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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

planning The mana waste's


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Once the world was a striving beauty devoid of conflict's and disaster's, Forest's and rich population's of People and animal's who we lived with and coexisted, Life would never fail un tell one point. The world in This state was unprepared for a point were the magic left the world, Devoid of mana the Vary life blood of these miracles use dried up just like the mana Unicorn's, Kitsunes, And even human kind separated blaming each other for thing's never understood. The being's of magic left for the place's left untouched by primal evil's, The human's to were they could- thousand's of year's past where magic was forgotten the being's of magic becoming nothing more then story's and human's fighting over possession's lost to those who stood above the rest.


20,000 year's and the human world had become a festering pool of Gene spliced individual's and those corrupted by magic that was tainted by thing's beyond human and magical being's understanding, Those that tempted magic from these pool's lost there mind's or worse... Technology was there salvation the human race advanced to the far reach's of the stars and could even Turn these newly discover'd planet's into inhabitable land's of prosperity but something went wrong.


Doomed by the vary thing that abandoned them Humanity has once again come into contact with mana the source of magic and God's but technology has left it in the dust thing's made simple using magic can now be done with technology. But not all is as it seem's The planet earth was slowly abandoned by human's that could afford it and magic seeped into the world and turned it back into what it once was, A world of Forest's and sustaining plant life and the races of old slowly emerged from there sleep- Unicorn's, Elf's, and all the other's gave humanity another chance.


But humanity try'ed to use them for there gain, Greed was there nature now and humanity suffered the wrath of magic as it tore there world asunder tearing holes in there technology, But humanity had another power. Striving for victory they unleashed bomb's to corral the denizen's of old and silence there advances.


It was all for nothing, Magic infused plague swept the land and destroyed massive population's of humanity for 2 long year's the land sad silently The plague long gone and the race's of magic rebuilding what was left of the human's swore never to fight again or the world would destroy them and thuss the age of Silence fell on the land. The age were the race's of magic swore and oath with the human's to never have a war let alone one of that magnitude less the war of the magi be for nothing so humanity and the races of magic went there Separate way's  and the world once again forgot about them.


Soon the human's regained there technology and rebuild there city's and even had contact's with the race's of magic. neutral city's build for The of making Of trusses with them for trade and soon the counsel of entity's was formed half of human and one of every race of magic, Centaur, Unicorn, Elf, Ent, Troll, and the equestrian race's of the newly found dimension of Equestria Luna and Celestia hold 2 spot's on the counsel. Discord also held a spot but left month's later due to something that too this day was never figured out.


Welcome to my newly made world, Any oc may join under one condition that they know that something will happen in a week's time in game. I will join then but untell then please imigin a life to life in, one inside this city of Mana and Human Technology It's future teck but magic exist's as you read.


Rule's are as fallow's.


No god modding.

No juicer's

No Uber teck(Black hole's and whatnot)

you may be an astral traveler but i need to know what plane you come from

No Uber magic's (No nuke's, Uber steroids, Mass tp, ) and anything else that can destory massive thing's at once


No Insanity magic.


i think that's it, Let me know if you would like to join as it stand's this is just an experiment. 




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