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ooc [OOC] Into the Wasteland

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<Roleplay Thread Link>



The world is full of heroes. Some are born in Stables. Some rise up through the ranks of mercenaries. And some get stuck on a caravan heading nowhere.


Guess which category you fall under?


Welcome to the Wasteland, the best post-apocalyptic playland a pony could ask for. Life here isn’t so bad: your weapons are fairly sharp and loaded, your bread sometimes isn’t dominated by mold, and hitching with a caravan has given you safety in numbers – not to mention the variety of stories you hear around the campfire is enormous. All-in-all, you have it pretty good.


But it could be better.


One campfire tale in particular has given you the notion that your lot in life could possibly be improved. It was a tale told by an old drunkard of a stallion amidst his boasts of defeating sixteen hellhounds by himself (yesterday it had been fourteen hellhounds; the week before, five). It was a tale that, despite its radical, crazy concepts, made you a believer. It was a tale that introduced you to Haven.


Just like the stallion and his hellhound story, you could never quite get a clear, confident mental image of what Haven is. Some ponies you talked to have said that Haven is a secret military bunker full of fresh food, water, and equipment, completely sealed off from the surface. Others say that Haven is a floating pegasus city for only those born with the gift of flight to enter. The prevailing opinion, however, is that Haven doesn’t exist. It never existed. It is just a foal’s bedtime story.


But you know better, don’t you?


And so here you are, on a caravan going nowhere, with a group of likeminded individuals. You all have your own reasons for seeking the Light in the Dark, but one thing is for certain: for better or worse, you’re in this together. And you certainly aren't the only group vying for the same goal.


Enjoy your stay! Try not to die.





                Welcome to my second RP and the second in the WtWHO series (I’m calling it a series because it makes me feel better about myself). I started this up because having a waiting list sucks and more than a couple people asked if I would be willing to start up a second thread. I’ve learned from my mistakes from the first RP (mostly), so this one should start off more smoothly.


                Those who have played Fallout or know Fallout: Equestria know the shtick already. For those who haven’t, imagine post-apocalyptic science-fictiony Equestrian Wasteland. Prior knowledge of anything Fallout IS NOT REQUIRED, but is definitely encouraged. If you don’t mind spoiler alerts, just Google around a bit.


               This RP is different from most. Rather than the traditional "Let's talk about our feelings" type of RP, this is a "Let's talk about our feelings and then try to beat the crap out of something" RP. I say "try" because this RP is more like a game, with an element of randomness. Your character will have stats (explained later) that will be used whenever they try to get information, perform in combat, or do not-everyday things. Generally, I leave it up to the players when it comes to when to roll. Trust me, the randomness can make it fun.


               You hopefully noticed the link in the intro text. There is another RP running parallel to this one! Don't worry: I won't force either group to keep tabs on the other, though you may wish to for entertainment purposes. Players from both groups have remarked that the two groups meeting up at various points wouldn't be a bad idea, so we'll probably try that sometime. If that happens...well, we might just need to watch both RP's for a while. img-1615296-1-ohmy.png  Both groups are shooting for the same goal: finding Haven. It is up to you whether you help or hinder the others.





1: Standard first rule: No God-tier characters. No alicorns. No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus. And, for the sake of simplicity, no evil characters. Characters can be neutral on up the karma ladder. Don’t feel restricted to ponies, however – griffons and the like are also open to you!


2: A variety of characters is key to a successful story. I won’t go so far as to put strict guidelines on how many of a particular character type we can have, but if we have more than, say, two or three of a type (hardcore Steel Ranger, quiet assassin, etc.) then I’ll ask someone to make a change.


3: We’ll be using an improvised SPECIAL system with an element of randomness (explained later). I’m not going to be making anyone’s rolls, so I ask that you be honest with your results. Trust me, some of the funniest events happen when rolls fail. And I will never kill off anyone or punish the group permanently because of a poor roll. Bad luck happens, but the story goes on.


4: Respect the word of the GM. If I say something is so, feel free to calmly explain your point and we can talk it out. But when I make my final decision, please don’t continue to harry me or the other players because you didn’t like the results.


5: Proper grammar/spelling/etc. There is no excuse for posts that look like a cat chewed it up and spat it out. The occasional slip-up is acceptable (no one is perfect, right?) but please be courteous to your fellow RP'ers and do your best to post clean sentences. 


6: Yes, this is based on a story based on a video game. Yes, that means combat is a thing. However, you roleplay first and foremost. Combat is still sketchy at best anyway. Remember, develop your character well and I will have a better idea of how to twist the story to pertain to your pony/griffon/whatever.


7: There are way too many rules, but I’d rather have too many than too few. Put your favorite color at the beginning of your character profile so I know that you read these relatively thoroughly.


8: Don’t think I know everything. Heck, I’m winging this from the get-go. If you have any ideas PLEASE let me know, either in the OOC or in a PM.


9: Finally, there will be times when I’ll have everyone make the same check (for instance, I’ll roll Perception for everyone to see if they notice a spy hanging from the rafters). In this case if anyone succeeds, I’ll put the player’s name above a spoiler. ONLY open a spoiler if it has your name. Which brings me into the actual last rule…


10: NO meta-gaming, and I’m gonna be a stickler about this one. Meta-gaming is when you step OOC and use knowledge that your character doesn’t know to advance yourself in the game. This includes breaking rule 9. If you suspect someone is meta-gaming, let me know. I don’t think this will be an issue, but some people just HAVE to be the best…like no one ever was…*wink*



Character profile:

(I will update everyone's profiles on a Google Doc for the sake of simplicity, so don't worry about keeping track of your character.)


Player Name:

Character Name:




Physical description:

Cutie mark (if applicable):





Brief backstory:










Perks/Abilities: (I will hand out perks as you level up. They will go here. Don't put down anything here! Perks are given based on what you accomplished between the time you last leveled up and now, so if you want a certain perk then act like that kind of pony.)



Inventory: (Be realistic. Max 1-2 guns, for instance.)



The System:


Judging from how things are developing, we are just going the basic SPECIAL route. 


SPECIAL stands for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. Each skill starts with a value of 5, and can be raised or lowered from 1 to 10. At the beginning you have 5 extra points to spend as you will for a total of 40 points.


-- Strength dictates your physical prowess. It helps when making melee attacks, throwing objects, and the like.


-- Perception dictates how well your senses are, how well you can use energy weapons, and perform tasks that require good hoof-eye coordination (like disarming a mine)


-- Endurance dictates how well your body can withstand disease and infections, how fast and far you can run, and how long you can survive in a prolonged fight.


-- Charisma represents your overall charm and likeability. A high Charisma means you are a good orator with equally good looks. Low Charisma leaves you with a face only a mother could love.


-- Intelligence dictates your ability to reason, think, retain and recall knowledge, and do egghead things like hack computers and heal limbs.


-- Agility is a measure of your speed, reflexes, and dexterity. This controls how adept you are with Guns and how well you can Sneak, as well as how fast you can move.


-- Luck is fairly self explanatory. It is that random little chance that an opponent's gun misfires or you find the sweet spot in a robot's armored shell. It also affects everything you do to some degree -- don't get stuck next to someone with low Luck for too long or you just might step on a cache of booby-trapped grenades.


To do anything with any amount of chance (convincing someone to give up important information, aiming for a specific target from a distance, etc), you must make a roll.


To make a roll, go to this site (recommend you bookmark it) (EDIT: that site might be down for good. If it doesn't load, use this site. The die to use is the second in the list). Under "Number of Dice to Roll", put the number for the SPECIAL stat that you are rolling for. For instance, if you are trying to persuade a merchant to give you a discount, you would use Charisma. If you have a Charisma of 6, you would roll 6 dice. (Make sure "Number of rolls" is set to one!) After you add up your rolls, add your SPECIAL stat (in this case, 6). Put your roll at the end of your post; on my next reply, I will let you know whether you succeeded or failed.


I will then compare your roll to a predetermined difficulty on a scale of 1-50. As such, the best you could do in this scenario is 36 + 6 = 42. Let's say you rolled 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, and 4 for a total of 28, then add the 6 from your Charisma stat for a total of 34. If the difficulty was 30, you would succeed and get a discount. If the difficulty was 35, you would fail and not get a discount. The bigger your success or failure, the larger your reward or punishment.


With a SPECIAL stat of 10, you could get 60 on a scale of 1-50, resulting in a Critical Success. If you roll below a 15 you get a Critical Failure. Critical Successes and Failures can make or break an encounter - therefore, they should be fairly rare.


Health will be judged based on Strength and Endurance - as the fight goes on, I will notify everyone of their condition.



Current players:


Official list here


1: Royal Flush, the slightly-arrogant gambler --- played by MyLittleCell

2: Alistar Kretz, but don't call him Ziggs --- played by Shame

3: Rusty "Junkbox" Wrench, the fixer-upper with a dark past --- played by Higurashi

4: Pluse, the experiment with an electric personality --- played by PinkieDaShy

5: Wildfire, the rough-and-tough Talon griffon --- played by Shift

6: Standoff, the badass shotgun-totin' pony --- played by baman
(7?): Thunder Knight

(8?): Akoura



The Story Thus Far...


As we go along, I will add a brief summary of the adventure here for nostalgic purposes and if we need a refresher.

Edited by Scoutaloo
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layer Name: MyLittleCell

Character Name: Royal Flush

Race: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Physical description: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/royal-flush-r3503

Cutie mark (if applicable): In link


Personality: Very confident and overbearing, a bit pushy and aggressive, but can be charming and negotiable when he needs to be.

He is flexible and know how to deal with situations that need finesse, but his arrogance and pushy charm can get him in trouble.

His need for attention often looks arrogant in other eyes, but few can notice it's more just a need for ponies.

Occupation: Gambler

Family/Hometown/”Childhood”: Has parents, but mother has been replaced several times over and dad is not in contact.

Brief backstory: While jumping from town to town winning until being kicked out, he decided to seek something more.


Strength: 4

Perception 5

Endurance: 3

Charisma: 7

Intelligence: 8

Agility: 4

Luck: 9

(Very luck/intelligence based, clearly)


Bolt-Action Hunting rifle. (Powerful and accurate, but slow to reload/Cock.)


Revolver (Six shot)


(Also, Hi!)

((Perhaps during interactions between the two threads could be in a separate thread/pm group.)

Edited by MyLittleCell
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Hmm... Black.

Player Name: Shame

Character Name: Alistar 'Ziggs' Kretz (He HATES when people call him Ziggs!)

Race: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Age: 12 (Human years)

Physical description: He's just a kid. You know, nothing special. Average height for his age and the like. Let's do it like this:

Mane/Tail: Dull yellow with a red orange streak through his mane

Cutie mark (if applicable): A caduceus on a red cross.


Personality: A bit reserved at times, Alistar tends to let people speak before him, not wanting to interrupt. He is full of random information and tends to speak of things that he knows won't interest people, but simply because he knows and wants people to know he knows. Although he was born outside a vault he has little to show for experience with the horrors of the new world, only hearing stories of things such as radiated creatures and stallions in metal armor. Easily spooked, easily embarrassed, easily frustrated. He's a kid.

Occupation: Previously worked as a buscolt in a cantina located somewhere between sand and a cactus.

Family/Hometown/”Childhood”: Alistar was raised in a saloon in the middle of the desert called 'Lady Luck' by a mare named Rusty. He always called her 'mom', and never quite knew her full name. She owned the place and he grew up never leaving it's walls, of course until one fateful day...

Brief backstory: Alistar was abandoned as an infant on the doorstep of a western saloon with nothing but the word 'Ziggs' written on the delivery box he was found in. Rusty, the mare who found him, took him in and raised him like one of her own. He was obviously an only child and he was obviously very bored. To entertain him while she worked, Rusty gave little Alistar stacks of books she had gathered over time and he began to read. Oh he read, and read, and read until he found a pattern. Oh how he loved the books about medicine, they entertained him. He would clear them in a day, massive medical dictionaries and study books. He would practice on wounded ponies who entered the saloon and became very good at what he did. His mother gave him a small allowance in exchange for working in the saloon and he began to buy books from travelers, medical instruments and scraps. He made a name for the Lucky Lady. A name that hit the ears of a few bandits looking for a fix. One night, they raided that saloon and slaughtered Rusty, tearing the building apart and taking every ounce of anything that had a price, everything but Alistar's stash. When he awoke the next morning to find the nightmare that had interrupted his life he grabbed what he could and ran. He ran for miles before collapsing in exhaustion, just outside a lonely city on the sands.


Strength: 2

Perception: 7

Endurance: 2

Charisma: 5

Intelligence: 10

Agility: 7

Luck: 7




Inventory: A beat-up medical case containing: A scalpel, surgical scissors, 3 rolls of guaze, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, a bottle of hemostat, forceps, a surgeon's needle and thread, a tourniquet, and a flask of whiskey. He also carries around two relatively large books on medicine, the important ones.

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Rainbow, duh.


Player Name: Shift

Character Name: Wildfire

Race: Griffon

Gender: Female

Age: Adult (27)

Physical description: She looks like an average griffon with some feathers forming into a 'mane'.

Cutie mark (if applicable): Hahahaha....no.


Personality: Headstrong, stubborn, and always ready to put up a fight. She's stuck-up and has the strangest mood swings, however, in a pinch, she's the best griffon to have at your side. She has an extremely short temper, and sometimes goes on violent rampages.

Occupation: Member of the Talons (Gawd's)

Family/Hometown/”Childhood”: New Appleoosa

Brief backstory: Was born in New Appleoosa, learned about the Talons and set off to join them. She's a member of Gawd's Talons, currently.


Strength: 10

Perception 5 

Endurance: 6

Charisma: 3

Intelligence: 4

Agility: 6

Luck: 6



Other: N/A

Inventory: A  Star Blaster that has been modified to snipe more at a distance and use a more wide range of ammo, in return, it is weaker, a bit of caps, that's it.

Edited by Shift
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Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Orange and purple, of course.


Player Name: PinkieDaShy
Character Name: Pluse
Race: Earth pony hybrid
Gender: Female
Age: ~23-25
Physical description: I can't type all that out, look at her profile.
Cutie Mark (if applicable): positive-negative sign with lighting bolts (bring on the cheesy!)
Personality: See profile.
Occupation: Pluse does not have a job; due to her nature, no one will hire her full-time, so she sells herbs that she collects.
Family/Hometown/”Childhood”: Pluse does not have a hometown or a childhood; however, she does not allow this to affect her performance (or she tries not to).
Brief Backstory: Lab baby. (Just read the profile, dammit.)

Strength: 4
Perception: 6
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 7
Luck: 5

(I hope I mathed correctly.)

Perks/Abilities: N/A
Inventory: a lighter (LOL)


Okay, I think that's all.

Edited by Suigintou
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@@MyLittleCell@@Shift: You're still missing something from your profile. Read over the rules again very carefully. img-1617622-1-wink.png


@@Shame, @: Welcome! I'll get working on putting profiles in the GDoc. In addition, PDS, you have one additional SPECIAL point to spend as you will (I THINK I did my math right. laugh.png )

In addition, I'm working on a Trottingham-area map for the other roleplay. Both groups will be getting the same map, I suppose (they got theirs from a Steel Ranger group while yours will be from the owner of the caravan train). From there I will mark where you guys are on the map and leave the direction up to you. 

Edited by Scoutaloo
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Profile has been fixed, forgot that little detail in the rules, I always forget details like that.

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Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Okey-dokey-lokey, four should be an okay number to start, and if a few others come in a little later then we can make that work. I'm drawing up the map now, then will either scan it to a computer or try to create a Pipboy-looking map using Paint.NET.

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Hey if you're looking for a map, I might just have something for you It's from an old game known as Gamma world it was the pen and paper version of fallout or if you remember it by it's original name waste land. The map is 3067 i believe and after a war that destroyed the planet. 




take a look. The black mark's with missing part's are highway road's that were destoryed and Yellow is Rad zones. 


Also are human's allowed? 

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Player Name: Rico Rodriguez (subject to change)

Character Name: Standoff

Race:  Earth-pony

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Physical description: Big, bulky, and with a scowl that'd shrivel a RadRoach.

Cutie mark (if applicable): Riot shield (see OC page)


Personality: Gruff, blunt and short.

Occupation: Gun-for-hire/peacekeeper/army grunt/anything else he thinks there's a buck in and has to do with murder

Family/Hometown/”Childhood”: All dead due to inland flooding

Brief backstory: After a quiet and hasty departure from Zeta base, where he'd been stationed, Standoff has roamed the wastelands cracking skulls and taking money.


Strength: 8

Perception: 5

Endurance: 9

Charisma: 3

Intelligence: 6

Agility: 5

Luck: 2 (dammit)


Inventory: An XM-25 shotgun with six mostly-full mags (five mags), signature custom-painted shield



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Hey if you're looking for a map, I might just have something for you It's from an old game known as Gamma world it was the pen and paper version of fallout or if you remember it by it's original name waste land. The map is 3067 i believe and after a war that destroyed the planet. 



Thanks, but I'm actually not absolutely terrible at drawing maps. happy.png  Now, if anyone knows a program that makes a Pipboy-looking map...THAT would be neat.




Also are human's allowed? 


While we might be taking creative liberties with canon at times, humans are a no-go. Sorry!



@: I need to look over your profile a little more closely later (pretty busy right now), but I can already say that you're missing one key component. Read over the rules very carefully again. wink.png  

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@, you failed to balance for the inevitability of someone not having a favorite color. Chumpy!


...my life...my life is a lie! I've been living a lie! Aaaahhh! 


Well, no color is still a color (somehow. Roll with me, here). I'll work on adding you to the list!

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@, Hello. You have interested me in this RP.


I am under a time crunch right now and cannot submit a character for another week. I feel bad. But this intrigues me, and I wish to be a part of it. Please reserve me a spot!


Okey-dokey, lemme see here...


With Rico in and Higurashi's spot, that makes six. However, I haven't heard from Higurashi in a while. If he doesn't show up by a few days' time then you can have the spot. Also, we might just do seven people, although that could get crazy cramped. happy.png 


I'm closing the RP to new sign-ups! Congrats (I guess) to everyone who made it in. wub.png

  • Brohoof 1

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Okey-dokey, lemme see here...


With Rico in and Higurashi's spot, that makes six. However, I haven't heard from Higurashi in a while. If he doesn't show up by a few days' time then you can have the spot. Also, we might just do seven people, although that could get crazy cramped. img-1620538-1-happy.png 


I'm closing the RP to new sign-ups! Congrats (I guess) to everyone who made it in. img-1620538-2-wub.png


Alright. Thanks a lot, Scoutaloo! I will be back next Saturday! The 13th, that is. See you then! :derp:

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Still working on the map. I should have quite a bit of free time tomorrow, so if anyone has questions or wants to make suggestions then go ahead.

PLEASE make suggestions, even if it is just a name or a place. I'm not joking about winging this. laugh.png The other group has opted for an "episodic" roleplay, where the events we find ourselves in align into a proper overarching storyline. Does that sound good to everyone here?

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(Knew I'd get back eventually. Yeah.... right.... sure. Don't judge me! img-1626752-1-angry.png None of my characters fit, so i made a new one! His theme is Thrift Shop from Macklemore! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9mmhh_wvkA)

Player Name: Higurashi

Character Name: Rusty 'Junkbox' Wrench

Race: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Age: Undetermined/Looks 29-31

Physical description: His is a body of a pony that would willingly haul a train engine piece by piece across a desert, but just as readily vanish into the sunset at the drop of a hat. Of course, he might steal the dropped hat as he ran by. To be simple, he had a body built for endurance. His muscles didn't bulge, but instead had the intensity of a coiled spring. His hooves were extremely well cared for, in order to run better. The soft tans and greys of his coat mix together so that he is easily camoflauged when he wants to hide. Large, warm, and deep blue eyes stare out of an otherwise gruff face that had turned leathery by the passage of wind, sand, and time. Curiously enough, he doesn't have a mane. It looks like he intention cuts it off. His only concession to hair is his short and spiky tail. This was so nopony could hold him down by his mane or tail. His horn was slightly curved and smoother than glass, though it was often encased in some form of contraption or other covering.

Cutie mark (if applicable): It's pretty much a picture of his name. An old style wrench, dotted with patches of rust and scars of use.

Personality: He is always straight to the point, lacking the patience or nerve for social niceties. Always speaking softly, one has to pay attention or be faced with the air closing around where he used to be before bolting. Not twitchy in a violent kind of way, his flight response is on a seemingly permenant hair trigger. He doesn't have enemies -persay-. That would mean he had someone he considered a friend. Rather, he regards the entire Wasteland with a caution bordering on paranoia. He does not expect the worst, but he is always, constantly, watching every move. The exalted and persuasive few that have gained his trust are closely watched to see that they do not betray his secrets.

Occupation: Looter/Junk Merchant/ Scavenger/Coward

Family/Hometown/”Childhood”/Brief backstory: Rusty Wrench is one of the few tough denziens that have managed to survive into old age after an entire lifetime in the open Wasteland. His father was a bandit and his mother was an unfortunate filly that was kidnapped. Not a happy story. Eventually returning to her home, his mother managed to scrape out a life for him on the outskirts of their town. Each of the residents would readily help her, but they despised Rusty Wrench for his father's deeds. As such, Rusty was an outcast in his own home, eventually exiled at the first sign that he might be a trouble-maker. All he had done was try to fix a radio and ended up making thing worse. To be short, the rest of his life had consisted of a few things: Running, collecting junk, fixing up his junk, more running, occasionally selling useful items to other travelers, and the occasional adventure.

Strength: 6

Perception: 6

Endurance: 5

Charisma: 3

Intelligence: 6

Agility: 6

Luck: 7


Other:  One closely guarded secret is that he was at one time a Slaver under a fictional persona, one which had a much feared reputation for snatching children in seemingly impossible conditions only to disappear into the Wasteland. Most were returned when their parents either paid a ransom or were too poor to be of worth. This period of his life haunts him constantly, though none can easily tell that he and the Slaver are in fact the same pony. His worst fears and nightmares are composed of the hapless few foals that were never returned to their parents and were instead sent into a life of pain and servitude. It is constantly on his mind that one or more of them may come seeking revenge.

Inventory: Improvised Toolkit, Large Saddlebags, Dual Sawn-off Shotguns


(So he's in the -Reformed Neutral- level of the Karma scale. Previously evil, but not any more. Not good however.)

Edited by Higurashi


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Okay, I have some ideas for the map. Also, good to see you, ! I'll work on adding you to the list in a bit.

@, you're back the day before I leave. I'll leave it up to you guys on whether to do six or seven characters. Heck, we could even do two groups (one of 3 and one of 4) travelling together to keep it sorta-separated. I dunno. You guys decide.

EDIT: Okay, the next two weeks are gonna suck for me. I have fair all of this week, then I leave for a week-long camp next Sunday. As such, there will be no posts. I won't start up the RP until after I return, as it would be lame to get five posts in then have to pause for weeks on end. Sorry for the delay.

Edited by Scoutaloo
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This uh.... still going? Cause I'm a little worried that it died out in the scheme of things... Hello? Anyone?


I wouldn't worry about it.

Scootaloo has another RP to track, and i think he's bus as i am with other projects.

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Yeah, Cell pretty much nailed it. I have lots to do (both fun things like RPs and IRL business), but the biggest thing is that I'm leaving tomorrow for a week. I promise I'll make it up to you guys! I'll, uh...buy you all ice cream? :P


But really, things just got crazy right around the time I starte this thread, and I do apologize.

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Don't worry about leaving for a week! On Thrusday i'm going to be leaving for a week too, since i'll be at camp.


Just notifying you guys ahead of time. 

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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