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Chrysalis has returned to the place that she and her subjects were banished too and she wants revenge. She is not yet strong enough to breach the walls of the Crystal Empire, so she goes to the second enemy on her list.


Twilight Sparkle.

As she is not strong enough to take on the newly alicorn turned pony, she enlists the help of a certain Draconeqqus who feigned being reformed. Now with the help of Discord she can finally achieve her goal. On the night of the winters solstice when everypony is having fun and has their guard down, she infiltrates ponyville and captures the mane 6. Discord is able to temporarily take away, Twilight's magic, so she is unable to call up the element of friendship.


Chrysalis then exacts the first step of her revenge. Being surrounded by ponies that can do nothing but care, she is extremely strong and has a lot of magic stored up; She lowers her horn and blast the mane 6 with a jet of green magic...When the light dims down, in front of her are a purple papillon, a pink miniature pig, a blue cockatiel with rainbow head feathers, a yellow canary, a white and purple siamese, and an orange border collie with a hat.


"Now quick! Open the portal!" Chrysalis hisses at Discord and he does so, with their combined magics and the help of a magic artifact, he is able to open a portal to a strange world, which he tosses the newly turned mane 6 into.



Now the mane 6 are stuck in a pet shop in Downtown City (LPS world) and they have to find a way to get back to Equestria! Little did they know, Discord didn't do that good of a job in concealing his and Chrysalis's prescence, so the Princesses are aware of their dilemna and they sent Spike to the other world with a message that includes how to get back.



Note: This is an AU where Blythe and the rest of the LPS cast save for MS. Twombly are not present.



-This rp is rated PG-13 for language.

- No Godmodding.

- I have the right to kick you out if you break the rules or if you are inactive.

- Due to their forms, the unicorns cannot use magic.

- Don't start role playing without my approval.

- One player to a character unless no one else joins.

- Large OOC messages must be posted in this thread, not the rp thread.

- The start of this rp will just involve the mane 6 coming to terms with their new forms and trying to figure out how to escape. (They never do until Spike comes)

- Only the DM can role play Spike.

- Keep to canon personalities/tones/moods.

- RD cannot do sonic rainbooms.

-Third person, past tense. At least three sentences per post.


Sign up form:

Mane 6 you want to be:

A rule from the list so I know you read it:

Favorite dessert:




(the links are just to show you what they are)

Twilight Sparkle the papillon.

Pinkie Pie the miniature pig

Rainbow Dash the cockatiel

Fluttershy the canary

Rarity the Siamese

Apple Jack the border collie played by Starry Night

Edited by DarligPegasi
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Mane 6 you want to be: Apple Jack

A rule from the list so I know you read:Keep the canon personality, tone, and mood

Favorite dessert: Don't tell anypony...It's german yogurt chocolate. :D It's amazing. Sometimes apple pie but I don't have it often :(

Go to my profile for my ocs

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Awesome you're in, thanks for joining!

And I'll have to try that yogurt! :D



Hehe, yeah I was thinking about making her a persian but I always thought those cats were kind of dopey (and fugly >.>) and they wouldn't do smart and cunning Rarity and justice. :D

Edited by DarligPegasi
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