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open Super Hero: Origins RP


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Its the dawn of a new day in the city, a city that has seen better days, a city riddled with crime, but in the past few months something has happened a few individuals decided enough is enough and rose above to take back the city, these individuals are new, some more inexperienced than others, but all of them have a common goal, to take their city back

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Tempest walkeed through the streets of the city. If anypony threatened him, then they would regret it. The cyan pegesus was only wearing a cloak. "There will be no mercy. I will take this city back,even if I have to kill every low-life in this bloody town." He thought.

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The night air was thick as the dense fog engulfed the city. Even through the mask, Jordan could see his breath in front of him, dancing into the sky. 


This is not his first night out like this. For the last couple of months, he has been out there. The vast majority of nights were simply reconnaissance; He needed to know what he was up against. Doubts began to seep into his consciousnesses; was this too early? Should he wait for another night? No. He has been training for this for years; he is ready.


Jordan peers over the rooftop again. He has been sitting here for hours, though it shouldn't be much longer. Just as this thought left his mind, a van pulls up to the warehouse in view. Out of the back, several armed thugs race out and begin to scan the area. Two more vehicles pull up from the opposite direction, and just like the van several armed men pile out. 


Right on schedule. 



The two groups approach each other casually and begin to exchange cargo. This was a clear arms deal. Time to move.








Jordan Makes his way down the back way from the building he was stationed on. He needed to get closer. Moving through the alleyway, he took cover behind a dumpster; the two groups were visible from this spot. Reaching, for his belt, Jordan pulled out one of his grenades, pulled the pin and rolled it towards the groups. In a matter of seconds, smoke engulfed the surrounding area, catching the thugs completely off guard. 


"What the hell?" One of the men shouted, coughing wildly. 


Jordan did not let them catch their bearings. Before they could recover, he tossed two frag grenades into the fray. 


A large explosion sets the van ablaze, killing three of the men. The remaining thugs began firing their guns wildly, frantically trying to get to cover. Jordan moves up from behind the dumpster and takes aim with his assault rifle. 


With a series of clean shots, he took down four more armed men. The remaining two were taking cover behind one of the other cars, trying desperate to get out of the line of fire.



Time to finish it.


He drops his gun and unsheathes his sword. Dashing forward, he manages to avoid the occasional pot shot fired at him. With one leap, Jordan manages to jump over the car; he was now within striking distance. One clean cut was all it took to decapitate the man in front of him. 


The final man was terrified. He dropped his weapon and put his arms up in the air. He was visibly shaking.



"P...Please, don't kill me! I surrender! Just stop!" He frantically pleads for his life. 




Jordan grabs him by the collar and slams him against the hood of the car. 


"Listen and listen good..." Jordan says in a gruff tone. 


"I am not sparing you out of mercy or pity. You are going to send a message. Tell your boss that the dead come to claim his life."



And with that, he headbutts the man, knocking him unconscious.

Edited by ~Lawful Jordo~



Signature by Klopp Wonka




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(OoC: Silas will be participating rather than Slaes; same character, only humanized.)


Silas was standing in the middle of a waterpark.


Perhaps this would be normal were Silas to be frolicking in its waters, as it was an admittedly warm day, but no, all he did was stand still, never wavering, never blinking. His thick sweater and long dark pants seemed out of place, and his shoes were so shiny that children passing with their parents stared into them wonderingly, their own reflections slightly distorted in them. One of the children reached to touch his face on the black leather but a large cut ripped across his back as he did so, and his mother shooed him away as he cried, glaring at Silas as though it was his fault. Silas shrugged; he had no weapon.


Well, maybe that was a lie; but he didn't have a tangible weapon, and therefore, what could the woman prove? She stared at him a few seconds more, and then nodded, moving on towards a medical station.


Silas was not one for children; he found them loud and irritating, and they didn't have much use besides acting as excellent shields in a fight. However, he would endure for now, until he could find them.


Apparently his quarry had escaped here, and was hiding amongst the loud sounds and general hubbub. It may have been a good place to hide, but it only furthered Silas' amusement that the man thought he could hide.


Not long now, and it would all be over.



(Sorry, I have to go, so I cannot complete this post...I'll do the rest later.)


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*Crow switched off his headphones as he licked the las bit of cheesy resudue from his fingers. He crumpled up his bag of cheese doodles and threw it over his shoulder where it bounced neatly into a trash can. He looked over his shoulder to confirm his shot and smiled. He snapped his clawed gauntlet back onto his arm and stood up from his seat on the park bench. He flipped up the hood of his sleeveless jacket and began to walk on his way. His phone buzzed in his pocket. Crow took his phone out abd held it up to his head.*

"Hello?....... Yeah, thats me....... Okay....... Okay....... The third one I think......... Nah, thats not my style........ No......... Yes....... So in about seven minutes?......... Sounds good..... Ah...... Ye......... I.......... I love you too........"

*Crow ended the call and replaced his phone in his pocket, he then rolled his eyes with a smile and ran off towards the city docks with a silly smile on his face.*


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In a basement somewhere in the city, a large figure in a suit is smoking a cigar, a thug approached him "hey boss, our men are in position" the man in the suit smiled at hearing the news "good, tell them to be ready for my signal" the thug nodded and ran off to prepare for his signal

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Louise Burton leaned against a shop window, casually rolling a cigarette. She was wearing dark glasses, a green net top and black jeans, with boots. She looked both harmless and unintimidating, just another punk teenager but there was more to Louise than met the eye. She finished rolling her cigarette, lit it and took a drag as she watched the shop accross the road. It was a jewelry shop, and the information she'd overheard earlier that day spoke of a raid. Louise was not disappointed; a car drew up outside the shop and two masked men got out. Louise grinned to herself and sauntered accross the road, standing in front of them.


"Hey, guys," she said to the taller of the men. "I don't think it's such a good day for a robbery. If I were you, I'd get right back into that car and head back to where I came from."


The man looked at Louise and laughed. "Sorry, sweetheart," he said, patronisingly. "If I were you, I'd move my cute little behind right out the way before I got that behind kicked into next week."


Louise finished her cigarette and threw it on the floor. "Your funeral," she replied. "Don't say I didn't warn you..."


Without further ado, Louise clenched her fists and shot a fusilage of knuckle bones right into the man's face. The bones were as hard as bullets, and acted the same. The would be robber went down, cluctching his face and screaming behind his mask. His friend pulled a gun.


"You bitch!" he yelled at her. "Freaky mutant bitch! You're gonna get yours, right now!"


Louise smiled, then sliced at the gun with a finger. As she did so, a hard spike of bone slid out of her finger tip. It cut the barrel of the gun in half, and the man stood there, aghast. Not for long tho; Louise hit him hard between the eyes and he slid to the floor to join his collegue.


Louise walked to the nearest phone box and made an anonymous call to the police. Then she slipped away from the scene of the crime.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Tempest noticed someone trying to pickpocket him and grabbed the pony by the neck. The cyan pegesus then slammed the would be robber into the ground. "You shouldn't have done that." He said, as a sphere of aura formed on his hoof. Tempest then shot the projectile, killing the would-be criminal. The cyan pegesus then flew into the air.

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*Crow stopped quick as he arrived at the harbor. He saw a group of suspicious men men unloading suspicious boxes from a small cargo boat. He reached to his back with his unclawed hand and grabbed the collapsed tomahawk and flicked it forward quickly uncollapsing it. He hopped out from behind his cover and threw the tomahawk. It spun through the air and the blade slammed into a wooden post centimeters from one of the smugglers heads.

"Hey boyos. So whats goin on here?"

*Crow said to the men with a smile.*


"Get out of here kid. You dont belong here."

*Crow smiled at this and pointed upward. There was a crate falling. His tomahawk throw had sliced a rope and released the crate from its suspension. The crate crashed down and landed on several of the men and the boxes they were unloading. The boxes splintered and a large amount of syringes, many of them now broken, poured out as did large amounts of the drug contained within.*


"Tsk tsk. Smugglimg drugs is bad, mkay. You really shouldnt do it."

*Crow said with a mocking smile. He walked over to the post where his tomahawk was lodged and pulled it out. One last smuggler ran at him and he quickly turned around and slashed at his face with his claw gauntlet, leaving adeep gash. The man fell down, unconcious. Crow looked over to the small cargo boat. There was no one on it, but still a lot of boxes. He took a lighter out of his pocket, flicked it on, and tossed it onto the boat. He walked away singing.*

"I fell in to a burning ring of fire."

*Crow laughed as he slipped back into the shadows.*


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Silas sensed something in the air; it wasn't the heartbeats of those around him, which were audible, but he could smell something, likely who he was seeking. Pleased with himself, he inspected the ground for any signs of a wounded person; unfortunately, any water that people had dripped had washed the markings of blood away. 


This one is cleverer than I would have thought, Silas mused, but it was no matter; he would be able to find him, as the wound hadn't closed. He had done quite the number on his leg before he escaped, but he hadn't the chance to do much else before a thug attacked from behind and he was overwhelmed. Though he had been off his guard, he wouldn't make that mistake again. He had never been robbed before, and it wasn't likely that anyone would leave him alone about it.


He followed the smell, and after a short distance noticed an ajar door to a cellar of some sort-likely where they stored food for the multiple restaurants on the site. This section was relatively deserted; it was rather dark out and many were going home, leaving him able to easily gain access.


Moving stealthily among piles of food, Silas heard a moaning noise; likely the man had tried to get rid of the pus that was slowly oozing out, but Silas knew his stuff-the poison wouldn't be easy to get out. He poked his head out from behind a stack of frozen doughnut boxes to see him place frozen peas over the gaping wound. It was larger than Silas remembered, and he felt slightly more pleased with himself.


He dashed from behind his cover, and the man looked up and quickly aimed his gun. Silas smiled and opened his hand, and several tendrils of a deep red liquid lazily curled out, swirling around the weapon. He yanked back and it caught around it like a lasso, and the gun jerked into Silas' hand, where he twirled it lazily then pointed at the mans head, who began to beg and sweat profusely. The blood began to curl into his hand again, and there seemed to be no marks.


"Little boy shouldn't be playing with the big kids on the playground," Silas said, amused, and he made a move as if to pull the trigger. The man cried out and covered his face and the hemomancer laughed cruelly. "Nor should he be playing the the big kid toys." 


His victim made a move as if to escape but more tendrils shot out of his free hand and tied him up, making disturbing sloshing noises all the while and leaving red stains on his clothing. Silas cocked his head and gestured the gun at his leg.


"That doesn't look too good," he simpered. "Let me have a look."


He moved closer and the other man flinched but he ignored this and knelt over, eying the wound. After a few seconds he barked with laughter, and pointed his gun at his leg.


"Now, this is going to hurt very little." He thought for a moment. "Wait, never mind, a lot. I don't know what it's like to, you know...die."


The man made a whimpering noise from behind the blood that washed over his mouth like a gag. Silas put his hand to his ear and added, "Pardon? I couldn't hear you, maybe you should speak louder." He pulled the trigger and fired into the mans leg, and then covered his mouth with his hand. "Oh, too late."


As soon as he fired the shot Silas was running as fast as he could-he had ten seconds to get out of there before-


There was an enormous explosion as Silas threw himself out of the cellar and the entire building collapsed, catching his leg under some rubble. It made a small cracking noise, and he pulled himself out. He noticed a young lady security guard who came running and grabbed her, placing his hand against her leg. There was a horrible sucking noise as he began to remove the blood from her body and absorb it into his. Unfortunately the bone was still broken, but at least he wasn't bleeding any longer. He released the security guard, who was now unconscious, and considered killing her to cover his tracks, but his leg throbbed and he knew it wasn't worth it right now; that would cause too much attention, as more guards were arriving. He would need to feed soon, however-he was finding that merely taking blood wasn't nearly as effective.


He crawled out to the harbour in the shadows and fell over on the dock, lying there silently as he tried to regain his breath.



He saw a burning ship in the distance and felt vaguely confused. The flames danced prettily over the water, but they were a bit blurry-he had taken a hard hit.


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*Crow spotted the man from a little ways away. He thought for a moment, then made up his mind. He jumped off the box he was sitting on and rolled over to the man. He went up next to him.*

"Hey buuuuuuuddy, how ya doin?"

*He smiled at the man.*

"You feelin alright? Need a hand?"

Edited by Erperler


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Silas stared up at him from the ground. For a moment, he thought to attack, but realized how weak he was-and this man smelled of fire.

"Well, I would like to know why you torched the ship I got my drugs from," he said pleasantly, lying on his back and staring up. "They were an excellent source of profit for those fine young men, and now look, you've gone and murdered them all. And I thought I was unpleasant. Now, fine sir, if you'd lend me a hand...I appear to have injured myself." He stuck out his left hand and smiled politely, the picture of innocence, though he was covered in soot.


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Abaddon growled in eagerness as he spotted a group of hoodlums surround a few passerbys, drawing their typical knives and guns to intimidate them as they shouted threats and vulgar things towards the females in the group.

"They become so adorably scared once they realize the fate which is to befall them at my arrival!"

Abaddon spoke, his voice growling and snakelike, yet with traces of human tones and inflections. A second voice actually responded to his, similar to the monstrous tone but more shrill and alien.

"How do you want to kill them? Classic snakebite or all out maul them?"


Abaddon jokingly put a sharp claw to his chin and exaggerated his thinking, hissing in amusement as he drew nearer to the area of the thugs by swinging on strange, black tendrils which spawned infinitely from his claws.



Abaddon made no other sound as he sprang down on the head thug, a sickening crunch being heard as his inhumanly large and sharp fangs bit the head clean off the shoulders.


He roared as tendrils sprouted from his back and impaled the other thugs, dividing inside their bodies to rip them in several pieces. The poor passerbys were noticeably terrified, and ran away screaming about a monster...

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Silas stared up at him from the ground. For a moment, he thought to attack, but realized how weak he was-and this man smelled of fire.

"Well, I would like to know why you torched the ship I got my drugs from," he said pleasantly, lying on his back and staring up. "They were an excellent source of profit for those fine young men, and now look, you've gone and murdered them all. And I thought I was unpleasant. Now, fine sir, if you'd lend me a hand...I appear to have injured myself." He stuck out his left hand and smiled politely, the picture of innocence, though he was covered in soot.

"Illegal smuggling, you know the deal."

*Crow said with a smile and a shrug.*

"My name is Crow by the way, nice to meetcha."

*Crow grabbed Silas' left hand with his own, gauntleted one and pulled Silas to his feet.*

"So whats with all the soot? Been in a couple explosions lately? Sounds fun."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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(As per usual you're the violent one. XD)



"I wouldn't call it an explosion so much as a diversion," said Silas with a shrug. "A bit of fun, it was, I must admit...but it was my duty all the same."

The man holding him felt strong and Silas' plans to lure him away to feed were evaporating. With his leg, he'd be hard-pressed for a quick getaway, even with his powers, which were dampened by the pain. To be mortal was such a pity.

"Crow is an interesting name," he said, but withheld his own. "So, how shall we get to the hospital?" 


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(What do you expect from symbiotes :P?)


Abaddon relished in his victimized thugs, devouring their remains as he used their blood to paint warnings of deaths to any criminals and their kind. Once done, he scaled the buildings again to continue looking for crimes to interrupt. He began to feel unsatisfied though...


"It's been too long since we've faced anything major..."

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(As per usual you're the violent one. XD)



"I wouldn't call it an explosion so much as a diversion," said Silas with a shrug. "A bit of fun, it was, I must admit...but it was my duty all the same."

The man holding him felt strong and Silas' plans to lure him away to feed were evaporating. With his leg, he'd be hard-pressed for a quick getaway, even with his powers, which were dampened by the pain. To be mortal was such a pity.

"Crow is an interesting name," he said, but withheld his own. "So, how shall we get to the hospital?" 

"Its an alias."

*Crow said with a shrug.*

"Cant go giving out my real name, now can I?"

*He grinned.*

"Guess we could just walk. Ill lend you my shoulder if you need it, Hospital isn't too far away anyhow."

*Crow looked over at the city. He pointed to a tall building a few blocks away.*

"Thats the one, there. If only I was more like my namesake, then I could fly us there."

*He joked.*

"But alas, my flight is artificial, my skates do most of that for me."

*He lifted up his foot to show off the motorized stunt roller blade.*

"These let me fly like no one else. Shock absorbers too, so I don't shatter upon landing. Takes ages to learn how to use em though. So, you ready to go?"

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"Well, Crow, people just might think you have something to hide..." said Silas in a politely interested tone of voice, but his eyes glittered dangerously. He spoke slightly louder and more cheerfully. "I will let you lead the way, though do keep in mind that I won't be able to skate. Shall you carry me, Prince Charming?" He batted his eyelashes with a little smirk and fluttered his hands.


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"Well, Crow, people just might think you have something to hide..." said Silas in a politely interested tone of voice, but his eyes glittered dangerously. He spoke slightly louder and more cheerfully. "I will let you lead the way, though do keep in mind that I won't be able to skate. Shall you carry me, Prince Charming?" He batted his eyelashes with a little smirk and fluttered his hands.

"If that is what you desire my fair maiden."

*Crow said with a smirk.*

"Or maybe I could lock the wheels and walk like a normal human."

*He lifted up his foot and flipped a switch between the wheels, he did the same on the other skate.*

"There, locked wheels, now my beautiful princess, shall we be off to the wonderful land of far, far, away?"


(I am having way too much fun with this. xD)

Edited by Lord Loki

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Silas swooned and fanned himself with his hand.

"Sir is too kind," he said graciously. "And quite the handsome man, I may add. Now, let's see, I believe I am quite ready to go." He winced slightly as pain lanced up his leg and his face contorted angrily, but within a few moments it was smooth again and smiling. "Onwards, I say!"


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Silas swooned and fanned himself with his hand.

"Sir is too kind," he said graciously. "And quite the handsome man, I may add. Now, let's see, I believe I am quite ready to go." He winced slightly as pain lanced up his leg and his face contorted angrily, but within a few moments it was smooth again and smiling. "Onwards, I say!"

"Then let us be off!"

*Crow said as they began to limp towards the hospital. It took them about half an hour, but eventually, they made it there. Crow stopped with Silas in front of the hospital.*

"Question, are we going to look suspicious walking into a hospital like this? A hooded man, with a claw, roller blades, and a tomahawk, and a guy covered in soot with a broken leg."

*Crow looked at Silas*

"I guess we will have to see, wont we?"

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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(Crow x Silas. The Bear and the Maiden Fair. It is canon. :-p)

"I'm going to have to say that that is more suspicious," said Silas, pointing towards a seemingly abandoned sideroad. 


The road was splattered with gore, and Silas was intrigued; this almost (almost) lived up to his own expectations, and it was nice to see that someone else had the same idea. However, it was rather distasteful; there was no art to it. Silas preferred his way over this blatant mess.

"Sloppy job, whoever did that," he murmured. "They'll be caught in a moment." Unconcerned, he looked at Crow. "Let us proceed."


(GTG, guys, my roommate is tired and it's 11 p.m. here. See you tomorrow.)


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Ooc: Could somepony interact with my character? Pwease? XD


Louise walked fearlessly thru the dark alleyway. Not every young woman could do so, but then again, there were few like her, or so Louise had heard. She had developed her powers at the age of thirteen and had as a result felt cut off from the rest of the human race. She often wondered if there were others like her, or if she truly was alone in the world.


A man jumped in front of her, and Louise gave a twitch of annoyance. "Will you get out of my way," she snapped. The man grinned. "Not a chance, beautiful," he said with a leer. "I'd like to get to know you better." He took out a knife. "I think you'll want to let me, now."


"In your dreams!" Louise retorted. She stretched out a finger, and a sliver of bone shot out, impaling the man thru the throat. Louise felt no sorrow at taking the man's life; he was undoubtedly an evil man who had hurt many women. He deserved to die.

  • Brohoof 1



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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(Crow x Silas. The Bear and the Maiden Fair. It is canon. :-p)

"I'm going to have to say that that is more suspicious," said Silas, pointing towards a seemingly abandoned sideroad.


The road was splattered with gore, and Silas was intrigued; this almost (almost) lived up to his own expectations, and it was nice to see that someone else had the same idea. However, it was rather distasteful; there was no art to it. Silas preferred his way over this blatant mess.

"Sloppy job, whoever did that," he murmured. "They'll be caught in a moment." Unconcerned, he looked at Crow. "Let us proceed."


(GTG, guys, my roommate is tired and it's 11 p.m. here. See you tomorrow.)


*Crow said with a surprised look. He shook it off though.*

"Yeah. Lets head in."

*The two limped the rest of the way into the hospital. Once they were inside, nearly all of the people there stared at them.*

"What? You got a problem with it?"

*Crow said rather loudly. The people went back to their business.*


Ooc: Could somepony interact with my character? Pwease? XD


Louise walked fearlessly thru the dark alleyway. Not every young woman could do so, but then again, there were few like her, or so Louise had heard. She had developed her powers at the age of thirteen and had as a result felt cut off from the rest of the human race. She often wondered if there were others like her, or if she truly was alone in the world.


A man jumped in front of her, and Louise gave a twitch of annoyance. "Will you get out of my way," she snapped. The man grinned. "Not a chance, beautiful," he said with a leer. "I'd like to get to know you better." He took out a knife. "I think you'll want to let me, now."


"In your dreams!" Louise retorted. She stretched out a finger, and a sliver of bone shot out, impaling the man thru the throat. Louise felt no sorrow at taking the man's life; he was undoubtedly an evil man who had hurt many women. He deserved to die.

"Damn girl, thats salty!"

*Titan said, walking up behind Louise.*

"Killed that scrub without a thought. Not badly done."

*Titan smiled a big smile at the girl before her.*


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"Damn girl, thats salty!"

*Titan said, walking up behind Louise.*

"Killed that scrub without a thought. Not badly done."

*Titan smiled a big smile at the girl before her.*

Louise turned to face the woman behind her. She said, "He deserved to die. Who knows how many defenceless women he got away with attacking? This city is a mess, when the likes of him are allowed to roam free. Since I've got these weird powers, I might as well use them."


She paused, then said, "My name's Louise. I like to call myself a vigilante. What's your name?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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