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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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Tempest sighed, as he meditated. "In order to reach my full potential, I have to learn how to control my emotions." He thought. "I can't just focus on my hatred for Caras at this point." The cyan pegesus then had several flashbacks to many points in his life. His wedding, raising Dark to who she was now, starting a actual family, and the losses he has experienced in his life. "I can not just fight for myself at this point. I have to fight to protect the ponies that I care about as well." The cyan pegesus then felt a strong burst of energy course through his body. His eyes then glowed as his body began to change. His a white streak of hair grew down his normally black mane and tail. He also grew slightly taller, and more confident in his own abilities. "I'm ready." He said, as his eyes returned to normal. He then trotted out of his secret armory and private quarters, before bumping into Minath. "Hey. I actually need to talk to you. Xena and I have decided to stay "merged" until we defeat Caras."


(If you want a full list of Tempest's abilities, as well as look at his new appearance, look at his submission)

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Minath nodded.


"Okay, but I still want to explore the possibility of separating Xena and yourself for later reference. But the only problem is I can't read the book. Celestia could've, but I can't yet." Minath said, shaking her head at her own incompetence.


"Would you mind having Xena look at it? To tell the truth I'm not exactly sure how the whole sharing-a-body-thing works."

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Tempest nodded. "I'll see what I can do." He said. The cyan pegesus then took the book from Minath, and began to read. "What do you think, Xena?" He thought.


Xena sighed, as he read the text. "This basically describes my entire life. There's not that much in terms of information." He said.


The cyan pegesus nodded, and glanced at Minath. "He says it's basically his entire life in a single book. To be honest, I hope you learn to read this someday. It would pretty much clear up a lot of Xena's past. The only question is, where did you find this?"

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As time slowly ticked by, even the greatest source of entertainment can burn itself out quite fast. The glory of mass murder is a beautiful thing, but without a change of environment, beauty of it all will be gone.


"Where to next, I can go to any city I want and do anything I want while I am their. The city of Manehatter has the largest population and the biggest buildings to topple. Or I could go to the Crystal Empire and hunt down Princess Cadence. I think I will do that, I have a grudge to sort of out with the Crystal ponies."


With these words Caras took of from Ponyville and headed north to the Crystal Empire. As he flew North, he flew over the city of Canterlot and decided to do on little thing for the ponies.


He flew towards the Castle and when he was within a short enough distance from the Castle he fired off a magical attack at one of the towers causing its supports to break and the tower to collapse into the city, cause large amounts of destruction and the death of many ponies. It was a lot of fun but he had a job to do, so he continued on his was to The Crystal Empire.

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Tempest nodded, before he noticed the destruction in the streets. He then felt his anger rise, but was able to control it. "We have to help them." He said, glancing at Minath. The cyan pegesus then flew out of the castle helped to look for any survivors, and clear the debris. "It's what they would've done." He thought, turning his thoughts to Luna and Celestia as he helped.

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After a few minutes, Tempest returned to the castle. Their hadn't been as many dead as he originally thought, but he was still suspicious. "Something tells me that Caras was involved in this." He thought. The cyan pegesus then glanced at Minath. "I just realized that we never held a funeral for Luna." He said.

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The far north of Equestria was now drowned in its own blood. The crystal empire had fallen, and Princess Cadence was no more. One more city was now broken.


"That was too easy, Shining armour and Cadence where push overs, but the crystal guards they are another story all together, they are strong. Well another few hundered are fleeing to Canterlot and the Princesses grip on Equestria is weaker than ever."


Caras looked around and noticed that one guard was still alive.


"You there, I have a task for you. Go to Canterlot and inform the princess that she is running out of time. Cadence, the only other princess is dead and that I am coming for her next."


With that the crystal guard set on his way for Canterlot.

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Minath nodded.


"I know. I had to read up on it. I have decided the funderal is tonight, so tell everyone. Wait, never mind. I got it."


Minath sent out a telepathic message to everyone in their party.


We are having a funeral for Luna tonight in the highest tower. Be there at approximately 11:30 pm.  

Edited by Minath Khalsi
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(Sorry guys, I've been kinda inactive. I'll have sole and discord return now.)


The entire landscape was broken and charred, mostly destroyed. Even the clouds and sky were chaotic and unnatural. In centre of it all, two beams of magic clashed for power, until detonating in the middle. As the smoke cleared, sole could be seen floating to the ground gracefully. He was covered in light scrapes and bruises, even some of his fur and feathers were singed. "Good job sonnieboy. I think your finally ready. And it only took you one year." He said with a grin, as sole looked at him incredulously. "A full YEAR?! But it felt so short! We need to get back!" He said in confusion, causing discord to chuckle "easy son, easy. Didn't I say time is irrelevant here? It's been a full year here, but to the outside world it's only been a few days. Time flys while your causing chaos." He said, before grinning "now, let's get back to the others. We've got things to do." He said, before teleporting them both away


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Child Of Darkness


Crimson awoke on the floor of the castle throneroom, he had fell asleep there while practically crying himself to sleep, still mourning over Luna's death, he was not aware of Caras's killing spree. "I swear, Luna...I'm going to kill Caras for everything he's done..." he whispered as he stood up and stretched, adjusting his hat. He then suddenly felt a massive wave of emotion, coming from outside, it was as if everyone in Canterlot was very sad and scared, and about a quarter of the populations lives were missing. Crimson felt his blood run cold. "No...no...THAT DAMN BASTARD RETURNED AND KILLED INNOCENT PONIES, WHILE I WAS SLEEPING?!?! GAH!!" He screamed, punching a nearby pillar and destroying it. Crimson then felt Caras's energy nearing Canterlot, causing him to growl. "I'm gonna finish that son of a bitch off, before he hurts anypony else..." he whispered darkly, before teleporting outside to wait for him.


((Sorry!! I've been busy...))

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(Heads up, this post I will be taking the role of a guard from the crystal empire.)


It was a long and lonely road for the guard, days of walking through empty fields and what was left of ponyville.

"So much destruction from one pony."

The crystal guard made it to Canterlot, barely, he was starving and about to die of thirst. Nether the less, he made his was into the castle and found Minath.


@Minath Khalsi


"Your highness... I bring grim news for the north. The crystal empire has fallen. Shinning armour and Princess Cadence are dead. The demon... has sent me... to tell you that... He is... Coming... For you... Next... Princess."


The guard fell to the floor, on the brink of death. Now amount of magic could save his life now.


"You have to stop him. He's insane. Can you promise me, that you will stop him?"


The guard words where almost not understandable, he was too weak to even string together words correctly.

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Tempest could only watch as the guard died. "Your death will not be in vain, my friend." He said, before glancing at Minath. "We know where he'll strike next. We can use that to our advantage." Tempest then directed his thoughts inward. "Do you think we can take him, Xena?" He thought.


The aura beast sighed. "To be honest, I don't know." He said. "If you somehow are able to channel the full strength of your aura, then you may have a chance."


(I think we should do a time skip to the funeral.)

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@@Child Of Darkness,


Minath nodded.


"Looks like we'll be doing a double funeral."


Minath remembered something she read in the book


The Princess' corpse does not have to be present at the funeral, but if she is honored by the other living princess/princesses her aura will still be passed on.


~~~ Funeral time ~~~


Minath was at the tower, body of Luna spread out in a coffin on one side and a empty coffin on the other, representing Cadence. She waited for the others to arrive to honor the fallen princesses. 

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Tempest sighed, as he trotted into the tower. "I never thought it would be like this." He thought. The cyan pegesus then glanced at the moon and stars.


Xena felt the wave of sadness emanating within Tempest. "She's in a better place, Tempest." He said. "The only thing we can do now is make sure that her sacrifice wasn't in vain."


The cyan pegesus nodded. "I understand."


Dark entered the tower, and stayed next to the door. She didn't know Luna that well, but she figured that she would come as support for Tempest.

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Tempest figured that as he and Minath waited for the others to show up, he might as well meditate to help calm his mind. "I've been in her guard for the better part of ten years, and it all comes crashing down on me." He thought. "I just hope that Ivy and Cynthia are ok."


Xena sighed, as he watched Tempest. "I wish there was something I could do to help." He thought. The aura beast then turned his attention to his own memories of his friends.

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Caras was preparing Cadences body, but not for a funeral. He knew by now that they would be having a funeral for Luna and most likely Cadence, so he had decided to mess with them during their time of depression. Caras knew from experiance that:


If a princesses body is destroyed during a distance funeral with somthing like fire, their represented coffin would burn and the spirit of power will not be passed on.


The preperations where complete and as the time struck midnight, Caras burned Cadences body, in turn buring the coffin.


At this time, Caras decided he needed a break. And where better to do, than the past. Caras opened a portal to the past. And as he looked through the portal, memories of his old kingdom came flooding back to him.


"Three days and no more this time. Even though, 10000 years ago was such a fun time. I have to be hear to deafeat this time. Home here I come."


Caras stepped through the portal and closed it behind him.

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Sole and discord suddenly appeared near the others, and their smiles instantly faded when they saw the funeral pyres. "Well... That's certainly a wakeup call..." Discord mumbled, as sole sighed "dammit... We need to finish caras. Now." He whispered angrily, his anger seething.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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T,pest glanced at Sole, and sighed. "I know how you feel." He said. "I just need to find a way to get stronger."


Xena watched Tempest. "Tempest, there's something I need to tell you. I'm the aura beast of time." He said.


The cyan pegesus was slightly surprised, and nodded. "This is good to know." He said, a plan beginning to formulate in his head.

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At that moment, Crimson trotted into the room, his eyes looking tired and distant, his mane dirty and unkempt, and a red stubble was beginning to form on his chin. He took a long look at Luna's body, before finally speaking. "She won't die in vain...I swear on my soul...that I will kill Caras..." he said in a dark and serious tone, new tears forming in his eyes as he spoke.

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Tempest glanced at Crimson, and nodded. He then walked out onto a balcony, wanting to watch the stars before the funeral took place. "I miss you, so much." He said, his voice wavering slightly. "You were one of the only ponies who I could count on." The cyan pegesus didn't know who Luna's powers would go to, but he figured it would be either him or Crimson. He then simply broke down and cried on the balcony. A storm was also brewing above the city of Canterlot,but it wasn't raining just yet.

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Dark noticed the storm, and glanced at Tempest. "I haven't seem him like this, at all." She thought. The dragoness then sighed, and walked into the tower.


Tempest looked into the sky, as the first raindrops began to fell. "I'm sorry for what I did, but there was no choice. You said it yourself." He said, falling further into his own mental depression.

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Minath stepped forward. The other ponies would arrive soon enough


"I did not know Luna well, but I know how important she was to my mentor and mother, Celestia. I know how important she was to Equestria, and how important she was to our Quest. She was invaluable, and her memory will still be. To Equestria, to us, and to her heir."

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Tempest stepped inside, and sighed. "So, it begins." He thought. The cyan pegesus then smiled slightly, and got onto the stand, after Minath. "I knew Luna as one of my closest friends. She was one of the only ponies whom I could trust without a doubt. Despite what she and Celestia did to my family, I will always cherish the moments that I spent with her. Luna, if you're listening to this, then... I'm sorry." Tempest then stepped down, and leaned against a wall. The storm outside was growing stronger with each passing second, and Tempest noticed something was off. "I'll take care of it after the funeral." He thought to himself.


Xena sighed, as he watched from Tempest's mind. If everything went according to plan, then the others might actually have a chance of defeating Caras. That, however, depended on who Luna would bestow her power to.

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Sole watched silently, a look of not sadness, but rage on his face. "We can't let caras get away with this anymore. He's killed and hurt everypony I care about. He WILL NOT escape next time." He said quietly, as a single tear rolled down his cheek "and to think... I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you and celestia... Thank you luna. We will avenge you, and everypony else he's hurt." He said sadly


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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