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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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Xena grit his teeth in frustration, as he tried to hold off Caras. "I can't give up." He thought. The aura beast then fired a barrage of aura spheres at Caras. "Where in the name of Luna are the others?" He thought.


Tempest sighed, as he tried to keep his mind stable. "This is getting insane." He thought.

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As caras tried to break his way into xena/tempest's mind, another mind suddenly assisted xena in forcing caras out. "Don't forget about me. I may not be as old as xena, but I've been trained by the best." He said with a smirk. Before throwing a ball of chaos magic at caras, which exploded on contact.

The ball of chaos magic did not even effect Caras' concentration and he continued to battle the two minds.

"Plan B."

Caras stopped trying to get into Xenas mind and with all the built up force, pushed it into Sole's mind, almost detroying it entierly.

"Such a foolish chocie, your mind is weak compared to Xenas, you will prove no contest."

With one final push of power, soles mind was broken and Caras had free acess to his mind.


The aure spheres from Xena damaged Caras concentration slighly but he was still strong enough to make a back door into Soles mind, so he could come and go as he pleased. Once this back door was made, he dropped his grip on soles mind, taking this opertunity to catch his breath.

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Chivalry had made it to what looked like a giant dome. "Damn it, how am I going to get past this thing?" Chivalry tried shooting a barrage of energy bubbles at it, however, it didn't even scratch the barrier. " what am I going to do? I need to help my friends somehow!" Chivalry pondered and tried t come up with a plan of some sort. Suddenly the ancient blade started to move around violently upon Chivalry's back. "Hey, gah! what the heck is going on with the blade?" The blade then unlocked itself from Chivalry's holster and floated in the air near him. Chivalry stared at the blade for a moment, then an idea had appeared within his mind. "Wait a minute, I wonder if this barrier was created using the elements power. If that's the case then..." Chivalry grasped the blade with his magic. "Maybe I can shoot a hole through this stupid barrier. Because the elements should still be tied to Celestia and Luna's magic. at least I hope so..." Chivalry pointed the tip of the blade towards the barrier and fired a beam made up of Celestia's and Luna's magic. After a few seconds, a small hole big enough for Chivalry to fit in formed. "Yes it worked I can't believe it!" Chivalry jumped through the hole and guided the blade through it as well. However, within a few seconds, the hole started to patch up once more. Chivalry noticed this and sighed, at least he was now in. He sensed a powerful battle going about, so he looked around the corner of a large rock and saw Tempest who was now using Xena, Sole who was lying on the ground injuered, and Caras... With all of the elements of harmony upon him. But something about them was off, they looked discolored, grey even. 'Caras's power has definitely grown to an extreme amount, just running in there would be suicide, I must formulate a plan, and quickly.' Chivalry thought to himself.


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(No offense, but that's godmodding. I know it's your rp, but that's just unfair.)


Sole yelled in pain as he felt his defenses crumble, but as they did his eyes flashed red and another presence tore into caras' mind like a wild animal "wrong move freak! You just released your worst nightmare!" Sole's evil half, krad, said with glee as he was finally free again.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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(No offense, but that's godmodding. I know it's your rp, but that's just unfair.)


Sole yelled in pain as he felt his defenses crumble, but as they did his eyes flashed red and another presence tore into caras' mind like a wild animal "wrong move freak! You just released your worst nightmare!" Sole's evil half, krad, said with glee as he was finally free again.

(G modeing is only for now as a temporay plot point. As always it will not be perminant.)


"Well fuck."

Caras started to back away slightly out of fear of realisation of the effect of his actions. All forms of magic his was currently doing stopped, including the shield around his home. He reverted to smoke in order to protect himself from physical attacks and prepared his magic to counter magical attacks.

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(Alright, as long as it isn't permanent. I almost thought you killed sole for a sec there.)


Just as krad was about to attack again, his insane laugh caught in his throat "damn it krad... I told you to get back in my mind! We're supposed to be one again! But thanks for the save, I appreciate it." He struggled to say, as he changed back "well... Sorry about that. Where were we?" He asked sarcastically, strengthening his mental defense, now weary of his opponents power.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Caras was now just confused at what had happened infront of him. He brokeing Sole's mind and realsed a sleeping monster and then it just went away.

"I don't even want to begin to know what that hell that was. I'm leaving your mind alone. Your more messed up than I am. I belive we where about to kill each other. You get first move."


(I would not kill Sole. Or would I?)

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(I don't like the sound of that lol)


Sole nodded, as if just now remembering. "Oh yeah, it's all coming back to me. Oh, and that guy just now was my... Uh, I guess you could say my dark side. Just be glad you didn't explore my mind further, krad doesn't like nosy ponies." He said, before suddenly throwing two chaos spears at once. He didn't notice the others arriving yet. Discord suddenly appeared next to chivalry and cursed "damn that was close. Sole almost let krad free again... Well, any idea of what to do now?" He asked


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Caras had a brain wave and an idea popped into his head. (Not telling).


Caras dodged the first spear but let the second one stab him, but he made it look like he did not want this to happen. The spear pierced through his armour and stopped millemeters away from his heart. This caused Caras to stumble back and almost fall to the ground.

"Good through, strong and powerful. Very well done. My turn."


Caras powered up the elements and fired them off at Sole encasing him in a twister of dark energy.

"You will not escape this, you will die today my friend. There is no escape."


(Last post for the night. save yourself with discord or someone else save you. I will be back in a few hours.)

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Just as the storm surrounded sole, discord teleported into it and made it explode fantastically. "You won't be killing my son, you prick!" He said angrily, as glowing chaos energy built around his hands, causing the room around them to transform into a chaotic state "eat this!" He said, as he fired a beam of pure chaos magic at caras. Sole helped fuel and strengthen the attack with his energy.


(Okie dokie Loki)

Edited by ~chaotic sole~


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Child Of Darkness


Minath's eyes opened, and her eyes flashed pure white as her whole body was surrounded by her magic aura. She assumed her Celestial form, something that only princesses have. Her mane became flowy, but retained it's original color. Her horn elongated and her body grew to the size of a Princess. She wasn't strong enough yet to keep her Celestial form, but she could manage long enough to possibly defeat Caras. Her meditation bubble popped and with a moment to acknowledge Rambler, teleported to Caras, and immediately hit him with her magic. Because she was in her Celestial form, she could hit him with insurmountable power. Even his smoke from couldn't save him from her attacks.

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Xena glanced at Minath, and smirked. "I was wondering when you would get here, Minath." He said. The aura beast then looked back at Caras. "I wonder what would happen if I did this." Xena then launched hundreds of tendrils made of aura at Caras.


Tempest watched, and discovered Xena's strategy. "This could work, if we have enough time." He thought.

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'No way, is that,,, no it can't be... Minath?' Chivalry thought to himself as he to jumped into the fight. He used the blades power to fire a beam of magical energy using Celestia's and Luna's magic. He also produced an unimaginable amount of bubbles from his horn and shot them at caras. "M-Minath, your here! It's so good to see you!" Chivalry said with a brave smile as he barraged Caras with the beam and his energy bubbles.

Edited by ChivalryKnight


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The combine power of the many ponies was too much for Caras to resist but this was a great opertunity to use his next plan.


Once all the magic hit, he was sent back across the room, and seriously wounded. He cast a spell to make the elements disapper and then faked death. His heart stopped and his breathing stopped with it. Even the most skilled pony would agree that Caras was dead.

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Minath's Celestial form faded, and she stumbled. That amount of magic and concentration drained her of most of her energy. She could feel the greyness under her eyes, and knew that the amount of magic had drained from her physical strength, too. But trying to act strong, she began assembling firewood for a pyre.


"We need to burn the corpse. I don't want to think of what his flesh would do to the animals around here."

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Sole and discord sighed in relief. That blast had drained both of their energy to the point of exhaustion. "You... Did good son. I don't think I would've been able to finish that spell without your help." Discord complimented, and sole shook his head "nah, I'm awesome enough... You deserve the credit pops. You and the others. All I've done is distract him." He said, as they both tried to relax after the fight "we did it... We finally got revenge for our friends..." Sole mumbled happily


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Xena studied Caras's body, and wasn't pleased. "Something doesn't seem right." He thought. "That was to easy."


Tempest smirked, and laughed from Xena's mind. "Xena, you're probably paranoid, or something. Caras is dead. We should be celebrating with the others."


The aura beast sighed. "You can take over from here. I need to rest."


The cyan pegesus took over, as his aura receded into his body. He then thought over what Xena said.

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Dark glared at Caras's body, and felt her mood darken." He doesn't deserve a pyre." She said, walking towards the body.


Tempest glanced at Dark, and put a hoof on her shoulder. "I agree, but we should at least respect him." He said. "The more we are able to understand our enemy, we can't help but love them. At least, that's how the saying goes."

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(Finally got some free time.)


As Caras lay motionless on the ground, his mind and spirit, now separate from his body. Wondered the main room with the ponies in. Being no more than a ghost now, no one could see him. Now though part 2 of the plan could be put into action. Caras moved around the room rustling leaves from plants and brushing dust into the air, just to grab their attention. Once he was sure he had their attention he projected his voice so everyone could hear him.


"A grave mistake has been made hear today. The power of The High Masters is not so easily defeated. Together you combine two of the magic forces: Chaos and Light. Its admirable to say the least."


Caras passed by Chivalry, sending cold shivers down his spine.


"I will give you one hint, and one hint only. To stop me, you need to understand the magic of this world. All six of them, you have two. The other four elude you: Time, Dark, Demonic and God. You have 2 day before I am able to return to the realm of the living. By then you better hope you understand the other 4, only then will the magic that can stop me be reviled."


Caras now made his voice only audible to Minath's ears.


"I'm coming for you first, you will know pain like you have never felt it before. That I can say with now doubt in my mind."


(The six magics are a thing of mine. If you want to learn more, there should be a link in my signature which gives you information on the six magics, there effect and magical and non-magical creatures and general information. If you cannot get into the doc, let me know and I will alter the privacy settings so you can.)

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Tempest grit his teeth in anger. "I knew he wasn't dead." He thought. The cyan pegesus then sighed, and thought about what Caras had said.


Dark sighed, and simply dug her claws into the ground. "I am going to rip him to shreds." She thought.


(So, who has the light magic?)

Edited by Kyurem
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@, @, @@Minath Khalsi,


Chivalry couldn't believe it, it was not possible that Caras could still be alive. As Caras's ghost form rushed through Chivalry's body, Chivalry cringed in fear. His body suddenly went cold. The only time he'd ever feel this afraid was when the Changlings attacked his kingdom. His eye's became watery from his memories, but he stops before he sheds any tears. 


'Not now Chivalry, don't cry when you friends need you most, do not show weakness.' Chivalry thinks to himself. Chivalry glances over at Minath after Caras leaves. She looks as if though she's been through a lot to Chivalry. Everyone does, they all look exhausted, and the fact that Caras was not dead yet made it even worse.

Chivalry looked towards Caras's lifeless body, then walked towards it. His face turned from a look of tiredness and fear to an angered look. He grabbed the Ancient Blade with his hooves and started to repeatedly stab the body with it. As Chivalry stabs he screams out in anger. "WHY-DON'T-YOU-JUST-DIE!" Chivalry yells out between each stab. His movements start to slow, then Chivalry lies down on the ground, shaking. "I hate you..." He wheezes to the body.

Chivalry breaths in and out to calm himself down. He gets up and sheaths the dirty blade into his holster. He then looks back at the other, embarrassed by his episode. "I... I am sorry you all had to see that, I just, I just have had enough with all this. All of this fighting, killing, fear. I'm so tired of it all." Chivalry says, shaking his head. "We all fight, and for what? To fight even more? This is crazy, why should we have to deal with all of this, it all seems to impossible." Chivalry says, gritting his teeth.


Chivalry closed his eye's as if he was going to cry. "I just... don't know what to do anymore." Chivalry opens his eyes and looks at his comrades, no, his friends. and sighs, they must be feeling the same way, they must be tired of all of this. Chivalry's breaths become more smoother, and calm. 

"At least we have a lead, I guess. He did say we have two of the "Earths Magic" with us. What were they again... Light, Dark, God, Demonic, Chaos, and Time. We must have both Chaos and Light. Which means that either Sole, or Discord is Chaos. Then Light would go to Minath, it makes the most sense at least." Chivalry glances at Minath, then back to the others. Suddenly a worried look appears on his face. "However, I don't know anypony else with the other Magic... that is, except for one." Chivalry looks towards the ground, the worried look still upon his face. "But I'm afraid that obtaining this Magic will be very difficult to aquire... The Earths Time Magic. The only pony I know who has the knowledge of that type of magic... Is Stardust."  ,  


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Caras observed as Chivalry stabbed his body repeatedly, and Caras still felt some of the pain of the stabs. He walked over to his body and cast his healing spell on himself, curing his injuries. Aside from all of that, Caras was pleased with his work, he had made Chivalry's mental state much weaker with the combination of fear and anger. He focused his magic to talk with Chivalry.


"Listen, I will make you a deal, I will tell you the location of the information you need. On one condition. You keep that information to yourself and the power for you alone. Do we have an agreement?"


Caras was hoping he would agree, when he comes back to life, killing them would be too easy, so he wants to level the playing field. But as always, he had a trick up his sleeve.

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Tempest sighed, as he watched Chivalry. "Trust me Chivalry, I know how it feels to have everything ripped away from you. I went through that phase when Celestia and Luna died. Also, if we don't fight against Caras, then who will? We aren't just fighting for us, anymore. We're fighting to save the entire world." The cyan pegesus then trotted away. "I wonder if I possess any of the magic of Equestria." He thought.


Dark watched the others, and sighed. She felt totally useless, and was starting to wonder if she should just leave.

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Sole understood chivalry's reaction, he knew how angry and sad he felt. He felt the same way. "It's fine chivalry, we'll get him for good soon." He said, as he thought about what caras had said about the different forms of magic. Discord was probably the chaos one, sole may be good, but not as good as his old man yet. That's when he saw caras' body healing from the attacks "hmm... So you don't want your precious body injured huh?" He mumbled, before repeatedly blasting caras' body with orbs of chaos magic just to spite him.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Child Of Darkness,

Chivalry looked away from the group, and he trotted away into a corner. He looked towards the ground as if he were thinking of something. 'Caras, why would you want to help me. Your bent on destroying the planet, you want to kill everypony, you are evil. Why the hoof should I trust you? If you give me one good reason...' Chivalry thought deeply as he spoke to Caras.


'That information could be useful, very. It just doesn't make sense why you would want to give it to me...'


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