The Ponyville Critic 304 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 Fire Horn looked on as Grand walked away with Starburst asleep on her back, it was adorable. "Hey, wait up you guys." Fire Horn said. --Transition-- Starburst's eyes opened slowly, exhausted from earlier. He realized where he was. "Um, where are we?" He asked Grand. Star Gazer: Thorough Study: My review channel on YouTube, you should check it out: [link] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 Grand smiled "good morning sleepy head, we are back in trottingham on the train we came from appleoosa in. I'm gonna try learning this spell here, so that big stallion won't get all crazy again" she said, putting the colt down in the bench nearest to her. "Would you like to take a look at it" Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Ponyville Critic 304 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 Starburst yawned and got up onto four hooves. "Sure, just let me try to..." Starburst tried to levitate the paper but his horn just flickered and sparked. "What's going on?" He asked. trying again but getting the same results. "Oh no. I can't use my magic." (When a unicorn uses up all it's magic, it cannot return naturally,) Star Gazer: Thorough Study: My review channel on YouTube, you should check it out: [link] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 Josh entered the train cart and walked in to see grand "hello long time no see i think that i missed a lot while i was away from the group didnt i?" Josh sat by the door of the train cart prepared to leave if grand wished "would you prefer if i didnt bother you while you try to learn this new spell? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 Grand looked at josh. "No, I don't mind, stay as long as you please." Grand walked over to the colt. "Seems like youve wiped yourself out after that little burst. It might be a while before you can do any magic." She said before returning to the spell. "Maybe you should rest up, I'm sure you exhausted yourself after such a busy day" Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 Josh walked into the room and sat down looking around "so who is this?" He asked while smiling and the young pony "if they were here before i got split i dont really remember" Josh took his backpack off his back and set it down in front of him "oh and how is the leg?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Ponyville Critic 304 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 "I'm Starburst. I saved everyone from those creatures." Starburst said. "We're trying to find my mother, but we're staying here to rest for a little while, i can't do magic." Starburst demonstrated. "Not right now anyway." Starburst yawned and flopped over and went instantly to sleep. Star Gazer: Thorough Study: My review channel on YouTube, you should check it out: [link] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 "This is Starburst, Fires son. And my leg is doing well thank you" she said smiling at him. "We should be leaving to canter lot soon as well. That's where fires wife is, and hopefully my sister as well." She said, saddened by the reminder that her sister was still missing." What about your family? You never told us about them. Are they still...alive?" Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NinjaCPU 270 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 "I'm sorry, did you say Canterlot?" Carrick appear from inside the train. Holding a containers of water in both of his hooves. His interesting has been pique. Dropping the water down. "Are you going to Canterlot?" If this was true, maybe he didn't need to go solo on this. The place where all the chaos seem to start.... He needed to go there. Made by: EQ-Style "For Science, I shall see if this is true." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 (edited) Josh,s head twitched a little at hearing canterlot "its a pleasure to meet you starburst" He looked at grand "my family they ummm no they are dead yes thats right dead trotters probably got them" Josh said unconvincingly "it doesnt matter anyway we have your family to worry for Edited July 31, 2013 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Derpy 535 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 Thunder Roller soon noticed the train in Appleloosa was missing. They must have taken it to their next destination which I'm going to say isn't Ponyville, that place is a death trap right now. Thunder Roller flew into the sky and followed the tracks away from Ponyville looking for a sign of the train. Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature! My Ponysona Silver Star- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Child Of Darkness 285 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 After two hours of running through the desert, Alesiar had trottingham in her view, The thick metal walls where the only way in, and no matter how strong she was she could not break metal. She had to think smart, with what was left of her normal pony self she managed to think of an idea of catching the gripu of guard. "Train". She spoke to her self in a eiry voice. She slowly moved towards trottingham doing her best to stay out of the guards line of sight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 Gradn looked at both of the stallions, "Yes, Canterlot. Its where Starbursts mother is, and possibly my sister" she said, still focused on the spell. "and Josh, are you sure the are gone? it didnt really sound like you knew. If theres anypony you arent sure of, we can keep an eye out for them." she said to him, eyes still glued to the paper Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 "i..i dont know if they are alive i had a mother a father and a older brother but.... for all i care they can be dead they abandoned me a long time ago and they can rot for all i care" Josh backed out of the room grabbing his backpack as he said this "dont keep an eye out for them it wont matter" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Ponyville Critic 304 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 Fire Horn appeared in the doorway of the train, seeing Starburst sleeping, he went over and sat down next to him. "If there's any chance we can find your family, then we're going to try as hard as we can, you can count on that." Fire Horn said. "Although. if i don't find his mother. If she's dead." Pointing to Starburst. "What am i supposed to tell him? Anyway, we should stay here and get some rest for a day or so, then either you or I must do the spell." Pointing to Grand. Star Gazer: Thorough Study: My review channel on YouTube, you should check it out: [link] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NinjaCPU 270 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 "That's probably for the best." Carrick tipped his hat in agreement. "If Ghosty here wants to start turning full evil. It should be troubling." Carrick tapped his chin. "I also have a question. Who's the leader of this group?" Carrick asked. There was a lot of ponies giving commands, Fire Horn, Ghost, Himself. He couldn't get a clue who was the leader or if they even have one. Made by: EQ-Style "For Science, I shall see if this is true." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 "well, believe it or not, we seem to run as a democracy" she said smiling. "there isnt really a leader per say. And I think Ive got the spell, its just a matter of doing it. Itll be hard to control but it wont be as hard as, say a forcefield spell" she said, folding the paper away. "ittl take a bit of practice" Grand felt bad for pushing Josh to talk about his past. She shoul know not to pry, but he had already left. Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geek0zoid 1,468 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 (How much did I miss? Please fill me in. It seems I've missed quite a bit.) After a little bit of searching, Ghost finally found a shop and bought all of the water it had in stock. It cost him every bit he had, but he was just glad he found some. He walked back to the train, feeling good. The sword must have given up for the time being. "Guys, I found water! A bunch of it!" Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker My little YouTube Channel: (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active) My Johari Window thingymabob : ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 (edited) Josh sat on the roof of the train staring around "that was stupid dont make such a fuss next time and lie better" He muttered to himself. Josh took his backpack off his back and started to take out and count his herbs on the top of the train "enough moss to last a month and a little bit of comfrey no lily or vine that could cause problematic" Edited August 1, 2013 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NinjaCPU 270 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 (edited) (Not too much, just some dialogue scenes with everypony.) "Hm, that would explain why I was able to get ideas out without somepony trying to badger me." Carrick thought aloud. He turns to see Ghost with water. "Welcome back, Ghosty." Carrick replied with a tap of his hat. "Good to see, we'll probably need it if we're going anywhere." The detective sat down near the group. Well, guess it means that Ghost isn't the leader...odd. Seems like he was the pony that took care of things. Guess not. Edited August 1, 2013 by NinjaCPU Made by: EQ-Style "For Science, I shall see if this is true." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Ponyville Critic 304 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 (edited) "Yeah, we just sort of huddle together and whoever has the plan at that time is in charge." Fire Horn explained. "Like me back there." Fire Horn laughed at his own joke. "If we had a potion place like in Ponyville i could make a potion to restore his magic, maybe. But that's back in Ponyville and we don't have time to go back there. Sleep can only help somepony so far, but he completely drained himself, his magic is permanently disabled unless we can find a potion or something." (Equestria Girls is awesome.) Edited July 31, 2013 by ShyFlutters 1 Star Gazer: Thorough Study: My review channel on YouTube, you should check it out: [link] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geek0zoid 1,468 August 1, 2013 Share August 1, 2013 Ghost sat down the water. It should get the group through at least a couple of weeks. "Don't waste it all in one sitting" Ghost chuckled. He then notices that Josh isn't in the room. He sees Josh on the roof and flips up there next to him. "Hey, Josh. Why the long face, buddy?" Ghost asks. Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker My little YouTube Channel: (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active) My Johari Window thingymabob : ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 1, 2013 Share August 1, 2013 Josh looked up from his herbs and and looked at ghost doing his best to smile "nothing all fine sorry ghost." He looked back down and started to put the herbs away "im gonna need more herbs in the next few days i want to find out if there are any ways to make an exploding posion from the herbs" He looked away and frowned getting a far away look as if he was thinking Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Child Of Darkness 285 August 1, 2013 Share August 1, 2013 Under cover of darness no one had seen Alesiar sneak up next to the train. Shw could here the ponies talking and could see two on the roof. She did not want to kill them yet she she decided to have a little bit of fun for a while. She put a large amount of strenght into a shove and shook the train, almost off the tracks, once she had done this she quickly hid back in the darkness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Derpy 535 August 1, 2013 Share August 1, 2013 Thunder Roller finally spotted the train. It was in Trottingham. Thunder Roller descended over the metal walls and landed on the roof of the train. Josh was sitting on the roof of the train farther down. She trotted over to him. "Hey Josh, mind telling me why you guys left Appleloosa while I was on that supply mission and didn't at least leave a note saying where you had gone? I nearly died 5 times getting those supplies!" Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature! My Ponysona Silver Star- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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