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private Skyheart Ski Resort

Miss Light Diamond

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It was a bright sunny day atop the Skyheart mountain. Ponies of all sorts could be seen skiing down the mountain as many other's enjoyed a hot cup of cocoa a little ways down the mountain at the Skyheart resort.

Near the front of the resort was the entrance hall. Outside the entrance hall many carriages were pulling up to drop off the guests who would be staying at the resort.




Inside one of those carriages sat a very nervous yet very excited mare.

Star had never been skiing before and couldn't wait to learn...but sadly she was left alone so she would no doubt end up embarrassing herself somehow.

She climbed out of the carriage and got all her luggage before paying the colt who had given her a ride and heading into the hotel lobby, where she lined up to get her room.



She stayed quiet and looked down at her ticket, reading over her schedule.



Over the next few days the guests will be given a schedule listing the many fun activities they will be allowed to participate in.

This includes the nightly dance starting at ten O-clock with an open mic.

The performance in the theatre done by Flame and Fire the two circus ponies who came straight from Cirque De l'Amour which happens at seven O-clock.

And a movie which start's also at seven.All of these are nightly of course.


During the day there will be skiing and snowboarding lessons which happen every hour.

The hottubs pools hot springs and other utilities are open at all times.



On Day 4 there will be a talent show in which any of the guests can participate.


on day 6 there will be a meteor shower, this night will be it's peak and will be quite the show.


Day 8 there will be a skiing/snowboarding competition for any professionals.


And last but not least, day ten...there will be the winter ball featuring Beat Drop...the DJ.




Star gulped and looked up to see it was her turn to go up to the front. She hauled her suitcase and many instruments forwards to the front desk where she began checking in...




((This post is bleh. Make your first post about arriving and going to the front desk to check into your room (There's more than one pony behind the desk...keep that in mind). Everything is on two floors. The rooms are upstairs and the pools and everything else are down. Haaaave fun.))

Edited by ~Fire Sky~

Something something something something


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Snowdream stepped out o her carrage and into the fresh cold snow. She could hear it crunching under hoof as she walked. She paid her driver and leveatated her bags out of the carrage.


She felt truely at home amoungst the ice and snow. She stopped to take a deep breath of the cool air and then continued on to reception. She

Checked in at the desk and the friendly receptionist gave her a key to her room

  • Brohoof 1
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Dusk Chant walked up to the desk, a small saddle bag slung across his back in addition to his guitar. He had his other possessions sent ahead of him. There were a couple ponies working at the front desk, so of course he made a bee-line to the young, pretty mare worker, flirting casually as he was checked in and received his key. He climbed the stairs and opened the door to his room, inhaling that familiar hotel room scent. He put away his things and got ready to go out and have some real fun, and maybe pick up some mares while he was at it.

  • Brohoof 1
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Suddenly, a blue mare wearing nothing but what looked like a track suit came flying into the doorway with two bags attached to her shoulders. Snowflakes had covered her mane in a decorative style, but it wasn't because of the weather outside at all... It was just natural for her. Her track suit was a bit of a faded pink, her eyes matching it as well. "Come on, Scorching Point! You're so slow sometimes!", she cried outside, to a new pony coming inside the hotel as well. Though, his apparel was far different than the mare's...


He had a bunch of burly clothes on, including three scarves, two bulky coats, large rugged boots that went all the way up his legs, and a ski mask to cover most of his face. He had some bags on him as well, three compared to the mare's two. "Well, I would be if it wasn't so dang cold outside, Freezing Point! I don't love the cold, I HATE it!", he cried out, trudging over to the table where they would get their keys to their room. Freezing had also done the same. However, Scorching had decided to make a bit of a joke. "Hey, sis, are we going to room together? I get the top bunk and you get the bottom?" Freezing didn't like this exactly, and quickly punched Scorching in the foreleg. "Are you kidding? I'm staying as far away from you as possible. You got that?"


As they kept arguing, they went ahead and got their keys, but not to head to the rooms right away. They would stay inside the lobby, checking the place out.

  • Brohoof 1
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Rush got out of his carriage and payed the driver. He took in the cold mountain air and smiled. This was the kind of place where he belonged. Cold weather had always helped to soothe his temper, after all.


He headed into the hotel and quickly checked in and decided to hang out in the lobby for a while. He wanted to get a feel for what was going on and, more importantly, to scout out any attractive mares.




Lo and behold, it was only a matter of seconds before he found one. Only problem was that she was with a colt already. They didn't seem to be very affectionate, though. More like brother and sister or something. It was worth testing the waters, anyway. After all, that tracksuit was certainly flattering.


He approached her with the confidence of someone who's practically made a career out of flirting with anything female and vaguely attractive. "Hello there, I take it you two have just checked in?"

  • Brohoof 1

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"Are you sure this is a good idea? I don't like being so far away from home..." Dusk asked the question, but there was nopony else inside the carriage with him. 

"Don' worry 'bout it Dusk, you'll be...fine." Answered...himself. 

"If you say so...but I still don't like it, remind me why I let you talk me into this again Shadow?" 

"Because you know it's going to be fun!" 

"Just don't blow things like you normally do. I'm here to make some friends and hopefully learn how to ski, remember that. I don't want a repeat of what happened with that last mare." 

"Dusk...that wasn't a mare, how many more times I gotta tell you?" 

"Shutup, we're here"


Shadow soon fell silent, leaving Dusk to once again look like quite the fool being seen talking to himself. Thankfully however there was nopony within sight, let alone within earshot, so he had nothing to worry about. 

It didn't take long for him to snap up his belongings, he only brought with him a pair of suitcases that hung from either side of a saddle on his back. After hopping out of the carriage, he sheepishly placed 2 bits beside the driver and trotted inside, where it was hopefully warmer. Despite his naturally thick coat, and the puffy vest he was wearing, the cold still bit deep into him, but he'd get used to it no doubt. 


He could see several ponies had already arrived, and where checking in at the counter, some of them even seemed to have formed a group and started talking, from the looks of things, they hadn't been here much longer than he had, but who could say? 

He gave a wide berth to any ponies in the room and made his way around to the stallion on the end of the counter. 
"Um, excuse me? But I have this, um, ticket and I was just wondering, if I should check in here or -" 

"Why of course sir! Please, allow us to show you to your room--and don't worry about a thing! Everything's all taken care of prior to your arrival" 

Dusk barely had time to looked shocked, before a stallion practically stole his bags and trotted off down the hall to a set of stairs, gesturing for him to follow. 

"Okay Dusk...don't worry, we got this. Just dump your bags, get to know your room, then we can see about other things. One step at a time."

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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@@Alex Kennedy


Both Freezing and Scorching turned around, seeing that a stallion had came up to talk with Freezing. 


"Yeah, we just did. I guess you just checked in as well. Let me introduce us. I'm Freezing Point.", she replied with a smile. "And before she says anything else, I'm her more awesomer brother, Scorching!", he butted in, showing off a grin through his ski mask. "More like goofiest with that ski mask on you..." "Hey, at least I don't look like I'm about to trek 45 miles in the snow!" "Gee, how did you guess my first activity here?", Freezing replied with a sarcastic tone.

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Rush made a mental note: Brother, not coltfriend. Doesn't seem like the overprotective type. Promising. He decided to make his move. "Speaking of apparel, if you don't mind my saying so, that tracksuit is very flattering. It really shows off your figure. And- again, if you don't mind me saying so- it's a figure well worth showing off."


((Don't feel obligated to fall for him or anything. He's going to hit on anything remotely female anyway.))

Edited by Alex Kennedy

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One of the carriages outside had a very excited Pegasus mare, who happily grabbed her things and left the carriage the moment it came to a stop.

"Thanks!" she called out to the drivers. 

Aura Feather cantered into the lodge and checked in at the front desk, an elated grin spreak across her face. She couldn't wait to try out skiing and other stuff. She trotted to her room and unpacked. When she was done she pondered what to do next, came to a decision, and trotted down to the lobby, hoping to look at the map and maybe socialize.

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@@Alex Kennedy


"Oh, well, I must thank you, sir... This track suit DOES fit in well with this weather.", Freezing replied, looking over her suit again. Scorching, however, started to keep an eye on this pony, which was actually kind of difficult to notice through his ski mask... Something deep down in his brotherly heart was warning him of this pony... And this was surprising for him, since this thought was keeping him silent...

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Star nervously stepped up to the front desk and gave the colt behind it her ticket, not saying anything.
The colt gave her a confused look before looking over her ticket and smiling. "Good afternoon Miss Song. I'll have somepony help with your bags. Here's your room key and I'll just get you to sign here." He said, holding up a piece of paper.
Star read everything quickly before signing and smiling slightly. "Thank you." She said, shyly. She went to grab her bags only to find that they were gone, instead they were on a cart being pulled by a mare.

Star looked nervously at her instruments before making her way to her room.
She dropped off her bags and walked to the cafe located in the lobby. She ordered a sandwich and a cup of tea before sitting down alone in the corner, watching the busy ponies around her.

Something something something something


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Dusk hesitantly followed the stallion, although he had conflicting thoughts as to whether he was following the stallion or following his bags, he would have much preferred to find his own way, but before he could properly take in the surroundings and the thoughts in his head, he had to quickly stop himself from walking into a wall. "Sir, your room!" the stallion called out in a somewhat broken and squeaky voice, your typical luggage boy, it seemed. Dusk looked over to see an open door, and the stallion waiting just outside with no bags to be seen. Quickly hopping inside, he noticed his bags had already been placed by the door and the stallion was almost ready to head out. "W-wait, is there...anything we need to...do? No sign ins or anything like that?" he asked timidly as he fumbled around in his coin purse. 

"You'll have to sign in downstairs, and we're required to keep a register, just leave your name when you come in and out and you're set" 

"Oh, is that all? Thank you" Dusk smiled, handing over a few bits to the luggage pony, who nodded thankfully and made his way back down the stairs. 

"Well...I think that went pretty well. Don't you?" 

"Swimmingly, at least you didn't freak out this time"

"Shadow I told you, that was years ago. I'm changed now, you know that." 

"So you say, but I know your heart Dusk, I know your heart." 

"Whatever, we need to unpack, or do you think we should g- ... no, we'll unpack first, I think" 


He set about unpacking his suitcases, laying them both out on the bed and opening them up, pulling his clothes and toiletries into various piles, as well as several books and papers. It didn't take him long to unpack everything and get it all set away into drawers and cupboards. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Rush smiled inwardly and mentally pumped a foreleg triumphantly. He'd been here for- what? Ten minutes- and he'd already flirted successfully with a nice mare. Well, success being defined here as not getting slapped, having something thrown at him, or generally being humiliated. In fact, she seemed to respond quite positively, except... he thought he'd seen the expression on her brother's face harden, although it was impossible to be sure with that ski mask on. No matter. He'd deal with him later if necessary.


"So am I correct in thinking you work out quite a bit? You certainly look like it."

Edited by Alex Kennedy

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In from the snowy outdoors, shivering rather noticably, came a petite golden pony with a long, wavy waterfall of a mane. She was dressed in quite an unwise, light fashion; her clothes would not have looked out of place on the sandy beaches of Neighssau. However, it seemed to be the warmest garment she owned, for from within her suitcase hung the sleeve of a similar, floral-emblazoned fabric.


However, her ice blue eyes danced with warmth that seemed to violently disagree with the way the rest of her body was reacting to the cold snow; she looked positively alight with excitement. She trotted up to the front desk, and attempted to speak. Her tongue seemed to be stumbling with the cold. 


A few moments later, she had managed to get her point across, as the clerk had handed her her key, and she had began to fumble with her bags as she moved towards the stairs.

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Star nervously stepped up to the front desk and gave the colt behind it her ticket, not saying anything.

The colt gave her a confused look before looking over her ticket and smiling. "Good afternoon Miss Song. I'll have somepony help with your bags. Here's your room key and I'll just get you to sign here." He said, holding up a piece of paper.

Star read everything quickly before signing and smiling slightly. "Thank you." She said, shyly. She went to grab her bags only to find that they were gone, instead they were on a cart being pulled by a mare.

Star looked nervously at her instruments before making her way to her room.

She dropped off her bags and walked to the cafe located in the lobby. She ordered a sandwich and a cup of tea before sitting down alone in the corner, watching the busy ponies around her.

Dusk returned to the lobby noticing the quaint little cafe. He ordered a cup of coffee and went to find a seat when he noticed a pretty young...zebra pegasus? Exotic! She was very attractive too! He liked the quiet type as well, and she seemed perfect. Dusk approached her slowly. "Excuse me, miss. Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked, intending to strike up a conversation.

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Dusk returned to the lobby noticing the quaint little cafe. He ordered a cup of coffee and went to find a seat when he noticed a pretty young...zebra pegasus? Exotic! She was very attractive too! He liked the quiet type as well, and she seemed perfect. Dusk approached her slowly. "Excuse me, miss. Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked, intending to strike up a conversation.


Star jumped and let out a squeak, almost retreating into her scarf.

She blushed and gave a small shy nod before slowly pulling her scarf down from around her muzzle.

Still blushing she sipped her tea and watched the stallion closely, wondering why he came over.

Something something something something


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Aura Feather stepped off the last stair and entered the lobby. She looked around and saw a small cafe. She was hungry, and didn't feel like skiing yet, so she trotted in and ordered a cinnamon bun and hot cocoa.

She sat down and ate quietly, staring happily out the window. She knew she was going to love it here.

((Somepony interact with meeee))

Edited by Silent Dawn
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After a short while, a charcoal-colored earth pony mare stepped in through the doors of the warm ski lodge, a thick brown coat closed up tight around her with the fuzzy hood over her head to keep her ears warm. Shady remained silent as she simply scanned the room around her for anything of interest, cantering up to the front desk to check in.


Pulling her hood down, she stated her name in an uncaring tone and received her key, deciding to check her room later. She picked up her single bag containing just a few pieces of warm clothing and a few other items in her, making her way towards the fireplace where she would sit and rest after the long trip there.

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Star jumped and let out a squeak, almost retreating into her scarf.

She blushed and gave a small shy nod before slowly pulling her scarf down from around her muzzle.

Still blushing she sipped her tea and watched the stallion closely, wondering why he came over.

"So, sweetie, how long have you been at this lovely ski resort? I just got here myself. There's plenty of beautiful sights out here, but sadly the most beautiful one of all is sitting alone in the corner of the lobby cafe. I thought I'd get a closer look for myself."

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"So, sweetie, how long have you been at this lovely ski resort? I just got here myself. There's plenty of beautiful sights out here, but sadly the most beautiful one of all is sitting alone in the corner of the lobby cafe. I thought I'd get a closer look for myself."


Star's blush got worse and she looked down at the ground bashfully. "I j-just got here today." She said, sipping her tea and forcing herself to look up at the colt.

Course she didn't really believe this colt...no pony ever thought she...of all the mare's around, was pretty. She looked at him closely before sipping her tea again. *He's cute...but he probably just wants to get me in bed.* She thought, looking back down at her hooves shyly.

Something something something something


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Star's blush got worse and she looked down at the ground bashfully. "I j-just got here today." She said, sipping her tea and forcing herself to look up at the colt.

Course she didn't really believe this colt...no pony ever thought she...of all the mare's around, was pretty. She looked at him closely before sipping her tea again. *He's cute...but he probably just wants to get me in bed.* She thought, looking back down at her hooves shyly.

"You too? What a coincidence!" he laughed. "So, dear, my name is Dusk Chant. By any chance could I get yours?" he asked in a suave manner. "I want to know what to call such an elegant piece of perfection such as yourself." He smiled in a friendly manner. His words sounded somewhere between hitting on her and joking about hitting on her.

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Midnight walked into the lobby. He has a big suitcase as well as two saddlebags. Midnight is wearing a thick coat as well as a scarf  and for some reason he also has socks.

He stopped at the check in counter. "Hello, where do I sign?" He asked to the mare behind the counter. "Right here." Midnight signed without saying anything else and got the room key.

"I guess I'll unpack in my room before looking around a bit." He thought to himself.

Upstairs he went into his room to unpack everything. Food went in the fridge and clothes in the closet, like most ponies do.

After getting everything in the right place Midnight walked downstairs wondering what to do.


 Signature made by Sir Lunashy

My OC Midnight Blade:Midnight Blade

And Lightning Strings:Lightning Strings

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(@ well this is going to get confusing)


Dusk sat on his bed for a few moments looking back and forth between the mirror and the window, before eventually sighing and standing up, taking a small bottle of medicine from his dresser, he popped off the lid and downed a few of its contents, making sure to replace the bottle where he found it.


"Well...let's go. Suppose it's not a great first impression if I sit in my room all day is it?" He mumbled to himself as he walked out of his door, locking it behind him with a key that the luggage pony had left on his suitcases.


He easily managed to find his way back down the stairs and into the main hall, where there were plenty more ponies than he would have liked to have seen had arrived. He swallowed anxiously, before ducking down and making his way across the room to a table behind a light blue mare and a stallion who where having a conversation.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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@@Alex Kennedy


"Why yes, I certainly--" "Hey, sis, we should probably go to put up our stuff. Pardon us, bro." Before Freezing could even put up a rebuttal, Scorching had dragged her off upstairs, with Freezing not looking very pleased with that. Once both of them had gotten upstairs, the following conversation happens.


"What is up with you?! Why did you drag me off like that?!"

"Look, Freeze... I know, you were actually checking him out, but I don't think he's a safe one."

"...Safe one?!" Freezing started to burst out into laughter, not expecting those types of words coming from Scorching. "When did you start to listen to Mom?!"

"Dang it, Freeze, listen! I'm not trusting him, and if you two get together, he will hurt you! Don't try it!"

"Look, I don't care if you were born twenty seconds ahead of me, or whatever kind of crap you say! If I want to flirt with him, I'll flirt! Stay out of my personal life, and stay in yours!"


At that moment, Freezing had stomped off towards her room, inserting the key, walking into her room, and slammed the door. Scorching just stood there with a stern look on his face, but his voice seemed softer. "I... was only looking out for you... Because I care for my little sister..." He sighed, looking towards his room which he was right next to, and unlocked his door, walking inside and finally closing the door.


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Rush barely had a chance to respond as Scorching dragged his sister off. "Oh, um... alright then. Hopefully we can talk later." It was then that he realized he'd never even properly introduced himself. "By the way, my name's Gal Rush. I'll be in room 206 if you want to talk more."


And then they were gone. He sighed and headed up to his room. Maybe he'd see her again, maybe not. If not, well... plenty of other fish in the sea and all that. 

It didn't take long for Rush to get bored of sitting around in his room, and he soon headed back downstairs. When he did, he saw a mare- and another attractive one at that- struggling with her luggage. Admittedly, he probably would have helped her whether she was attractive or not, but it didn't hurt.




He trotted over to her. "You look like you could use some help. You want me to carry those for you?"

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