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private The Cutie Mark Crusaders: The Everfree Chronicles


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It was cool spring morning, when all of the CMC crusaders gathered at the entrance to the Everfree forest. At the head of the little group, stood the original creators of the club; Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. The three mares stood tall, looking over and smiling fondly at their little group. Today the new CMC were going to do something brave, something daring, and possibly dangerous. They were going to camp out in the Everfree forest for a whole week, in hopes of getting their cutie marks.


And on top of that, the original CMC were not going to accompany them, the foals were going alone. Of course they wouldn't be completely alone, as the three mares had asked their friend, Zecora to watch over the group of foals from afar, but they didn't know that.



* * *

Masquerade bounced on his hooves, his sparkly green saddle bags bouncing against his side with every little hop. He was so excited and it showed. His eyes were wide and bright, his usually well kept mane and tail hairs were sticking out in every direction and he made no effort to smooth them down.


"I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so EXCITED!" He squealed to his fellow group members.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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Junebug smiled wide, this was going to be the day- er, week! She was finally going to get her cutiemark! The little pegasus was so exited that she fluttered a few feet into the air without even really noticing. She felt embarrassed when she realized that other ponies were watching, but she was too overjoyed to care, really. "I can't wait!" She screeched, grabbing her small saddlebag and going to join the rest of the group. 

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"Calm down, you two," Midfire said to the two energetic crusaders. "This isn't that much of a deal. I mean, we are going to get our cutie marks but still.. It's nothing to scream and holler over," she said as she trotted into the Everfree Forest, knowing that was where they were supposed to meet.


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Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo waved after the little CMC, "Have fun and good luck, Cutie Mark Crusaders!" They called.




Masquerade playfully bumped Junebug, and pointed his hoof at Midfire. "She's telling us to calm down but I bet she's even more excited that we are!" He laughed, and trotted after the purple filly.


At first when he heard about the plan to camp out in the Everfree Forest, he had been scared out of his wits. He had been one of the ponies to scream, 'No!' the second the idea was brought to life. And he had yelled 'No! No! No!' when the rest of his peers continued to discuss it. But then after a talk with his father, he had decided to give it a try and go on the trip. His father had promised to come get him if he decided that he wanted to go home or was in trouble.

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Krazie grabbed her saddlebags and started skipping down the path.

"Come on Midfire, this is gonna be so exciting! I've always wished to explore these forests on my own, but my Mom said no. I've heard so many creepy things about this place... Like...er.. clouds move on their own and all sorts of monsters live in there! I wonder if anypony has ever died in the Everfree...Maybe we'll see their ghosts or something. CUTIE MARK CRUSADER GHOST HUNTERS! I love the sound of that!"

Krazie spotted a purple beetle walking along the path. Ohh, pretty!

Edited by crazitaco


*Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!*

"Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/krazie-taco-r3366


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Midfire rolled her eyes at the accusation. Hey, it was true. She was hoping that by the time she'll get out of the Everfree Forest, she'd have a proud cutie mark. "Alright, let's get going, everypony!" 




Midfire stopped when she heard "ghost." She turned around instantly. "Maybe a ghost will come and eat us!" she laughed jokingly. 


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@ Minty

Krazie giggled, "I ain't afraid of no ghost."

Do ghosts even have stomachs to eat ponies with? What happens if we get eaten by a ghost? Do we turn into ghost poop? EWWW!

Krazie shuddered at the thought. Ghosts are scary and gross.

She suddenly realized that she was starting to lag behind the group."Hey, wait up!"

Edited by crazitaco


*Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!*

"Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/krazie-taco-r3366


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"Are you scared?" Midfire asked the lagging filly trotting after them. "Ooooh, a ghost will eat us, then take over the forest!" Midfire said, trotting backwards into theforest. "Ooooooh, so scary! We have to camp out here tonight; we're not going to be supervised. And then the ghost will comeeee!" 




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Light was was way behind the group, only able to talk in his head,“i would give anything to speak!" He thought this for a second, then remembered why he came,and the thought that if he got stuck he couldn't get help,and ran towards the group, thinking of all his fears.

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"G-g-ghost?!" Junebug put a terrified expression on her face and messed her hair up a little for effect.  "Heh, there ain't no such things as gh- AHHHH" The filly looked up in the trees and came to a dead stop. "Hah, just kidding." She smiled nervously as the other members of the group looked at her unpleasantly. "Sorry." 

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@@RosemaryPetal, @@Noble, @@crazitaco, @,


"You guys are terrible!" Masquerade said rolling his eyes at all of their ghost jokes. He didn't believe in those things of course, because his dad had told them that they weren't real...But still, the forest gave him the creeps.


He glanced behind them at Noble, and beckoned him forward. "Come on, we can't afford to get separated from each other. I heard that this forest has this beast called the cockatrese that creeps around, and if you look in its eyes you'll turn to stone!"

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(( Im going mobile. :3 ))

Midfire laughed. "You're just scared." She said, trotting up ahead, finally settling in front of a dark cave. "Let's stay here!" She said excitedly, trotting inside and marveling at the darkness before her. "You're not scared, are you?" She said, trying to suppress a laugh. 

Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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"Being scared is fun!" Krazie peered into the darkness of the caverns. Stalactites hung from the ceilings, and even the smallest sounds bounced off the walls.

"This cave is big and creepy looking. It's perfect! I'll bet it's crawling with spirits! And probably the cocka-trese lives around here, too."

Krazie grinned mischievously. We must please the forest gods with our offering of fire.

"We're gonna need to start a fire. I volunteer my soul as tribut-err... I mean I'll go gather firewood."

With that, Krazie began to trot away, scanning the spooky landscape for dry wood.

Edited by crazitaco


*Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!*

"Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/krazie-taco-r3366


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The moment he heard the word cockatrice,he ran uncorntrolabley fast, He had a very scared expresion on his face, and wanted to run next the group, He felt like a pegsi running, even though he was running like a pony that got woke in the night by the headless horse, then he fell into the caverns at full speed

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Junebug looked after the crazy filly who was running around the forest, picking up sticks and branches. She followed, wanting to help, perhaps she could get her cutiemark for campfire-building. She called after the filly, "So, I'm guessing you wanna get your mark for.. Spirit catching?" She giggled and flew up to sit in a tree, pulling off some of the old branches as she went. She was still a novice flyer, but she had enough control of her wings to get her around. 

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The moment he heard the word cockatrice,he ran uncorntrolabley fast, He had a very scared expresion on his face, and wanted to run next the group, He felt like a pegsi running, even though he was running like a pony that got woke in the night by the headless horse, then he fell into the caverns at full speed

(( Again, I'm in mobile, so no colored text or mentioning. ))


Midfire trotted after the young colt who ran frantically away. "Hey, it's okay. There's no cockatrice, we're just messing with you, is all." She said soothingly, putting a hoof on his shoulder. She smiled at the colt.


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@, @@RosemaryPetal, @@Noble, @@crazitaco,


Masquerade smiled guiltily, sorry that he had even brought up the subject of the cockatrice. "Yeah, sorry, Light. I was just messing around." He said sheepishly.


He watched the two foals gathering twigs and old branches and cocked his head to the side in confusion. "Um...So how are we going to light the fire? Do we rub to stick together until it ignites or...What?" He seriously hoped someone in the group knew how to start a fire, because he had no intention of spending the night here in complete and total darkness. Not too mention the cold.

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"Wow, you're a great flier, June Bug!" Krazie said, with a friendly smile on her face.

"Spirit catching WOULD be a pretty awesome cutie mark, but I don't know how to catch the spirits yet. I find it's a lot better just to reason with them and see what's bothering them. I don't think the ghosts would like to be captured anyway..."

Krazie rambled on about the topic for a few more moments, amassing a nice pile of sticks.

This looks like enough sticks for the campfire

"Our stickpile is lookin pretty awesome! Thank you so much for helping me collect firewood, June Bug!" Krazie said warmly.

I like spending time with my friends, they are the only ones i've got. I must protect them and make sure the Forest Gods don't ever harm them.

"I'm going to head back and see how the others are doing."

Edited by crazitaco


*Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!*

"Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/krazie-taco-r3366


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When he heard somepony needed to light a fire, he turned around and started waving his hoove in the air, he knew it like the history of the princesses, And he was a master, like ponies are at talents, he was surprised he doesn't fire builder mark.



((You know my oc is light, right? You keep saying noble))

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"Okay, let's go," Junebug said, flying low so that the other pony could keep track of her. "Hey, do you know how to light a fire? I kinda do, my dad taught me to, but I'm not very good..." She really hoped Krazie knew how, she didn't want to look stupid and fail in front of everypony.

"Good job, they wouldn't call you Light for nothing." Midfire smiled, playfully punching Light. She began trotting outside. "I'm going to get a bit of supplies. Anypony want to come with?" She asked. "Or are you all scared?" She asked jokingly. "Nah, I'm just joking. I learned to survive after my parents died." She said, trotting away from the cave. Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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As Krazie turned around, she saw a faint glow near the campsite. Wow, those guys are good. "Nah, I've never built a fire in my life. But luckily, it looks like the others have got it taken care of already," She replied to June Bug, pointing towards the fire.

Krazie dragged her pile of sticks on a large forest leaf to the campsite, where she found the ponies working together on the fire.

"Wow, nice job, Light and Midfire! Me and Junebug should have enough wood to keep the fire burning through the night."

Krazie tossed a few sticks into the fire and became entranced as it began to light up. The flames are beautiful. As she leaned forward towards the fire, a small, shiny object fell from her bag. It took her a moment to remember what it was for.

"Oh, I almost forgot! I brought you this whistle for the trip, Light. I thought it might make you feel a bit safer if you have a way to warn us of danger. Only use it in an emergency, and we'll come running to you." She smiled at the young colt. No way the Forest Spirits are getting MY friends!

Edited by crazitaco


*Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!*

"Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/krazie-taco-r3366


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Junebug watched in amazement at how skilled the filly was, even if she did have a horn. "Your p-parents died?" Junebug talked for once without her voice hyping out. "The floor of this cave is pretty hard, do you guys want me to get some leaves for us to sleep on?" 


She glanced over at the mute foal, and felt bad. She saw in his face that the colt had wanted to help with the fire, but without a voice, there was no way he could tell the others. She walked over to where he and Krazie were.  "Hey light? Do you know how to do Morse Code?"

Edited by RosemaryPetal
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