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open Paranoia #2


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ooc: http://mlpforums.com/topic/67563-paranoia-2/#entry1680264


Same as rp


You wake up in a room, Bleach white and Full on nothing except The bed's you're on and the 4 other's you're in the room with, You have no idea who these people are or what they do or if they put you here in the first place. But what is truly scary is the three Clone's that YOU know for a fact are The most illegal thing in the three galaxy's and those found with them will be put to death on the spot no question's asked. 


There is a door, The only obvious or for that matter any exit in this room, for it seem's that there is a 10 digit key pad and a password required to exit the room. The last thing is a paper hanging from The ceiling above you're face what's written is something that need's to be examined.


You all wake at the same time...Have fun!



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Wanda woke from her peaceful slumber, still clinging to her warm bed. Not wanting to get up, she flipped over onto her belly, buried her face in the sheets and pulled her pillow up over her head. A muffled voice could be heard from beneath, "Leave me alone! I don't wanna get up!" Then she suddenly realized this wasn't her bed. The sheets were not as soft as the normal high-thread-count luxury ones she was used to. This blanket was anything but the finest goosedown comfortor...


Turning back over, she sat up and looked around. This place was like a prison cell, compared with her bedroom, although there were no bars or chains, and the bed was not that bad... fit for a commoner, she supposed. Looking around the room with a mixture of contempt and confusion, she saw there were no cracks in the floor, no seams between the walls, and most eerily, no shadows. The walls themselves seemed to emit light...


Wanda then gasped in shock as she looked to the other side of the bed, where only a few feet away stood three upright tanks that each housed a naked copy of herself. Suspended in fluid, none of them appeared to be awake. Somehow, she knew that somebody, somewhere would have her head if they were to see this. But how did she know this, and why? She had no knowledge of even the concept of clones, and yet she knew they were illegal... why?


She looked to the other four creatures in the room, each of which had their own set of clone tanks. Jumping out of the bed, Wanda glared at the other four, assuming a defensive stance and ready to defend herself with magic, if necessary. "Which of you set me up? Somebody's gonna pay... who's going first?"

Edited by Questio and Ashling
  • Brohoof 1
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I was sleepy after my crazy night out and didn't feel like doing anything today. He thought that his alarm clock should have gone off by now. Being paranoid about it not ringing he lifts his head up only to see that he is not in his cottage in Ponyville.

Where am I? he wonders, then he see's them. 3 other creatures in a room with him. One of which is standing looking right at him and is a pony. He doesn't worry about her right now but focuses his attention on the tanks of copies of himself which almost made him faint. Trying to clear his mind he looks at the pony in the room "Hey who are you?"

Edited by Boleman500
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I blinked several times, staring out at a white emptiness. The white light surrounded me as I awoke, but the first thought on my mind was not bright lighting overhead but the sweet embrace of death. Not soon after, I shot up in my bed, screaming that I didn't want to die. After a moment of screeching, my rational mind caught up with my insanity then realized that I was actually in a room and not dead. "Oh," I said, "I'm not actually dead..."


I took a moment to survey the room where I saw ponies. That were colorful. Who fucking spoke! "What!" I said, quite loudly at that, "What is this?! WHERE AM I? WHY ARE YOU TALKING?!" There was too much I didn't understand and I didn't like that one bit.

  • Brohoof 1
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While I was trying to communicate with the other pony another figure shot up and started yelling and asking questions. I stare at that creature because of his loudness and get curious, "Who are you?" I say in a calmed voice not trying to startle the new creature that has just woke up

I blinked several times, staring out at a white emptiness. The white light surrounded me as I awoke, but the first thought on my mind was not bright lighting overhead but the sweet embrace of death. Not soon after, I shot up in my bed, screaming that I didn't want to die. After a moment of screeching, my rational mind caught up with my insanity then realized that I was actually in a room and not dead. "Oh," I said, "I'm not actually dead..."


I took a moment to survey the room where I saw ponies. That were colorful. Who fucking spoke! "What!" I said, quite loudly at that, "What is this?! WHERE AM I? WHY ARE YOU TALKING?!" There was too much I didn't understand and I didn't like that one bit.

(Out of RP Sorry forgot that it wasn't pony rp but instead a human I corrected my errors and I apologize for the confusion if there was any! and this extra is for the character minumum so dgffdagafggfdhsgfsdhdggfgjhfghsjdgfhjbf fsdgfgds gdfsg sd gf a fgdgsdfghdbghjbdghjfbdgbdgjfh gdfgd)

Edited by Boleman500
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@room #2


Racer awoke, tired from staying up so late the night before. Through his eyelids, he could see a bright light. Crap, he thought, it must have been in the afternoon already, why hadn't his alarm gone off? Maybe he forgot to set it. He opened his eyes and has almost blinded by the shockingly bright light. He realized he was not in his bed at home.




He asked the stupidest question anypony could have ever asked in this situation. He kinda fell out of his bed in shock when he saw three tanks in front of this rag-tag bed, each housing a pony that looked shocking like himself. He knew something was wrong with this. very, very wrong. Each of the ponies, he realized, was a clone of himself. He wasn't sure how he knew this, but, he knew that these.. 'ponies' in the tanks were very, very illegal. Who would make these? And.. why? He thought to himself, examining the fluid each seemed to be floating in. Hmm.. he thought. The water must be the same density of the ponies, because they all seem to be suspended perfectly in the... He realized then that this was in fact real, and no joking matter. Sometimes he wished his brain didn't act the way it did, feeding the conscious part of his mind useless facts instead of information that could actually help him.


He looked around the room, now breathing quick and heavily from stress and fear, and saw that two other ponies were in the room with him, one seemed to be doing the same as he was, but the other still lay in bed. He wanted to run over to the other ponies, being with others always made him feel more secure, but his feet were glued to the ground. He had grown stiff with fear, and dizzy as well. Suddenly, he began circling the room, sprinting and yelling "Help" over and over again. his brain clearly had been offended by what he thought about it earlier, because now it had just stopped working.


He began sobbing as he hat in the middle of the floor, mumbling something like "I always knew they did this to ponies..." he then stood up and began wildly shouting "The government!" very loudly and viciously. He stopped, however, when he saw a paper hanging from the ceiling about five feet above his face. He thought about flying up to get it, but his wings were being stubborn. he stood there, staring, for a while.

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Flashpoint looks at the creature who had gotten up and started speaking in his language! He was surprised that such a creature existed it looked nothing like a pony, as for the other mare she was still standing her ground like she was getting ready to be attacked. Flashpoint stares at the creature who is still yelling

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Flashpoint sees that yet another pony has awoken from their sleep, "Hey who are you?" He called out to the stallion who was standing looking at the ceiling. Flashpoint looks up to see what he was looking at, it seemed to be a note but he couldn't quite see it

~I'm in a different room, I joined last minute, so you're with Questio and Sticky at the moment. I'm not sure, we might end up together later. In case you didn't figure this out already, he put us all in two different rooms.~

More characters are required for this post to be completed!

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~I'm in a different room, I joined last minute, so you're with Questio and Sticky at the moment. I'm not sure, we might end up together later. In case you didn't figure this out already, he put us all in two different rooms.~

More characters are required for this post to be completed!

(Darn it I keep messing up I am new to rp I will fix this thanks for the tip extraspace fgfga gfdaggf adfg adfga dfg dafg adfg dfag adfg adfg dfa df da sfg ad fas dgdfa dgsfa gdh gshsf ghfs ghf sghf gd fh fsfd hadf hd fhdaf sfgadgadgdahadfhhdahfdahf dfh)

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Awakening from a night of terrible films, high consumption of soda, and nostalgic memories. Mr. Critical finds himself in a room he has never seen before. Looking around he sees a few beings, some more familiar than others. Trying to gather himself. He sees that some of the being in tubes look strikingly like himself. Getting out of the bed, he goes to investigate. After close examination, the technology seems vaguely familiar to him. Continueing his survey he sees one door and no other exits. The other being that were there, and not in tubes, were doing their own thing and decide to leave them be for now. After a few minutes past, he grew restless and started pacing in circles trying to evaluate the situation.

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Room one

Lily woke up about the same time every creature in the room did, she stayed silent and cautious of them. different ponies that she had never see in her life. She glanced around. Lily then looked at the creature called a human. She had studied these creatures. "Hello crea- er I mean human, I am Flower Lily but you can call me Lily. I've learned a lot about you all. Your technology is so advanced! You have amazing singing stuff too." She looked at the human with soft smile and and a confused look. "Um, I may ask, what is your name? I honesty don't want to keep on calling you 'human'."

Edited by Starry Night

Go to my profile for my ocs

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Faith had already woken up but was still laying in bed in a feeble position. She was thinking up of the worst possible scenarios, 'I'm going to die, I'm going to get hurt, I'm going to be here forever, I hear voices, what if they hurt me, I don't like it here, whats going on'. She just lay there without even noticing the test tubes with clones in them.

Edited by ChivalryKnight


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Room 1;

I was trembling in fright from the talking creatures in my room. The cloning tubes on the wall were only making my mind go in millions of new directions at the same time. I didn't dare my eye contact with any of them lest something strange happen to me. I didn't know where I was, how I had been shoved into such a place and why pastel creatures that resembled ponies were talking. Despite my obvious terror of the situation, one of them tried speaking to me. I didn't want to look over but something inside forced me to look once more. "Wh-why are you talking? You shouldn't be able to talk!" I said, my voice quivering in fear, "This isn't real. This must just be a dream.... unless one of you is trying to hurt me! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!"

Edited by Sticky Apple
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Room 1;

I looked at the creature that was again asking questions which I intended to answer, "I am talking because its normal for ponies to talk or at least where I come from, and I can assure you this is not a dream and I am not trying to harm you" I said in a calmed voice worried that if I spoke to loud the creature would try to attack me instead. While trying to communicate I see a piece of paper on the cieling and I try to read it even though it is kind of blurry, then I get and idea "Hey you creature, can you read?"

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Room 2;

After some pacing, and some more observations on his own clones. Mr. Critical starts to aproach the others in the room out of curiosity of there conversation. Apparently the small one is named Faith. And on observation she doesn't seem to be particularly cheery. Then again you'd have to be mentally deficient to be anything but feeling a negative emotion.

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ooc: Questio has not posted a second time so if you would all please give it a few UN tell he does that would be much appreciated


Spinal creep'ed throughout the dark hall's of this... he still didn't have a name for it nor did he care all he wanted was to get back to his people and comeback later to loot this place. The other's he was with had all split different way's all claiming the other was the bad guy but who know's only he knew this place WAS out to kill them and he was not going to let his last clone call it quit's he had to find a way out because his life does depend on it.


Crap... He thought damn hallway is taking to long to end, He stopped and stared down at the darkness and saw something move, This scared him even more so then the damn building he was in. Something was going after him it simply rushed him it was something he had never seen before something... sinister, He ran, Ran as fast as he could back down the hallway but... he hit a wall he turned to face the monster, That wasn't there...


He sat confused before setting off down the hallway again, But it was too late for the monster had already caught him.



ooc:Has anyone got there note yet...because it's all down next to the bed's, every one can reach there note just to tell you.

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Racer, finally 'awoken' from his daze, opened his wings and prepared to pull the note down, off the ceiling. When he flapped his wings, however, they didn't lift him off the ground. He had a mental facepalm, this place probably had a ceiling too low for him to be able to fly in. "Stupid, stupid, stupid" he muttered to himself as he jumped into the air, catching the paper in his teeth. However, he didn't seem to fall. the tape that held the paper to the drywall must've been incredibly strong to hold his weight. "A little help here maybe?" He mumbled to the other two ponies, whose names he did not know.

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Room 1;

"NO! NO THIS ISN'T NORMAL!" I shouted at the other equine-like creature who was talking to me. This was a nightmare from which there was no escape. All I wanted was out of this but there was no escape from this room. I kept to myself like normal but I couldn't hide from their accusing stares. Like they all knew something horrifying about me and just wanted to taunt me with it. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!"

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Room 1;

"JUST CALM DOWN" he needed to scream over the creature yelling "I don't want anything I don't even know why i'm here but I am trying to stay calm but I can't if you keep screaming like that!" he said in a softer voice "Now do you have a name?" he asked the creature

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Room two:

Upon hearing the pegasi's request he made his way to the otherside of the room. "What'cha need?" He motioned to the paper on the cieling. "... What? Its paper. Taped to th- I think I see where this is going. What do you want me to do?" How ever the only things in the room is the young one, the beds, and the clones.

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@@Mr. Critical@

"Help me pull this thing off the wall! Here, grab my leg." Racer extended his back right leg and motioned him to grab on. The other pony did, and Racer ended up falling from the ceiling, almost crushing the pony below him. "Sorry about that, thanks anyways." Racer got off the pony and sat on his bed only a couple steps away. "The rest of you are lucky, your notes are right by your beds, I looked. I don't know why mine ended up being on the ceiling." Racer opened the folded, slightly damp paper. It must have been the the key to his escape, it must have included the key to opening that blasted door. However, at the moment he was too dizzy from the fall and everything to be able to read it.


((What does it say?))

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Room 2:


After popping his vertabret back into place, Mr. Critical made his way back to his note to see what his had to offer. Not before the small frightended filly caught his eye. Who would bring a small child to a place like this. Hopefully he will get his answers. "This was going to be a fasinating journey" he thought.


(What do they say?)

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