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Super Lesbian Horse RPG


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Apparently, there's a fan JRPG being made about MLP. You can find the link here.




I watched the trailer, and by the universe, a lot of effort has been put into this game, the graphics the sound, it reminds me of Pokemon or Earthbound.


But the game sets me off for one reason. Super LESBIAN? horse rpg.


The name is plain ridiculous! Even if it was called straight, gay, bi or trans horse rpg, it would still sound disturbing. I know a point of the game is shipping, but come on, it's names like this that make people have second thoughts of joining the fandom. Not to mention, I feel as if the name is unintentionally homophobic. I'm pro LGBT rights by a long shot, but there's more to LGBT people than romance. 


I just find the idea of the Mane 6 being gay at once ridiculous. Yes they are close, but that doesn't mean they're in love. Being a homo or bisexual is the result of genetics and the idea that all 6 of them have the same gene is stupid and just as bad as thinking that being gay is a sin.


Besides, why do we have to settle for just lesbian ships? We have SoarinDash, FlutterMac, FlashLight, RariSpike and DiscordPie fans as well. I get the feeling someone is dragging they're sexual fetishes into a game. (sorry if that was inappropriate.) Although I know that's not the case and the point is to make a great game.


The only way we can get over the LGBT and Straight divide is if we start making media where both are represented equally. Let me have PinkieDash in addition to SoarinJack or NeonScratch in addition to LyraBon.


Don't get me wrong. This game looks AMAZING. I will play the game with all my love, but will avoid shipping missions and focus on adventure IF possible. You should play it too.

  • Brohoof 1

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Issac Assimov

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The game isn't trying to make a statement about sexuality issues. It's just another fangame about lesbian horses (who would have thought). The fact that it revolves around lesbian shipping is probably because that appeals to the developers. They aren't making money off of it, so they might as well make it something they would like without shoehorning other things in.


Besides, a lot of male female relationships aren't that well established in the show. Building up a relationship between them would probably take more effort than they wanted to expend. The fact that they put lesbian in the titles shows they just aren't interested.


Anyways, I really don't like shipping or guessing characters' sexuality if there's no evidence of that kind of thing in the show. Designing a game around that just seems kind of dumb to me, so I probably won't play it. It'll probably be good, but it's not my cup of tea.

  • Brohoof 1
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Anyways, I really don't like shipping or guessing characters' sexuality if there's no evidence of that kind of thing in the show. Designing a game around that just seems kind of dumb to me, so I probably won't play it. It'll probably be good, but it's not my cup of tea.


I'm not trying to accuse the developers of anything, in fact I applaud them for taking the time to create this, my only gripe is that out of all the things that they could have done to make a MLP JRPG, it had to revolve around Lesbian relationships. Lesbian relationships that I might add are purely speculative. Yet bronies pretend we have a movie dedicated to their ship.


BTW, I sense that there is a strong chance hasbro will call cease and desist for this game under the claim that the game is promoting a false conclusion about the characters. Which is stupid, because homosexuality shouldn't be a reason to ban a game.

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Issac Assimov

They're incomprehensible, they're bloodthirsty and they're not taking 'magic' for an answer:


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I don't think Bobby (the creator) cares one little bit about whatever ships any other person has.

The game doesn't revolve around the ships, so it shouldn't really matter. Those are his favorite 3 ships, it isn't any fetishization or anything like that.



Some people seem to think that just because “lesbian" is in the title that means it’s going to be really dirty or whatever and those homies need to calm down. Lesbians aren’t a friggin’ genre of porn, they’re girls who like girls.

As far as we know thee aren't any other ponies other than the CMC, so other ships aren't really relevant or even an issue.


And as for the C&D, there's hardly any reason for that to ever happen, Hasbro probably isn't going to care about an RPG Maker game that doesn't even have pony in the title! As far as I know they've only C&D'd two or three fan projects. Fighting is Magic was far too polished and was going to be at tournaments! Highly unlike;y

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I just thought the name was funny; it just sounds so ridiculous.  :lol:

From what I can tell after watching the trailer, the game will also be ridiculous (the CMC weaponshop had me rolling). Looks like a pretty interesting game, if you ask me.

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"Super Lesbian Horse RPG." Huh. Not gonna lie, the title alone just screams "Adult Swim", but...yeah, I guess I could see Japan doing something like this, too.


I've often wondered what it'd be like to ponify Earthbound, and this seems like it'd provide a pretty intriguing answer...but the premise just turns me off. Not because I'm opposed to clop or lesbianism in in any way, I just think making an adventure RPG revolving around romantic relationships is kind of...well, stupid. They could've just made an awesome MLP RPG for everyone to enjoy, but instead they choose to effectively scare off at least half of its potential players by tossing sexual themes in the mix?


...That was pretty S-M-R-T of them, right? :huh:

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It's not sexual at all. Even slightly. 

In fact, one of the things this game will hopefully prove is lesbianism does NOT equal sex. Not even close.

Words of the creator



 If this game had an ESRB rating it’d probably be around E10+. Maybe T, but just barely. There are some jokes about the horses kissing but there’s no explicit content, or even particularly suggestive content. Also there is very little swearing (Rainbow says “hell" a few times, that’s about it) and the violence is minimal. Some people seem to think that just because “lesbian" is in the title that means it’s going to be really dirty or whatever and those homies need to calm down. Lesbians aren’t a friggin’ genre of porn, they’re girls who like girls.


I don't know why it's assumed it's a sexual game.

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It's not sexual at all. Even slightly.

In fact, one of the things this game will hopefully prove is lesbianism does NOT equal sex. Not even close.

Words of the creator


I don't know why it's assumed it's a sexual game.

It's hard for you to see why a game that bothers to unnecessarily advertise the presence of lesbian shipping - to the point of putting it in the damn title - is going to garner a just a few raised eyebrows here and there? The LGBT community has come a long way, to be sure, but it's foolhardy to think that society's preconceptions about homosexuals are anywhere near extinct. And I highly doubt that a game about lesbian horses, of all things, is going to be that one game that will finally debunk these preconceptions.


Regardless, I still think it's a terrible idea to base an adventure RPG, with battle mechanics and everything, around non-canon ships (whether sexual or nonsexual, six and two threes). It's a completely unnecessary aspect of what seems to be an otherwise decent game. If they really wanted to make an effective ship game, a simple point-and-click dating sim would've easily done the trick.


But this is all just nitpicky bitching on my end. I'll give the game a try as long as the gameplay is fun.

Edited by Lowline Thrash
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Definitely not what the title lead me to believe this post was about... But okidoki!


Looks like an old Final Fantasy game, I mayhaps give it a go!

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Apparently, there's a fan JRPG being made about MLP. You can find the link here.




I watched the trailer, and by the universe, a lot of effort has been put into this game, the graphics the sound, it reminds me of Pokemon or Earthbound.


But the game sets me off for one reason. Super LESBIAN? horse rpg.


The name is plain ridiculous! Even if it was called straight, gay, bi or trans horse rpg, it would still sound disturbing. I know a point of the game is shipping, but come on, it's names like this that make people have second thoughts of joining the fandom. Not to mention, I feel as if the name is unintentionally homophobic. I'm pro LGBT rights by a long shot, but there's more to LGBT people than romance. 


I just find the idea of the Mane 6 being gay at once ridiculous. Yes they are close, but that doesn't mean they're in love. Being a homo or bisexual is the result of genetics and the idea that all 6 of them have the same gene is stupid and just as bad as thinking that being gay is a sin.


Besides, why do we have to settle for just lesbian ships? We have SoarinDash, FlutterMac, FlashLight, RariSpike and DiscordPie fans as well. I get the feeling someone is dragging they're sexual fetishes into a game. (sorry if that was inappropriate.) Although I know that's not the case and the point is to make a great game.


Don't get me wrong. This game looks AMAZING. I will play the game with all my love, but will avoid shipping missions and focus on adventure IF possible. You should play it too.


Oh lordy. why do people have to get so offended by this or worry about the public exposure of it?  It's a funny title because it looks like it was badly translated from a Japanese game and it because it involves cannon character shipping as a minor plot device. Saying that your pro LGBT and then bashing the game for having that angle is hypocrisy. You're either ok with people or characters being gay or you are not. The mane 6 are portrayed as gay in all elements of the fandom (art, fanfics, and now gaming) and there's nothing wrong with that especially since this game is not about fetishes or sex.

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It's a play on how a lot of people ship the ponies and not a big deal at all.


I find you guilty of taking a fangame of a show about colorful horses too seriously and hereby sentence you to be banished and thrown into a dungeon in the place you've been banished to.


  • Brohoof 2


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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I would highly recommend actually reading the FAQ the creator it put up. It would put a lot of the heated righteous outrage to an end.

If anything the title should be an indicator to how non seriously you should take the game.

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The game isn't trying to make a statement about sexuality issues. It's just another fangame about lesbian horses (who would have thought). The fact that it revolves around lesbian shipping is probably because that appeals to the developers. They aren't making money off of it, so they might as well make it something they would like without shoehorning other things in.


Besides, a lot of male female relationships aren't that well established in the show. Building up a relationship between them would probably take more effort than they wanted to expend. The fact that they put lesbian in the titles shows they just aren't interested.


Anyways, I really don't like shipping or guessing characters' sexuality if there's no evidence of that kind of thing in the show. Designing a game around that just seems kind of dumb to me, so I probably won't play it. It'll probably be good, but it's not my cup of tea.

It may not be your cup of tea, but perhaps it's your cup of coffee?  :derp:

Anyway. Name is stupid. I probably won't play. Maybe if I'm really bored.

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