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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Hey sorry I'm a bit late for the start but let's just jump into it.

OOC:In a min

Just mention how you got to the warehouse were the group is.


Darkshift searched for countless amounts of food when he noticed a massive warehouse which held a sign written in red paint "No Infected" Darkshift sighed equipping his bow and arrow.Stealthily he walked into the gigantic building and realised it was abandoned so he decided to make camp.

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repsol was walking in the once full streets.

all there was left now was junk, and blood. blood everywhere. blood of survivors, of infected, hell the very splatter of blood on the wall next to you could have belonged to your own family!

but this couldn't bother repsol anymore. this was now normal everyday life, eventough he disliked ever bit of it.


as he walked through some more abandoned streets, he finally came across something that looked like a house.

as he stepped closer he could see the silouette of somepony inside.

repsol yelled at him "hey you! get outta there, it's infected territory around here!" 

damn, that was one of the dumbest things he ever did.

the silouette turned to repsol, now stepping in sunlight. it wasn't a survivor scavaging. 

it was infected.

repsol didn't know what to do, he tried to run at forst, but the infected pony was way quicker then he was.

then he remembered, his dad gave him his old .44 when he was bitten. he had asked repsol to kill him. his own son needed to shoot his dad.

repsol did this, and never looked at the weapon after that, but now, he needed it more then anything.

he quickly got it out of his saddlebags and pointed the 'business end' at the infected.




the infected dropped down, a pool of blood forming around it's body.

repsol was shaking.  he just killed again. repsol didn't kill. killing wasn't in his nature.

he started to hyperventilate. he searched desperately for somewhere to go or something to think of other the corpse laying just mere  yards away from him.

that's when he finally saw it. 

a big warehouse, just down the block. with his new destination set, he started to walk again.


as he came close to the warehouse, he could see a sign with big red letters

it read "no infected".

with this, repsol's morale went sky high and he quickly galloped into the building. yelling "hello! anypony here?"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Melodic Stream flew. He was flying for a long time now. The area he was previously was completely taken over by infected, so he needed to find a new safe area. So he flew, hoping to find something, somewhere...


"Ugh... My wings are starting to hurt. And my water supply isn't in great shape either. I guess I should land so that I can rest for a bit..."


As he said that, he approached the ground, looking for somewhere where he couldn't hear clicks, screams and other unpleasant sounds. As he approached a big, abandoned warehouse, he saw another pony going in. "I must be careful now... I have no idea if he's infected or not", said Melodic Stream, landing a few steps away from the warehouse.




Melodic Stream jumped as he heard the shout. "Well, now I know he's not infected. Hopefully... Anyways, I can't bear it anymore. I need water and rest". Melodic Stream sneaked into the warehouse.



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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Missy wasn't a violent pony, she knew some offensive spells, but she hadn't practiced them. Not like levitation or teleportation. She was walking down a street, one of the "infected", jumped out from an alleyway and surprised Missy, she charged up a bolt spell, it made the creature's head explode. To think that this was a pony once. She had been heading towards a warehouse, it might have some supplies there that no-one had looted yet. Somepony in the distance shouted:


"Hello, anypony here!"


That wasn't a good sign, people were bad, they might be bandits, or pirates, or bandit pirates. Missy took to the skies and landed ontop of the warehouse, it was the type that had windows on the top, she spied through them, a deep-black stallion stood there.

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Darkshift realised he was no longer alone in the warehouse where he was planning on setting up camp,when he heard some pony speak he instantly turned with his bow immediately locked on to the enemy before realising he was alone however he kept his weapon drew "Hello"Darkshift greeted staring at the stranger.Darkshift heard a noise from the sky "This better not be an ambush"

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Douglas slowly made his way through the wreckage of what seemed to be a six car pile up, he was honestly looking for anything he could find gas being one of them as well as the usual food and smokes. I only found about 4 fluid oz of usable gas and only two smokes which i was going to eat through today I lit one and began to smoke "Eh Guess it could be worse but I do wish i had some..." i trailed off as I saw a sign one big warehouse with a big ol red sign that said 'No infected' eh that could wait. What i really thought was cool was the corner store and the idea of some food which after searching i only found one bottle of decent booze and an M.R.E how lucky... even if they tasted like crap covered dust some time's, Atleast this one had angle food cake.


Out of instinct i took the cash and coin from the register, Fire starter and distraction best of both world's I took my good's and headed for the warehouse it seemed there was someone calling from inside, Eh company with my drink would be the best. after a few more check's of the other building's I crept into the warehouse.     

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Splinter walked through the deserted town, searching everywhere for supplies, food, hell.. He even needed some stuff to make a few molotovs. He heard a loud growl from behind him. Splinter quickly pulled out his revolver and shot the stalker that had been following him in the head. ''Holy shit.. That was close.'' Splinter said while making sure the damned thing had been dead. After some more walking, he approached a warehouse with a sign that said 'NO INFECTED'. ''Must be survivors.. If there are any more in there.'' Splinter said while opening the doors and walking in. 

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When the pony mentioned an ambush, Missy quickly moved, hoping he had not seen her. It would be the last thing she did if he did see her. Missy heard sounds coming from other places, doors opening, there was about to be a lot of ponies in one place. Missy peeked over the edge again.

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Darkshift began to grow extremely paranoid keeping his bow aimed firmly on the pony in front however his ears were flickering at the sound of sneaking ponies from a range of directions.He was panicked and took a drastic measure he called out "You might aswell kill me"Darkshift gulped hoping for an immediate response of life.

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Missy thought about responding but instead decided to keep a low profile, she tried to edge her way closer so that she could see more of the warehouse, but instead she toplle over and fell down right next to the black stallion.

"'Sup?" Missy said dizzily.

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''Buck.. Sounds like I'm not alone.'' Splinter muttered to himself, hearing many hoofsteps near him. He quickly loaded his revolver and popped his head out. ''Hello? Are you guys friendly?'' Splinter said while sweating, revolver in hoof. ''Looks like two of em' are friendly.. That's a start.''

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Darkshift's aim was constantly moving between the three visible ponies."Sup"Darkshift greeted the fallen pony trying to stay on edge for any sudden movements "Friendly?Is that word still passed around nowadays?"Darkshift asked rhetorically in a minor joke which isn't in anyway comical.

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"whoa" as repsol's mind finally cought up with what was happening, he quickly pulled out his .44 again and pointed it at the pony with the bow.

"drop that thing and i'll drop mine." he stated, giving a quick nod to the weapon in the pony's hooves.

ï'm not looking for trouble here, i was only trying to survive. now please don't do anything that you might regret."


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave Pink Fluffy Unicorns, Dancing on Rainbows


Missy, teleported out of the way. "We aren't looking for any trouble either, now lower the weapon, now." She demanded, not knowing whether she could make a forcefield that could withstand bullets. I guess she would find out.

  • Brohoof 1
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"Dang! This warehouse is too dusty for my nose!", said Melodic Stream, starting to cry from so many sneezes. "What a great time for my dust allergy to kick in. Is anypony there? Better yet, does anypony there have a rag and some waaaAAAACHO! Sorry, I meant some water?", he said, clearing the tears from his eyes.



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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The gathering of pony's seemed to be congregating on one in particular odd but whatever float's there boat, I walked over to a pile of of empty box's and sat down. "I suggest you keep you're voices down, Never know what's in this part of the city and for all we know there might be raider's or fungoid's roaming around" i took my M.R.E and began eating it, As soon as i started i grimaced as it tasted as I expected and my only flavoring i had was my smoke that was almost down to the stub. "If you're in need of some water..." i dug around my pack- "Here, Just don't drink it all.." i set it down next to me as i ate.

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"Thanks" Melodic Stream said, as he took the water. After fetching a rag from his backpack, he wet it and put it around his muzzle. "There, now that should stop me from sneezing", said him with a relieved look in his eyes. "I'm Melodic Stream, by the way. I feel like if ponies are gonna start coming here we better know each other at least."



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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Darkshift felt extremely nervous and he was struggling to stop himself from twitching "Now every pony is appearing"Darkshift stated gripping his bow even tighter "I'm not dropping this"Darkshift mentioned loud enough for all of the ponies to hear "So get used to it"Darkshift bravely commented.

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Missy let out an exasperated groan and charged her levitation spell, snatching the bow from the black pony and the revolver from the other.

"Everypony just calm the hell down! We're all ponies, normal ponies, not infected, now just calm down and stop being so agressive!" Missy shouted.

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''The unicorn is right. If we're gonna survive, we have to work as a team. Well, for now.. At least.'' Splinter said, now standing up and putting his revolver in his saddlebag. ''Everypony, lower your bucking weapons. That's means you, Robin Hood.'' Splinter said, looking at Darkshift.

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"allright allright!!" repsol groaned as he witnessed how his trusty .44 floated away from him.

"but if you want to keep me from becoming hostile, i highly suggest you to give me my gun back."

he gave the unicorn a quick look and then calmly sat down in on the dusty ground


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Darkshift couldn't believe how easily the bow had been taken off of him.Darkshift felt a bit intimated straight after that moment "Ok,ok you win,"Darkshift sighed,exasperated as he watched helplessly as his prize possession travelled away from him "Now,what are you all doing here?"Darkshift asked.

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((She's an alicorn. Also doesn't age.))


"Fine." Missy levitates the gun back over to Repsol begrudgingly. "I've been wandering alone for far too long, i was actually trying to find anypony that wasn't infected. The only thing that kept me going was a picture of me and my friends."

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(So I realized I was late. Sorry about that...)


Raze walked through a desolate town, sniper rifle in hoof, thinking about the past events up to this point. Killing a hunter for the rifle. Meeting the infected. Having seen a former survivor being turned into one of those... things.


His thoughts were interuppted by a large group of ponies in front of him. Ducking behind rubble, he took his sniper and aimed at them.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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((She's an alicorn. Also doesn't age.))

((sorry about that, won't happen again))


as repsol grabbed the gun and put it back in it's holster. he finally started to feel a little comfortable around the other ponies.

"i just killed a infected. i needed somewhere to run before the rest came so i runned here. i was originally seeking for some kind of sivilisation actually." repsol looked around the group of survivors. "the name's Repsol Rave by the way, but you can all just call me Repsol"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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