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open It's Dark In Baltimare


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"Sure, I mean, Cinders brilliant but her things have a tendency to... explode a bit." He shrugged. "Yeah I guess I could spread the word, so to speak. You mean Twilight Sparkle, by the way? You've been to Ponyville?"


Of all the places he could have ended up and all the ponies he could have spoken to, he happened to meet a friend of a friend.

Never quite forgotten.

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Orion laughed a bit when Scribes mentioned his 'explosive' friend. "Well I've already lost count of many explosions I've been through in my the pursuit of my invention goals. She seems like she just needs to know just bit on how to avoid spontaneous combustion and  heat ventilation errors." Orion replied.


"And Twilight Sparkle, don't even get me started. She was sort of a rival to me back in college. Sure there were moments where the tension was hot, but we tend to get along mostly on the subject of engineering. And I've been to Ponyville at least twice. Such as nice place....but way too old fashioned of a village in my opinion."


As Orion and Scribes were walking along the streets and many blocks, he noticed a shop, it looked similar to his as far architecture went. He noticed, upon reading the sign, that shop's purpose was for fixing and mechanical work. Orion thought to himself.


Hmm, that shop seems a bit like mine. It seems a bit empty too. I wonder if I should take to look and...maybe see whose the owner.


"Say, Scribes, are you seeing what I'm seeing? A tinker shop in need of more visitors? Just like mine!"

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"I think she kind of likes the explosions actually..." Scribe grinned. "Says it makes things more interesting."


After a few minutes of walking, they stopped outside a store which Orion seemed to take an interest in.


"Cant hurt to take a look, if you have time?" He said, motioning towards the door. "Maybe you'll learn a thing or two. Though its more likely that I'll be the one doing the learning."

Never quite forgotten.

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As Orion pushed the doors to the mysterious shop opened, the first thing that came to his mind was I wonder what sort of stuff this shop owner has in store! 


He was also curious on how he had never seem to notice the shop before, especially since it was only a few blocks away from his. He really thought he knew the whole area he lived in.


Why haven't I seen this store before!


Orion made sure to take a good look around first before meeting the owner. He saw all sorts of interesting stuff, but the one thing that caught his attention the most, as well as take him by surprise, was the various diagrams hung up on the walls for what appeared to be...new inventions! 


Whoever owned this store was an inventor just like him! Another specialist in mechanics! Another one who tried to make a living selling their own unique ideas and inventions. He truly thought he was the only one like that around here.


When he had finished looking around in amazement, he turned to face the owner, who was uniquely a unicorn mare. He was more surprised by the fact that there was another expert in his sort of field nearby rather than the fact that she was a mare. He knew a bunch of brilliant minded mares already, especially the magic and science expert, Twilight Sparkle.


He gave a soft smile to the store owner before introducing himself. "My name's Orion and it is amazing to meet another bright inventor around here."

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Spark was surprised by, well, his lack of surprise.


"Oh, I'm, uh, Spark Craft. You're an inventor too? I've actually never met another one." Spark said "Maybe we could spitball ideas sometime. I've never had the chance to do that with another pony" She added, hoping she sounded friendly.

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"I haven't really had much opportunity either. I've met scientists and genius of many sorts, but not exactly another inventor." Orion replied nonchalantly.


When he heard the mare mention that they could share ideas sometime Orion was further surprised but tried his best to not get too excited just yet.


"Um, that would be...well great! I've actually been looking for a partnership lately, and haven't found any luck...till now apparently!" Orion said, surprised how miraculously easy that was. He had already found a pony who truly shared a similar interest.


"I've only just met you however. So just to be sure, can you show us around the store more, maybe tell us a bit more about yourself and your ideas?" 

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Spark nodded.


"Do you know the legend of Greek Fire? I've managed to re-create a similar substance, but I've created this one to be much more powerful." Spark said, and pointed to a jar of swirling green jelly-like substance. She moved on the next thing on her shelf.


"I've also made a flying machine that is able to identify objects and retrieve them with a voice-activated command system." Spark said, and turned her head. "Rernad! Can you get me the Greek Fire please?" She said, and seconds later a machine came into the room and handed her the jar.

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Pacific was surprised at the hoof bump, but with the way he spoke, maybe he wasn't used to hoofshakes, so she let it slide. 

"Actually, I was considering Applebucks. I heard it's pretty good, but I havent been there yet. I've only been living here in Baltimare for a short while." She replied. 

"An eclipse? I think I heard something about one coming soon, but I thought they were joking or it was a rumour. It's to be expected that there's some hassle, Princess Celestia would have to stay up and send it somewhere that she wouldn't normally have it up for the eclipse to work.  I don't think anypony wants her to strain herself, even though she's immensely powerful." Pacific stopped talking then, realizing she was rambling. 

"Sorry, I guess I got carried away there. I'm keeping us from our meals." Her stomach growled in agreement.

"Speaking of which, do you mind if I join you at Applebucks?"

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((@, I don't even know how ponies would shake hooves :huh:))


Dust began walking in the direction of the small cafe. "Ah don't mind. But I also heard the eclipse is somethin outside of Celestia's control. Those are just rumors ah guess. But apparently there hasn't been an eclipse in almost 1000 years. Can ya believe that? It seems so odd to know bout somethin that happened generations ago." As Dust was speaking, Coal raised his head to look at Pacific. Since she was now slightly behind them and she could most likely see him, the bunny thought it was courtesy to at least acknowledge her presence.

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"Yes I heard of the legends about Greek Fire. Interesting how you were able to recreate it and not only that, but make it more powerful!" Orion commented with much enthusiasm.


He was impressed at the creation within the jar. This mare seemed to be very knowledgeable in chemistry, which is remarkable because of how rarely known it is. Less than 0.7 percent of the population knew about the subject.


This mare...could be useful... I still need to see more just to be certain.


When the mare presented her unique flying machine, he was further impressed. He had only heard scientific legends of robotic technology, but he never knew it was actually possible to give machines orders like a real pony. 


Okay now that is amazing! This mare clearly possesses talent in her field!"


"That's incredible. I never thought I'd see such technology actually work and interact with the creator! I've made a few pieces of machinery that can move by themselves, but voice command...now that's extraordinary."

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Greek Fire... Scribe had finally found an invention that seemed like it might have a use on the road. He had no idea what a 'Greek' was but he thought he understood the concept of what this was all about.


Not wanting to interrupt the other two - who seemed deep in conversation - he loitered around some other displays.

Never quite forgotten.

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((Sorry I've been gone from this thread so long everybody. I've been busy with... personal stuff.)) 


Emerald had been wandering around the city for a while when, for no particular reason, he decided to head into what appeared to be some sort of mechanic's shop. In fact, he entered just in time to see some sort of strange robot thing come flying in from the back, carrying something that looked incredibly dangerous. He approached the mare that seemed to be controlling it. "Um, what... what is that?" He gestured towards it with his hoof.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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@@Ampharos, ((Look at how AJ shook Twi's hoof in the first ep. Just not as excitedly xD))

"I suppose it is weirdto know about something you've never seen. We'll be lucky if we do get to see it. Talk aout once in a lifetime!"

Pacific said as she followed Dust. She noticed a small black bunny poke its head out of the stallion's saddlebag andlook at her. She smiled at it.

"Aww, your bunny is adorable. What's his -or her- name?"

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@@Ampharos, ((Look at how AJ shook Twi's hoof in the first ep. Just not as excitedly xD))

"I suppose it is weirdto know about something you've never seen. We'll be lucky if we do get to see it. Talk aout once in a lifetime!"

Pacific said as she followed Dust. She noticed a small black bunny poke its head out of the stallion's saddlebag andlook at her. She smiled at it.

"Aww, your bunny is adorable. What's his -or her- name?"

((On my iPod so no color this time))


"Oh this guy? He's Coal. Ah like ta think he's mah closest friend. It's been what... Somewhere around 15 years right bud?" The mellow hare gave a small nod and went back in the saddlebag. "Ah think Applebuck's is right around this corner..." And it was. The little cafe that many ponies went to.

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"Um, what... what is that?"

"I don't know, but I don't think it likes me." Scribe muttered awkwardly towards the newcomer without taking his eyes off of the contraption, uneasily stepping away when I came close before taking his ground back when it moved away.


"I'm not quite sure what I should do with it."

Never quite forgotten.

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Pacific smiled at the bunny as he nodded, then returned to his makeshift burrow. 

"Interesting, I've never had a pet. I wasn't allowed one as a filly, and a year or so after I got my cutie mark, I went to a boarding school to study, and pets weren't allowed on campus." She mused as she followed Diamond Dust into the little cafe. 

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"Pets are mighty fine ta have. Maybe you should get one. Ah kinda saved Coal and afterwords he wouldn't leave me alone. So ah took 'im in and kept 'im." Dust walked up to the counter and ordered his coffee and pastry. He looked back at Pacific. "So uh... what do ya do if ya don't mind me askin..."

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"Perhaps I will. My friend has a small spot for animals, I think she's passed a bit of that trait on to me. She would probably love to meet Coal, but unfortunately she doesn't live here in Baltimare.

Pacific ordered before answering.

"As in my job, or do you mean my special talent? Well, doesn't matter, I can answer both. I'm talented with elemental magic, specifically water and light magic. As for my current job, I work part-time in a bookstore at the moment, but I hope to become a teacher. How about you? That is, if you don't mind me asking."  She said, taking her order over to a table and sitting down.

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Dust smiled and followed Pacific to the table. "Well back in Ponyvile ah was a coal miner. Nowadays I'm just a brute for hire . Ya got some heavy stuff? I'll pull it. Need some landscaping? I'll plow it. Stuff like that. So Pacific, have ya always lived in Baltimare. Cuz I've met several folks taday who are fairly new to the town. Ah mahself moved here bout a years ago."

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"I see," Pacific Glow sad as she listened to him talk. "No, I've only been living here for a short while. I was born in aa small town on the coast. My family ran the lighthouse there. When I got my cutie mark, I helped my father power it until I was old enough to attend Manechester Academy for Talented Ponies. I stayed there until I graduated this summer, and I decided to live here.

She realized she was rambling again, and smiled apologetically. 

"There I go again, talk-talk-talk-talk-talk. i don't think I'm usually this chatty. Sorry about that."

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"It's nothing really. Thinks just pop into my head and then I build them!" Spark said, and gave the jar to Orion so he could get a closer look at it.


@, @@Alex Kennedy,


"Who? Rernad? Oh, it's okay. He's not a sentient being so he can't like or dislike you. Unless I program him to feel emotions, and that wouldn't be very smart of me." Spark said, then chuckled.

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"He won't stop watching me..." Scribe mumbled, trying to ignore the machine. "Sentient? Like, he's not alive? Next time I'm just bringing Cinder and letting her deal with all of this stuff."


All of these ponies, nobles and inventors... And here was Scribe, farmer-turned-adventurer who had no idea what the funny little machine watching him was.


He was a little out of his depth.

Never quite forgotten.

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"Nope, he's not alive" Spark said, and patted Rernad's side. "His only goal is to serve me. That's all I programmed him to do. I could call him an 'it' if I wanted to, but that wouldn't be very nice. And who's 'Cinder'? I don't know a 'Cinder'..." Spark said, and cocked her head questioningly.

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