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open It's Dark In Baltimare


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"Something like that, yeah." Scribe shrugged, not quite sure if he liked the fact that for the mist part Orion could read him like a book.


An open book. With pictures.


He wasn't exactly good at hiding a things normally but around Orion he didn't even get a chance to try.


"I'll give it a few minutes and head out. No idea where in going though." he laughed a little "I'll manage though, always do."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Icy was in the park watching the sunset. she was in the center of the small pond they had there sitting on a patch of ice she made. Icy had made it a point to only do this on days where she knew the park would be mostly empty. 

Even though she did like to watch the sunset, She love to the stars as they slowly appeared in the night sky, but she wouldn't be here all night, She would be her until most of the star came out, and then she would walk around town doing nothing and anything she wanted. She had a purse full of bits.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Emerald blushed slightly at the compliment. "That's what people tell me, anyway. I generally don't like to compare myself to anypony, especially not my brother. But, thank you, anyway. And that's really cool that you know my family. It's always nice when people recognize the family name. Like we're doing honor to it." 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


"At least your family name is legendary. The Crafts aren't very popular." Spark said, and shrugged.


"It's getting late, I should head home." Spark said, standing up. "Maybe you could swing by the shop again sometime. It's interesting to talk to you." She said, and offered her hoof out.

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Emerald nodded and shook her hoof. "Alright, then. I'll probably drop by again tomorrow. You're the only person in the city I know, and it's not like I have a whole lot else to do anyway, so you'll probably end up seeing a lot of me. Hopefully I won't wear out my welcome."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Spark nodded.


"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, Emerald." Spark said, and headed out the door. She walked the blocks to her shop, and locked up.


"Rernad, power down. You've done well." She said to Rernad, and watched his lights dim. She climbed up the stairs to her living quarters and fell into bed, quickly falling asleep.

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"Yeah, goodnight." Emerald got up and left, wandering around the city until he eventually found a hotel. He checked in for an indefinite stay and headed up to his room. He sat on the bed and sighed. It had been a long day. At least he had met a nice mare though. And even if she had shot him down, he wasn't going to give up that easily. 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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@@Snowy Storm,


Walking aimlessly through the streets, Scribe simply let his legs lead him wherever they would - he had a knack for finding himself in the right place at the right time, and eventually he did indeed stumble upon the correct place.


Walking by a park, he glanced through the gate and noticed a familiar form sitting...


'On the water?'


He made his way into the park.


'What am I supposed to say even? I'm no good at this... And how is she even...?'


Standing at the edge of the pond, he called out to the unicorn silhouetted against the sunset. "Beautiful evening. I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Dust noticed the time and got up from his seat. "Sorry take cut this short, but ah should really get goin." He trotted outside of the coffee shop and began the walk home. It wasn't too far until he found the small house that was his. He went inside and put his saddlebags down. He sighed and fell onto his bed.

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Pacific watched the stallion leave.

"Uh, okay, bye," she said, but he must not have heard because he didn't respond and continued out the door. 

Glow sighed, got up, and left. After a short while of walking, she arrived at the bookstore. She entered and went behind the counter, waiting for customers.

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Icy was happy being in the patch on Ice she was sitting on watching as the stars slowly began to appear in the sky much to her delight.

She heard a voice from behind her. She turned to face Scribe, Watching him from her small island of ice

"I guess you found me" she said a small smile. "No just enjoying the night rise"

"You may join me if you wish" She formed a small pathway from the shore to her island.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"You didn't make it easy." Scribe smiled as he apprehensively tested the ice before stepping onto it. "I had no idea where to start."


He made his way over to island.


"So I, uh, I wanted to apologise for earlier. Start over, like we said?" I shouldn't have been so judgemental of somepony know nothing about." He hung his head. "My apologies.""

Never quite forgotten.

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"I try not to hold grudges against any pony" Ice said as she got up from her island.

"As long as we start over you have nothing to apologize for" she expanded the size of her island to the point to where two ponies could actually sit on it.  she turned to watch as the final stars of the night finally showed themselves. She loved the night. 

"Do you think tonight looks so beautiful?"

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"I wish I sometimes took more time to appreciate it." Agreed Scribe, relieved to have at least not made a fool of himself already. He sat beside the mare, carefully. "Something you do often, I take it? Watching the stars?"


It had been a long time since he took the time to simply watch the night sky: too long. The view from the park didn't quite match up to that from the Crystal mountains, but it wasn't far off.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"When I'm not busy and have things to do" Icy was somewhat happy yo have at least another pony by her side. "It good to know that at least another pony also enjoys to watch the night sky. Most ponies would be asleep by now, and few actually view the night sky and it's beauty"

Icy closed her eyes and the air around her grew cold. She didn't notice that she was getting colder since she loved the cold.

"I would watch the stars all the time with my mother" She said as she opened her eyes, the colder air around her faded.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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'Just because I compared if to the mountains didn't mean I wanted it to feel like them... Scribe thought as he shivered a little in the cool air.


"A friend if mine has trouble sleeping." He shrugged. "After a while you get used to staying awake."


He watched the stars in the sky, wondering why it was that he didn't slow down to do anything like this any more - pleasantly surprised by how much he enjoyed the calm unicorns company.

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Dust was in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He had no idea why, but he couldn't fall asleep. He got out of bed and began trotting towards the door. Coal lifted his head and began to stand up. "Naw bud it's fine. Just goin fer a walk." The bunny happily obliged and lied back down. Dust opened his door and breathed in the chilled night air. He had done this a couple times before, on other occasions where he couldn't fall asleep. It was too late for anypony else to be out, which was great. Baltimare was so nice when it was quiet. He didn't know exactly where he was going, but he knew he just wanted to be out.

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"Well this is nice and I love the cold" Icy stood up from the ice.

"So is there anything else you would like to do? The night is still young" Icy began to walk on the ice path back to shore.

"Thanks for keeping me company" Icy said with a small smile. Just the simple act of being by her, made Icy feel good around Scribe.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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A late night train from Manehattan pulled into Baltimare. Despite the lateness of the hour, an ecstatic dark gray unicorn with black and yellow hair,  burst from the train doors. Nuclear Neurotic smiled, adjusting the couple small bags on her back. 

She had decided to head Baltimore on a whim and was excited to explore the city.

"Yes, finally here!" Nuclear exclaimed, trotting out of the station with a smile on her face. 

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"It's the very least I could do." Scribe said before frowning for a brief second. "I'm afraid I don't really know what there is to do, I've not seen much of the town."


He didn't want to leave the mare, but he didn't really know enough about the town to make any suggestions. Or about her for that matter.


An idea struck, he smiled towards the mare. "Maybe you could show me, if you don't mind? Where do you like to go? What do you do?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Dust was fairly close to the train station and heard it pull in. He was slightly surprised that a train would be coming in this late, but he knew that some ponies had to take long trips. He heard a loud voice, possibly a mare's, exclaim her excitement of being in Baltimare. It sounded like she was the only one who got off, and he debated whether he should actually go to the train station and greet her. He decided against it on the idea that it would be a little creepy and he continued onward with the walk he was having.

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"I don't have anyplace that would still be open. I usually spend most of the night walking around doing nothing" Icy stopped and thought about where to go. Nothing came to her.

"I know one place that is open and I can enter it for free since Regal knows the owner, but it's always full of rich ponies. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like it. We could just walk around for fun. Random things always seem to happen during the night"

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


Ironically, at that moment, Dust turned a corner and almost ran into Icy. He stopped himself short and squinted a bit. "Oh! Yer the ponies ah met earlier. 'Was just takin an evenin stroll and..." He took note that the two ponnies were alone and seemed to be fairly close to each other. "...and I seem to be interuptin somethin. Well ah should head home. It's gettin a bit late fer me. See ya round." Dust began to trot off with an exceptionally large grin on his face.

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Icy didn't pay attention and almost ran into another pony. She bowed to the pony

"I'm so sorry, I should have been paying attention" She then heard that accent. -I know that accent- she looked up and saw who it was.


"Yes I remember you. I met you at that new store" She watched as the pony turned to leave.

"I would like to know where you're from your accent is from I like it"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


Dust blushed a little at the compliment. He turned around so he could answer the pony. "Oh why thank ya kindly. Ahm from the coal mines of Ponyville. Not very known, but important ta the town. Not many ponies have the accent though. Ah think the it's just the Apples and mah family. Oh and the rock farmers. Ah take it from your accent that yer a Canterlot mare?" 

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