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The Trotting Dead RP


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"nice to meet you to" steel said even tho for him it was obvious she didn't want to be here, reading ponies was like second nature since he chased and killed ponies for his whole life befor and after the outbreak " I'm stained steel" he added with a smile, -I have to keep my eye on her- steel thought


((heads up we are already heading to Baltimare in search for a boat))

Edited by dashian500
  • Brohoof 1

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Azura didn't feel like joining a group but she didn't have any choice. She's been a lone wolf since the zombie outbreak and she hasn't been talking to anypony other than killing other survivors that thought shooting me was a good idea. I started bleeding out but a guard nearby managed to patch me up and brought me back here to Canterlot in one piece.


She looked at the group and knew that they weren't just ordinary ponies, but a strong team of survivors. "It's an honor to meet all of you." Pffft, as if she gives a damn, but she didn't want to give the ponies a bad first impression so she decided to be nice and polite. Azura even managed to crack a smile.


(OOC: Sorry for being late, but you didn't quite mention me. Instead of a mention, you only linked the word Azura to my profile.)

Zeta's neck twisted around to face the new pony that just arrived. He looked at her up and down, scratching his chin while doing so.

"Hmmmn... Anyways, hello~! The name's Zeta, and as you can probably tell i'd be the one who could bench press the most out of the group. It doesn't mean i'm the strongest, which i'd probably give it to Stephan here but, you know what I mean."


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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Stephan walked next  to Zeta. "Nah. Zeta's probably the strongest. I'm definitely the fastest, though." Stephan said, trying to hide the fact that he's stroking his ego. He held out his hoof to Azura. "I'm Stephan, as Zeta told you. I'm guessing you're one of the newest additions to our little group."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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((sorry again, Ill be active pretty consistently from now on))


Grand smiled at Missy. "I would love to have another girl to talk to. It can be taxing to have nothing but colts around" she said, laughing. And welcome, I am Grand Finale, but you can just call me Grand" she said, bowing her head a bit to the new pony

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She couldn't quite reply to all of them individually "Thanks for such a warm welcome, my name's Azura, as you may already know." She smiled back at them and started following the group. Azura has a pretty good memory so name's shouldn't be a problem. "So what's the plan here?" she asked nopony in particular.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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"well, we are trying to stop this plague once and for all. we hope that this mysterious land holds it. We just need to find a boat first, so were were going to Baltimare. Your welcome to join us if you like"smiled Grand. she was always open to new members. they would need as many ponies as they could get

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steel landed next to @@Azura, "so what's your story" steel asked and then whispered to her "I can tell you don't want to be here but I think everypony else is oblivious to the fact". he watched fro her reaction wanting to see if she could control what her body what her body was saying

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Icy walked aimlessly. She lost Regal. The pony that saved her from the first zombie outbreak and had been a father to her, but now thanks to her recklessness he was gone.

She noticed a group of pony. She was unsure if they would be friendly or hostile. She slowly walked closer to them.

"Hello?" she said weakly


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Grand turned her attention to the new arrival. "my, arent we just meeting a bundle of new ponies today arent we?" Grand said smiling. "Hello, I am Grand Finale, though please, just call me Grand" she said openly. She was glad to meet so many new ponies. "and whats your name?"

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"I wouldn't miss it for the world." she replied Grand with sarcasm. Why do we have to cure this plague? It just didn't make sense to her, but she went with it.


Azura looked at Steel with suspicious eyes and said "I'd suggest you stop reading me like a book before you regret it." She let out a sigh and continued. "It's none of your concern if I don't want to me here or the reasons why I'm coming with you on such a journey."


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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Seeing the dagger startled her. She thought about using her magic, but hearing Grand Final being nice calmed her down

"I am Friend" she said quietly to the stallion

"My name... my name is Icy" She said to Grand.

"Mind if I join you? I don't have much to offer" She didn't want to be lonely anymore.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Well, I wouldnt want to force you, after all its quite far fetched" she said, trying to fix the situation. "You can stay in Canterlot if you would like" Grand said politely. She hadnt expected such a harsh answer. "please dont think this is an obligation. Your welcome to stay here."


Grand smiled at Icy. "I would warn you that we are going somewhere supposedly worse than out there. If you would like to join us, we could use every body we can get, but it will be very dangerous" she said seriously

Edited by Grand_Finale
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@@Snowy Storm

It seemed like a new pony arrived, but from hearing what had happened now Zeta didn't want to freak Icy out by his huge armor. So instead, he stuck Stephan in front and spoke from there.

"Wussup friend? I guess it's alright for you to join us in this mission, but you don't look prepared at all. We just got done with that and were on our way so you better- oh, almost forgot. My name's Zeta!"

Edited by Baby Sirius


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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Steel felt bad he could tell he scared her he put his dagger up "look I'm sorry if I scared you but Iv seen plenty if bad ponies in my life, by the way I'm stained steel but you can call me steel" steel said with a smile.


Then looking back to azura " oh feisty one, well anyways im sorry to pop your bubble I regret nothing I do or say" steel said with a hard edge to his voice knowing that if she tried something he could just stab her not to kill but to wound

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Icy smiled.

"I may look a weak right now, but give me a little time. I'll be back to my old self. I just need time to regain myself" She focused her magic and a small Ice crystal appeared in front of her. She would have done more to prove her might, but the memory was still fresh in her mind and she couldn't do anymore then a simple trick.

"I don't need much. So don't worry about me"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"as long as your sure you want to join us you can no pony will stop" you steel said kindly " and we'll all keep you safe till you'v regained yourself and don't fear me you have nothing to fear unless you try to hurt me or anypony in the group which I can tell you won't do" he added while slowing down to walk next to her and trying to look as friendly as possible

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Grand smiled. "I just hope you understand how dangerous what we're doing is. I don't want to risk any more lives then necassary. Please be sure you know that this is what you want. I can gaurantee you its for a good cause though. we hope to  stop this madness before it destroys all of equestria"

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"As if I didn't know I could easily walk away from this.." She obviously knew she could, but why. Just obeying Luna's orders? Not happening in a thousand years. 'I'm only listening to her orders because I owed her.' she mumbled under her breath quietly. Azura noticed another pony joining the party but she didn't care since she doesn't look like a threat to her. Overhearing the entire conversation, she managed to find out her name and how she's currently weak.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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"well if you dont mind me asking, I think it would be better for the group if we all keep a positive and assuring attitude" she said, trying to get this pony to be more 'part of the group' for lack of a better word. "But, i do hope you find a bit of something in this group. We are always open to new ponies"

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After about ten minutes, the group reached the train, it looked a lot better than it did eight years ago.

"Okay everypony, get in, we'll be in the train for about 5-6 hours, so get comfortable." Fire Horn said.

Starburst and Missy walked in and sat on a chair that was next to a table.

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Steel got in the train And sat down in the very back sit then pulled out polish, rags, a sharpening stone, some small tools and a knife that had been utterly destroyed he set to work on fixing it again it wasnt worth trouble to anypony else but he didn't care thus knife was special

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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A train ride? What could go wrong. She got on and sat at down. She unsheathed her two daggers and inspected them to see if they were still in good condition. She was pretty surprised she still has them with her after being rescued. 'I guess they didn't even bother going through my belongings.' Azura placed them back and started out the window as she waited for the train to start.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


Avatar & Signature by me.

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steel seen azura pull her dagers and inspect them he turned his eyez back to his work  "do you want to sharpen those i have an extra sharpning stone if you do" he said as he fixed the hilt of the old dagger he was working with then he set to work straightening the warped blade 

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Zeta could barely fit in the train without his armor going across everything or bumping into something. But eventually he made it far enough to sit down across from Azura and focused his attention toward Steel.

"I don't think I've greeted you yet. My name is Zeta, what's yours?"


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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