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Ghost Stories, Folklore, Legends and the Generally Supernatural


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Hey everypony, it's October and Halloween is coming up fast! I wanted to start a thread where we can share ghost stories, or other creepy paranormal stories appropriate to the season. Just remember the forum rules, keep them clean, and please only post your own stories, not someone else's work. :)


So I'd like to open this up with a sorta long one I wrote yesterday for another forum. Don't balk at the length, I promise you it'll be worth reading.


The Children in the Mirror

A Paranormal Story by Tyroq


They say the eyes are the window of the soul, but what happens if that window becomes a door?


A few years back, when I was just a kid, my family moved into a big old house in the country. It was quiet and remote, the perfect place for my dad to do his studying. The grounds were beautiful, covered in many huge and ancient trees. It was like something out of a storybook, well, so I thought.


Our first couple of nights in the house were uneventful. We hadn't even unpacked yet. The big house was exciting and mysterious, someplace new to explore and have all sorts of fun. It was a bit spooky at night, but that's to be expected in a place like that. I wasn't scared really, though I did keep my slingshot in my sleeping bag. You know, just in case.


On the third night, however, was when things started happening. We'd been busy unpacking the whole time and by the time the sun went down on that third night we had a lot of our stuff up around the house. Well, I was on my way to the bathroom and I passed a big old mirror my mom had set up in the hall. Nothing out of the ordinary, I walked by, and so did my reflection. But something made me stop and do a double take. Backing up, I looked into the mirror, gazing at myself behind the glass. Something was wrong, there was a look of surprise on my reflection's face, almost as if I did not expect to see myself, which is of course ridiculous. Stranger still though I felt a wave of anger overcome me as I saw myself, though I couldn't tell why. I stared at the thing for several minutes, trying to make sense of it, and looking to see what else might have caught my attention, but I couldn't tell. Finally, I was just turning to head on to the bathroom when I saw it again. A little flicker of movement behind me and in the corner. Whirling around I looked, but there was nothing there.


Puzzled, I turned back to the mirror. There, by the wall, half hidden behind my reflection was a girl. She was short, skinny and had long locks of golden hair. From her appearance I guessed she was about eight years old. Whirling around again I looked where she was standing, but she wasn't there. This was wierd, very wierd. I turned back to the mirror, sure enough she was still behind me, but whenever I turned to look I couldn't see her. She just stood there, looking at me with sad eyes, and I couldn't help but feel she was just a reflection, an afterimage of someone who had once been but was no longer, like a photograph of your great grandmother when she was a child.


I was very disturbed by this event, but of course I dared not tell my parents. They'd either think I was playing one of my silly games, or if they actually did believe me then they'd probably have me examined. I don't know about you, but doctor's offices give me the creeps, so I kept quiet on the whole thing. But that didn't stop me from passing by that mirror again the next night, looking for any sign of the strange girl. I was an insatiably curious boy, and spooky or not, something like this deserved further investigation. And so it was that on our fourth night in that house I passed the mirror again, and once again saw the strange girl. She was half hidden behind my reflection, as if using me for protection, like a child will sometimes hide behind her mother's skirt when talking to strangers. Looking down then I noticed something even stranger. The girl was holding my hand in the reflection, as if she knew me, but I did not know her. Then my reflection did something, completely of its own accord. He smiled. I felt a scowl creep across my own face, though I didn't know why. It was like watching a video of yourself, but you can't remember what it is you're doing. It really unnerved me though that my reflection should decide to act on his own. This was too much, I turned and bolted down the hallway spooked out of my wits. Needless to say I didn't sleep well that night.


The next day I avoided the mirror, yes it was still a curious thing I wanted to investigate, but since I saw myself do something I wasn't even doing it made me very leery of going near that thing again. I just took it easy around the house, helping with the last of the unpacking, and spending my time getting my new bedroom in order. I did not go near the mirror.


On the night of the sixth day though, I found myself unavoidably drawn to the mirror once more. It had been raining outside, and after spending the whole day indoors my curiosity had gotten the better of me once again. And so it was that at 9 o'clock that night, I stood in the empty hallway staring into the mirror. Outside the rain beat against the window at the end of the hall, reflecting in its own way the pounding of my heart. As I stared into the mirror I saw the girl peek out from behind me again. But she wasn't smiling now. Her face was red, and her eyes puffy. She'd been crying. I opened my mouth, wanting to say something to her, but then I stopped. How could I? She's just a reflection after all, how can I talk to someone who's not really here? Then I looked up at my own face in the mirror and saw a strange sadness reflected there in my eyes. My own reflection had been crying too, perhaps. I wondered what could bother them both so much. Stepping closer I tried to look deeper into the mirror to see if there was anything else going on in there.


Then something stranger still caught my attention. I stood now at an angle to the mirror and looked down the reflected hall. The window at the end of the hall in the mirror was still, and it was dry. Frowning I looked at the window in my own hall, it was still soaked from the rain. Then I looked back into the mirror. The window there was dry. This was mind boggling. I felt a chill run down my back and stepped away from the mirror. It was like somehow, the mirror was a different world altogether. Somehow, I was gazing into a different reality...


I wanted to run from the mirror, go back up and hide in my room, but something kept me rooted to the spot. All the fear pounding through me could not convince my legs to move. Somehow this mirror was a window to another reality, and the me in that reflection was not me at all. It was eerie, looking at myself, knowing that the mind behind those familiar eyes was actually a stranger. It took all my concentration, but I willed myself to look away, to look at reality and not that unnatural reflections. Taking a deep breath to calm myself I looked around at the elegant beauty of the old house. Suddenly there was a crash and I felt the floor shake. Catching my breath I turned back to look at the mirror. That was a mistake. I shouldn't have looked back, not at all. Too late now though. Too late for everything...


Across the mirror there was a crack, spreading out in several directions from a central impact spot. My eyes were drawn to the crack, and as I looked a sudden flashback appeared in my mind. I was sitting on a hill, in summer, by some trees. It was beautiful and calm. There was someone with me. I turned to look, and it was the girl. She sat beside me, giggling about something. A feeling of happiness overcame me and I smiled. Then the image faded and I was back in the hallway again, staring into the mirror that bridged reality. It was then that I noticed my reflection moving, raising his hand. And in his hand was a hammer. I felt my heart skip a beat as he raised the hammer. I wanted to call out for him to stop, but words failed me. I could only watch in horror as he brought it down on the glass with a resounding crack.


The entire house shook around me, and I was nearly thrown from my feet. At the end of the hall the window shattered, letting a torrent of rain water in. I felt the cold air touch my face, and it brought me to my senses. Looking back at the mirror once more I saw the damage was now extensive. The crack now split the mirror in half, and like tendrils reaching out the crack spread out across the glass. As I looked at it another flashback hit me, this one more powerful than the last. I was standing in the kitchen of our old house, my hands clenched around the girl's neck. She was choking, terror in her eyes. I was angry, so very angry. She had done something. She had gone into my room, opened my strong box and gone through my personal things. Oh why were sisters such bothersome creatures!? I'd teach her to snoop where she didn't belong. I'd....


Snapping out of it I staggered back and hit the wall behind me, realizing that my hands had been clenched into fists. That was it, that girl in the mirror. She was my sister. Something had happened though, something to make me angry at her and hurt her. Now she was locked in an enchanted mirror and I stood alone in this strange house, the rain blowing in from the broken window, and a feeling of great loss taking over my soul.


Another crash came from the mirror, and again the entire house trembled. My mirror self had struck the glass once more with his hammer, and now the image was almost entirely obscured. The crack covered nearly the entire mirror, and as I gazed at it, one more flashback struck me, this one with such force I felt myself falling to the floor but could do nothing to stop it as the memory overcame me.


I was standing in the living room of our old house, staring at a mirror. This mirror in fact! Glancing down to my side I saw my sister standing there, her neck was bandaged, but she seemed alright. She held my hand, a look of encouragement on her face. Taking a deep breath, I turned to the mirror and gazed into the eyes of my reflection. My eyes, which were creased in a frown. And as I watched, I stared, gazing deep as if into my own soul and it was as if a door had opened. The eyes in the reflection became angry, flashing with rage as my emotions poured into the reflection, and then I felt a strange sense of relief. As if a great burden had just been lifted from me, and the feeling of connection to it diminished, like the door was closing again. My reflection gnashed his teeth at me one last time, then faded to normal, and there I stood, hand in hand with my sister. I felt happy, unburdened, free. I glanced down at her and smiled, and she smiled back, then I looked back at the mirror. It was good, all was normal now. But as I was turning to leave, my reflection winked at me, as if to say it wasn't quite over.


Opening my eyes, the flashback over once more, I looked up at the horrid mirror on the wall. The floor around me was soaked now from rainwater pouring in, and I couldn't help but wonder why my parents hadn't come down to see what was going on. Then I realized, they couldn't. I was dizzy, and it was a struggle to get to my feet, but now I realized what was going on. Now I knew what was happening. My survival instincts screamed at me to do something. But what could I do? My mirror self was destroying the only link between us. I looked down at my hands one more time, the hands that had almost killed my sister, and I sighed. It was right. This was how it should end.


Looking at the last undamaged section of the mirror, I searched for anything I could see in it. A pair of eyes appeared before me. My sister. She stood there, tears on her cheeks, and as she cried the rain outside poured. I knew, she was causing the rain. Because my world wasn't real. My world was the one in the mirror. It wasn't my mirror self that was the evil one, it was me. I was the part of my real self's heart that had reacted in rage and tried to hurt my sister. I was the part that had been locked away in the mirror. And that was why my parents couldn't come to me. They weren't real, the ones here that I thought were real were just reflections of my real parents, safely with me and my sister in the real world. I knew it now. And as I watched, my real self on the other side swung the hammer one last time, shattering the mirror into fragments. And as it broke, the house shattered around me, the rain poured in, and I was swept away into darkness. But I took comfort as the last of my reality was swept away, comfort in the fact that the final look in my sister's eyes was one of forgiveness.






Hope that's ok, it's just that threads that fall below the bottom of the page seldom get viewed or responded to since most people don't even know they're there. Especially new members. And with only two weeks left until Halloween, I think now is the perfect time for people to post ghost stories.


I want to hear yours! If you've got a spooky tale or story to share with us, please do! 'Tis the season to get scared out of your wits, after all! :D

Edited by Tyroq
  • Brohoof 2

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Hey everypony, it's October and Halloween is coming up fast! I wanted to start a thread where we can share ghost stories, or other creepy paranormal stories appropriate to the season. Just remember the forum rules, keep them clean, and please only post your own stories, not someone else's work. :)


So I'd like to open this up with a sorta long one I wrote yesterday for another forum. Don't balk at the length, I promise you it'll be worth reading.


The Children in the Mirror

A Paranormal Story by Tyroq



They say the eyes are the window of the soul, but what happens if that window becomes a door?


A few years back, when I was just a kid, my family moved into a big old house in the country. It was quiet and remote, the perfect place for my dad to do his studying. The grounds were beautiful, covered in many huge and ancient trees. It was like something out of a storybook, well, so I thought.


Our first couple of nights in the house were uneventful. We hadn't even unpacked yet. The big house was exciting and mysterious, someplace new to explore and have all sorts of fun. It was a bit spooky at night, but that's to be expected in a place like that. I wasn't scared really, though I did keep my slingshot in my sleeping bag. You know, just in case.


On the third night, however, was when things started happening. We'd been busy unpacking the whole time and by the time the sun went down on that third night we had a lot of our stuff up around the house. Well, I was on my way to the bathroom and I passed a big old mirror my mom had set up in the hall. Nothing out of the ordinary, I walked by, and so did my reflection. But something made me stop and do a double take. Backing up, I looked into the mirror, gazing at myself behind the glass. Something was wrong, there was a look of surprise on my reflection's face, almost as if I did not expect to see myself, which is of course ridiculous. Stranger still though I felt a wave of anger overcome me as I saw myself, though I couldn't tell why. I stared at the thing for several minutes, trying to make sense of it, and looking to see what else might have caught my attention, but I couldn't tell. Finally, I was just turning to head on to the bathroom when I saw it again. A little flicker of movement behind me and in the corner. Whirling around I looked, but there was nothing there.


Puzzled, I turned back to the mirror. There, by the wall, half hidden behind my reflection was a girl. She was short, skinny and had long locks of golden hair. From her appearance I guessed she was about eight years old. Whirling around again I looked where she was standing, but she wasn't there. This was wierd, very wierd. I turned back to the mirror, sure enough she was still behind me, but whenever I turned to look I couldn't see her. She just stood there, looking at me with sad eyes, and I couldn't help but feel she was just a reflection, an afterimage of someone who had once been but was no longer, like a photograph of your great grandmother when she was a child.


I was very disturbed by this event, but of course I dared not tell my parents. They'd either think I was playing one of my silly games, or if they actually did believe me then they'd probably have me examined. I don't know about you, but doctor's offices give me the creeps, so I kept quiet on the whole thing. But that didn't stop me from passing by that mirror again the next night, looking for any sign of the strange girl. I was an insatiably curious boy, and spooky or not, something like this deserved further investigation. And so it was that on our fourth night in that house I passed the mirror again, and once again saw the strange girl. She was half hidden behind my reflection, as if using me for protection, like a child will sometimes hide behind her mother's skirt when talking to strangers. Looking down then I noticed something even stranger. The girl was holding my hand in the reflection, as if she knew me, but I did not know her. Then my reflection did something, completely of its own accord. He smiled. I felt a scowl creep across my own face, though I didn't know why. It was like watching a video of yourself, but you can't remember what it is you're doing. It really unnerved me though that my reflection should decide to act on his own. This was too much, I turned and bolted down the hallway spooked out of my wits. Needless to say I didn't sleep well that night.


The next day I avoided the mirror, yes it was still a curious thing I wanted to investigate, but since I saw myself do something I wasn't even doing it made me very leery of going near that thing again. I just took it easy around the house, helping with the last of the unpacking, and spending my time getting my new bedroom in order. I did not go near the mirror.


On the night of the sixth day though, I found myself unavoidably drawn to the mirror once more. It had been raining outside, and after spending the whole day indoors my curiosity had gotten the better of me once again. And so it was that at 9 o'clock that night, I stood in the empty hallway staring into the mirror. Outside the rain beat against the window at the end of the hall, reflecting in its own way the pounding of my heart. As I stared into the mirror I saw the girl peek out from behind me again. But she wasn't smiling now. Her face was red, and her eyes puffy. She'd been crying. I opened my mouth, wanting to say something to her, but then I stopped. How could I? She's just a reflection after all, how can I talk to someone who's not really here? Then I looked up at my own face in the mirror and saw a strange sadness reflected there in my eyes. My own reflection had been crying too, perhaps. I wondered what could bother them both so much. Stepping closer I tried to look deeper into the mirror to see if there was anything else going on in there.


Then something stranger still caught my attention. I stood now at an angle to the mirror and looked down the reflected hall. The window at the end of the hall in the mirror was still, and it was dry. Frowning I looked at the window in my own hall, it was still soaked from the rain. Then I looked back into the mirror. The window there was dry. This was mind boggling. I felt a chill run down my back and stepped away from the mirror. It was like somehow, the mirror was a different world altogether. Somehow, I was gazing into a different reality...


I wanted to run from the mirror, go back up and hide in my room, but something kept me rooted to the spot. All the fear pounding through me could not convince my legs to move. Somehow this mirror was a window to another reality, and the me in that reflection was not me at all. It was eerie, looking at myself, knowing that the mind behind those familiar eyes was actually a stranger. It took all my concentration, but I willed myself to look away, to look at reality and not that unnatural reflections. Taking a deep breath to calm myself I looked around at the elegant beauty of the old house. Suddenly there was a crash and I felt the floor shake. Catching my breath I turned back to look at the mirror. That was a mistake. I shouldn't have looked back, not at all. Too late now though. Too late for everything...


Across the mirror there was a crack, spreading out in several directions from a central impact spot. My eyes were drawn to the crack, and as I looked a sudden flashback appeared in my mind. I was sitting on a hill, in summer, by some trees. It was beautiful and calm. There was someone with me. I turned to look, and it was the girl. She sat beside me, giggling about something. A feeling of happiness overcame me and I smiled. Then the image faded and I was back in the hallway again, staring into the mirror that bridged reality. It was then that I noticed my reflection moving, raising his hand. And in his hand was a hammer. I felt my heart skip a beat as he raised the hammer. I wanted to call out for him to stop, but words failed me. I could only watch in horror as he brought it down on the glass with a resounding crack.


The entire house shook around me, and I was nearly thrown from my feet. At the end of the hall the window shattered, letting a torrent of rain water in. I felt the cold air touch my face, and it brought me to my senses. Looking back at the mirror once more I saw the damage was now extensive. The crack now split the mirror in half, and like tendrils reaching out the crack spread out across the glass. As I looked at it another flashback hit me, this one more powerful than the last. I was standing in the kitchen of our old house, my hands clenched around the girl's neck. She was choking, terror in her eyes. I was angry, so very angry. She had done something. She had gone into my room, opened my strong box and gone through my personal things. Oh why were sisters such bothersome creatures!? I'd teach her to snoop where she didn't belong. I'd....


Snapping out of it I staggered back and hit the wall behind me, realizing that my hands had been clenched into fists. That was it, that girl in the mirror. She was my sister. Something had happened though, something to make me angry at her and hurt her. Now she was locked in an enchanted mirror and I stood alone in this strange house, the rain blowing in from the broken window, and a feeling of great loss taking over my soul.


Another crash came from the mirror, and again the entire house trembled. My mirror self had struck the glass once more with his hammer, and now the image was almost entirely obscured. The crack covered nearly the entire mirror, and as I gazed at it, one more flashback struck me, this one with such force I felt myself falling to the floor but could do nothing to stop it as the memory overcame me.


I was standing in the living room of our old house, staring at a mirror. This mirror in fact! Glancing down to my side I saw my sister standing there, her neck was bandaged, but she seemed alright. She held my hand, a look of encouragement on her face. Taking a deep breath, I turned to the mirror and gazed into the eyes of my reflection. My eyes, which were creased in a frown. And as I watched, I stared, gazing deep as if into my own soul and it was as if a door had opened. The eyes in the reflection became angry, flashing with rage as my emotions poured into the reflection, and then I felt a strange sense of relief. As if a great burden had just been lifted from me, and the feeling of connection to it diminished, like the door was closing again. My reflection gnashed his teeth at me one last time, then faded to normal, and there I stood, hand in hand with my sister. I felt happy, unburdened, free. I glanced down at her and smiled, and she smiled back, then I looked back at the mirror. It was good, all was normal now. But as I was turning to leave, my reflection winked at me, as if to say it wasn't quite over.


Opening my eyes, the flashback over once more, I looked up at the horrid mirror on the wall. The floor around me was soaked now from rainwater pouring in, and I couldn't help but wonder why my parents hadn't come down to see what was going on. Then I realized, they couldn't. I was dizzy, and it was a struggle to get to my feet, but now I realized what was going on. Now I knew what was happening. My survival instincts screamed at me to do something. But what could I do? My mirror self was destroying the only link between us. I looked down at my hands one more time, the hands that had almost killed my sister, and I sighed. It was right. This was how it should end.


Looking at the last undamaged section of the mirror, I searched for anything I could see in it. A pair of eyes appeared before me. My sister. She stood there, tears on her cheeks, and as she cried the rain outside poured. I knew, she was causing the rain. Because my world wasn't real. My world was the one in the mirror. It wasn't my mirror self that was the evil one, it was me. I was the part of my real self's heart that had reacted in rage and tried to hurt my sister. I was the part that had been locked away in the mirror. And that was why my parents couldn't come to me. They weren't real, the ones here that I thought were real were just reflections of my real parents, safely with me and my sister in the real world. I knew it now. And as I watched, my real self on the other side swung the hammer one last time, shattering the mirror into fragments. And as it broke, the house shattered around me, the rain poured in, and I was swept away into darkness. But I took comfort as the last of my reality was swept away, comfort in the fact that the final look in my sister's eyes was one of forgiveness.






Hope that's ok, it's just that threads that fall below the bottom of the page seldom get viewed or responded to since most people don't even know they're there. Especially new members. And with only two weeks left until Halloween, I think now is the perfect time for people to post ghost stories.


I want to hear yours! If you've got a spooky tale or story to share with us, please do! 'Tis the season to get scared out of your wits, after all! :D


I kind of liked sleep, thanks alot :C


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Honestly, it wasn't that scary. I liked the ending! I have no ghost stories at the moment, but if I find one I really like I'll post it here!


Why are you dragging your cursor over my signature? Is there a problem here? Do you maybe expect something special? Honestly, that's kind of creepy. Are you trying to get as much information about me as possible? Maybe you're going to copy and paste this into onto your little collage or all things Lyra? (me, not the awesome BG pony...) You seriously have issues dude... I pity you.

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Honestly, it wasn't that scary. I liked the ending! I have no ghost stories at the moment, but if I find one I really like I'll post it here!


It doesn't have to be scary, just spooky or creepy or paranormal, to fit the Halloween spirit. This is a pony forum after all, we don't need to go all Freddy Kruger here and slash people to bits. :blush:

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Ok, I've got one.


This story is called "The Legend of the Headless Horse"


It was a dark and stormy night. Just like this one. And three ponies were having a slumber party... just... like... this one.


And just when the last pony thought she was safe, there, standing right behind her, just inches away was... THE HEADLESS HORSE!

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Ok, I've got one.


This story is called "The Legend of the Headless Horse"


It was a dark and stormy night. Just like this one. And three ponies were having a slumber party... just... like... this one.


And just when the last pony thought she was safe, there, standing right behind her, just inches away was... THE HEADLESS HORSE!


You forgot the part at the end that makes it scary. You know.... "OoOoooOooo!" :lol:

Edited by Tyroq

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I've got a really good one.


So you're with your honey, and you're making out, when the phone rings.

You answer, and the voice says, "What are you doing with my daughter?"

You tell your girl and she says, "My dad is dead."



please don't kill me :c

Edited by (insert username)
  • Brohoof 2

Do I exist?

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I've got a really good one.


So you're with your honey, and you're making out, when the phone rings.

You answer, and the voice says, "What are you doing with my daughter?"

You tell your girl and she says, "My dad is dead."



please don't kill me :c




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Tell any encounters that have happened in your life, or any legends from your community.I started this because I was talking to my friends and I remembered a story from when i used to live with my cousins because my oldest cousin had told me that their house was haunted and first I did not believe them but one day, me my sister and my dad where in the house, and the rest of my family had left to go somewhere (I can't remember it was like 7 years ago) so then me and my dad saw something in the kitchen at first it looked like my oldest cousin who was a girl and was 14, so I told my dad to go and since he saw it too he asked my sister if my cousin had left but she said she had, so my dad went to check it out and he found nothing, and one time we also heard noices coming from outside i opened the window and there was someone running across the yard, but when i called my parents it was gone, another occasion was when we where on the living room and we saw a a big wing-like thing soar across the window at first we thought it was a chicken from our neighbors but my sister pointed out it was way bigger which was true it was bigger than a eagle's wing but we never found out anything more about that house since we moved when the person who we used to pay the rent to kicked us out and we all bought different homes.I know my story seemed a bit unrealistic but I am telling nothing but the complete true.

Edited by Artemis


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Well I believe it is a prank now, but something happened to be in 8th grade.

I went to my friends house to spend the night, and everything was going fine.

But when it was about midnight, we heard a window brake ( I was beside the window)

I looked outside and nothing was there. I was really confused, so we went outside to see what happened and we saw a light flash near the tree in his front yard, and it was gone.


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(I just remembered this) Last year in 7th grade I was on my school, supposedly it was haunted and I was by myself going down the stairs that a girl had supposedly died and i said "I am not afraid of no ghost" and then i felt someone push me so i would fall, so my first reaction was to scream and then one teacher got out of her classroom and I ran upstairs and hid in the bathroom where it is supposed to be haunted, (like it is 2 bathrooms, the stairs and that teacher's room that are haunted) So i was in the bathroom and behind me my friend who i did not realize was there shouts "Hey, what you doing" I turned around and slapped her she was like "Why The F*** did you slap me!" i was like "Sorry!, you scared the f*** out me" and then "So what it is my f***ing fault now" then I said something i regretted for my life "You have a potty mouth!" i said trying to be funny. And that's how I ended up in the hospital. but the point is i am cool with the ghost now, not so sure about my friend thought... The school is haunted but that wasn't the only proof, there is more but I am too lazy to write.


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(I just remembered this) Last year in 7th grade I was on my school, supposedly it was haunted and I was by myself going down the stairs that a girl had supposedly died and i said "I am not afraid of no ghost" and then i felt someone push me so i would fall, so my first reaction was to scream and then one teacher got out of her classroom and I ran upstairs and hid in the bathroom where it is supposed to be haunted, (like it is 2 bathrooms, the stairs and that teacher's room that are haunted) So i was in the bathroom and behind me my friend who i did not realize was there shouts "Hey, what you doing" I turned around and slapped her she was like "Why The F*** did you slap me!" i was like "Sorry!, you scared the f*** out me" and then "So what it is my f***ing fault now" then I said something i regretted for my life "You have a potty mouth!" i said trying to be funny. And that's how I ended up in the hospital. but the point is i am cool with the ghost now, not so sure about my friend thought... The school is haunted but that wasn't the only proof, there is more but I am too lazy to write.


All I have to say to that is.. no offense but...



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Nope. I've never encountered anything like that... The only thing I can think of is when my grandfather died this summer. He was a bee keeper for a while, and at his funeral, while we were all in silence mourning, a bee flew onto my head for a second, then flew over his body and away. This is probably a coincidence, but it was still really cool.


Why are you dragging your cursor over my signature? Is there a problem here? Do you maybe expect something special? Honestly, that's kind of creepy. Are you trying to get as much information about me as possible? Maybe you're going to copy and paste this into onto your little collage or all things Lyra? (me, not the awesome BG pony...) You seriously have issues dude... I pity you.

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All I have to say to that is.. no offense but...



it was basically, I called the ghost a b**** and I felt something try to push me down. (i just added my friends story to make it longer) Edited by SolarFlare


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ooooh, creepy pasta thread.


Something I wrote.


Just like Everyday!!!

You hear those pesky dogs outside of your house always barking, just like everyday.

You lie there in bed wide awake. In previous nights you couldn't get a wink a sleep, last night was no different.

You lay there for awhile listening to the sound of the the dogs, just like this everyday. The alarm goes off, just like every day. You let out a sigh, just like everyday. you turn over so you can press the snooze button, just like everyday. You begin to roll over hopeing for just a little extra 9 minutes, just like everyday.


As you lay there for a minute just staring, a smile crosses your face. laying beside you, bundle in the blankets, lies your lover. As you begin to put your arm around them, they shuddered surprised by your touch. Your lover begins curling up more under the blanket.


You look out side to see the sun shinning into the room, you let a little laugh. You remember that they don't to particualar like the morning sun, thats why you always find the person's head covered to block out the light. With one more laugh, you give them a loving kiss on the cheek through the covers...they react but quickly relax.


Its time to get up. You don't wanna go, but you gotta bring home the bacon somehow. You crawl yourself out of your bed, away from your lover, so you can get ready for the day.


Just like everyday.


Except for the next thing you see. You stop in your tracks by what you see. You stare on at what is standing in front of you.


Standing there was what could of been once called a human. From just the appearance alone you can tell this...THING, has been through a lot. The jaw barely attached, its tounge dripping through the gap under the jaw, dry of any form of liquid. Its eyes, or should be said eye, were nothing but sockets. In one socket hanging from a single thread was the only eye, just dangaling in the air looking at you.


You begin to tense, the creature reacts to your movement. Perhaps it can't see you with that one eye. The other socket shows nothing, nothing but the emptyness that was darkness, only form of "light" was what was left of its brain that oozed through what used seperate it and the eye socket.


You tense up, "It" starts to stir once more. You can't look no further then the torso, something keeps you from looking any farther. Around the neck pieces of what was once its face was dangaling, smacking against the tounge. Part of the collarbone was smashed, the arm was barely hanging together half of the forearm snapped in two. The lungs, the heart and other bodily organs can be seen through the broken pieces of the rib cage, some still slowly pumping. the other arm, it was mostly bone but it seemed like it was wearing the old skin that once protected it as a cuffing of sorts.


You place your hand over your mouth, as if trying not to let a single beat of breath out. The creature is still unmoving, The creature is still staring at you. You remove your hand from your mouth, the creature begins to move. You begin to form words. Is it a type of prayer.


"I look terrible today." You say, looking back into your reflection in the mirror.


Just like Everyday.

Edited by Captain Marvelous

okay ponies, give me all your treasure.


"I will destroy all the riders"

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ooooh, creepy pasta thread.


Something I wrote.



Just like Everyday!!!

You hear those pesky dogs outside of your house always barking, just like everyday.

You lie there in bed wide awake. In previous nights you couldn't get a wink a sleep, last night was no different.

You lay there for awhile listening to the sound of the the dogs, just like this everyday. The alarm goes off, just like every day. You let out a sigh, just like everyday. you turn over so you can press the snooze button, just like everyday. You begin to roll over hopeing for just a little extra 9 minutes, just like everyday.


As you lay there for a minute just staring, a smile crosses your face. laying beside you, bundle in the blankets, lies your lover. As you begin to put your arm around them, they shuddered surprised by your touch. Your lover begins curling up more under the blanket.


You look out side to see the sun shinning into the room, you let a little laugh. You remember that they don't to particualar like the morning sun, thats why you always find the person's head covered to block out the light. With one more laugh, you give them a loving kiss on the cheek through the covers...they react but quickly relax.


Its time to get up. You don't wanna go, but you gotta bring home the bacon somehow. You crawl yourself out of your bed, away from your lover, so you can get ready for the day.


Just like everyday.


Except for the next thing you see. You stop in your tracks by what you see. You stare on at what is standing in front of you.


Standing there was what could of been once called a human. From just the appearance alone you can tell this...THING, has been through a lot. The jaw barely attached, its tounge dripping through the gap under the jaw, dry of any form of liquid. Its eyes, or should be said eye, were nothing but sockets. In one socket hanging from a single thread was the only eye, just dangaling in the air looking at you.


You begin to tense, the creature reacts to your movement. Perhaps it can't see you with that one eye. The other socket shows nothing, nothing but the emptyness that was darkness, only form of "light" was what was left of its brain that oozed through what used seperate it and the eye socket.


You tense up, "It" starts to stir once more. You can't look no further then the torso, something keeps you from looking any farther. Around the neck pieces of what was once its face was dangaling, smacking against the tounge. Part of the collarbone was smashed, the arm was barely hanging together half of the forearm snapped in two. The lungs, the heart and other bodily organs can be seen through the broken pieces of the rib cage, some still slowly pumping. the other arm, it was mostly bone but it seemed like it was wearing the old skin that once protected it as a cuffing of sorts.


You place your hand over your mouth, as if trying not to let a single beat of breath out. The creature is still unmoving, The creature is still staring at you. You remove your hand from your mouth, the creature begins to move. You begin to form words. Is it a type of prayer.


"I look terrible today." You say, looking back into your reflection in the mirror.


Just like Everyday.


Thought this was going to be scary, but I ended up loling.

I love it.


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it was basically, I called the ghost a b**** and I felt something try to push me down. (i just added my friends story to make it longer)


Ah. The friend part is what confused me.


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ummm.... thanks... I think...







Am Not Afraid!


"I'm heading to bed," I said. "Goodnight."

"Good Night," They replied. "We'll be there in just a minute."


The boogeyman, puh-lease, as that song goes "I ain't afraid of no ghost." I'm going to be 8 soon, I'm a big boy now. I don't have time for such kiddy scares as creepy crawlies or the slenderman. I took my night light out a long time ago, no need for it, since I will be a big brother soon.


As of now it is only the three of us: me, my mommy, and my daddy.


This coming up weekend my daddy had plans to take my mommy somewhere before my little brother or little sister would arrived. Aunty Helen was going to baby sit for the weekend but she came down with the flu and wasn't going to be able to comeover.


My parents were sad that they were not going to be able to leave. I told them that I was a big boy now, and that big boy can take care of themselves. That didn't work. So I used the best trick in the book, annoying them about letting me stay home alone. like other mommy and daddys they gave up and I won. This weekend I have the whole house to my self.


So Saturday came, I am excited. They left this morning, leaving me money so that I could order some take out *to see if I was grown-up* for supper. like any responsible parent, they called me like every other minute to check up on me.


That night something happened that normally wouldn't. I watched some horror movies, normally my parents wouldn't let me watch them. I was sitting on our sofa couch, watching another movie, I had gotten into it, the black Merman thing was carrying the woman into his laggoon when it happened...


Hearing a large noise, I started screaming out loud, I thought my heart would jump out of my chest. looking out our extrodinary large windows I saw that it was raining and the sound of thunder made me yelp. maybe I'm not as brave as I thought I was.


Going through more movies I looked over at the time "4:44" am it said. I let out a yawn, as it was time to finally go to bed. I made sure all the doors and windows were locked, I turned out the light. The only source of light in the living room was from a street lamp from the circle. with another yawn I began to walk out of the room.


"I'm heading to bed," I said. "Good night."


"Good Night," They replied. "We'll be there in just a minute."

Edited by Captain Marvelous

okay ponies, give me all your treasure.


"I will destroy all the riders"

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