waiting for an answer she quickly trotted over and sat down, watching each of the new ponies enter with interest.

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Nightshade could understand her roommate's issues with social skills but she had already selected a seat and started a conversation.  She told herself that she would join her later if this stallion grew bored.  He seemed like one to flirt anything with four hooves.  She sighed, turning back to the blue Pegasus. 

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"Yeah, they seem to have a bit of technical issues going on there," Cliff smirked. There was a filly on stage with a glowing horn and wires wrapped around her ankles. "I'm Cliff Chaser, by the way, nice to meet you." He winked.


A rather smudged, unkempt tan mare muttered something to Nightshade, who seemed to blow her off with a roll of her eyes. A pony with sass - nice. "It's all right, you won't break my heart if you go over and sit with your friend," Cliff said, his amber eyes narrowing in a smile. "I'll only cry for twenty minutes."


@Psych Ward

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@, (For some reason your @Mentions are appearing in my notification box.)


Nightshade laughed softly.  "I'll join her in a bit," she said.  "I need to get to know my fellow students.  What kind of pony would I be, walking around to classes tomorrow, only knowing my own roommate."  

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Cliff leaned back in his chair a little, grinning. "Oh, I don't know. Seems like a filly like you would have no trouble making friends. I've been here three seconds and already I'm impressed." He said, glancing at her. She certainly was very pretty - very pretty. So why did he keep getting danger signals from her? She seemed nice enough, but there was something...plastic about her smile.


"So, what are you hoping to major in? I know we all get the same classes the first semester, but what's your angle?" Cliff asked. "I'm digging the athletics here, actually, although I might get into weather patrol. Cop-out field, I know, but I do like it."


@Psych Ward They're supposed to appear in your notifications box. xD That's why I asked people to 'mention' each other when they're responding. Although I keep nearly forgetting myself. ^^

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Squinting through the aqua lenses, Cinder wasn't sure exactly WHAT was supposed to be wrong up on the stage, but she was convinced that it couldn't be anything major. Why did most ponies seem to have such difficulty with even the most simple technology?

"Two minutes." She said to herself, focusing to figuring out the problem in her head to ease the growing tension. "I could have that fixed in two minutes..."

A moment later she followed this up with "... and why are you talking to yourself?"
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@Earl Gray

(Sorry haven't been paying attention)


I look at the zebra, "don't worry about it man, you're all right." (That means...well, I think you should know)

I walk into the auditorium. And I laugh a little at the guy on the microphone, "this is gonna be a while..." I sit down and rest my head on my hoof, waiting for the pony to say what he has to say.

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@,  (I meant to type that they weren't.  I saw that you were posting but I didn't receive a notification.)


Nigthshade thought about the question for a minute.  "I deal with a lot of herbal remedies backed up by a bit of magic.  I hope to be a doctor of some sort.  You seem like the athletic type.  I'm sure you'll do fine in weather patrol."  She noted his uneasiness.

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Acoustic Cloud was seated next to Cliff chaser and watched as Cliff simply flirted with the pony next to him.  

<<He does that without even hesitating...>>


The pony on the stage walked up to the microphone; Acoustic Cloud turned his attention to the front so he could get the information he may need.


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In the process of opening the door for just the three mares she was with, Gardenia had somehow ended up holding the door open for a whole influx of students. Gardenia noted that Ciel still hadn't made way into the auditorium yet, She's waiting for me? A few of the students who came into the auditorium nodded or said thank you to Gardenia as they passed. She felt awfully awkward then, holding a door open for all these students, and having Ciel wait on her.

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Cliff glanced at her and hid a smile unsuccessfully. "You're the second pony I've met today that's interested in plants. I guess the way to a girl's heart these days is through a shrub." He kicked back in the seat and noticed the house lights beginning to dim; that funny-looking zebra came in with another pony, looking pensive, and Cliff made a mental note to stay away from him. His mother had taught him that zebras came with odd, bizarre curses that could cripple a pony or strip him of his wings; superstition or not, Cliff decided to keep his distance.


"So, what kind of potions do you make?" Cliff asked under his breath as the pony onstage began to talk.




Zatiko followed his roommate into the dimmed auditorium, thanking the Sun Above that they had arrived perfectly; with his hoodie and the dark lighting, not many people could see his stripes. Despite this, he knew that there were several pairs of eyes following his oddly marked flanks as he took a seat near Pelate.


He was about to speak - about something, anything, his latest political opinions perhaps - when the microphone on the stage suddenly glowed purple with magic and screeched loudly. The whole auditorium flinched and complained. The zebra settled back in his seat, attentive to the pony onstage.


@Psych Ward



The pony onstage is a young stallion with a clipboard. He has a pince nez and a smirk on his face, and speaks into the microphone as if he hadn't just deafened everypony. "Good afternoon, fillies and gentlecolts," He said in a slow, rather smarmy voice. "I apologize for the delay, we've been having technical issues lately."


"I trust you've all found your rooms and roommates in a timely manner. If you haven't, simply see Miss Checkermint in the back of the room." He said, gesturing with a hooficured hoof. In the back of the auditorium, there was an imposing looking mare who looked as though she might breathe fire to anyone who asked for their room number.


"Now, onto a few rules. You can see the First Year Schedule at all times, it's tacked up in the Main Building. You will be attending classes together, since our school is very exclusive and we like to keep a camaraderie among you students." He drawled. He was lying through his teeth and he knew it. The class sizes were small because barely anypony qualified to be enrolled in this university.


"Rule Number One: Fillies are not allowed in the colt dormitories, and vice versa. I think this one is fairly self explanatory. Any student caught breaking this rule will spend the rest of the semester sleeping in the kitchen with the janitorial ponies.


Rule Number Two: Your studies come first. Any student procrastinating or putting off their homework is to be reported to either me, Headmaster Hoofingworth, or Miss Checkermint. A fitting punishment will be devised.


Rule Number Three..."


Due to his slow, nasally voice, several of the students promptly ignored him and began chatting amongst themselves. Others, terrified of being punished, stayed raptly at attention and one or two kiss-ups even took notes.

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Cinder slumped back into her seat: it was going to be a long speech if all he was going to talk about were rules. To her credit she did manage to listen to the first two...

Looking about the room she tried to spy the Zebra who had entered just as the speech began: she probably wouldn't have noticed him in the dark if it wasn't for the hoodie he wore. If he stopped trying to act so inconspicuous he might stop drawing attention to himself, she thought.

Failing that, she pulled a beaten notebook and pen out from a pocket and flicked it open to a page full of hasty diagrams and crossings out - her latest contraption - and started scribbling away.
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"My namesake plant is the the Nightshade plant.  I've worked out a way to use both parts of the plant safely.  The poison filled part can be used safely in small doses so induce vomiting after consuming harmful substances.  The commonly used part is used as a coking agent but I tend to use it as more of a medicine," she said.  She glanced at the stage but didn't pay much attention to it.  "So what sports do you plan on doing?  Cloudkicking?  Airiel Routines?"

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The last of the students were entering the auditorium, and it was just Gardenia and Ciel outside of the doors. Gardenia looked to Ciel with an apologetic look, "Um, sorry about that. I didn't intend to keep you waiting." Gardenia heard, muffled, the presentation beginning. "Oh, I hope we aren't missing anything too important. But... well we could just ask somepony later. I don't think it'll be easy to sneak in now that it has started, there must be staff and faculty in there making sure everypony is seated and quite. Perhaps, we should just stay out here." Gardenia had a pretty wide smile on her face as she looked at Ciel. She wasn't quite sure why, though.

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I snicker at the stallions voice a little, "oh shut up me..." I think in my head. i then pay attention to the stallion, "what's rule 3 already?" I wanted to know so I don't break it. I cross my hooves and legs, and turn to zatiko, "this guys really gotta start talking already..." I say to him and sort of myself.


@Earl Gray

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((Geh, sorry for the delay!))

Ciel shook her head, "It's no big deal, but we should probably enter anyway. That mare over there looks like she's going to rip our hooves off." she murmured, gesturing at a large mare who was holding a check list and heading in there direction. Ciel quickly stepped into the auditorium, using her magic to let the door fall softly behind them.

"Let's just take a seat in the back." she suggested.

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