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private Land of Shadows

Umbral Noir

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((Time! Yay! School holidays for two weeks too. YAY. I'll definitely be posting more))

Evening giggled at the photo Autumn had put in the letter of their mother, seeing her when she was young was definitely something she could laugh freely about, even if she didn't look much different from then to now. She had a mental note to go catch up with Autumn tomorrow and slipped the silver paper back into the cute pink envelope.

Putting the pink one aside, she picked up the purple one. It was delicate and kindly, her name written in nice, messy cursive was written in a fat black felt. She turned it over to find a small, green heart sticker with light pink and blue flowers holding the fold into its hold. She smiled at it and open it, she knew who this was from.

As she unfolded the paper and held it up to her face, she could see it was filled with the same messy cursive that was on the top of envelope. She began to read;

"Dearest Eve

I am so delighted to be invited to your wedding, I haven't seen you in the longest time! The stories of Sterling sacrifice for you have been spread far and wide, and a brilliant one it is too. I will definitely be attending, I wouldn't miss meeting your friends for the world, let alone your wedding. It's too bad you can't meet all my friends, even if I don't consider any of them as friends apart from the one you've meet and the one you are going to meet. And Yes, I'll be bringing my male friend with me, I know you want to meet him and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity along with your suggestion.

Also to add that I have a very important thing to discuss with you when I arrive, I wish not to talk to you about it in your wedding day, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to. At the after party, perhaps? I hope you don't get too worked up over this, but what I will tell is you is at extreme importance that I tell you. I'm now wincing that I actually WROTE that, but I know you'll be able to handle it until the night.

With Love."

That was it, that was her sign off. She smiled throughout it, nonetheless. She hadn't caught up with her in a long time and she was happy they could finally get together again, especially with Autumn too, her and Autumn were... close too, I guess. Her mention of the utmost important message she had to tell her frightened her slight, but like she had stated, Evening could handle it until the night.

Evening turned to the last envelope, the white one. Her name was written in a familiar quill-writing that she couldn't quick lick off the wall ((New Zealand expression, I'm not crazy, I swear)). Turning it over, she suddenly remembered whose familiar writing it was.
It was her mothers.
She giggled to herself and opened the envelope, holding the paper up and reading the writing in front of her;

"Dear Evening

I am very happy that one of my daughters is getting married, especially of that being you after all you went through after crashing on that cruise. I can't say that I regret letting you on that cruise, for you've had so many good things come out of it.
Do keep in mind that also, if you are having stress organizing your wedding, just know that I am here to help you. Your father and I have booked in at the Fairfield hotel, and I believe that it's not too far away from your apartment. Come visit us in Room 30 if you wish to talk, sweetie


Evening giggled hard, Autumn would love that surprise. By the lack of writing, Evening could tell her mother was up to something, she usually would write a whole adults-length novel whenever she got the chance, but Evening always loved her mothers letters. Even if.. If..

No, just no. This was a happy moment, and she'd stay happy as long as she possibly could.

Evening forced her smile back and slipped the letter back in its white envelope. She used her magic to move all the letters down to the floor, near the leg of the armchair and lay her head down. She really wanted to go upstairs and sleep next to Sterling, but she was so tired, she didn't felt as though she had the energy to move. She closed her eyes and let herself drift off, thinking about Autumn and her mom and gardens...

((Think its over? HELL NO! :angry: I'm in THE MOOD tonight, baby! Ima keep going till I can't anymore!))
((Dream post, dream post! Gosh, I love dream posts! :3 This roleplay was supposed to be darker right? Here, I'll give you a small piece of my opinion of dark~))


Each step was an echo, a very loud one at that matter. She walked slowly, her head dropping down to the floor as she panted heavily. Suddenly, there was a loud screeching sound, the mare swung her head up, looking behind her. She broke into a gallop, going faster and faster and she heard it's clicks get louder and closer. Her hoof beats, instead of going four in as a pace, started going to five, then six, then seven.. Then eight.

But its impossible to run that fast, right? Not when you're galloping for your life it's not. She was going so fast she hardly recognize the wall of a mountain in front of her, but when she did, she was going too fast to stop or make a sharp turn. She tried to turn but ended up skidding sideways, right into the wall. With a thud, everything went black. Then sight came back, but only to see a mouth full of rows of sharp teeth with a sound of the clicks from down the throat, but they were getting faster. Too fast.


The scene had changed, she was now sitting in the back corner of a small, dark room. There was a metal door in the middle of the wall in front of her, it had the smallest window with bars instead of glass. The only thing in the small jail ceil was a can in the other corner in the room and a tray of maggots and crushed beetles.

A sound came from the room, she looked up to see black slime, sticking on the roof. Shapes of snakes were being formed from them, the eyes, the scales, the tongue — everything was being made out of this black slime. She noticed it growing, spreading to the walls, sliding down the corners and spreading against the floor.

She pushed herself back with her hooves, but found she was weak from wounds all over her body. It was getting closer to her though. She stood herself up rushingly but collapsed on the floor, her eyes heaving shut with pain, she could feel herself dieing. She felt the black slime at the edge of her back hooves, it was slimy, sticky and.. cold. She let it comsume her, take over her whole body, she let it choke her, before she would kill herself


The scene again had changed. All that was in view was a dark pink pony, with long straight pink hair humming a tune while cleaning red liquid off of a knife above of a kitchen sink. Different types of knifes and hospital tools hung from the room from underneath a dim light, things like syringes, butcher knifes, even a bone saw.. The hum was a tune that very familiar, one that everypony should now.

Suddenly, the pink pony added words to the humming "My little pony, my little pony, aaahhhh-" the 'ah' turned in a cheery yet evil giggle. The giggle was a like cue for the lights to flicker, soon they it went out completely, the giggle still there and echoing through the darkness. But only out for a second before it came on again. The pink pony was now standing in front of her, looking at her with insane, sky blue eyes, and was holding up an axe while still giggling "You'll only feel a pinch" she whispered, the giggling turning into an evil, crazy laugh.


Evening woke up in a cold sweat, looking around she started stressing. It was dark, really dark. She threw her head around, looking for a light-switch of some sort, and soon found a light-switch on the wall. She used her magic to turn it on and she attempted to calm herself down. She was fine. Everything was fine. Sterling was upstairs. She gasped, Sterling. She used to her magic to pick up her envelopes (absently, even) and walked up the stairs, turning off the lights behind her.

As she walked in the bedroom, she saw Sterling sound asleep, she smiled, he looked so peaceful, with one hoof resting in front of his face it looked like he hadn't slept in ages. She slowly and carefully approached the bed and climbed in. As she was lying down, she heavily blinked, taking a few seconds to sort herself out. The nightmare was so vivid and.. dark. But it didn't matter now, Sterling was here to protect her from her nightmares. She was facing him, smiling, the moved her hoof so it was softly touching his and closed her eyes, letting herself sleep again..

((Okay, done!))

Edited by Budding Night
  • Brohoof 6

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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@Budding Night

(OOC: I'm not sure what to do with Steel and Clover... I really want to keep their talk going, but at the same time, DJ wants me to advance the story... Sorry about this Stelover.)


It was morning. The day before the wedding. Sterling had a much better night after that dream. Needless to say, it still bugged him. That mare... no... Nonetheless, Sterling had a restful sleep after that debacle. As his eyes opened to the bright lights shining from the sun's majestic rays he could feel a hoof by his hoof. When he turned to see who it was, Sterling smiled. Evening too must have had a good sleep. He approached Evening's side of the bed quietly, moving her hoof away as gently as he could. He approached Evening's ear and whispered soothingly, "Evie... It's the day before the wedding... We've got a lot to do... Dresses, family meetings, rehearsing... wakey wakey..."

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((OOC: Steel and Clover, you two can continue your little chat, if you wish. ;) I just thought we needed to press on a little, as we've still got our whole adventure to have too!))


DJ was flying high over Ponyville. He loved the feel of the wind in his face, soaring on the air currents and seeing the town and the lights of the houses below. However, as he watched, they went out, one by one. Ponies began to shout, gallop through the streets and cry out in panic. Whatever was happening, he was helpless to stop it. His wings wouldn’t let him go down to earth. Above the noice, he heard one voice loud than the rest. “DJ! DJ!” It sounded a lot like… “VINYL!” DJ called out, but to know avail. Her cries continued. She couldn’t hear him. Vinyl’s voice grew louder, until suddenly…



DJ sat up quickly, his eyes wide, sweat on his brow. He looked about and found himself in his hotel room, the first beams of light pouring in through the curtains. He then heard a knocking sound, followed by a voice. “DJ! DJ! Wake up sleepyhead!” He relaxed, recognising it as Vinyl’s.



“I’m coming, Vinyl!” he called back, before quickly getting ready and opening the door to let her in. “I guess I slept in a bit!” he said with a yawn.



“Well, it is almost midday!” she replied, laughing. “So, what shall we do today? We’ve got everything ready for when we go to the wedding, so is there anything left to do?”



DJ smiled at his marefriend. “I think so! We need to have a day to ourselves in Manehattan! There’s lots to do and see, so why don’t we explore the city, just the two of us?” Vinyl nodded in agreement, as the two of them went downstairs, talking and laughing, as they went for breakfast.


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As the sun was high up on the sky, it shone through one of the few holes in the cover of leaves above North. "T'was a very nice dream..." North mumbled to himself, almost sounding happy. "A big, dark, winged unicorn spoke loudly of everlasting night..." he said to nopony in particular.

He then noticed it was in the middle of the day, and he felt a bit lonely for once. He knew the others were out there in the city someplace, so he risked it, and left his safe, shady cover of leaves to have a look around town. Landing on the grass under the tree, a cloud of dust flew off of him as some of the remaining dust he had collected on his flight there fell out of his fur. "That reminds me..." he begun, as he looked towards some stores. "Must I have anything to wear for this wedding?" he said to himself, as he walked towards the stores to have a look at a few things.

  • Brohoof 1

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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((OOC: Okay now that it's the next day I can start posting again. YAY!  :yay: ))


What was once the cold, dim light of the moon was now the bright blinding sun of day. The strong light shone through the window and lit the room. Kismet's eyes fluttered open, still in the daze between sleep and consciousness. She forced herself up and gave a huge yawn, stretching her hooves out in front of her. It was the day before the wedding, and she had a lot to do.


Once she was up and refreshed, Kismet trotted out of her hotel room and rode the elevator down to the lobby. It was bustling with ponies, each having their own important meeting to attend to, or perhaps tending to their whining children, or even pestering an employee about the things they could do on their vacation. Kismet weaved her way through the chaos and made it to the breakfast buffet. She chose a piece of toast with strawberry jam and a glass of cold milk to drink. She carried her tray over to the nearest available table and sat down. She picked up her toast and was about to enjoy a tasty bite when she stopped short- 


There, through the thicket of strange ponies, was a face she recognized. A face that she hadn't seen in years; a face that caused a flood of memories of Evening rush into Kismet's mind. She had always been the older sister, but now she was a full grown mare. Her features had slightly changed over the years but there was no mistaking it: this was Autumn Glow. 


And she was sitting just four tables away.


((@@Budding Night, if you want Kismet to meet Autumn go ahead with my lead, if not just make her walk away  :catface: Up to you! ))

  • Brohoof 2

Meet my OC's : Honeycomb and Kismet


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Brick had just awoken from his slumber in his cozy little house just at the border of Hooflyn into Manehattan. The light was shining happily through Brick's glass window as he got up from his small, yet cozy bed. When he checked the time, he suddenly remembered with a gasp, "Oh fiddlesticks. I have to practice my organ pieces for Sterling's wedding tomorrow. Guess I'm off to the chapel again today."


Brick quickly prepared his sheet music. J. S. Bah, Haydel, Mendelhoof. He had his work cut out. 'Good thing Manehattan's Orchestra is also performing at Sterling's wedding. I don't have to do all the music for the wedding in that case! Not that it's a bad thing!' thought Brick as he walked out of his humble abode. 



Brick trotted frantically through Manehattan's streets as he approached the chapel. Brick was not much of a stallion with a good sense of direction, so he found himself walking around the city in circles. As he became more and more confused, he bumped into something really small. It felt like a colt, but he couldn't tell. He tripped over and fell, feeling slightly disoriented afterwards. He then spoke to himself in frustration, "Oh where is that chapel? I've got to practice for Sterling's wedding!"

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Blue Note was not eager to get out of bed. Especially after yesterday had taken such a horrifying turn. At least she managed not to completely break down until she was alone in her apartment. Alone... Blue Note rolled out of bed and looked in her mirror. She always started her day by fixing her mane, and it really needed fixing. She must have been tossing and turning all night; it would take forever to get the knots out.


Nothing was going well for her these days. Her pieces weren't selling, she was stuck street performing, giving lessons to brats, and taking random gigs just to make a bit, and now the only pony she had ever had real feelings for was getting married to somepony she had never even met! Blue Note contemplated getting back into bed after brushing her mane, but knew she couldn't. Not if she didn't want to make a fool of herself tomorrow. She sighed and walked into her work room, where her ancient piano stayed.


Piano was not her primary instrument, but Blue Note enjoyed playing it. Learning it had been a necessity once she realized composing was her talent. She dug through her sheet music until she found the folder where she kept the music from her college performances. Putting the correct music on the piano, she sat down on the bench, ready to play. Taking a deep breath, she noticed the picture of her and Sterling sitting on it. Instead of playing any actual warm up or music, she put her head down on the piano, creating a rather unpleasant sound.


What she wouldn't give to go back in time! Everything had seemed so much better then...




@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note returned the smile. "You would be correct. It seems we have similar seating preferences." She tried to avoid sitting near anyone that would distract her from class. She wasn't here to listen to gossip or somepony's opinion of her. "So, shall we proceed to music theory?"


Blue Note wondered if perhaps she could find a friend in Sterling. She hadn't been having much luck in that department so far, and it appeared he hadn't either. And they must have music in common, judging by their scheduling choices. Most ponies were apathetic towards her, which she often reciprocated. It was just easier that way; there was nopony to let her down. But she had to admit that she was getting lonely, if only to herself.

  • Brohoof 2


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Trotting around as best he could with all these other ponies wandering the streets, he entered a store every now and then to have a closer look. "These prices are ridiculous..." he said to himself almost grinning, as he stuffed some candies into his tiny saddlebag.


@@Sterling Crimson


He decided to take a look around the area around the chapel. Trotting to where he thought it was, another pony suddenly tripped over him, making him fall onto his side in the process. "Au... What was that..." he spoke, as he slowly tried to stand up, looking at the stallion.

  • Brohoof 2

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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Brick looked at the little blue colt as he regained his composure after the collision. He looked around to note his surroundings. He then spoke and asked cheekily, "Oh sorry about that little one. Shouldn't you be with your parents? Well no matter. Any idea where the chapel is? I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm playing on the organ for Sterling Crimson's wedding, the famed one that's hit Manehattan papers all over and aroused the masses you see?"  




Sterling looked around for any signs of pony life. He didn't want any rumours directed at him just because he was hanging out with a mare. He then replied nervously, "Yes... I... I guess we do huh Blue Note? And... I guess we could talk about some music theory. Would... would you like to do it over some coffee? We... We could chat about it there?" Sterling could feel his heart racing as he walked. Was it because he found Blue Note attractive? Was it because she approached him first like how Ace did the first time she met him? Was it because of the other ponies? In any case, Sterling's body began to sweat as he continued to walk with Blue Note. 

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@@Sterling Crimson


"Ah, him..." he said, as he put a hoof over his eyes to shade for the sunlight as he looked up at the tall buildings. "I was on me way there too..." he continued as he spotted the building he had jumped from to reach the chapel. "The kirke should be... That way." he said, as he pointed a hoof in the direction he remembered he flew compared to the building.

  • Brohoof 1

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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Brick didn't mind the little one guiding his way to the chapel; after all, he'd probably get lost again if her were on his own. "Thanks umm.... what's your name? I can't help but think I've seen you before... You don't mind if I walk with you there? I'm terrible with directions you see?" spoke a more composed Brick as he waited for the blue colt's response... 

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Ooc: Imma gonna post it as flashback, hope Steel doesn't mind!

Steel shook his head with a smile, put down his drink, and scooted right next to Clover.

He smoothly put a wing around her withers and placed a hoof on her leg; giving both a slow, gentle rub.

"You'd only be my second" He whispered. "I don't pretend to be an expert, I just do what my heart tells me." He took his other hoof, placed it under her chin and brought her face close to his; all the while keeping his dual back/leg rub. "We'll figure this out together my lady. Allow me to show you the first step." Steel closed his lips until they were mere inches from her's, his breath could be felt upon her lips.


When Clover woke up the next morning, the first thing she thought was that Steel was asleep on the couch in the next room, and she felt that her heart would burst with happiness. He wanted to be her coltfriend! Of course, Clover was a good filly and it wouldn't have been right to share a bed straight away, but they had kissed for a very long time the previous night. When it was time to go to bed, Steel had been a true gentlecolt. Clover got out of bed very quickly; she felt that she couldn't wait to see him again.


Ooc: Hope that's alright!

  • Brohoof 2



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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(Oopsey Daisy, feel asleep xD)

@@Sterling Crimson

After the vivid nightmares, Evening had slept very heavily throughout the night. She didn't have any more dreams, thankfully, but she couldn't forget her nightmares, not yet, anyways.

The mare soon heard a voice, she couldn't make out any words but "wakey, wakey". She sleepily grumbled and forced her eyelids to open, moving her head to look behind her, to the sound of the voice. What she saw pleasured her as a wake up, it was the gentle, kind face of Sterling Crimson.

The other words he said suddenly came to her; dress, day before wedding, rehearsals. She gave Sterling a sleepy smile, she wasn't quite read to 'wake up' but she supposed she was going to have to. "I'm.. I'm awake" she muttered "Good Morning" she smiled and pushed herself upwards, close enough to him to give him a soft kiss on the lips. As she pulled away, she started grasping on to the edges of reality away, she started waking up from her terrified nightmare state.

She got herself out of bed and did a quick stretch. She walked over next to where Sterling was, the morning kiss she gave him was defenitly waking her up quicker "Shall I make us some breakfast? What would you like?" She asked him kindly while giving him the same sleepy smile as before.



(Yes, this is happening :3)

Autumn was just eating breakfast cheerily at the breakfast buffet, she wasn't eating anymore than two slices of toast. The day ahead was exciting, she really hoped that Evening had read her letter by now, she hoped she would show at her doorstep of the hotel so they could go shopping for her dress together. That reminded her, she needed a dress too! She did happen to be quite an important part in her wedding. She chuckled, sorta.

It was then that she caught sight of somepony familiar, the mares face lit up as she gasped. It was Kismet, from her and Eve's childhood! She grinned at her, funnily enough, it just so happened that Kismet was already looking at her and was only four tables away.

She stood herself up and waddled over to Kismet, not even worrying about her toast being eaten like she normally would. As she got there, she gave the mare a huge grin "Kismet! Hey, funny seeing you here" Autumn beamed "You grew up so much! How have you been? What are you doing here?" Autumn giggled at herself from all the questions she was asking. Truthfully, she was just really super duper excited to see Kismet. It had been.. Awhile.

Edited by Budding Night
  • Brohoof 3

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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@Budding Night


Sterling saw the sleepy look from Evening's eyes. She must have spent a lot of time with that errand when Sterling walked off sleepily to bed. Feeling bad for Evening, he decided and spoke calmly, "Evie. You're looking tired right now. I can make the breakfast if you want. What do you want for breakfast Evie? I'll try my best to make it." 

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@@Sterling Crimson


"Me name be North." he begun, as he started trotting in the direction he pointed before he continued: "And I do not mind, for I too am quite disoriented in this strange city... And if you were at the kirke yesterday, then you might have seen me there then." he said, looking at the stallion.

  • Brohoof 2

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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@@Sterling Crimson

Evening smiled "I'm not too sleepy, just.. Nightmares, you know?" She spoke, her voice quivering and the word 'Nightmares' "T-Thank you, Sterling.. I'll just have a piece of toast, if we still have any bread." She turned her head back to look at the bed and saw her envelopes on the side table, she gave herself a mental note to talk to Sterling about those, and other things too.

Edited by Budding Night
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 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Brick walked in the direction that North gave. When he reached the chapel without any more setbacks, he entered the wooden hall towards the centre isle. Before reaching for the organ, he asked North, "what exactly are you doing here North? I'm practicing on the organ. You can listen to some of the pieces I'll be playing for Sterling if you want." 


@Budding Night


Sterling nodded at Evening's suggestion for bread and happily got up and trotted. Even though he was showing happiness and excitement on the outside, he too had a bad dream. It kept him awake for some time, but fortunately he got back to sleep. Sterling walked down the stairs into the dining room. He made some bread for Evening with her favourite flavour: jam. After all, it fit her mane colours. Sterling also got some Froot Hays for himself, his favourite cereal brand. He then walked back up the stairs with their breakfast ready and served it to Evening. "Here's your bread Evie. Enjoy." spoke a gentle Sterling before asking, "Whatcha planning to do first? We've got a lot to do!"

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@@Sterling Crimson


Evening gave a small blush and smile to Sterling as he came back up the stairs, she gratefully took the plate of toast and thanked him, then replies to his second speaking "I don't know. Although I must ask you, who is your best stallion? Who is the ring-bearer? The priest?" she questioned, taking a bite of toast "I've got my bridesmaid, but what about everypony else?"

Edited by Budding Night
  • Brohoof 2

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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@Sterling Crimson


"After class? I'm always up for coffee. I think we'll get along well." Blue Note grinned at him. Hanging out with somepony who wasn't unbearable would do her some good. As they walked together, she noticed he was acting oddly. Was he still worried about the ponies from before? He had been looking around like he was worried about seeing somepony, and he had been a bit nervous talking to her. "Are you okay? You seem a little on edge."

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@@Budding Night,


((Let's do this  




In what seemed like slow motion Kismet watched as Autumn Glow, Evening's older sister, rose from her table and walked towards her. Kismet's heart began to flutter and she became anxious. She knew Autumn quite well, and they were friendly with each other, yet something about speaking to a close pony you haven't seen for a long time is nerve-wracking. 


Autumn reached the edge of Kismet's table and smiled. She asked how she had been, and that she had grown up since last seeing her. Kismet blushed at the comments and tried to keep the shock out of her voice. 


"Wow.. Umm... Hi Autumn. I just.. didn't expect you to be here. At the hotel I mean. So are you here for Evening's wedding? Of course you are, never mind. Heh, sorry I'm a bit jumbled all over the place, it's early." Kismet took a sip of her milk, "What I'm trying to say is: Hello. I truly am glad to see you. I have been well, thank you. How have you and Evening gotten along? You know, after the move?" Kismet was feeling less surprised and slowly becoming more and more interested. If Autumn were here than it meant Evening must not be too far behind. It was all happening so quickly... For the first time in years Kismet would finally get to speak to her best friend again. 




Edited by Love*Potion
  • Brohoof 3

Meet my OC's : Honeycomb and Kismet


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@Budding Night


Oh my word... Sterling completely forgot about the best stallion, ring bearer, and the priest! Luckily, he remembered... "Yeah about that... I asked to be my best man, and he happily agreed. I'm going to ask North to become my ring bearer today as well! I just hope he's at the chapel today... I really need to ask him some time today... And as for the priest... I'll... I'll leave that as a surprise..." Sterling then finished with a wink as he sat beside Evening to enjoy his cereal.




Sterling continued to look around with fright, still worried about the rumour mill. He replied on edge to Blue Note, "No... nothing. It's... not you. Definitely not you. Don't worry about it. In fact, we're at the coffee store now! Nothing to worry about! I'll buy the coffee for you. You... you seem like a nice mare after all." Sterling walked into the coffee shop, buying two cappuccinos for them both. He then sat as he took a deep breath. After composing himself, Sterling spoke, "Alright. Let's talk music theory. What did you want to chat about?"   

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((Long. Post. Then. Laptop. Over-Heated.))




Autumn grinned, her stumble of words reminded her of when they were all young. "More or less, we've been well" she started "Evening was very upset after the move, she didn't smile much. Although a couple of months ago, Evening went on a cruise, and it crashed. Have you heard of the S.S Seagallop's crash? Evening was on that crash, and only just survived it. She meet her fiancé on an island she washed up on" Autumn giggled "Now look were they are! They've been through lots together, its good Evening can finally be happy after all these years"


The mare sigh in-mindedly, she probably knew that already. Autumn just loved to chat, really, especially since she hadn't seen Kismet in years and she was a close friend of Evenings, of course she wanted to give her the catch up on her little sisters life.




@@Sterling Crimson


Evening giggled after swallowing her mouthful of toast "Hehe, You cheeky thing" she smiled, then waited for a while, staring at her bread "I've invited my sister, Autumn Glow, to be my bridesmaid. You haven't met her, have you?" she took another bite and chewed it for a moment, she held her hoof up to her mouth "I'm going out with her today to get our dresses" she said, her words slouching from the food she was chomping on.


The rest of the wedding was still to be planned, Evening was stressing a tad, they couldn't get this all done in time, could they? Yes,. Of course they could. At that moment, she remembered the letters from last night, the offers of help she had gotten. Perhaps she could get them to help, if they really wanted to of course. She decided to consider it before talking about it with Sterling, for now she'd just wait for his reply

Edited by Budding Night
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 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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@Budding Night


Sterling so much wanted to meet Autumn Glow. He had only met Evening's parents and was only recently aware that Autumn was her sister. At the same time though, Evening needed to spend time with her sister to pick out the perfect wedding dress. Plus, he had some other errands to finish, like asking North to be his ring bearer and to make sure his special priest arrived. He was soon finished his breakfast. He then spoke to Evening, "Evie, unless you want me to go with you, I have some errands to finish before wedding day myself. I'll go and make sure North becomes our ring bearer along with checking on our finishing touches ok?"

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@@Sterling Crimson
Evening nodded "Okay. I think I'll just go with Autumn, the groom isn't supposed to see the brides dress until the wedding, remember" she said with a wink to add emphasis at the end. She continued to eat her toast in silence, but the silence felt werid. Evening though that she should bring up the offers from them now, it seemed like a good time to do so. "Sterling, if you need any help.. I got some letters in the mail last night. Both my mother and my sister offered help, if we need it"
((We need a DJ for the after party too, remember ;)))

  • Brohoof 1

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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@Budding Night


Sterling was so relieved when he heard that Evening's family would help out. He knew Sterling's parents would help but he knew they needed more help. He replied with relief, "Thank Celestia! We need to get the decor set up at the chapel! Your family would be so helpful for that! I've got my parents helping too but we need all the help we can get!"

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