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open naruto crossover rp


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In a dark room, severa people sat. All had seriois and grim expressions "are you sure they are ready for this? They did just become genin not too long ago..." said a female with dark blue hair, and a worried expression. "Oh, calm down luna, they're gonna be fine. I've trained my squad for this, they're ready." Said a man with white hair, and the only one not nervous or worried. "I believe... we should let them try. After all, the will of fire burns bright within them all, they will make us proud."said a very important looking woman with pink hair. "Yes madam hokage." Everyone but the white haired man said "discord, luna, go find cadence and your squads and notify them of our decision. "Whatever you say celestia." Said discord with a shrug, as they all left quickly.


((Yes, I made the sensei mlp characters. Sorry if that doesn't sit well with any of you, but I didn't realy have the time or paitence to make them up. Sorry. Discord is squad one sensei, luna is two, and cadence is three. I've already got their jutsu picked out, so dont worry.))


Sole yawned as he laid back on a tree branch, finally being able to rest after training for hours. "Man... my eyes hurt, I really need more training." He said tiredly, wondering what the rest of his squad was up to, as he relaxed calmly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Stone found herself lost in the markets of the leaf village. She walked down the long ally ways that where filled with huts that sold goods and consumers, and some children running about. She held a basket happily as she looked at what was there to get. She really didn't have anything in mind that she would get, but she was a little hungry, so fruit didn't sound bad right now. It was after training that she decided to buy things. She really wasn't concerned if the other members of her group where doing anything, maybe sole. But that was really it.

Edited by synangel


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Tempest walked through the forests surrounding the leaf villiage. He would come out here to train and to get away from the annoyances of everyday life. The young man sighed and stood up. "I better go make sure the others don't get themselves in trouble." He though, while heading towards the main gate of the hidden leaf villiage.

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Crimson kept his hat tilted low over his eyes as he walked slowly through the streets of the leaf village, many people gave him dirty looks or kept their distance out of fright, being a member of the kaguya clan made him a prime target for prejudice and anger to the small, quite village of the hidden leaf, crimson knew it wasn't easy to be an outcast, but he didn't care, as long as they let him be a ninja, he was fine with being hated. Crimsons thoughts were cut short as a rock nailed him in the side of the head, he grunted in annoyence and turned to look for the culprit, only to find a young teen about his age with other teens crowded around him, they were all snickering, the teen in the middle was tossing a small stone up and down as he smirked at crimson, "hey freak, what do you think your doing on normal peoples streets? Shouldn't you be sulking around in a graveyard somwhere? You don't belong here, and you don't deserve to be a ninja, so why don't you just leave freak!" Said the teen before tossing the stone straight at crimsons head, he didn't even bother to catch it, letting it nail him just above his eyebrow, causing a trickle of blood to drip down his face. Crimson merely licked the blood on his lips and glared at the delinquints, "I dont give two fucks about what you pissants think about me...but your babbling just made me late for my squad meeting...so I suggest you leave before I turn you all into fucking pincushions..." said crimson darkly before a small white spike shot out of the ground between the teens legs, causing him, to yell out and stumble backwards, his freinds behind him quickly picked him up and ran the other direction, crimson smirked in satisfaction before turning away and walking towards the gates of the leaf village.

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Lin was in the forest of the Leaf village heading back after training. "Training today wasn't really good but now I need to get something to eat" Lin said to herself as she landed in front of the village gate and entered the village and went to Ichiraku Ramen.

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Deranged walked through the village of sound bored since there is nothing to do at all. "I swear theres nothing ever to do" he said as he bumped into a sound villager. "Hey watch it you little punk" the man said making Deranged turn around. "I'm no little punk" Deranged said doing the hand symbols Dragon → Tiger → Rat. "Shadow-neck binding technique" Deranged said as a shadow of a hand went you the mans neck and started to strangle him before he stopped and walked away leaving the man scared.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Nightfury walked through the village, and looked at the various items in the shops. He then noticed Lin and entered the Ramen shop. "I guess I'm not the only one who likes ramen." He said, as he sat in a chair, next to Lin.


Tempest noticed Crimson as he walked right past him. He wasn't afraid of him, though.

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"Yeah well Ichiraku does have the best ramen" Lin said as she also saw Crimson. She wasn't afraid of him at all but wonder why anyone else is afraid of him. She wait till Crimson was out of earshot then turned to Tempest. "Why are most people afraid of him" Lin asked

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Sole yawned as he got up from the branch and stretched, before jumping out of the tree, landing gracefully on the ground. "Alright... they're taking too long. I think I'll go get a bite to eat... " he mumbled to himself, as he entered the village and began to walk around the streets for a good place to eat "maybe ichiraku..." he thought.

((Hey amore, I'm gonna just say that sole and lin are cousins, since they are both uchiha. Is that okay with you?))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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((I don't mind at all also do we already know whose in our squad or do we wait before we are told))


Lin ordered her bowl of ramen and started eating it(Like naruto) and finished it quickly. "Another bowl of ramen please" Lin ordered as she was still hungry from training.

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Tempest glanced at Lin and shrugged. "I honestly don't know. It's probably because he's a Kaguya clan, but I really don't care about what clan he's in." He said, before ordering a few bowls of ramen. "So, have you heard anything about this squad meeting? I'm honestly just waiting for my squadmates."

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Deranged left his home village and headed to the leaf village. "Hopefully I find something to do there...besides there's nothing else to do in the sound village anymore besides get attacked by someone" Deranged said as he traveled from tree branch to tree branch to get to the leaf village.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Sole smiled as he entered ichiraku ramen, but noticed two other familiar ninja there, tempest and lin, he looked at them for a moment before turning and sitting down, ordering lunch as he waited for stone and crimson to arraive, "I hope they can find me..." thought sole as he waited, before smiling at lin "sup cuz?" He asked nocholantly.

((They already know. The ones from different villages will still have a sensei from the leaf... I know it doesnt make sense, but everyone wanted to be in other vilages, so I had to improvise.))

Edited by drocsid-soahc


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson sighed in boredom as he walked past the ichiraku ramen shop, noticing sole walk in, crimson shook his head, "the lazy idiot couldn't even wait a few extra minutes for us to arraive...oh well, I might as well meet him inside, who knows, stone might find us..." thought crimson bedore entering the ramen shop, to find not just sole, but two other genin ninja, tempest and lin, crimson gave them a curious look before walking over to sloe and sitting down next to him, "you just couldn't help yourself could you? You could've just waited for me and stone to arraive before walking off and getting lunch you know..." said crimson in an annoyed tone.

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"Hey Sole" Lin said after she finished her ramen then sighed. "How long does it take for one to get here" Lin said as she was waiting for Deranged. "Anyways how have you been Sole" Lin said before she heard Crimson speak to Sole but decided not to say anything. 

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Deranged arrived at the leaf village and heard his stomach growl. "Better get something to eat..." Deranged said as he headed to Ichiraku's and saw 5 others there and saw one of his squad mates we was supposedly with and decided to walk up to Lin. "Well this place is where I wouldn't expect to find you" Deranged said to Lin

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Lin turned to see Deranged. "It's about time you got here" Lin said as she glared at Deranged. "well now I just got to wait for one more person and then all my squad is here" Lin said


((Sorry I misread one of your post Dark Opal I didn't know it was Nightfury talking to Lin))

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Sole quickly ate a bowl of ramen and turned to lin, completely ignoring crimson. "Yeah, same here." He said with a shrug "now that bonehead is here, I'm just waiting for stony." He said jokingly "and I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. I've been training a lot. Have you been practicing your sharingan too?" He asked her.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Yeah I have been practicing my sharigan in fact can't you copy certain jutsu with it" Lin asked as her right eye changed and she copied Deranged Shadow possession jutsu and possessed Deranged and made him dance danced.


((You don't mind do you Dishonored))

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"W-what the" Deranged said as he started to dance. "O-okay Lin can you stop please" Deranged said. "Note to self dont make Lin mad since she can copy jutsu apparently" Deranged thought as he kept dancing. "Lin when this is over I'm getting my revenge on you" Deranged said.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Sole smirked as lin made deranged dance around, nodding in apreciation. "Not bad cuz, but I've been working on that techniqe too, and I've already seen a bunch of awsome techniqes. I'm gonna kick ass in the chunin exams!" He said confidently "and I'll be unstoppable if I could just awaken my sharingan a little further."

((Just in case you didnt already know, You can only copy techniqes if you've already seen them before. And you can't copy kekkei genkai, that includes abilities like crimsons that are bloodline specific.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Nightfury smirked. "That would be me." He said. "I guess nobody told you."


Dark entered the ramen shop and noticed Tempest. "I was wondering where you were." She said.


Tempest smirked. Even in the academy days, he had always viewed Dark as what could best be described as a daughter. This was due to the face that he taught, protected, and helped her, when the other students tormented her. "It's good to see you to, Dark." He said. "Now we just need to wait for Gabriel."

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Lin stopped Deranged and looked at Nightfury. "Well my squads all here then...what now" Lin asked as she stood up and paid for the ramen she ate. "Also the chunin exams will be easy for me in case I get trapped in a corner I got a jutsu that will help me...though I might have to use all my chakra also" Lin said

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"About time that stopped...I got a jutsu I still want to learn but the one I know right now will help when it's needed" Deranged said as he pulled out a few needles with bells on them a a few without. "Also...never do that again Lin..." Deranged said as he put the needles away.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Tempest simply smirked. "That only depends on the people that you fight." He said, looking at Lin. The young man then shrugged and paid for the ramen he had eaten. "Somebody might easily overwhelm you." Tempest knew that he would pass, but he didn't want to show the full effect of his secret training and meditation.


(How will the chunin exams work?)

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