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open Apocalypse

Drago Ryder

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Stormy is surprised to see crimson as a fire elemental"A fire elemental so know i know a ice and water elemental and a fire elemental.I was hoping you see me having to do this its my job i need to nuke areas but im begining to like you. You should meet my friend Winter Freeze hes the water and ice elemental. So now i know we can get around quicker come lets fly to cadances kingdom or what ever." Within half a second he zipps away to cadances (When he lands from flying its a lightning bolt striking)




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Stormy is surprised to see crimson as a fire elemental"A fire elemental so know i know a ice and water elemental and a fire elemental.I was hoping you see me having to do this its my job i need to nuke areas but im begining to like you. You should meet my friend Winter Freeze hes the water and ice elemental. So now i know we can get around quicker come lets fly to cadances kingdom or what ever." Within half a second he zipps away to cadances (When he lands from flying its a lightning bolt striking)

Crimson smirked, "really? That few? I know a lighting elemental, water elemental, fire elemental, ice elemental, plant elemental and an earth elemental, I wasn't kidding when i said ive been all over equestria you know!" Said crimson with a chuckle before using a boost of fire to blast off after stormy.


((Crimson actually has two awakened fire elemental forms that make him uuber powerful))

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Stormy crashes through the roof of cadances castle"Ooof!"Stormy says as he lands face first."Not my best landing ever."Stormy says as he brushes him-self off."I need some whiskey right now." Stormy says as he whips out a bottle of AppleJackDaniels "Buck Yeah!"Stormy says happily




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Stormy crashes through the roof of cadances castle"Ooof!"Stormy says as he lands face first."Not my best landing ever."Stormy says as he brushes him-self off."I need some whiskey right now." Stormy says as he whips out a bottle of AppleJackDaniels "Buck Yeah!"Stormy says happily

Crimson crashes through the roof a few feet away in a burst of fire and rolles a few feet away before standing up and dusting himself off and shaking debree out of his mane, "well that was fun, but I have two questions for you, 1. Where is everyone, 2. Do you have any rum on you? Whisky isn't exactly my drink of choice..." said crimson.

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"First i dont know Second yes here you go."Stormy says as he pulls out a bottle of rum and hands it to crimson."Pinkie!!! Where are you!!!" Stormy says then takes another drink of whiskey."wheew thats strong just the way i like it. They seem to not be here.Where to now crimson."Stormy says as he takes another drink of whiskey.




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"First i dont know Second yes here you go."Stormy says as he pulls out a bottle of rum and hands it to crimson."Pinkie!!! Where are you!!!" Stormy says then takes another drink of whiskey."wheew thats strong just the way i like it. They seem to not be here.Where to now crimson."Stormy says as he takes another drink of whiskey.

Crimson uncorked the rum and took a swig, "this rum isn't too bad either, but anyway, if I were a bunch of ponies hiding from zombies, I think I would hide in the throne room, so let's check there first..." said crimson before taking anoather swig of rum and walking into a long hallway.

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"Right Smart thinking lets go."Stormy says as he chugs the rest of his whiskey."I Need More WHISKEY!" Stormy yells angerily. Stormy sneakily sneaks down the hall way to the throne room."Boom Boom" stormy says as he rigs C4 to the throne room door."What i like explosives."




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"Right Smart thinking lets go."Stormy says as he chugs the rest of his whiskey."I Need More WHISKEY!" Stormy yells angerily. Stormy sneakily sneaks down the hall way to the throne room."Boom Boom" stormy says as he rigs C4 to the throne room door."What i like explosives."

Crimson looks at stormy with slight concern, "no offense, but alcohol and explosives don't mix, litterally, so why don't you let me handle that c4, even if somthing happens I'm fireproof, so I'll be fine, but your not, so you may want to be a little more careful..." said crimson before finishing his bottle of rum and melting it with fire.

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"I know my way around explosives how do you think i got my arm." Stormy says as he looks at his arm."You can go ahead and take care of the C4 its all good." Stormy says as he goes and plays with his plasma beam in his arm as he waits for crimson to finish dealing with the door.




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"I know my way around explosives how do you think i got my arm." Stormy says as he looks at his arm."You can go ahead and take care of the C4 its all good." Stormy says as he goes and plays with his plasma beam in his arm as he waits for crimson to finish dealing with the door.

Crimson sighs and quickly sets the explosive before stepping back to watch the fireworks with a grin, "3...2...1...wait a minute, nothing happened...maybe I counted -" BOOM!! Crimsons sentance was cut short as the c4 exploded in his face, as the smoke cleared crimson merely stood there with his mouth open slightly in mid sentence, "wrong...whatever! Let's get inside before any brain munchers show up!" Said crimson.


((Sorry dude, this is my last post for tonight, I have work tomorrow, see ya! /) ))

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Crimson sighs and quickly sets the explosive before stepping back to watch the fireworks with a grin, "3...2...1...wait a minute, nothing happened...maybe I counted -" BOOM!! Crimsons sentance was cut short as the c4 exploded in his face, as the smoke cleared crimson merely stood there with his mouth open slightly in mid sentence, "wrong...whatever! Let's get inside before any brain munchers show up!" Said crimson.


((Sorry dude, this is my last post for tonight, I have work tomorrow, see ya! /) ))

"pff Hahahahahaha, thats great just like the good ole times. You good though?"Stormy asks."YES WHISKEY!!" Stormy runs to a crate of whiskey. He sees some thing move in the distance."I think we got troble."Stormy says as he whips out a diamond infused sapphire sword ready for battle.



(Ahhhh i was liking talking to you well i will go to sleep too.)




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Chivalry moves around a little, and slowly starts to open his eyes. "-Yawn- whoa, that was one hell of a nap." He get's up and sits on the side of the bed while rubbing his eyes. He looks around the room that he is in. "What? what is this place? the crystal empire?... what am i doing here?" Chivalry gets up off the bed and walk around the room a little "Well, my physical body is alright seems to be about 100%, but what about my magic?" Chivalry unsheathes his blade off of its holster using his magic. He then uses his magic to create multiple bubbles of energy all around the room. "Alright, my energy is 100% and no malfunctions with my magic. Now let's check agility and speed" Chivalry gets in a battle type position and dashes towards one of the bubbles with great speed, as soon as he popped one with his sword, he would quickly turn and pop another. When a bubble popped, small sparks of energy came out of them and is absorbed through Chivalry's horn. Once Chivalry had popped all the bubbles he stopped. "Okay, speed and agility, a bit sloppy but, I'll still give it a passing grade, check. Now for the multitasking trick" The Multitasking trick is Chivalry's best battle tactic. It allows him to use his sword on one group of enemies while he attacks another group using hoof to hoof combat or even using separate magic attacks He made multiple bubbles in groups in front and behind him he then focuses for a second. "Alright now, 3-2-1, LET'S GO!" As soon as he said that, his sword went after the group behind Chivalry and chivalry went tot he group in front of him. Chivalry attacked the bubbles using hoof to hoof combat while he controlled his sword using his magic to attack the group of bubbles behind him. One after the other the bubbles pop and restore the energy that Chivalry had lost while creating the bubbles. Once he thought that all of them had been popped he stopped, He looks around in front of him and all the bubbles in the group where he was fighting them had all been popped. He looked behind him, and it seems that the sword has left one bubble un-popped. "-sigh- i have to get it together, if that was a real enemy..." Chivalry popped the last bubble by quickly stabbing it with his sword, he then sheaths his sword and looks at the room door. He walks up to it and puts his ear close to the door, and hears voices. "Hmm, there seems to be other ponies outside, I hope that I wasn't too loud for them to hear me" He proceeds to listen but can't make out what there saying, however one of the voices sounded familiar. "Who is that? ugh, if only i could remember. I can't even remember what happened yesterday... wait a minute" Chivalry starts to remember that he had been trapped under a building, and that somepony saved him. "But before i could see his face... -sigh- I just had to faint didn't I?" Chivalry looks at the door "Well, if he saved me, then he is surely out there, it's now or never to introduce myself I guess" Chivalry puts one hoof on the door, and slowly opens it to reveal a group of ponies and a dragon.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Rut-Light had been talking to the other survivors about what to do now that they are at the Crystal Empire.  Chivalry had been put in a bedroom to rest and hopefully regain consciousness, but it was odd; unicorns usually don't faint for this long unless they exerted a lot of magic recently.  Mr.Light heard a door squeak open and was instantly filled with relief to see his old friend, Chivalry Knight, in good physical condition.  "Well look who's finally awake!"


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Pinkie Pie came out from behind the barrels and noticed Stormy. "I thought you might be here." She said.


Tempest couldn't detect anypony in the burned down villiage and sighed. "I might as well head to the crystal empire." He thought, before flying into the air.


Dark noticed Tempest and started heading back to the crystal empire.

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Dash nodded and entered the castle. She noticed Twilight and her other friends and smirked. "At least all of you are safe." She said.


Twilight and the others smiled and talked about what had happened.


Dark put Chivalry in one of the rooms and flew towards the village where Tempest was.

"Hay Twilight, Rarity and others." Fireblaze saying as he, Blade and Skull enters while they began to talking about there lives. Other things too.


"So how the Princess doing?" Blade saying while he was looking at the others while hungry and tired too.


"Right now I am Ready to sleep since we been walking on a long journy also Hungry too." Skull saying.

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Tempest landed on the ground and entered the crystal empire. He noticed Blaze and sighed. "There weren't any survivors." He said. The cyan pegesus then entered one of the spare bedrooms and meditated. He had to get stronger in order to survive.


Twilight sighed. "We haven't seen Luna, Celestia, or Cadence since the meteor hit." She said. "It's like they just disappeared."

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Stormy decides he will shoot the biggest lightning bolt he can to act like a signal. He gathers his strength and blasts the lightning bolt, it shoots into the clouds and gathers dark clouds and causes a loud thunder shock. It begins to rain from this."Hopefully some pony saw that, im hoping pinkie pie saw that."




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@@Ghostpony, ((His name is Solus. Not Soul.))


Solus nodded slowly. "Yea it looks pretty far. Hopefully it'll um... be worth it." The draconequus began to walk, looking back to see if the two were following him. He didn't want them to abandon him like everyone else had. Solus had lived a very welcoming life. He thought that after Discord was reformed, people would begin to accept him. But Discord had put such a bad image on draconequui, he still wasn't accepted. Hopefully it would be different now.

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Pinkie Pie tapped Stormy on the shoulder. "I'm right behind you." She said.


Dark landed and sighed. She was a few miles away from the crystal empire, and she wouldn't risk flying through a storm. The black dragon went into a nearby cave and curled into a ball as she fell asleep.

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"Oh thank celestia!" Stormy says as he hugs pinkie pie. "I was so worried. Any ways im your guardian angel pinkie. I've been searching all over for you. Are you ok are you hurt?" Stormy says with worry and a bit of relief in his voice."Wheres Twilight and the others?"




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Chivalry looked at the door, he readied his sword and got into a battle position. "Halt who goes there? I don't know who you are but... wait that voice... How do i remember that voice... Ugh!" Chivalry quickly places one hoof on his head and shuts his eye's as if he was in pain. He dropped the sword due to lost focus of his magic."Why, why this sudden pain? ergh, it hurts but... I feel something." Chivalry looks up at Rut-Light and finally fully analyses his face.  All of the sudden Chivalry's eyes become wide, His horn glows brightly with a light blue aura, and pictures of certain memories could be seen in his eyes. After that Chivalry looks down and looks back up a Rut-Light, He then says "Rut-Light, my friend, how could i ever forget you" He then walks up to Rut-Light and hugs him.


((side note, I'm going to be gone for about a day and a half, so I'm giving control of my OC to Midnight-Inferno until I come back))


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Rut-Light returns the hug and says, "It's been far too long my friend, it's good to see that your alright.  There is one thing I need to check though; are you still the wise warrior that I remember you as?"  Mr.Light had taught Chivalry how to be a wiser pony (even though he was already pretty wise), but he just wanted to make sure.  

Chivalry nodded and stated "Try me..."  Rut-Light gave him a inquisitive look and finally started, "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know what?"  Chivalry answered, "Nothing."  Rut-Light nodded saying he was correct and moved on to the next question; "The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is what?"  Chivalry knew this one and but couldn't think of it due to the headache, he thought for a bit and then the answer finally came to him, he answered; "A knowledge of our own ignorance."  Chivalry knew Mr.Light well enough to know that his friend could go on forever an ask him seemingly endless wisdom questions, 'Time to see how much I remember' was his final though until Rut-Light went on, asking him more questions.

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Pinkie Pie giggled. "I know that, silly." She said, smiling slightly. "Anyway, I'm ok. Twilight and the other elements of harmony are in the main throne room. There are a few other survivors,as well."


Tempest sighed as he stood up and trotted through the crystal palace.

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Pinkie Pie giggled. "I know that, silly." She said, smiling slightly. "Anyway, I'm ok. Twilight and the other elements of harmony are in the main throne room. There are a few other survivors,as well."


Tempest sighed as he stood up and trotted through the crystal palace.

"Alright pinkie do want to head there i can fly us. Well its just good to see you again you always cheer me up. Dont worry about any zombies i got your back." Stormy says as he begins to calm down and cheer up from before."We better get you out of this rain the last thing i want is you to get sick."




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Tempest landed on the ground and entered the crystal empire. He noticed Blaze and sighed. "There weren't any survivors." He said. The cyan pegesus then entered one of the spare bedrooms and meditated. He had to get stronger in order to survive.


Twilight sighed. "We haven't seen Luna, Celestia, or Cadence since the meteor hit." She said. "It's like they just disappeared."

Fireblaze shock as he was thinking were did they go and how that happen. "Oh I see, Man never knew this will happen and is your brother here or did he dissaperd too?" As he was looking around for answers and then thinking.


"Man never knew this will happen." Blade saying as he was next to Applejack.


"So is anyone here too?" Skull saying as he was walking around too and was looking at his palls.

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